Any chance of superhero stuff being added to the game?




Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I don't know HOW or WHY I left this out of my post. I have wanted this look ever since I started playing, and it should have been second on my list (below real eye masks). It is one of the most obvious "missing elements" in City of Heroes. Those of you who read comic books know I'm not kidding.

Also, Golden Girl mentioned costumes with clear boundaries and seams. I think she was essentially describing my eye masks idea (I'm sure it wasn't MY idea first ), but for the whole head or body. I think that makes more sense than my request. If the technology can be built (gentlemen), then duh, Paragon Studios would probably want to maximize its potential.

Some of you have expressed confusion about the difference between real 3D eye masks (or skin-tight costume layers) and the "painted on" costume pieces we have now. If you missed my previous example, think of how you can actually see your characters eyebrows through an eye mask. Now, put on a real fabric or plastic eye mask (I'm sure we all have one ). Can you see your eye brows? No. They're hidden behind a 3D object.

I'm not disagreeing with the painted on pieces--they work quite well for many concepts, as we've all proven over the years. But actual separate layers for skin-tight pieces would make previously inaccessible concepts possible. Real eye masks would make BrandX's "white-eyed" masks idea an attractive possibility. And slightly thicker layers of tight costume pieces would open up options for sleeker, more sophisticated body armor--another request of mine that confused some of you (my apologies for not being clearer).
i do agree with this. One of my favorite things about the Magic, Cyborg, and Jester sets were the face masks. Some of the Science goggles also work in this role. More pieces like that and just traditional superheroic mask pieces in general would be good. Make it so that the mask and the eyeholes/eye covers have separate colour selections.

This post, unlike my last post in this thread, is actually serious. While we did get a large variety of traditional four colour/golden age/silver age costume pieces at launch they haven't really been updated or expanded to keep pace with the other costume piece styles since then. While a variety of colouring patterns have been added not much has been done to update the base textures and designs.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



I wouldn't mind seeing the Golden Age and Silver Age of comics get some love.

We really do need more basic designs that aren't super overly detailed. Like trims for capes, gloves, boots, etc. How are we missing a basic trim for these things?

Better masks would be great, too. And I don't just mean updating the painted on masks we have now to look better. We could use some more mask options in general. Like a mask like the Green Hornet has, that covers the eyes and nose.

Or more varied and generic helmets with customization for them.



I know we're all looking forward to the Retro Sci-fi pack (that WE helped make possible ), but I suggest we really dig our heels in, come to a consensus, and beg hard for this Superhero Pack idea. We've proven that we can get the game we want, and Paragon Studios has proven they can deliver. After that, a pulp pack.

Originally Posted by Xzero45 View Post
Better masks would be great, too. And I don't just mean updating the painted on masks we have now to look better. We could use some more mask options in general. Like a mask like the Green Hornet has, that covers the eyes and nose.

I LOVE those masks.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



I think we need a few things added to the game that need support or more support in the game.
In order of Need

50's Retro Scifi
As detailed in a few other threads now.

Superhero Pack,
As detailed above, new mask support, more silver/golden age capes, updated tight designs, Super Hero Secret Identities, Identity Change Emotes, New enemy groups this could be an entire issue honestly,

Pulp Novels
As in Doc Savage, the Shadow, Green Hornet, Dick Tracy... these are classics of the genre... A Pulp era rocketeer inspired jetpack back piece would be a must in this set.

Super Spies
James Bond, Jason Bourne, and many others...

Horror Comics
The Crypt Keeper, Horror Tales and many others are a mainstay of Golden Age comics, these even spawned some mainstream heroes that are in action today.

Cosmic Defenders
Silver Surfer, Doctor Strange, Adam Warlock

Sword and Sorcery
Dungeons and Dragons, Lord of the Rings,
This would need a surcoat, or tabard over the top of armor as a new back option..

"when i can savagely beat sheep while issuing ultimatums and torturing people, then i may go back into it" -vara nocturne
Not enough Evil...
I take it back NC SOFT is enough evil for anyone...



Devs, please look at this SNL skit based on NBC's 'The Cape'...

The water bottle option please.

"Forum PvP doesn't give drops. Just so all of you who participated in this thread are aware." -Mod08-
"when a stalker goes blue side, assassination strike should be renamed "bunny hugs", and a rainbow should fly out" -Harbinger-



lol Xanatos complaining about lack of "Superhero" stuff again.



