Gender Equality?! I LIKE CHEESECAKE!




Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
THAT is your definition of conservative?
.... well, there's no riding crop.




Originally Posted by TheBruteSquad View Post
THAT is your definition of conservative?



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
COH Artists and Developers: Please include VASTLY MORE costume pieces for female models than you do male models. More accessories, shoes, boots, and costume items. The more attractive, the better. Scanty is quite alright. Sheer and lacy items are wonderful. Cutouts are awesome. Shiny is fantastic.
I wouldn't go with "vastly," but I'm OK with female characters having more costume options than male characters. For one, females have just one model to the male's two, and while there are few unique pieces between male and huge, that still gives them a far bigger variety of body shapes. For another, men are largely restricted to male clothes and concepts, whereas women are largely culturally accepted as wearing both male and female clothes, thus they have more concepts to offer.

So, yeah. More costume pieces for women is just fine by me.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Golden Blond

Sidhe Bang

Because nothing beats a great pair of ...

Autumn Turning

I don't need "acres of skin" to make my women look beautiful ... or attractive ... or sexy ... or dangerous as all get out. I prefer costumes that LOOK practical, and aren't something that would make (normal) people point and stare in public, and whisper behind their hands about the "weirdos" in this town.

And just in case anyone is wondering what Boots I've got Sidhe Bang wearing in her suits ... those are, of all things, Boxing Boots underneath those Slacks Pants. Nothing else in the inventory has quite that same Leather Wing Tip Shoes look ... unfortunately.

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
This couldn't have been more useful and gone in the other thread why..?
Because it's the weekend

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Because it's the weekend
You're making sense again! This is scary!!

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
those are Boxing Boots underneath those Slacks Pants. Nothing else in the inventory has quite that same Leather Wing Tip Shoes look ... unfortunately.
I've used that trick too for a touch of added class , nice post by the way I tend to agree with it .

honestly my characters are all over the place in terms of costuming , my main looks pretty much like my avatar and thus could be considered to show acres of skin if you belive petes dragon the disney flick she is based off of is a skin flick :P

the majority tend to wear full outfits that don't look like runway models for Victorias secret I can think of at least one of mine that does look like she is sponsored by a house of ill repute .

but those are all my choices and not something im shoehorned into by other players , artistic direction or how comics or the super hero genre is supposed to be .

but when im paying additional money above and beyond my subscription for product im not keen on being told "here's the male character costume pretty rough and tumble right kid ? well you can't wear it you can wear this instead ." and my reply is "thats umm kinda breezey and dosn't look at all like what the male characters costume looks like . " and then a sad face



OK, I'll play ...

I'm a heterosexual woman who's happily not married right now with a grown daughter. We have between us three VIP accounts, two of which are more than 7 years old. We love CoH so much they have never lapsed despite many months when we had little or no time to play, just because we wanted them there, just in case.

We buy expansion packs, not all, but most of them, including the lacy, frilly and women-must-be-half-undressed-to-be-seen ones.

Many of my characters are male, because I prefer dressing my Ken dolls over my Barbies nowadays. I get frustrated sometimes by the lack of options. My female characters put on little bits of nothing sometimes just to laugh at how distracted and easy-to-defeat some males get in their presence. But I often like to see them as extensions of myself, only with much better figures, and when I think about how I would dress as superheroine (heroine? really? we still use that word), well, one or two bustiers do it all, but you can never have enough good jackets and coats.

My daughter is, well, solidly beyond the legal drinking age now and thankfully mature, smart and sensible. She uses all the various options for her female characters, from metallic armor to lacey bustiers. I don't worry (much) about her self-image or what she might be "saying" to all the adolescent-minded males in game.

If she were a young teen, this whole costume debate would be of much more significance to me. As it is, I'd like more female options that are cool clothes rather than just skimpy and cold, but it's not as big an issue for me as say, a good solo incarnate path. But if my daughter were 14, it would matter a lot.

The point being: I'm a woman. I'm a mom. I pay to support this game too. I LOVE RESPECTABLE OPTIONS FOR WOMEN and MORE GOOD JACKETS FOR EVERYBODY.

Proud member of Heroes Inc.
I'm not like other moms.



