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Quote:I was not playing when this 'nerf' came about. Therefore, I did not have the pleasure to use EM 'back in the day.' However, what I see today, I really like what it has and would hate to see them make any changes that would fundamentally change the power set. IF they were to make any changes, increasing the range and the number of affected by Whirling Hands. Energy Transfer...maybe they could add a small AoE cone that will affect up to 3 people behind the target. That'd be cool. However, these would be enhancements if any changes were to be made, nothing drastic.Knight: I love Energy Melee too, and I'd hate to see them fundamentally change the set, but there is a reason that there have been enough complaints about the set that the devs are supposedly seriously looking into it and plan changes.
It needed a slight nerf back in the heyday, but a lot of people feel it was over-nerfed. It just needs a little re-balancing--and there are some potentially really fun ways to do that!
I just hate it when people bad mouth certain power sets. It has a negative influence on others who might consider using it but they don't because the succumb to the negative remarks without giving it a chance. I don't like Fire or Ice melee because they don't fulfill my definition of melee. A fire/ice sword instead of punching? I don't like using these powers because of my experience and my personal preference. I don't offer up an opinion that often on a power unless specifically asked. I don't want to cause any undue influence of someone's decision if they've never had the chance to use it first hand. -
Quote:Hmm...I'd move to the Philippines, specifically Davao City, buy me a plantation, have an OC-3 installed at the house and play CoH and ST:TOR using my new maxed out Quad i7 and enjoy life.The Mega Millions Lottery is up to $540 million (as of now) for Friday's drawing. So how would you enhance your COH experience if you win? Would you finally get that Party Pack?
Quote:You know this how? You've polled every single CoH/CoV player on all the servers? I always love it when people spout out things like this. It's easy to do so in this setting. However, when challenged to back it up with emperical evidence to quantify their remarks it becomes a different story.Look around in game. I'll wait...How many EM players do you see? My personal experience is not many. Hardly any in fact.
There "may not" be as many characters using Energy Melee because its not as flashy as Super Strength, Kinetic Melee, Fire Melee, Ice Melee, or even Dual Swords. It may not have the DPS of the above mentioned, it does; however, have the ability to stun a target(s) with every punch. That is a major benefit when involved in a tense fight against a Boss or AV. That can be a game changer. It has for me on my Energy Melee characters.
Quote:My guess: lack of fun playing the set. It doesn't matter if the DPS, AoE or single target is bottom of the barrel...Its just plain boring.
Quote:When it boils down to it, its all about fun and how the set plays.
Quote:The energy transfer "fix" took all of the fun out of energy melee IMO. It turned from a fun single target pom pom powerhouse to a double tapper (long animations cause you to attack targets already defeated by teammates...).
You see, I believe Energy Melee is power not meant for AoE like the other powers are. I see EM, like SS, as a one on one type power. Meaning the hero or villain take on their opponent and pound the snail snot out of them. Whirling Hands allows me to nail everyone around me and keep their interest while I'll putting done one. Matter of fact, my tank does enough damage with Whirling Hands combined with my Electric Field, I can take on an AV, finish him or her off and then throw one or two punches on those who remain standing.
What I really like most about Energy Melee is the chance I have to stun an opponent allowing me free attacks against him thus putting them down quicker. Marauder certainly can contest to that during the two missions I faced him. Watching him sway like a drunk is hilarious. -
You know, I'd like to see them make Staff Fighting available to the Defender. I believe the two would be a perfect fit. A fighting monk who can either heal or use other methods...hm...Kinetics/Staff Fighting...Trick Arrow/Staff Fighting...Traps...Sonics...hmm...I like it.
Quote:I do it just to gain the level and extra power so I can be more effective when I take on Matthew's epic story.Much shorter tutorial than the last one. It is fairly epic. You get to run around by major heroes, fight a giant shivan. It is pretty darn cool.
But having run it a few dozen times, I just skip it now. I'm always a bit torn as to whether or not to do it, but I skip it. -
Quote:Leo, what part of WITH ASSASSIN'S STRIKE do you not understand? Give it up while you have a chance. You are wrong. Nice editing in using a quote out of context.I think the part about that description was this:
"...Additionally, a Stalker has a 10 percent base chance to critically hit, which is increased by an additional 3 percent per member in your party, against non-player enemies. Stalkers have a chance to land a critical hit against players if they are Held or Slept..."
That is, a Stalker can land a critical hit with any of their attacks 10% of the time without needing hide or allies around. It's not quite saying that in the description but it is certainly true as I've got a few Stalkers myself...they can critical hit with any of their attacks, not just Assassin's Strike. -
Quote:Let's see...
Assassination - Only when Assassin's Strike is used will they gain critical damage.
Scourge - Only after the target's hit points are less than 50%.
Containtment - Only after they've have the target held, asleep, immobilized, or disoriented.
Critical hit - a chance for critical damage EVERY TIME an attack is made. No special restrictions here unlike the rest of them. "All Scrapper melee attacks have a chance to land a Critical Hit for up to double damage."
You are using strawman argument nothing more. You and the others are wrong with your comparisons. -
Quote:Yes I am serious. Stalkers only have that in regards to Assassination Strike, not every attack they throw, like the Scrapper can do. That is a unique difference any way you cut it and nor is it the same. See below.Not sure if you're serious, but assuming you are, Stalkers have the same chance to critical out of Hide as Scrappers do on Lt. Or stronger critters and a higher percentage chance in teams and against minions and underlings.
So no, that's not unique at all.
Quote:Quote:Critical Hit
The Scrapper is a fierce melee combatant. In hand to hand, no other hero can compare. All Scrapper melee attacks have a chance to land a Critical Hit for up to double damage. The higher the rank of the target, the greater the chance for a successful Critical Hit. The standard chance of a Critical Hit is 5% against players, pets, and critters of Minion rank and below, and 10% against critters above Minion. -
Quote:Wait, what? Nothing unique about a Scrapper? Then what is 'Critical Hit' all about? No other melee AT has the chance to score a critical hit every time they throw a punch or kick. If that isn't a unique characteristic I don't know what one is.Not worried about Scrappers from a performance standpoint. But it is true and annoying that this is the only AT that has nothing unique. Every aspect of the Scrapper AT exists in another AT.
I do not want buffs (for any Melee AT), but some I would love it if Scrappers got an utility power that didn't directly buff damage or survivability. -
Thank you all for your input. I started with Thermal; however, I'm not sure I like it. Watching flaming critters running around with fire and plasma shields is a bit disturbing. I full expect PETA to show up in Atlas Park to protest my treatment of my pets!
I think I'll redo her and try Poison, if that doesn't work...Dark Misama or Pain..probably pain since it does not require me to 'hit' a target to heal.
Just like the title states. I have a Plant Control/Earth Assault Dominator I want to change over to Beast Mastery. In keeping with her theme, I am looking at Poisons or Thermal. I know the effects of Thermal; however, I am not familiar with Poisons. Poisons seem more suite with my character's theme yet Thermal has group heal where Poisons does not. Any opinions or guidance here would be appreciated. Thanks.
Okay Zwill...which Scotty rule are you referring too? He has a plethora of rules he used on his dimwitted captain. Specifically, are you referring to the one "The more complicated the plumbing the easier it is to clog/break it?" Or, the one about time that Spock borrowed and used in Wrath of Khan?
Oh great, now we'll have a bunch of He-Man and Skeletor imitators running around screaming "By the power of Grayskull!" Wonderful! Yuck!
Quote:And make darn sure you empty your pockets of everything, especially that wayward penny stuck down in the lint of that pocket!
Quote:Contrary to popular opinion on Miss Black's song, I like it.
OMG! I nearly spewed all my DD coffee on my monitor. This is freaking funny! Thanks. (beings wiping monitor.)
I believe I have the reason to the crash of all the servers.
Preceding the crash last night on Freedom, Talos Island experienced an invasion of giant monsters in the form of 9 or 10 Kronos Class Titans. Local heroes, including my own (Quantumshock) formed a battle line in the New Troy district north of the 'Hill' around the police station. 10 or 12 of us battled none-stop for what appeared to be 30 minutes or more until we dropped the last one. Everyone involved had much fun. It is too bad there is not a badge for defeating that many Kronos Titans.
Clearly, Malta made a move to gain control of Talos Island now that Statesman and Sister Psyche are no longer with us. Neither Citadel or Luminary helped us, they appeared to infatuated with one another batting eyes and sending encrypted messages of love. How typical of the Vindicator heroes.
After defeating these metal monsters, Malta's Director 17 or is it 18 now, pitched a hissy fit of biblical proportions kicking and screaming that it was not fair that his army giant robots could not defeat any of the none Freedom Phalanx or Vindicators heroes.
In a last effort to gain control of the situation, said director released his secret weapon, the DC monster that attacked every hero and villain in Paragon City and the Rogue Isles. However, Malta's computer engineers did not anticipate the consequences of this attack. Consequently, the entire network's computer system crashed bringing down the servers. This brazen attack did the one thing Malta did not want, protected Talos Island from any further Malta attacks. It is rumored the Director ordered the computer engineers execution; however, they fled to the safety of Crey Industries, who they really worked for as undercover agents.
Malta is now under the control of their newest director, Director 19. -
Just starting to roll in a BAF insulting the living sin out of NightStar when all went still and quiet. After not being able to log back in, I time warped to a galaxy far, far away and commenced dispatching Flesh Eaters.
I had a sense that for some time mission arcs requiring Echo DA might be a problem. After installing the hacked TP units, I attached echo DA's beacon and the new DA's beacon after obtaining all the exploration badges. I find that having to go to Ouroboros all the time gets a bit tedious in my opinion. I do love these new TP units. Now we can get to any location in the city in seconds instead of long minutes of traveling normally required to get around.
Not sure if anyone's said anything as I haven't read it yet. However, Staff Fighting may not be available for us, it is; however, available to the NPCs.
Imagine my surpise when I as about the rescue Bellarose here and the last Tsoo attacks me after everyone else using a staff with a large nasty blade on the end of it. It was so fast I had a hard time keeping up with the attacks.
I was mesmerized by the beauty of how this fighting style looked in the hands of the Tsoo.
I received about 15 hits or so to get these too pictures because he was pressing me in close making it hard to take a snap shot or two. I finished him off with a Footstomp and Knockout blow.