I definitely would like to see masks that are not just painted on. Hopefully a number of styles - from domino masks to Batman-like masks (Ruin, Demise) and many of the current styles we have as painted-on ones currently.
There is something more that'd be very welcome with these mask options... two color options (trims and/or different pattern options).
At the very least, some of these types of masks could have two color options (to be either filled with the same color or two different colors of our choosing).

Another major thing I have wanted is eye-coverings/lenses! We have the Sonic detail option from the Martial Arts pack... They could give us some more standard mask lenses (Spider-Man).
A few different shapes and sizes would be great.

Another set of options that could really use some additions is the Full Mask Detail 1 options.
The fins and flares and such. There's always room for some new designs.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
lol Xanatos complaining about lack of "Superhero" stuff again.
1. Who are you?
2. Check the peeps agreeing.
3. Git oot ma threeyd



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Check the peeps agreeing.
I don't think he read anything before posting.

I know you have a reputation for less-than-constructive feedback, but that is neither here nor there. There is a metric ton of great ideas being tossed around here thanks to you.

(You're probably wondering who I am too. No one special, just someone who wants a superhero pack. )

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
1. Who are you?
Just a guy who at first thought this was a necro thread (like Furio a few posts back did) then realized it was actually new. Also, I've exchanged a few barbs with you in the past, but considering how argumentive you are, I'm not surprised that I've blended in with everyone else you've encountered.

2. Check the peeps agreeing.
That doesn't change the fact that you once again posted an umpteenth thread about a lack of "superhero" stuff. Nevermind as some people have pointed out, "superheroes" are very... diverse and hard to pin down. The only common element is spandex, and yet... this game already has a broad selection of tights options (not that we couldn't use more tights patterns, mind you). In any case, I see you had no trouble making your spandexed namesake there.

3. Git oot ma threeyd
No. You're not the boss of me.



I'm sure we're all interested to hear what people think of Xanatos (again). But there is a big, emerging consensus in this thread over a handful of ideas that could add to superhero themes in the game, or improve them. That makes this thread of greater importance than any single personality involved. Please read the past couple of pages (if you haven't already), and then tell us: What do you think of those ideas, and do you have anything to add?

Specifics, please. Don't be a square.

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



I do agree that stuff involving space and lost islands filled with dinosaurs need to be considered. As it is, other than that, it's hard to think of anything in comics that this game doesn't have covered. For example, we already have rogue government operations, clones, and giant robots.



Yeah i'd be happy to hear what ideas people have for more superhero ish. Like I said in my original post; while the costume options need a lot of work, it's more than that. Much more.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
  • Customizable "Mood" stances to replace default standing idle stances, more reflective of your character's personality (heroic, flirty, arrogant, relaxed, studious).
This would be fantastic. I think it would add hugely to the sense of variety of looks that is already pretty humongous in CoH.



The Echo, Arc ID 1688 (5mish, easy, drama)
The Audition, Arc ID 221240 (6 mish, complex mech, comedy)
Storming Citadel, Arc ID 379488 (lowbie, 1mish, 10-min timed)

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
[The Incarnate System is] Jack Emmert all over again, only this time it's not "1 hero = 3 white minions" it's "1 hero = 3 white rocks."



I just want a white face mask that doesn't require the use of sightless or full mask just to keep me from looking like an out-of-work birthday clown.

Oh... and a bubble helmet.

... and honest-to-dog ray gun animations.

... and a really jet pack for use with the fly power

... and a Lens.

It's 106 miles to Grandville, we got a full tank of gas, half a pack of cigarettes, it's dark and we're wearing faceless helmets

... Hit it ...



It seem like a lot of players were once WoW players who have switched engines but who kept their Azeroth-oriented character concepts intact. This, for instance:

Very cool looking, but if I didn't know better I'd think this came from WoW or Aion or some other fantasy game, not a superhero game. Everyone is of course free to make their character look like whatever the costume creator allows, but if you want examples of why the game looks/feels less like a classic superhero comic book world, you need look no further than (the countless) toons like the one above.

I don't think the problem is one of costume piece/set selection, or even power set selection (though I think we could have done without guns and maybe even swords), but of players who have no particular love for four-color superheroics. They are anime fans or fantasy fans or just plain fans of immature irony. They have probably logged more hours watching Full Metal Alchemist than reading The Mighty Avengers (if they read comics at all).

