An in-game conversation about tauntless Tankers




TL;DR: Players are free to choose their powers as they wish. However, a Tank without Taunt isn't utilizing all the available tools and will, therefore, be less effective at dedicated tanking than one who takes the power.

Been following this thread for a couple days. It got me thinking about my experiences with people on their Tanks (Never play 'em myself). I'm the self-reliant type so I don't really play squishies but I've seen the impact of a solid Tank versus a subpar one. Saying that any Tank without Taunt is inherently subpar may be a bit much but I'd definitely be willing to assert that those who do take and utilize Taunt are more capable of performing in the tank role.

Before anyone accuses me of trying to force other players into my idea of what the AT should be, I'm all for imagination and creativity. But let's just be honest, if Tanks weren't supposed to, at least some of the time, protect the team by controlling aggro they wouldn't be so well equipped to do so. Only they and, to a lesser extent Brutes and Scrappers, have the requisite abilities.

This is an MMO with a class system after all. The whole point of classes is to distinguish player characters from one another by the roles they perform best. That's not to say there isn't some overlap but disregarding the fact that some classes are, by design, better at certain tasks than others is kinda ridiculous.

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Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
I'll make my point even more clearer.

Ah, now that sounds perfectly reasonable to me.
Please note, however, that plenty of players don't give a damn about being the most capable tanker in the game. All they care about is being 'good enough' and having fun.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Thats all I been getting at Ironblade. I would gladly team with a tauntless Tanker, gladly do it without criticizing, never seen a point where a Tanker is needed really cos I do it with other alts, Doms, Controllers, Blasters, Pbs you name it all have something on offer that can turn a nightmare around.

I was expecting you to say something like "I have a Inv/DM with Darkest Night and get by!" for some reason and it is a power really worth having but it just comes at 41 when ya might of had to deal with a number of AVs prior like that Countess Crey.

If I could see Quicksand, Darkest Night and Conserve Energy all in one epic then there would be no other epic worth taking. Concept makes me take Fire epic on one of my Firetanks rather than me looking to be most flexible like take Earth Mastery or Soul Mastery so I myself do not hold people down to anything unconceptual but I still make up for any build shortfalls and many team dynamic shortfalls with my use of taunt.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Two things to me, the fact that your blaster does some control means you are being more about what Blasters are actually about, and thats damage/support. They never were, all about damage from day one. On the website in the early days they are said to be range and support, in rl blasters provide can provide cover which we use as suppression which causes less damage. So from word go, blasters emulate such things, you can turn them into the AT they're not when that particular AT would be useful to others for making their aoes more efficient, be they debuffs or damage.
Blasters from day negative one hundred were all about damage. They were originally designed to be the Ranged Damage/Melee Damage archetype in the dev diaries published while this game was still in early beta. The melee damage sets were renamed "manipulation" sets to give them some additional utility and self buffs, and in some early documentation called "support" sets. But they were not support in the sense of ally support they were in the sense of blaster self-support. The devs actually used basically these exact words to describe what the blaster secondary "manipulation" sets were supposed to be: they are designed to support the blaster in its primary role of dealing damage.

This hazy definition of the manipulation sets are exactly why they are in the funny state they are in: every generation of dev team from Geko to Castle to the current team admits or has admitted that the manipulation sets are weird relative to every other powerset type in existence precisely because they were hasty conversions from melee damage sets, and never given a solid purpose after being retooled.

"Cover" and "Suppression" to the best of my knowledge comes from the original alpha design of this game which predates the invention of archetypes.

Jack stated in his dev diaries that Blasters were designed to be Ranged Damage/Melee Damage. In beta, they originally were Ranged Damage/Melee Damage. Castle stated during the revamp of Blasters that they were intended to do Ranged Damage and Melee Damage. I'm currently talking to the devs about examining blasters, and question number one is how do we change the definition of blasters from just dealing damage to allow for productive changes to occur? The fact that Blasters are primarily designed to be just damage dealers is an objective fact, and a specific problem for the archetype that requires a solution.