Originally Posted by Primary_Unit View Post
OK, I'll play ...

I'm a heterosexual woman who's happily not married right now with a grown daughter. We have between us three VIP accounts, two of which are more than 7 years old. We love CoH so much they have never lapsed despite many months when we had little or no time to play, just because we wanted them there, just in case.

We buy expansion packs, not all, but most of them, including the lacy, frilly and women-must-be-half-undressed-to-be-seen ones.

Many of my characters are male, because I prefer dressing my Ken dolls over my Barbies nowadays. I get frustrated sometimes by the lack of options. My female characters put on little bits of nothing sometimes just to laugh at how distracted and easy-to-defeat some males get in their presence. But I often like to see them as extensions of myself, only with much better figures, and when I think about how I would dress as superheroine (heroine? really? we still use that word), well, one or two bustiers do it all, but you can never have enough good jackets and coats.

My daughter is, well, solidly beyond the legal drinking age now and thankfully mature, smart and sensible. She uses all the various options for her female characters, from metallic armor to lacey bustiers. I don't worry (much) about her self-image or what she might be "saying" to all the adolescent-minded males in game.

If she were a young teen, this whole costume debate would be of much more significance to me. As it is, I'd like more female options that are cool clothes rather than just skimpy and cold, but it's not as big an issue for me as say, a good solo incarnate path. But if my daughter were 14, it would matter a lot.

The point being: I'm a woman. I'm a mom. I pay to support this game too. I LOVE RESPECTABLE OPTIONS FOR WOMEN and MORE GOOD JACKETS FOR EVERYBODY.
*Raises glass to a fellow Mom* I couldn't have said it better if my sleep deprived brain tried.



Personally...I use a ton of costume parts. Many types to be honest. While my toons seem to have an aversion to pants, save a few, I have used many styles and am happy with what fits my theme at the time. Although currently Im finding the bulk cheecake somewhat dissapointing.

I prefer simple costumes, with little frill. Ill add a little here and there, but I rarely run around in something bulky or add tons of embelishments from the chest details section. Sometimes I don't even use shoulders options.

I prefer the simple and classic over the cheesecake.



Ok, I have not read all of the other thread , so I apologize if this has been suggested already over there, but I think we need a "Boyfriend/Manfriend" Pack chalk full of coats, blazers, jackets, oversized shirts, a couple of suspenders, cozy flannel shirts..I would say pants but we have a lot of pant options already.

Once the artists make these, they should save the files so they can go back later and add different textures, patterns, fringes, laces, what have you, so it will be not as time-consuming coming up with new stuff later.

I just don't want the artists to stop making frilly female stuffs because making female versions of what the men get takes all their time

Lisa-And Cheesecake is sooo good.

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
It's not that we're saying we have nothing, a lot of us are saying we're tired of the overly sexy costume pieces we keep getting.

I might be a VERY small minority, but as a female, I own the following:
1 pair of sneakers
1 pair of motorcycle boots
1 pair of nice boots
Several pairs of slippers (mostly men's)
2 pairs of jeans (one is on its last legs so to speak)
2 pairs of slacks
2 skirts- 1 brown 1 black
2 pairs of shorts
3 "nice" tops
2 "fancy" tops
I don't know honestly, because my husband and I share most of them since I tend to buy larger shirts that can also fit him.
3 fleecy jackets (2 for around the house)
1 Duster
1 "fancy" jacket

So when I make characters, I tend to go with more "conservative" outfits. Yes I still have the "sexy" and "skimpy" outfits from time to time, but that's only if it would fit with the character's personality. For me, having sexy after sexy coming out leaves me with the same things to keep using, and it gets old.

Doesn't mean I don't spend 2+ hours at a time messing around with costumes That's the major difference between me in RL and the game.

See you've made a lot more sense than 8/10 posts in the other thread. Im all for conervative outfits for females ingame, i was just a tad confused as quite a lot of posts in the other thread seemed to be "more female parts" please and not this sensible way of thinking.