I love the classic superhero comics so much that I often tend to model my own toons directly off of recognizable icons. Five out of the six toons listed in my sig are pulled from the comics: NOR-RAD was originally meant to look like Green Lantern, Nikki Stryker looks like Batgirl, Iron Marauder is a straight up Iron Man clone, Lion of Might is a Captain Marvel tribute (minus the lightning blasts), and Darling Nikkee spends most of her time in her Hit Girl outfit. Ice Giant Kurg is pretty much yanked from Thor, which is basically D&D dressed up like superheroes, but I don't play him much and I feel weird when I do.

Honestly I don't think that adding more spandex-y costume options would help Paragon City feel more like a classic four-color superhero comic book world. For that you'd have to almost exclusively recruit a very particular gaming demographic (the staunch superhero nerd, like me). But then you'd probably have 60% fewer players to team up with.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Very cool looking, but if I didn't know better I'd think this came from WoW or Aion or some other fantasy game, not a superhero game. Everyone is of course free to make their character look like whatever the costume creator allows, but if you want examples of why the game looks/feels less like a classic superhero comic book world, you need look no further than (the countless) toons like the one above.
You're going to crawl under a lot of peoples skin with pretty much all of your post, but for anyone able to look past our (and their) myriad biases, the quote above hints at something else: that City of X is a superhero game with a diverse audience that transcends the superhero ethos. I know that sounds like a call for group hugs, but on the contrary, we need to remember that other games will always come along that can do fantasy or anime or furries better, as a main focus. When those games come, many (not all, but many) of City of X's "die hard fans" who aren't comic book fans will pack up their bags and leave, dissatisfied with City of X's lack of big eyes, small mouths, or animal heads. (Regarding faces and bodies, you'll never see anime's characteristic unrealism in a game where the art direction leans toward realistic human features.)

I want an inclusive game universe, not an exclusive one, and there's no better place to have that than a comic book universe. But this thread isn't about those other genres. And comic book universes are about superheroes first and foremost. And I'm sure Paragon Studios knows on which side their bread is buttered. So we need to ask for what we want. Paragon Studios has welcomed our ideas. There are already a ton of great ideas in the past few pages. So for anyone who thinks the superhero theme has been exhausted, you probably haven't read the thread, and you CERTAINLY don't read enough comic books. As a comic book reader, I can ASSURE you, Paragon Studios has not exhausted all the great superhero tropes. Not even close.

So, anyway, how about those Superhero Pack/Zone ideas? Got some, Wing Leader?

@Captain-ElectricDetective MarvelThe Sapien SpiderMoravec ManThe Old Norseman
Dark-EyesDoctor SerpentineStonecasterSkymaidenThe Blue Jaguar
Guide to AltitisA Comic for New PlayersThe Lore ProjectIntro to extraterrestrials in CoH



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
So, anyway, how about those Superhero Pack/Zone ideas? Got some, Wing Leader?
Well, not to repeat what some others have suggested, but I definitely think that having symbols applyable to other things (masks, helmets, belts, capes) would be good. As is the call for cowels. But in terms of costume improvements, the first thing I would ask for is for all the old pieces to be graphically revamped up to current standards. The name and basic idea of these pieces would remain the same, but there would be more textural and/or geometric detail provided. I like many of the older costume pieces for their classic simplicity, but many of them have details that don't compare favorably in the quality department to the newer pieces.

In terms of zones:
  • Orbital Base
  • Ancient Pyramids
  • Alien Planet(s)
  • Elemental Realms (Fire, Water, Earth, Air)
  • Post-apocalyptic Future
  • Pre-historic Past
  • Competing Galactic Empire with its own Supers

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
I'm sure we're all interested to hear what people think of Xanatos (again). But there is a big, emerging consensus in this thread over a handful of ideas that could add to superhero themes in the game, or improve them. That makes this thread of greater importance than any single personality involved. Please read the past couple of pages (if you haven't already), and then tell us: What do you think of those ideas, and do you have anything to add?

Specifics, please. Don't be a square.
Good idea. Hopefully the devs are monitoring this.

I know there are tons of missions where we fight a named boss but he just looks like the rest of the mob. Very underwhelming. How about more unique bosses and unique enemies? I would suggest littering the game with various battles against unique boss and minions - like one shots. It shouldn't be too difficult to make unique looks on the characters add them. Papers, scanners could use a lot more interesting stuff.

Also, you can make more epic adventures for us than for the money like we see so often in tip missions (vills) and get artifacts etc (heroes). Let your imagination go wild. These 'one shots' could allow a departure from the usual stuff we see and the canon.