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Anything can happen in Beta and be chucked in Beta to a point where whatever happened in Beta may not even count. I go by the website I first saw when I bought the game which described Blasters and the booklet I had which came with the game. It is well within a Blasters capability to not have melee damage, just look at Devices so, Ranged/Melee damage is not a good description at all.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Blasters from day negative one hundred were all about damage. They were originally designed to be the Ranged Damage/Melee Damage archetype in the dev diaries published while this game was still in early beta. The melee damage sets were renamed "manipulation" sets to give them some additional utility and self buffs, and in some early documentation called "support" sets. But they were not support in the sense of ally support they were in the sense of blaster self-support. The devs actually used basically these exact words to describe what the blaster secondary "manipulation" sets were supposed to be: they are designed to support the blaster in its primary role of dealing damage.

This hazy definition of the manipulation sets are exactly why they are in the funny state they are in: every generation of dev team from Geko to Castle to the current team admits or has admitted that the manipulation sets are weird relative to every other powerset type in existence precisely because they were hasty conversions from melee damage sets, and never given a solid purpose after being retooled.

"Cover" and "Suppression" to the best of my knowledge comes from the original alpha design of this game which predates the invention of archetypes.

Jack stated in his dev diaries that Blasters were designed to be Ranged Damage/Melee Damage. In beta, they originally were Ranged Damage/Melee Damage. Castle stated during the revamp of Blasters that they were intended to do Ranged Damage and Melee Damage. I'm currently talking to the devs about examining blasters, and question number one is how do we change the definition of blasters from just dealing damage to allow for productive changes to occur? The fact that Blasters are primarily designed to be just damage dealers is an objective fact, and a specific problem for the archetype that requires a solution.

My question (asked with all sincerity because I respect your skills and reputation with this game) is 'Why is this a problem for the AT?' If Blasters were designed to deal damage, they have grown into dealing damage, the retooling of Defiance enabled them to do damage with less dying and many of the Incarnate abilities enable them to do MORE damage, why is there a problem?

I like the fact that the AT is pure in a way. Many of the powersets enable the Blaster to bring something to the table besides damage (in the form of hard or soft controls, enemy debuffs and so on) but at the core of it lies the essence of the AT...Damage.

Why is this a problem?

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I think if you are building a Tanker to tank... then Taunt is invaluable. Having said that, a Tanker is not just for tanking IMHO.

I made a tanker basically to just fight. She has got taunt, but, at the time war mace was not available to scrappers, otherwise she'd have been a Scrapper. Could have done her as a brute I guess... but I didn't have going Rogue, and I wanted her to be a hero.

If I am the only tanker on the team, I will make an effort to tank the mobs. If I am not, I play back up to the tanker that is taunting and drawing agro.



I think, overall, it comes down to what you intend to do with your character. I am a huge proponent of building my characters such that they are quite capable of handling any situation within reason.
In my opinion, a Tanker without taunt might as well have been rolled as a Brute or Scrapper. With all that IOs and Incarnates let someone do these days, someone who might have before made a Tanker to be a "heftier" Brute/Scrapper can now make a Brute/Scrapper that is just about as survivable as a Tanker. And, doing so would give you a character that can do more damage while not putting you in charge of a character who would be expected to actually Tank.

And, the thing is, Tankers are the only AT in the game that other players are going to expect to be able to Tank. Yes, Brutes can do so as well but when a Tanker is on the team there is an automatic expectation of them.
That same expectation is much more loosely associated with other ATs. Any Mastermind, Defender, Corrupter, or Controller can provide buffs, debuffs, and/or healing. When seeking people to do what they do, most people will quite comfortably interchange those 4 ATs.
Scrappers, Brutes, Blasters, Stalkers, Kheldians, VEATs, and Corrupters are looked at for doing the main damage. There, again, the expectation is for damage but any of them can work. Actually, most ATs can function in this role without much question.
But, Tankers are the ones looked to for the function of Tanker and they are not really sought for to fill other roles. Yes, a tanker can be outfitted for doing good damage. But, we tend not to expect other ATs to be automatically outfitted to Tank.

Is that expectation right or wrong? I suppose that depends on each person to decide.

