Smaller iTrials: Would you do them?

Agent White



As I've written about elsewhere, my experience has been that when I ran more of i-trials (when they first came out), I found myself almost dreading to log into the game. It took awhile to realize that it was the i-trials. What I love about the game is, well, the game, actually... but even more than that, I love the people.

Leagues are too big to feel that sense of community, or sense of accomplishment and "yay, we did it!" when one completes challenging objectives. In large leagues, I feel isolated. It doesn't just lack positives for me, it's an actually negative experience.

But that's just my experience, I certainly do not mean to denigrate the experience anyone else has. I know other people really enjoy the i-trials, and that's great!

I would love incarnate content for smaller groups. I enjoy 6-8 person teams, personally. The Apex and Tin Mage are somewhat difficult (maybe not if you're +3, I don't know), and can take awhile, but the incarnate rewards are only shards, unless they've changed that.

For myself, I really wish they would switch the rewards on TF's to include the incarnate salvage tables, along with astral and emp. merits. I think what I hear from the devs is that if they give the same i-rewards to other content, then no one would do the i-trials.

But... shouldn't that tell them something?



Yes to smaller trials, sure. Something like the Marshall Blitz fight in the blueside Sig arcs (great little boss fight imo).

And while I'm here:

Everything should have a minimum start req of 1.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Originally Posted by Blue Rabbit View Post
Isn't that what DFB is? Judging from the amount of people who play it, I'd go with a yes as answer to your question.

Yes, I know it's not an iTrial, but as a model, you can see there is more than enough interest.
People play DFB a lot because it's fast, easy XP, not just because it's a regular-team-sized trial. I mean, Eden, the CoP, and the Abandoned Sewers are small trials too, and I don't exactly see people flocking to them.

As for the OP: It depends on how interesting the content is. (Not having anything to do with the Well of Origin Hijacking would be a plus.) I have zero interest in Incarnate powers, so I wouldn't do a small trial just for the rewards.

34 heroes,
20 villains, Victory, Justice, Infinity, Virtue, Triumph, Exalted -- some more active than others



I'd be thrilled if me & the wifey could do iTrials with 2 to start !!

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Originally Posted by damienray View Post
I'd be thrilled if me & the wifey could do iTrials with 2 to start !!
This is one of the reason I'm looking forward to the Solo content, so that my wife and I can play some incarnate stuff together and not have to worry about getting in a trial.



Originally Posted by Mad_Scientist_JC View Post
This is one of the reason I'm looking forward to the Solo content, so that my wife and I can play some incarnate stuff together and not have to worry about getting in a trial.
I'mreally hoping the DA stuff proves popular ebough to steer the devs away from the experiment with WoW-style endge grindimg and back onto what CoH should be about.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



Yes, 4-8 player trials, easily. Hell if they want them to feel like trials and not tfs, make it minimum 8, max 10. Just anything that doesn't require you sit on your thumbs for 30 minutes until you can get on a persistent raiding PUG.

And once again for the 1212323212125th time: Sooooo looking forward to Issue 22!

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



If it's fun, then I don't see why not. I just don't want more UG-like trials. Probably the most boring trial in the game - and that includes the hero-side respec.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I wonder if the Diabolique Trial in I22 will be slightly smaller scale, as she mightn't have any link to the Well now that she's free from Tyrant's control?
My hope is that the Diabolique whatever is closer to a Task Force in play style and execution, built around smaller 6-8 man teams where it's less about which sets of incarnate powers you're carrying and more about are you good at playing your character. Where being a tanker MATTERS, because there arn't one shot kills, and being a defender matters because you're supplying the buffs and debuffs, and so forth. Your personal performance becomes a lot more important, and not just because you can jump through the hoops on time with the rest of the herd, but because you - and your powers - matter.

I want to be able to think and talk in a trial, not have split seconds between every other thing to dodge the next barrage of insta-death or uber-power that instantly heals the AV and then blow it because one of the 24 man herd is illiterate or has scrapperlocked.

I loved the Apex, Tin Mage, Sutter, and Mortimer Kal task/strike forces. They're short-ish, they're exciting, they're challenging, they get to the point, they've got plenty of bad guys to smash and they're not so fast paced that you can't even chatter or respond beyond "group 1 south." They're also small enough that you can have a sense of being on a team. 24 man hordes are just... I feel about as important as an Ensign on Star Trek.

So basically I want a Task Force more than a Trial. I'd also really enjoy it more if it were less about "Oh, you'd better have six guys carrying Destiny(whatevers), because we have an army of Ghost Widows that spam AoE Soul Storms and have an AoE Twilight's Grasp with a radius of 11 parsecs and a recharge of half a nanosecond" and more, y'know, the TEAM. Less instagibs or huge masses of players or mandatory power sets, more about a small team of heroes (or villains!) going forth and kicking ***.

Heck, can you make it a Task Force? Or include a Task Force to cap off the DA story arc, the way Lady Grey's does for the War Zone? Because when I hear Diabolique trial, I'm just imagining 24 strangers with little chance to catch the story or talk (or roleplay! Some of us like to do that in missions, you know!) because you've only got 17 seconds to do whatever. Something that I've always liked about CoH was it's rather forgiving pacing.

This doesn't mean make it easy or hand us a victory. Just make it more like a Task Force and less like a Trial.

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Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
If they made SMALLER (4-8 players) Incarnate Trials, much like the Halloween trial, would people run them more than the larger trials?
Well, I wouldn't, but I don't do TFs or trials. I'd like to see less stuff like the Halloween trial, not more.

I'm not even doing the new signature "story arcs", because they're in TF mode. I'd like the devs to get back to making some real story arcs.



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
So you are telling to only drink twice from the spring at Hippocrene, in other words intentionally lessen your expectations?

Can you read that again to me? So you say only do 12-16 trials for EACH character? Ignore making them more powerful to the highest ability? So do a few trials just until you need glasses not until you go blind.
Yes, you need to drop your ridiculously high expectations, as well as your needlessly grandiose and obtuse analogies and bizarre sense of entitlement in a video game about superheroes.

Also, unless you eschew team content entirely (which is a different and valid argument), you've probably run more than 12 TFs, almost all of which are long than Incarnate trials.

Look, I'm not saying there's no room for a solo path, but you have ALWAYS gotten better rewards from team-only content. Don't expect that to change.

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
Leagues don't actually add much to the game, in fact in many ways they detract from it and should only be used very occasionally IMO - the classic "Avengers + X-Men + FF + Inhumans team up to save the world!" scenario, and we're not doing anything of the sort in Trials.
Do you not count fighting an invading army from another universe as saving the world???

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
Yes, you need to drop your ridiculously high expectations, as well as your needlessly grandiose and obtuse analogies and bizarre sense of entitlement in a video game about superheroes.

Also, unless you eschew team content entirely (which is a different and valid argument), you've probably run more than 12 TFs, almost all of which are long than Incarnate trials.

Look, I'm not saying there's no room for a solo path, but you have ALWAYS gotten better rewards from team-only content. Don't expect that to change.
Rather limited personal attack attempt 3/10.

The game has met for the most part my ridiculously high expectations. The Incarnate stuff is Not Scottish and if its not Scottish...........

I play in teams, I play solo, I play TF's and all other trials except Incarnates because it is a poor attempt at a farming raid grind. I even at times have played a few CEBR ticket farms. When your final "content" is a perpetual drag and not fun - we all lose.

If you haven't read Silverlock, do so and perhaps you would have a different reply.



Originally Posted by MrCaptainMan View Post
I'mreally hoping the DA stuff proves popular ebough to steer the devs away from the experiment with WoW-style endge grindimg and back onto what CoH should be about.
If the faster progress route of the Trials is a "grind", then the slower solo progress route will be a "grind" too
The Trials are now a major feature of the game, and are popular with the devs and the players - they'll remain the core Incarnate content, and more and more of them will be added to the game as the Incarnate storyline unfolds.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Mirai View Post
I'd like the devs to get back to making some real story arcs.
Like the 8 new story arcs they gave us in the last Issue?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Pity they're one of the selling points of the VIP subscription, no? It's not like that's the only person who has a problem with them. Telling people to effectively shut up or put up is not constructive, and I hope the development team will prove they have recognised this basic fact of running a service with Dark Astoria.
Dark Astoria has nothing to do with IH's complaint.

The reason the Incarnate system was implemented in the first place was the lack of an actual endgame. You could pretty much get away with running each TF that was in-game once, get the badge and any unlockables from it, and be 'done'. The only repeatable endgame was to make a new character and start from scratch. For altoholics like IH, that worked just fine. For players who wanted stuff to do with their 50s, they didn't have much.

So they implemented the Incarnate system and are pushing it to get people who want stuff to do with their 50s to play it. Dark Astoria was created in response to demands for solo/small-team stuff to do with 50s. But the Incarnate system was never intended for people who like to make new characters, because that was always in place. It was intended for people who have a few characters they enjoy spending most of their time on.

Sure, there's valid complaints about the Incarnate system. But there's really no point in hating on it if your response to hitting 50 is to store the character and roll a new one.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Nihilii View Post
Rather than being penalized for playing with less people, you're rewarded for playing with more people.
That's how the Incarnate system already works - the Trials give the best and fastest rewards, because they're large group content.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
If the faster progress route of the Trials is a "grind", then the slower solo progress route will be a "grind" too
There are grinds and then there are Grinds. iTrials are the capital G grinds, possibly with RIND in small capitals.

I've been ground to a lifeless husk by far better Grinds than the iTrials. If you're going to take on a raid grind (that is completely 180 from the previous seven years of the game's existence and one of the big things that set the game apart from the endgame grindfests) you should at least learn from the big name grind games and try to do them at least as well.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The Trials are very casual friendly, and fit in well with the general feel of the game.
What TF do you have to have at least 4 purple sets to get an invite for? Not MoX runs, just the plain old +0/x1 TF.

iTrials are level shifts or get out.



Originally Posted by Ogi View Post
What TF do you have to have at least 4 purple sets to get an invite for? Not MoX runs, just the plain old +0/x1 TF.

iTrials are level shifts or get out.
Lambda, BAF, and keyes can all be done at +0 (that's not to say level shifts dont make it easier though). UGT has lvl 55 AVs, and MoM and TPN have lvl 56 AVs. These aren't meant to be done at +0. Level shifts aren't hard to acquire. Heck you can even get +1 without even doing any trials. You can also transfer threads from other already level shifted toons to your non level shifted toon to get them their first shift faster.



Originally Posted by Rabid_M View Post
I have a question for everyone, because I'm curious as to what the response would be:

If they made SMALLER (4-8 players) Incarnate Trials, much like the Halloween trial, would people run them more than the larger trials?

Would they run them enough to make them worth making?

Would you run them even if you're taking out "smaller" targets than the large trials take on? (A raid on a warehouse full of New and Improved Enriche, for example, with a non-Praetor AV at the end.)

Why/why not?
1. Would I run them? Sure. Content is content. This applies to your last question too.

2. Would they be run enough to make them worth making - depends on your qualifiers. If you're suggesting to award an Astral or Empyrean merit at the end of it, I think people would go nuts over it, and I think it would be a huge mistake balance-wise.

BTW, what you named above basically translates into a story arc (I won't say task force, since those are typically much longer, with Apex/Tin Mage being exceptions). We have that already to many differing degrees. The "trial" part of it implies a comparative reward, which by your breakdown doesn't apply, I think.



iTrials are level shifts or get out.
Yeah, that's BS. I dislike iTrials just as much as any other guy but I've always been able to get (and participate somewhat efficiently, thanks to the very low level at which much of the playerbase plays rather than due to any ability on my own end...) a spot on leagues relatively easily, using fresh level 50 characters who are just alpha-unlocked (not alpha slotted, much less level shifted).

Where it's definitely not casual though is that it can take minutes if not dozens of minutes to get a team going unless you're well-connected (which is by itself the definition of *not* casual). There are low-pop servers, i.e. Vigilance, on which iTrials hardly happen outside of peak hours, and when it happens, you better be willing to put up with anybody and any specific trial because there aren't enough warm bodies to be picky about either.



Originally Posted by DreadShinobi View Post
You can also transfer threads from other already level shifted toons to your non level shifted toon to get them their first shift faster.
Sorry, can you explain? This is news to me.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.