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
It seem like a lot of players were once WoW players who have switched engines but who kept their Azeroth-oriented character concepts intact. This, for instance:

-image snip-

Very cool looking, but if I didn't know better I'd think this came from WoW or Aion or some other fantasy game, not a superhero game. Everyone is of course free to make their character look like whatever the costume creator allows, but if you want examples of why the game looks/feels less like a classic superhero comic book world, you need look no further than (the countless) toons like the one above.

I don't think the problem is one of costume piece/set selection, or even power set selection (though I think we could have done without guns and maybe even swords), but of players who have no particular love for four-color superheroics. They are anime fans or fantasy fans or just plain fans of immature irony. They have probably logged more hours watching Full Metal Alchemist than reading The Mighty Avengers (if they read comics at all).

I love the classic superhero comics so much that I often tend to model my own toons directly off of recognizable icons. Five out of the six toons listed in my sig are pulled from the comics: NOR-RAD was originally meant to look like Green Lantern, Nikki Stryker looks like Batgirl, Iron Marauder is a straight up Iron Man clone, Lion of Might is a Captain Marvel tribute (minus the lightning blasts), and Darling Nikkee spends most of her time in her Hit Girl outfit. Ice Giant Kurg is pretty much yanked from Thor, which is basically D&D dressed up like superheroes, but I don't play him much and I feel weird when I do.

Honestly I don't think that adding more spandex-y costume options would help Paragon City feel more like a classic four-color superhero comic book world. For that you'd have to almost exclusively recruit a very particular gaming demographic (the staunch superhero nerd, like me). But then you'd probably have 60% fewer players to team up with.
So, of course, you are totally against Thor, Hercules, Loki, any character in Super Hero comics who is clearly too 'Fantasy'-ish for your liking?

Oh, and Steven Strange, he's far too magicy, can't have magic in comics, thats a fantasy schtick...

Yes, you already mentioned Thor. Thor is a Norse God. The Norse, in case you were ignorant somehow, tend to revolve less around super powers and more on swords, axes and generally being walking bad@ss. Like...hmn...fantasy flavoured!

So, really, all of your post boils down to 100% opinion. Which, while fine, doesn't give you any damn right to poo-poo what other people do or do not like in game.

Personally? I find spandexy super heroes for the most part incredibly ******* LAME.
Superman? Put your damn pants on the INSIDE and...yeah, I'm sorry, I just can't stand the big blue boy scout.
Pre-changes, Captain America tended to look like a bit of an idiot, too. Now that he's got a few revamps he looks a bit less stupid. That and, well, I like his character a lot more.

You probably don't agree with me. That's fine; all the above is my opinion.
But I'm also not trying to foist my opinion on others and act like it's 'right'. The more the better, so why NOT add more options for EVERYONE?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
You're going to crawl under a lot of peoples skin with pretty much all of your post, but for anyone able to look past our (and their) myriad biases, the quote above hints at something else: that City of X is a superhero game with a diverse audience that transcends the superhero ethos. I know that sounds like a call for group hugs, but on the contrary, we need to remember that other games will always come along that can do fantasy or anime or furries better, as a main focus. When those games come, many (not all, but many) of City of X's "die hard fans" who aren't comic book fans will pack up their bags and leave, dissatisfied with City of X's lack of big eyes, small mouths, or animal heads. (Regarding faces and bodies, you'll never see anime's characteristic unrealism in a game where the art direction leans toward realistic human features.)

I want an inclusive game universe, not an exclusive one, and there's no better place to have that than a comic book universe. But this thread isn't about those other genres. And comic book universes are about superheroes first and foremost. And I'm sure Paragon Studios knows on which side their bread is buttered. So we need to ask for what we want. Paragon Studios has welcomed our ideas. There are already a ton of great ideas in the past few pages. So for anyone who thinks the superhero theme has been exhausted, you probably haven't read the thread, and you CERTAINLY don't read enough comic books. As a comic book reader, I can ASSURE you, Paragon Studios has not exhausted all the great superhero tropes. Not even close.

So, anyway, how about those Superhero Pack/Zone ideas?
This is a good post.

And as for Zones, they need to finish revamping all the old ones first

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
So, of course, you are totally against Thor, Hercules, Loki, any character in Super Hero comics who is clearly too 'Fantasy'-ish for your liking?

