An in-game conversation about tauntless Tankers




Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Fair enough, but some people do not build their tanks to 'tank'. Sometimes people want to have a melee fighter that's tougher than a scrapper. If they're built for fighting, and not tanking, then tanking IS NOT THEIR PURPOSE.

I hope no player with even half a brain buys into this line of bull.
Man... just a dozen kinds of stupid in that post.
Dont be mad cause you feel like a sucker now.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
I don't know why these types of threads don't end at this:

Taunt is a good tool for gathering aggro. If you find that you want/need to gather more aggro on to you, it is one of the best tools around for doing that. If you don't want/need to gather more aggro (i.e., you do a good enough job at it without Taunt), then it isn't necessary. It is a great tool for holding aggro, but not the only tool you will likely need. A Tanker with Taunt is not gauranteed to be a better Tanker than a Tanker without it, but it might make things easier.
Pretty much this.

The OP is silly....may be intentionally silly to stir a reaction. If not , its a fail. Comparing a Tank without Taunt to a Petless MM



I look at it this way..... It's your choice whether or not to take taunt. If you don't, other people aren't obligated to accept your choice. So if you choose to not take the power, it's other players choice to not team with you.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Well, you can say that about any decision.
I can choose not to team with anyone whose costume is predominantly dark colors because I find it depressing. <shrug>
Yeah right, or you are just afraid of the dark.........the dark age.



I know some tankers don't think they need taunt but it actually does something Gauntlet doesn't: Reduce Range. This makes it useful for pulling enemies towards you. Got a pack knocked back and your a granite tank or simply can't move because you're surrounded? Taunt them back to you.

I've tried to understand the argument for not having taunt but now that Travel powers no longer need a prereq and fitness is now given to you at level 2, you should easily have a free slot to take for Taunt.

Whining about everything since 2006.

Ammo switching for Dual Pistols was my idea: