Any chance of superhero stuff being added to the game?




Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
The problem with using the term "superhero" is that it covers so many different things. Fortunately some of the people here knew what I was getting at. I'd recommend focusing on that, rather than trying to engage me in an online internet debate about semantic word meanings. (Aka "nearly every thread on the internet ever.")

My own opinion is that there are a lot of tropes specific to classic comic-book style superheroes that just aren't in the game. Yes the spandex costume options are looking dated (the patterns and masks especially,) but that really is only the tip of the iceberg. It's not just the costumes: What about the zones? Where are the fights in space? On the moon? Under the sea? In Atlantis? In Dr. Doom's castle? In The Joker's carnival? In Gotham?
Then don't use the generic term 'super hero'. Simple. As.

There's a reason the Super hero genre is broken up into various sub-genres, you basically mean Four Colour super hero stuff. Sorry I know, I know, you said not to debate semantics.

As for your suggestions, yeah, isn't Moon Zone pretty much the biggest requested zone of all time? Not sure how under the sea would work, I remember BaB saying that due to the fact they'd have to make new animations for every single power in the game that it was basically a no-no (until CoH2 if it's being made basically). Definitely wouldn't mind a medieval castle, especially if we could get the parts for Bases. Eh Joker's carnival we sort of already have, yes it's a reused mission street map with lots of big tops around in the center but we kind of have it.

Otherwise fine with all of Johnny's suggestions too, mmm dinosaur island.

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A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Otherwise fine with all of Johnny's suggestions too, mmm dinosaur island.
The world 'entitlement' gets tossed around a lot these days, but every super strength character deserves to throw down with a T-Rex.




I'll hop on board with Johnny's list too. I'm a sucker for grappling hooks, so the faster that gets worked in as a travel power, the happier I'll be.

Though, I wouldn't be surprised if we saw space rather soon.



Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
Yes, we definitely need more superhero-specific costume pieces. This game is based around character customisation, after all.

The right costume pieces mean the difference between a shadowy spy and a flashy speedster.

We don't want to be armored enforcers of a tyrannical regime. We want to be silent vigilantes lurking in the night.

No more anime-inspired martial artists, let's have more superheroes - say, in the vein of Iron Fist.

I hope this post illustrates how important it is to have the right costume pieces when achieving a truly superheroic look.
bwhahahhahaha. I c wut u did there!

EDIT: With that said Johnny's list is good to go as far as I'm concerned.

And yes devs, we know some of those things listed won't be easy or fast to make.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



[*]Real eye masks, not painted on.
It is a computer game, there cannot be real eye masks, just the pixel fiction of one
[*]Symbol options on belt buckles, backs, and capes, not just on chests.
this I can see as superhero
[*]Grapple-hook gun emote (I know the real thing isn't feasible, but this would be good enough followed by a super leap).
this is pulp, not superhero. Yes there is a pulp hero who is well known and pretends to be a superhero, but this is pulp
[*]More bracelets, arm bands.
There are about 6 I think for men, more for women. How many do you need?
[*]More "floaty bit auras", like crystal shards, or metallic spheres, or sea-horses, or cubes, floating around your character.
we have a bunch of auras. I don't really recall any superheroes with floating things that cannot be covered by existing auras
[*]Working holsters, quivers, sheaths (hip, thigh, boot).
This is not superhero. This is pulp, fantasy, etc.
[*]Sleeker, more sophisticated power armor.
You can have skintight powered armor, how much sleeker can it get than that?
[*]Chest and eye blasts for ranged power sets, not just hand blasts.
I would rather say consistent blast origins. All eye, all hand, all mouth. Not random firing for each power
[*]Linked costume emotes with animated transitions (hoods pulled back, helmets removed/opened, power armor assembled over body).
nice but total second long fluff
[*]Hoverboards inspired by the modern comic era.
I must not know the modern comic era. How many hoverboards are there?
[*]Customizable "Mood" stances to replace default standing idle stances, more reflective of your character's personality (heroic, flirty, arrogant, relaxed, studious).
It would be nice to set your default stance to an existing emote, but they pretty much have all the emotes you need.

without going through each of JB's items I generally like his list. I especially want talking apes and stretching powers



to add my personal grudge that silver's post brings up..animators.look at that ending shot for thunder kick... is that an animation we should have? it's hideous. for the love of all that is holy, we need an alt animation(maybe even a better animated roundhouse kick, which is what that moves seems to be tortuously attempting to be) for that move and quickly.



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
It is a computer game, there cannot be real eye masks, just the pixel fiction of one
Sorry for the misunderstanding, but I'm referring to an actual thin object, like in that other super hero game (one of the few good things I can say about that game). In City of Heroes, you can actually SEE your eyebrows through the eye mask. That is because it is not covering your eyebrows, it is just painted onto your eyebrows.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
I would rather say consistent blast origins. All eye, all hand, all mouth. Not random firing for each power
Iron Man would SO flame you, if his lawyers let him post on these forums.

Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
without going through each of JB's items I generally like his list. I especially want talking apes and stretching powers
Talking apes would be cool. And I also think CoH could do giant bugs better than...other studios. But stretching powers aren't something the City of Heroes game engine is capable of, unless something has changed in the last few issues.

The rest of your criticisms are either fair enough (i.e. pulp, not hero), or not enough of a priority for me to want to argue with you about it.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
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Taking from Johnny Butane's list and filled in with my feedback:


-Space/the Moon: add more of Dillo's species making a weapon to fight the Battalion
-Other planets: PBers have needed this for they're stories for years, we have the technology...
-Under sea bases: interesting concept, break the "wall point" and kill everything in the room, but you have only 60 seconds to get to the airlock yourself or you drown... works for Space and Atlantis too
-Atlantis: What lies beneath...
-Abandoned carnival/amusement park: I have to argue WE HAVE THIS Already, however I know where your coming from. We need a Carnies version that is more Strongmen and less illusionist...
-Dinosaur island:


-Stretching/morphing limbs: SM/LE Blaster Set
-Grappling hooks/swinging: seems it could be done with a modification to the Ninja Run tech, toggling it to "always on" and adding tech similar to flight for the pathing...
-Environmental destruction and interaction: Especially in instances... I want my knockback to matter, send the enemy flying into the next room, through the wall type stuff...
-Super speed feats (aside from just running fast and useless Flurry/Whirlwind. I feel this can stand on its own as a power set) YES THIS
-Totemic animal powers: Got nothing to add
-Insect control: Swarm tech is already a hamidon enemy, no reason not to give us giant ants and scorpions to go with it...
-Animal control: Wolf Pack!
-Secret identities: Yes yes yes please yes... ::laughs:: we need a REAL Secret identity system, Day Jobs was great, but the ability to switch out to another persona entirely is what folks were expecting.
-Chest and eye blasts for ranged power sets, not just hand blasts. YES YES AGAIN Please Devs, it's Christmas time... I would love to be able to map my blasts to all coming from the eyes, or all coming from a similar point rather then the seemingly arbitrary Marvel standings...
-Hoverboards inspired by the modern comic era. Meh... I can think of like, two, Cloud 9
(who generates a cloud to stand on...), and um, yea nevermind I can only think of that one...

NPC/enemy groups:

-Animals: Gang's usually employ guard dogs...

-Talking apes: DC...
-Giant bugs: O yea... 50's all over...
-Dinosaurs: awesomeness...

Costume bits and emotes:

-Real eye masks, not painted on. Agreed
-Symbol options on belt buckles, backs, and capes, not just on chests.
-More bracelets, arm bands. Double Agreed, we've needed this for years!
-More "floaty bit auras", like crystal shards, or metallic spheres, or sea-horses, or cubes, floating around your character.
-Working holsters, quivers, sheaths (hip, thigh, boot). I have some imagination skills, but being able to sling a sword on the back, would help the illusion of where it comes from.
-Sleeker, more sophisticated power armor. Not sure I get this...
-Linked costume emotes with animated transitions (hoods pulled back, helmets removed/opened, power armor assembled over body). I would love to be able to do this,
-Customizable "Mood" stances to replace default standing idle stances, more reflective of your character's personality (heroic, flirty, arrogant, relaxed, studious). Yes please, give us some choice on our idle animations.

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



I'd just like to see another pass made at golden and silver age comic costumes. Look at some comics and add in some bits that currently have no counterparts (generic stuff like ankle-high boots, thigh-high boots with low or no heels, belt symbols, etc), and add nicer versions of some of the older things that could benefit from a revamp (mask textures, etc). I'd rather have this than dinosaurs, underwater zones, moon bases, etc.

Since a lot of the basic old-school hero stuff was done really early on, and much of the later development seems to be aimed at other subgenres (steampunk, anime, etc), I think another look at the basics would be great.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Originally Posted by dugfromthearth View Post
  • Real eye masks, not painted on.
    It is a computer game, there cannot be real eye masks, just the pixel fiction of one
  • Symbol options on belt buckles, backs, and capes, not just on chests.
    this I can see as superhero
  • Grapple-hook gun emote (I know the real thing isn't feasible, but this would be good enough followed by a super leap).
    this is pulp, not superhero. Yes there is a pulp hero who is well known and pretends to be a superhero, but this is pulp
  • More bracelets, arm bands.
    There are about 6 I think for men, more for women. How many do you need?
  • More "floaty bit auras", like crystal shards, or metallic spheres, or sea-horses, or cubes, floating around your character.
    we have a bunch of auras. I don't really recall any superheroes with floating things that cannot be covered by existing auras
  • Working holsters, quivers, sheaths (hip, thigh, boot).
    This is not superhero. This is pulp, fantasy, etc.
  • Sleeker, more sophisticated power armor.
    You can have skintight powered armor, how much sleeker can it get than that?
  • Chest and eye blasts for ranged power sets, not just hand blasts.
    I would rather say consistent blast origins. All eye, all hand, all mouth. Not random firing for each power
  • Linked costume emotes with animated transitions (hoods pulled back, helmets removed/opened, power armor assembled over body).
    nice but total second long fluff
  • Hoverboards inspired by the modern comic era.
    I must not know the modern comic era. How many hoverboards are there?
  • Customizable "Mood" stances to replace default standing idle stances, more reflective of your character's personality (heroic, flirty, arrogant, relaxed, studious).
It would be nice to set your default stance to an existing emote, but they pretty much have all the emotes you need.

without going through each of JB's items I generally like his list. I especially want talking apes and stretching powers
Just fixing this for readability.

Originally Posted by PleaseRecycle View Post
it has gone from unconscionable to downright appalling that we have no way of measuring our characters' wetness.
Originally Posted by Brillig View Post
It's hard to beat the entertainment value of Whackjob Wednesdays.



Originally Posted by Johnny_Butane View Post
The world 'entitlement' gets tossed around a lot these days, but every super strength character deserves to throw down with a T-Rex.

Oh god yes, if there was anything we would be that.

Who hasn't dreamed of smacking around a T-Rex.

You're weird if you haven't.

Weird I say...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
Oh god yes, if there was anything we would be that.

Who hasn't dreamed of smacking around a T-Rex.

You're weird if you haven't.

Weird I say...
as cool as the wolf/dog pet is, for me the biggest thing is posi made a comment that they couldnt have dinos because they needed a four legged rig (though really most cool dinosaurs are bipedal, as i see it, raptors, spinosaurus, rexes) and posi didnt say it that long ago, so im hoping, with no proof of course, that he was leaving a hint to the eventual inclusion of dinos, since the four leg rig would have been worked on at that point.

you know, its funny, its not like anime/manga or sci fi or beasts or fantasy game fans would mind any of the suggestions like the moon base or dinosaurs. no reason to be exclusionary, we all could get behind that. heck, my fellow monstrous hero fans would be working for dinos because maybe we can get some new dragon/monster heads out of it. so yeah, heck yeah, dinos are needed, dont care how they justify it.



I was thinking back to the Freedom Phalanx novel.

Aside from a bunch of super heroes/villains that got briefly mentioned (that may or may not even be officially canon) Statesman named dropped a few locations he'd been to over the years.

One was that there was an actual realm of Hades that he'd visited and met the Sisyphus of myth.

In the book, after his wife died he planned to get away from Paragon City, seriously considering retiring to become a hermit on Elephant Island Antarctica.

Another location he considered was the distant planet something or other that had a searing atmosphere. I don't remember the name but I'd like to stick it on the list. My copy of the book is presently in storage, so if anyone remember or could look it up, thatds be awesome.




A lot of this stuff sounds kind of like what Champions did. That game was ridiculously silly and never took itself seriously. I don't want CoH to turn into a game like that



71% of our planet is ignored as a location in-game. And a plague on the first one to quote BaBs on this.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Woud like to see:

  • Eye Mask with nose covering. Would be a skin covering the eyesand tapering over the nose as well, the closest thing to this in game is the Jester piece.
  • Muscle definition in arms/legs, for those burly types.
  • Something akin to a "Lone Ranger" mask. We have a few of these.
  • Dresses...
  • Capes that seam into arms. For example, when the character's arms are outstretched, the cape would fill the armpit/forearm area, kinda like a wing.
  • Speaking of avians, a nice hawk/eagle mask.
  • Wings that rustle and flap or close around the body.
  • More variety in shoes: more sneakers (some high ankle ones), more high heels ("chunky" heels, stiletto heels without boots, old thigh high model tight at bottom then ample at thigh).
  • A lot more SHIRTS. Button shirts, tight tees, loose tees, undershirts, padded shoulders, unpadded shoulders, business shirts, sky's the limit her folks...look around your office, step outside, go to a club and you'll see some great an appalling ones.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Weird...thought this was a necro-thread... Not like there isn't a well visited thread for all this stuff...carry on.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Well Friend we don't really need anything else we got everything you need for golden/silver/bronze Age stuff already and then some more.

When I played this game around issue 7-8, that all you really can do is to make one of these golden/silver/bronze age.

now we got so many Modern Costume Stuff being add, the golden/silver/bronze Age stuff get over look in the Costume set up.

Take some time and look, you be Surprise how many golden/silver/bronze age heores you can make in this game.

Never play another NcSoft game, If you feel pride for our game, then it as well, I Superratz am Proud of all of you Coh people, Love, Friendship will last for a lifetime.

Global:@Greenflame Ratz
Main Toons:Super Ratz, Burning B Radical, Green Flame Avenger, Tunnel Ratz, Alex Magnus



I would put down points for a "Pattern" pack. New chest patterns, new leg patterns, and (especially) new mask patterns (especially especially new full mask patterns). And maybe we could finally get a "Full Mask - Tights Sleek" option? or "Tights Smooth" for Gloves?



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Superheroes are kinda big in Hollywood right now.

There's so much more superhero stuff that could be added to this game. Costumes alone: golden/silver/bronze age costume packs would be dope. Maybe even a 90s pack full of stubble, long hair/ridiculous mullets, pouches, imaginary muscles, and invisible feet. (Okay maybe not a 90s pack...)

But yeah. Anime...yawn. Mythology...yawn. Tron...yawn. Traditional MMO styles...yawn. Fedoras...yawn.

Let's get some superhero ish up in this bish!
Nope, no chance at all. It will be a chilly day in Heck before we get things like tights with colored patterns, a variety of capes, boots and gloves with assorted styles like tight and folded over, Chest logos, mask patterns for faces or anything else that's iconic of the gold and silver age comic book superheroes. i would expect that all that would've been in the game almost at launch if there was ever any intention having a superheroic theme to the game and that ship has long since sailed.

And they're certainly not going to have 21st century superhero comic stuff like metallic and shiny costumes with glowing accents and details. Nope, never going to happen.

Someone forgot to let the original Devs know that Western superheroes have never drawn on mythology or worn hats or had glowy stuff, ever. Maybe if there's a CoH2 they'll correct all that.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I kinda agree with more superhero stuff for the game. The costumes are ok and would love to see less D&D stuff added (or fantasy etc). I would love to see more superhero missions of epic proportion.

Most missions are pretty low key where we battle mobs of the same old enemies. We seem to have some magic users, mutated street thugs, various militia, some other mutates and so on. Let's see some epic stories; the iTrials are great ideas but most of the stories/themes don't make me feel like I am doing something so critical/epic that I am earning experience to have these incarnate powers.

While we level up our toons, most missions are mediocre, chase after kidnapper, or get the painting or other stuff that isn't so amazing. Give us some real superhero-like enemies (Praetoria is just not cutting it). Maybe one epic villain who we can stop from taking over the world in an epic mish. I know we have something along those lines but so many missions are build ups that lead, or may lead, to a big climax. How about give it to us all right then and there; allow us to take on a group of super enemies and not just mobs of minions - we have a lot of that.

I have to agree with the posts saying this game doesn't really feel superhero-ish.



As someone who wants anime pieces I can tell you I wouldn't mind some more superhero pieces.

Part of my thought on it though, is that it'll never happen!

I've requested simple pieces like, taking the "Disco" option and removing the short shrts portion of it and replacing it with a bikini bottom, so we can match up the "Disco" piece with tights option.

Take the "Padded Gloves" option, and give it SLEEVES so that using "Padded Gloves" doesn't leave you with a sleeves to your elbows and the forearms showing.

And non painted on mask? YES PLEASE! I wouldn't mind taking all the small mask options, giving them some real detail, and giving them the white eye treatment ala Batman, Nightwing, Robin (especially with the domino masks)

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I wouldn't mind taking all the small mask options, giving them some real detail, and giving them the white eye treatment ala Batman, Nightwing, Robin (especially with the domino masks)
I don't know HOW or WHY I left this out of my post. I have wanted this look ever since I started playing, and it should have been second on my list (below real eye masks). It is one of the most obvious "missing elements" in City of Heroes. Those of you who read comic books know I'm not kidding.

Also, Golden Girl mentioned costumes with clear boundaries and seams. I think she was essentially describing my eye masks idea (I'm sure it wasn't MY idea first ), but for the whole head or body. I think that makes more sense than my request. If the technology can be built (gentlemen), then duh, Paragon Studios would probably want to maximize its potential.

Some of you have expressed confusion about the difference between real 3D eye masks (or skin-tight costume layers) and the "painted on" costume pieces we have now. If you missed my previous example, think of how you can actually see your characters eyebrows through an eye mask. Now, put on a real fabric or plastic eye mask (I'm sure we all have one ). Can you see your eye brows? No. They're hidden behind a 3D object.

I'm not disagreeing with the painted on pieces--they work quite well for many concepts, as we've all proven over the years. But actual separate layers for skin-tight pieces would make previously inaccessible concepts possible. Real eye masks would make BrandX's "white-eyed" masks idea an attractive possibility. And slightly thicker layers of tight costume pieces would open up options for sleeker, more sophisticated body armor--another request of mine that confused some of you (my apologies for not being clearer).

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