Oh, and Steven Strange, he's far too magicy, can't have magic in comics, thats a fantasy schtick...
No, I'm not against any of that. But the proportion of that element in the game seems to really exceed the boundaries of the genre. There are probably ten times as many (if not more) mythological demigods, dark sorcerers, and ancient warlords (Barbarian costume pieces? Seriously?) in COH as you'll find in any of the primary sources. And that's not because the game engine itself encourages or promotes those character concepts for any particular game or internal mythos reason. It is mostly, I suspect, because the player base is skewed away from the game's core genre motif.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
So, really, all of your post boils down to 100% opinion. Which, while fine, doesn't give you any damn right to poo-poo what other people do or do not like in game.
Yes, of course it is 100% opinion. That should be rather self-evident. If that was a mystery to anyone before now, then I'm glad someone puzzled it out for the rest. And I'm allowed to vent about what I don't like as much as anyone else. Mostly I was trying to point out that the observation about the whether or not "superhero stuff being added to the game" would actually help it feel more like a superhero game is flawed in its basic premise. It isn't the options themselves as delivered (or intended) by the devs that determines this, but what the players themselves do with it. And by extension, adding more "superhero stuff" won't necessarily help the game look or feel more like a superhero game, at least as most would come to understand such a thing by reading, oh I dunno, conventional superhero comics.

Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Personally? I find spandexy super heroes for the most part incredibly ******* LAME.
Well you've kinda come to the wrong game then, I think. I mean, look at Statesman. Or the Freedom Phalanx in general. Look at the classic COH image below and tell me that the game wasn't intended to represent the classic spandexy superhero genre that you think is so lame. Most folks I know of who think that motif is lame don't read comics, don't go to superhero movies, and don't play COH.

NOR-RAD - 50 Rad/Rad/Elec Defender - Nikki Stryker - 50 DM/SR/Weap Scrapper - Iron Marauder - 50 Eng/Eng/Pow Blaster
Lion of Might - 50 SS/Inv/Eng Tanker - Darling Nikkee - 50 (+3) StJ/WP/Eng Brute - Ice Giant Kurg - 36 Ice/Storm Controller




Without reading every response I think the OP does make a telling point: The whole "superhero" point of this game is being subsumed into a generic fantasy MMO with the whole incarnate bollocks. I will be soooooooooo happy when it's done and hopefully then we can get back to the proper comicbook traditions with better spandex and space lasers and mad evil geniuses etc.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
So, of course, you are totally against Thor, Hercules, Loki, any character in Super Hero comics who is clearly too 'Fantasy'-ish for your liking?

Oh, and Steven Strange, he's far too magicy, can't have magic in comics, thats a fantasy schtick...

Yes, you already mentioned Thor. Thor is a Norse God. The Norse, in case you were ignorant somehow, tend to revolve less around super powers and more on swords, axes and generally being walking bad@ss. Like...hmn...fantasy flavoured!

So, really, all of your post boils down to 100% opinion. Which, while fine, doesn't give you any damn right to poo-poo what other people do or do not like in game.

Personally? I find spandexy super heroes for the most part incredibly ******* LAME.
Superman? Put your damn pants on the INSIDE and...yeah, I'm sorry, I just can't stand the big blue boy scout.
Pre-changes, Captain America tended to look like a bit of an idiot, too. Now that he's got a few revamps he looks a bit less stupid. That and, well, I like his character a lot more.

You probably don't agree with me. That's fine; all the above is my opinion.
But I'm also not trying to foist my opinion on others and act like it's 'right'. The more the better, so why NOT add more options for EVERYONE?
The funny came to a superhero game and think it's "incredibly ******* LAME"

No really. I find it funny. You came to a game based on playing comic book superheroes and then say it's lame.

Yup, I know that's what gets me to play games. I look at it, think the subject matter is lame and then totally want to pay a monthly fee to play it! \o/

Don't let the way CoH is now fool you. It was created to be a superhero MMO. It even said as much on the website untill less than two years ago when it changed it to "Be a hero!"

This doesn't mean you can't mix a few things, but the really funny part of it all...anime style doesn't stop anything from being superheroes. It's a style of art work. Warren Ellis can pull off manga style artwork and still do a superhero story. It's about the look more than anything.

And that image of Bass_Awkwards is AWESOME! But the poster had a point in that it looks more WoW and less superhero comic.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Wing_Leader View Post
Well you've kinda come to the wrong game then, I think. I mean, look at Statesman. Or the Freedom Phalanx in general. Look at the classic COH image below and tell me that the game wasn't intended to represent the classic spandexy superhero genre that you think is so lame. Most folks I know of who think that motif is lame don't read comics, don't go to superhero movies, and don't play COH.
So if you don't like spandex you can get out? But that's just your opinion, right?