@ Dr Gemini

�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.�



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
Thats all I been getting at Ironblade. I would gladly team with a tauntless Tanker, gladly do it without criticizing, never seen a point where a Tanker is needed really cos I do it with other alts, Doms, Controllers, Blasters, Pbs you name it all have something on offer that can turn a nightmare around.

I was expecting you to say something like "I have a Inv/DM with Darkest Night and get by!" for some reason
I actually did have one tank without Taunt. He was ice/SS and I figured (correctly) that with two taunt auras and the damage he could dish out, the lack of Taunt would never be a concern. I simply wanted to play a Tauntless tank and I really didn't have any powers I wanted to drop in order to get Taunt anyway. I took him to 50, ran just about every content in the game.

He was pretty much retired until the Signature arcs arrived. I dusted off all my old tanks so I would have a stable of toons that could solo the arcs for the A-Merits. While I was playing him, I realized I had never respec'ed him to get Inherent Fitness. So I did. And I added Taunt and Recall Friend (and something else I can't recall without logging in to check).

So.... at the current time, I don't actually HAVE any Tauntless tanks. But I still say a tank doesn't "need" Taunt - speaking from personal experience.

Whenever a player new to tanks posts asking if they should take Taunt, they get an avalanche of replies, both positive and negative. Every time, my advice is for them to ignore the idiots who think they know what's best for someone else. I suggest they take Taunt so that THEY can decide if THEY 'need' it. Obviously *I* like it. All my tanks have it. But anyone making a blanket statement like "All tanks need Taunt." or "No one needs Taunt." is a fool.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
"All tanks need Taunt." or "No one needs Taunt." is a fool.

With inherent fitness alot of Brutes thought wahey a 1 slot power, increase fury why not and it gets easier to fit the power in. Some people will claim that their build can't at all because everything else is much more needed but 99% of the time I doubt it.

I don't like the word need when people put a team together. I was on my Firetank and readying to do an MoLGTF for a pug ready made that I had no clue about and when they said about MoSTF, I still hadn't seen the team and wasn't fussed. I'm not great but I am in for a penny. I would of out tanked that tauntless Ice/SS btw

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
* For a very narrow "taunt-based" definition of "tanker".

Its a pretty trivial exercise for most tank primaries to aggro a cap-worth of mobs without Taunt. Once you've hit the cap you only become more capable by killing/arresting mobs and Taunt doesn't help you do that.

Then there is the fact that damage + taunt beats Taunt. In my opinion this can make Taunt a crutch for lazy players. Spam Taunt a few times and everyone thinks you are doing your job? Not really.

I would happily see Taunt removed from the game.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
* For a very narrow "taunt-based" definition of "tanker".

Its a pretty trivial exercise for most tank primaries to aggro a cap-worth of mobs without Taunt. Once you've hit the cap you only become more capable by killing/arresting mobs and Taunt doesn't help you do that.

Then there is the fact that damage + taunt beats Taunt. In my opinion this can make Taunt a crutch for lazy players. Spam Taunt a few times and everyone thinks you are doing your job? Not really.

I would happily see Taunt removed from the game.
Let me ask you this then.

Your tanking for your team, you're surrounded by a dozen plus foes, and you see your Troller under attack by a few of those who were pulled off of you by his/her own aggro. They start pounding the crap out of the troller. How are you, the team's tank' going to get them off said troller if you cannot move because you have no avenue to move. You do not have taunt, you're not close enough for your aura to work for you, so you cannot pull them towards you. Thus, your troller more than likely ends up face planting.

This is what taunt is a very important tool to use. A person who knows how to tank, will not spam with taunt, they will use their powers to do that for them. However, should that type of scenario happen (and it does, happen to me this weekend) you can save your teammate from enjoying blissful sleep on the cold hard ground. Taunt is a tool that should be available for any tank to use if they need it.

Current active characters: Dragon Maiden (50+3 Brute SS/WP/PM), Black Widow Maiden (50+1 Night Widow), Catayclasmic Ariel (50 lvl Defender - Kin/DP), Quantumshock (50 lvl Elect/Energy/Energy), American's Defender (38 lvl Tanker - SD/Mace), Spider-Maiden (15 lvl Corruptor - RB/PD) & Siren Shrike (15 lvl Defender - Sonic/Sonic). My entire stable.



So you are trying to sell Taunt on the basis that I've already lost aggro? Pfff.

Taunt is not the only ranged attack I have, and any ranged attack will grab back the aggro. A PBAoE will probably grab back the aggro and hold it better. However if I had been mixing enough damage with my own attacks the controller wouldn't have pulled away the aggro in the first place.

This is a song about a super hero named Tony. Its called Tony's theme.
Jagged Reged: 23/01/04



Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
Let me ask you this then.

Your tanking for your team, you're surrounded by a dozen plus foes, and you see your Troller under attack by a few of those who were pulled off of you by his/her own aggro. They start pounding the crap out of the troller. How are you, the team's tank' going to get them off said troller if you cannot move because you have no avenue to move. You do not have taunt, you're not close enough for your aura to work for you, so you cannot pull them towards you. Thus, your troller more than likely ends up face planting.

This is what taunt is a very important tool to use. A person who knows how to tank, will not spam with taunt, they will use their powers to do that for them. However, should that type of scenario happen (and it does, happen to me this weekend) you can save your teammate from enjoying blissful sleep on the cold hard ground. Taunt is a tool that should be available for any tank to use if they need it.
Plus there's the whole issue of "Yeah, you grabbed aggro, but can you keep it."

Or to put it another way:

Tanker: *Grabs aggro* I am the tank!
Blaster: *Blasts the mobs with gobs of damage* Now *I* am the tank! *Faceplant!*

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Originally Posted by Jagged View Post
So you are trying to sell Taunt on the basis that I've already lost aggro? Pfff.

Taunt is not the only ranged attack I have, and any ranged attack will grab back the aggro. A PBAoE will probably grab back the aggro and hold it better. However if I had been mixing enough damage with my own attacks the controller wouldn't have pulled away the aggro in the first place.
Wow I guess you've got to be the best tanker in the game to never lose aggro or have the ability to snatch it back without a thought. My hat's off to you then.

Current active characters: Dragon Maiden (50+3 Brute SS/WP/PM), Black Widow Maiden (50+1 Night Widow), Catayclasmic Ariel (50 lvl Defender - Kin/DP), Quantumshock (50 lvl Elect/Energy/Energy), American's Defender (38 lvl Tanker - SD/Mace), Spider-Maiden (15 lvl Corruptor - RB/PD) & Siren Shrike (15 lvl Defender - Sonic/Sonic). My entire stable.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Plus there's the whole issue of "Yeah, you grabbed aggro, but can you keep it."

Or to put it another way:

Tanker: *Grabs aggro* I am the tank!
Blaster: *Blasts the mobs with gobs of damage* Now *I* am the tank! *Faceplant!*
Yes then there is that. I had a tanker (FA/Fire) do that to my defender who was the team's only healer. Since I am using kinetics, my healing is viewed as an attack. So I received a whole bunch of hate and when I tried moving, they followed. (I could understand if I was using my Dual Pistols on a target; however, I was targeting through our tank.) Our tank was facing me, stood there, and allowed me to faceplant when he could have helped. Nevertheless, he did not. Team leader kicked him off the team after the rest of the team faceplanted. I found out later the tank did not have taunt.

Point of this is yeah sometimes what you say happens. However, a good tanker will move in to recapture the aggro, not just stand there, and witness a teammate's demise. I believe if he had taunt, things might have been different; however, we will never know.

This is why I try to play my tanks within the spirit of the tanker's description. If I lose a teammate because I could not get to them because of "grabbing aggro," I apologize because I should have reacted quicker. Heat of battle and all, you expect that can happen. However, it does not mean I cannot try to improve what I am doing.

To date, I have equipped my tanks with a few taunt sets (Perfect Zinger) in a number of powers, including, which allow it, to enhance my ability to grab and maintain aggro. Taunt, as I have always said, is a tool and I employ it as necessary or when required. You and others can agree or not, that is your choice. However, for me, I will continue doing what I am doing because it works for me and I enjoy the challenge playing within the confines of the game’s description of a tanker.

Current active characters: Dragon Maiden (50+3 Brute SS/WP/PM), Black Widow Maiden (50+1 Night Widow), Catayclasmic Ariel (50 lvl Defender - Kin/DP), Quantumshock (50 lvl Elect/Energy/Energy), American's Defender (38 lvl Tanker - SD/Mace), Spider-Maiden (15 lvl Corruptor - RB/PD) & Siren Shrike (15 lvl Defender - Sonic/Sonic). My entire stable.



Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
Let me ask you this then.

Your tanking for your team, you're surrounded by a dozen plus foes, and you see your Troller under attack by a few of those who were pulled off of you by his/her own aggro. They start pounding the crap out of the troller. How are you, the team's tank' going to get them off said troller if you cannot move because you have no avenue to move. You do not have taunt, you're not close enough for your aura to work for you, so you cannot pull them towards you. Thus, your troller more than likely ends up face planting.

This is what taunt is a very important tool to use. A person who knows how to tank, will not spam with taunt, they will use their powers to do that for them. However, should that type of scenario happen (and it does, happen to me this weekend) you can save your teammate from enjoying blissful sleep on the cold hard ground. Taunt is a tool that should be available for any tank to use if they need it.
That's a case for taking taunt. Now make a case for taking a primary other than Stone or Invuln, say. Or to put it more directly, make a case for not specifically avoiding Fire, if your goal is maximum tanking ability.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Plus there's the whole issue of "Yeah, you grabbed aggro, but can you keep it."

Or to put it another way:

Tanker: *Grabs aggro* I am the tank!
Blaster: *Blasts the mobs with gobs of damage* Now *I* am the tank! *Faceplant!*
That's just a bad blaster who doesn't know how to pop purple inspirations before they do something that draws aggro.



Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
That's just a bad blaster who doesn't know how to pop purple inspirations before they do something that draws aggro.
If I deal enough damage to draw aggro away from a tank, I'm generally drawing aggro from a set of smoking holes in the ground. Gauntlet's leverage alone is high enough to make it extremely difficult to yank aggro from most normal critters without actually killing it.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Codewalker View Post
That's just a bad blaster who doesn't know how to pop purple inspirations before they do something that draws aggro.
So it's the team's fault if the tank can't hold or recapture aggro?

Okay! I'm done. I thought this was a serious conversation.

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IMHO, the problem with the mindset of "both sides" to this conversation is a failure to place proper value on the entire "package of tools" given to a Tanker so that you can manage aggro.

Now, I play a very good Ice/Axe tanker. One could say that Ice Armor might have the advantage on aggro with 2 taunt auras in the primary and taunt from the secondary. I also run Tier 4 Nerve alpha which gives all qualifying powers a nice boost to taunt effects. You might say that my tank holds aggro very well and it is very difficult to steal that aggro.
Thanks to the way I've built, I can use my tools to literally force the AVs in the incarnate trials to completely ignore anyone else (including other tanks). They are so focused on me that they will literally try to run over everyone else to get to me. I've even seen that slow poke Siege *jump* over the crowd to get to me. Yeah, he can't move fast, but apparently he can jump. The downside is that sometimes all my defenses don't hold up to the task. But, that's what Hibernate is for!

I tell this story to make the case that no one character is defined by a single power. But, when you consider how well that power helps you operate in combination with all your other powers, you'd have to be foolish not to take that power because you would be depriving yourself that which would make the combo. And, that isn't to say that just because you have Taunt you know how to manage aggro. But, it certainly does help make that task much easier.

So, all that said, it comes down to a question of whether or not you can cover all the bases with/without Taunt. In my opinion, neither Gauntlet nor Taunt are enough alone. You need to have both working together to achieve greater results than either can do alone.

@ Dr Gemini

�If we would come together and be great role models, it would be amazing to see how the next generation turns out.�



Originally Posted by New Dawn View Post
And I'd be sure enough able out tank your Titan Weapon Tanker without breaking a sweat.
I still don't know what this means.

What is 'out tanking' anyway? That the foes I'm engaging will be aggroed onto whomever is 'out tanking' me?

Well, control trumps aggro. I've been in numerous situations on my TW/WP Scrap where I just chain KD practically the whole spawn, just a matter of switching targets for your KD cones and a gracious helping of the PBAoE.

The only situations where its the other way around is vs hard targets that can't be mezzed, in which case, you can out tank someone with this one power...yay? There's a reason the scaling AS buff was revoked which helped stalkers kill those hard targets wasn't very useful in most of the game.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
So it's the team's fault if the tank can't hold or recapture aggro?

Okay! I'm done. I thought this was a serious conversation.

Just was saying that even "squishies" can easily reach near tanker levels of survivability for long enough to count, and sustain lower but still impressive levels permanently through force multiplication.

In a game with such powerful buffs at our disposal, a dedicated tanking role seems a bit superfluous. As far as single-target tanking with an expensive build, it doesn't get much more survivable than a perma-PA controller. For big groups, sets like Kinetics and Plant Control scale with the number of enemies and wipe them out that much faster, so who cares where the alpha goes, especially if the team is softcapped. Better yet let a vet pet eat the alpha and then destroy them before they get off a second shot, or control/debuff them into helplessness.

I prefer a competent team with plenty of support sets. If a Tanker wants to come along, that's fine. Tankers reduce the incoming damage of others on the team just by being there, though I'd usually rather invite one with Assault than Taunt. Everyone should be prepared to deal with a little aggro, though.

If we're talking about soloing, then sure, a Tanker is great for going +4x8 by yourself. But you don't need Taunt for that, other than maybe to stop runners. They're also moderately helpful if you have a bunch of scrappers/blasters/stalkers on the team who can't buff everyone into godhood.

Arguing about Taunt when the game is clearly designed to not need it just strikes me as silly.




Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
Let me ask you this then.

Your tanking for your team, you're surrounded by a dozen plus foes, and you see your Troller under attack by a few of those who were pulled off of you by his/her own aggro. They start pounding the crap out of the troller. How are you, the team's tank' going to get them off said troller if you cannot move because you have no avenue to move. You do not have taunt, you're not close enough for your aura to work for you, so you cannot pull them towards you. Thus, your troller more than likely ends up face planting.

This is what taunt is a very important tool to use. A person who knows how to tank, will not spam with taunt, they will use their powers to do that for them. However, should that type of scenario happen (and it does, happen to me this weekend) you can save your teammate from enjoying blissful sleep on the cold hard ground. Taunt is a tool that should be available for any tank to use if they need it.
That's one incompetent controller if they don't have a handle on their own aggro. If you weren't aware, a controller can *replace* a tanker's roll of aggro management by nullifying the aggro. That is, if I were playing a controller (I have 0 controllers), I'd make damned sure I am safe with my controls/debuffs before leveraging my AoEs. Then no one will be getting their face punched in.

So what happens if I'm on a team that I *know* can't handle their own damned aggro because they are newbs or n00bs? Well, I'd pass them inspirations and tell them to use them. Then I'll proceed to keep the attention of as many foes as the cap will allow. Taunt can help if the foes are spread out enough, but then you're spending more time taunting than you are punching.

Originally Posted by KnightofKhonsu View Post
Yes then there is that. I had a tanker (FA/Fire) do that to my defender who was the team's only healer. Since I am using kinetics, my healing is viewed as an attack. So I received a whole bunch of hate and when I tried moving, they followed. (I could understand if I was using my Dual Pistols on a target; however, I was targeting through our tank.) Our tank was facing me, stood there, and allowed me to faceplant when he could have helped. Nevertheless, he did not. Team leader kicked him off the team after the rest of the team faceplanted. I found out later the tank did not have taunt.
Sounds like your team needed more damage...maybe buffs that made the tank less reliant on heals or perhaps better control. If anything, your 'healer' defender would be just as likely to be kicked from my team if I were the leader.