[Still caught me by suprise at this suddenly making an appearance though, did seem to catch fire rather quickly, thus making me think that some of these posts are trying to derail some serious discussions into a "joke"]

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
which, if you looked at the overall breakdown of the costume sets, its not the case, fortunately. 4 packs had cheesecake as an option
"Option" being an important word here. People were crabbing about the Steampunk corsets and ignoring the fact that corsets are a chest detail. They're only revealing if you go out of your way to hide the mandatory top underneath them. Likewise, no one is forcing you to use a skirt with Bikini 1 underneath instead of putting one of the other myriad of leg options under it.

Hit random a few dozen times and see how many costumes come out as overtly sexy. You actually have to intentionally set out to do it. It's not hard to do it, but it's not accidental either.

I'd rather see the designers try to hit a few marks (jackets, a pants option) in each pack assuming it holds to theme (we don't need an astronaut open jacket) but then treating each set as a separate entity. I'm in the minority on that though and it seems to be counter to the way things are moving.



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
It's a shame that some people can't see a woman as feminine or attractive if she's conservatively dressed. I can.
Geeks don't understand women. Go figure.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Geeks don't understand women. Go figure.
I'd pass as a geek.
So would my girlfriend. She prefers to dress conservatively.

Go figure.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
See you've made a lot more sense than 8/10 posts in the other thread. Im all for conervative outfits for females ingame, i was just a tad confused as quite a lot of posts in the other thread seemed to be "more female parts" please and not this sensible way of thinking.

[Still caught me by suprise at this suddenly making an appearance though, did seem to catch fire rather quickly, thus making me think that some of these posts are trying to derail some serious discussions into a "joke"]
Probably fallout from the thread that likely sparked this one, Here

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Blasters are my fave AT. Devs please focus on them more.
Scrappers are my favorite AT. Devs please focus on them more than blasters.

Virtue: @Santorican

Dark/Shield Build Thread



Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
Scrappers are my favorite AT. Devs please focus on them more than blasters.
Moar luv 4 defenders plz.



I too love cheesecake and would love to see them continue to move forward as they have been. To the "I want them to develop for my favorite AT" crowd, why is the vote for more cheesecake less valid than the one for less? Could that argument not be applied to the original thread against the gunslinger set?



Originally Posted by Anaharra View Post
why is the vote for more cheesecake less valid than the one for less?
It's no less valid*. But as you yourself called it a "vote", and a very large fraction of feedback on the issue has been in the "stop giving us cheesecake to the exclusion of other options" camp, it would appear that despite both opinions being valid, one is winning.

*Unless you want to get into RL gender issues, objectification, etc. Personally, I don't.



Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
For me, having sexy after sexy coming out leaves me with the same things to keep using, and it gets old.

Doesn't mean I don't spend 2+ hours at a time messing around with costumes That's the major difference between me in RL and the game.
ok but heres the thing, as you saw posted in the thread, we didnt get sexy after sexy. out of 16 packs only 5 had unique costume parts for women, some of which could be varying levels of skimpy, OR given the nature of the costume creator, could be entirely modest, your choice. so lets be honest, it was sexy(with tuxedo jackets as well for female characters), then unisex, then unisex, then unisex..down the line a bit, then magic which did sexy with varying levels of coverage, from little to total(witch bare to witch leather respectively), then we got unisex, unisex..till later on we got a steampunk set that had parts that could be sexy if you chose to not put anything underneath them, then unisex, then unisex, on and on. in fact, preceding the angst ridden gunslinger was the fully unisex cot and the halloween pack, which had a exclusive female hair, but otherwise was unisex. so the problem with sexy after sexy is it misrepresents what we actually have been getting, which is a mix of unisex with unique looks when they have significant iconic looks that work.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
Starting a new thread over this really makes it look like you're trying to spin the issue into "they want to take away my attractive costumes", which isn't actually what anyone is asking for.
....Except that it rather feels like that's exactly what's happening. I for one welcome our new City of Androgyny, since it means there will more cash in my pocket.

I'll cherish the nice female costume pieces that we have now, and look forward to more.... er..... whatever.... more 'ported-from-male-bodyform pieces with bows on them to denote that they are female, as someone in the other thread suggested that the developers so. *facepalm* Ugh.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
send your thank you notes to the politically sanctimonious for that little gem, i love when people shove their politics into my fun, dont you?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.