You were not intelligent enough to manage your own aggro, relied on a Tanker who was dying, allowed yourself to be killed then put the rest of the team at a disadvantage. You'd have been better off letting the Tanker die and pull back to support the rest of the team, if you were, in fact, in over your head. A smart support character knows their limitations.

But all in all, I wouldn't have kicked anyone. Obviously, fewer foes is what you needed, since the team was not capable of defeating the foes fast enough. Pulling, organized attack order, communication and caution would have been my orders (along with a change in difficulty after the mission was over).

I fail to see how Taunting would have made your defender a better contributer to the damage of the team. If you didn't have Fulcrum Shift, then you should have been blasting at least.



Originally Posted by Comicsluvr View Post
My question (asked with all sincerity because I respect your skills and reputation with this game) is 'Why is this a problem for the AT?' If Blasters were designed to deal damage, they have grown into dealing damage, the retooling of Defiance enabled them to do damage with less dying and many of the Incarnate abilities enable them to do MORE damage, why is there a problem?

I like the fact that the AT is pure in a way. Many of the powersets enable the Blaster to bring something to the table besides damage (in the form of hard or soft controls, enemy debuffs and so on) but at the core of it lies the essence of the AT...Damage.

Why is this a problem?
You're asking the wrong question. I've always believed, but couldn't prove, that blasters severely underperformed everything**. The discussion surrounding the Defiance 2.0 changes made that moot: I didn't need to prove it, because it was datamined by the devs to be blatantly true. Blasters had a problem, period, the end.

The question was why they had that problem, and the obvious answer was that they were pigeon-holed too strictly into damage on the one hand, while everything else gained a lot of damage on the other hand. That meant the one thing they were designed to be good at wasn't enough, and conversely even the one thing they were good at everyone else got good at also. Quantitatively, that meant blasters were going to underperform.

I can't prove they *still* underperform after the D2.0 changes, but I do believe the burden of proof is now on the people who think everything is fine. Blasters gained only a small amount of additional damage from the D2.0 changes, and the increase in survivability they got (shoot while mezzed) seems small compared to the large increases many other archetypes received in damage and otherwise.

That's the objective problem, and its concrete. The subjective problem is that Blasters very obviously do not get a lot for trading away almost all of their right to control, buff, debuff, and defense. While its true that *some* blaster sets get *some* of that, the larger truth is that Blasters are entitled to none of it: at the moment there's no grounds for a Blaster to argue that they do not have enough control, or buff, or personal defense. There *are* grounds for other archetypes arguing they don't have enough damage: this argument was won again and again by Tankers, Dominators, Stalkers, and even Scrappers of all things. No one has ever successfully argued for Blasters to get more of anything besides damage, and even that seems to have a glass ceiling on the maximum they are allowed to have.

The subjective trade Blasters make doesn't seem like an especially good one, but that is subjective. The fact that its paralleled by the incontrovertible evidence that the trade has completely failed for most of the entire existence of the game gives that subjective argument significantly more weight.

So the answer to your question "why is it a problem that blasters are the 'pure' damage archetype" is: the devs haven't figured out yet how to make a "pure" damage archetype that isn't broken when played by our playerbase. Everything else does too close a level of damage to blasters, and the devs are reluctant to give blasters significantly more damage to compensate. But that would be the only way to equal the performance of other archetypes that have so much more survivability and utility.

A fair "pure" damage archetype would do enough damage that if I asked whether my energy blaster does more damage than, say, a fire tanker, it should be too silly a question for anyone to take out their pencils. No one starts whipping out pocket calculators to figure out if my energy blaster is more survivable than a fire tanker. Its not even worth thinking about for more than a second.

That level of damage may simply be unacceptable to the devs. If it is, the pure damage archetype isn't a viable concept without a blanket statement that it, and it alone, is exempted from the objective and subjective balance requirements we place on every other archetype.

** It was even worse than I thought. I used to think that Blasters underperformed everything except solo Defenders as an archetype. Wrong: the data showed Blasters collectively underperformed them as well. They basically underperformed everything, everywhere, under all circumstances. That proved that as bad as I thought it was, it was worse than basically anyone would have guessed prior to that point.

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