Gender Equality?! I LIKE CHEESECAKE!




Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Actually, that is exactly what is going to happen now. Females will get everything males get, plus special unique things. And males will get nothing unique.
Got any examples of clothing that only men wear?

Thanks a lot feminists. (Sarcasm)
Again with the word?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Actually, that is exactly what is going to happen now. Females will get everything males get, plus special unique things. And males will get nothing unique.
So, what is the point of having those unique pieces for males? What exactly do you intend to get out of having unique pieces as opposed to simply having a wide variety of pieces?

I don't care so much about having unique pieces as I do about having pieces I can use to make my characters look good. While I don't think my characters look unique (as many characters as exist, I am not concerned with this) as they look distinctive. I don't get this from having pieces that male characters can't access - most of my characters use pieces available to all models - but from how I assemble a character's look.

So, what precisely do you think that having a quota of unique pieces will net you? Do you feel like you're actually losing something because female characters are getting a few more pieces than male characters? Because that's not even logical.

The problem with female costume pieces was not the number of pieces available to any given model, but the type of pieces. The gunslinger pack gave female characters the saloon girl look and nothing else. That is to say, that male characters could be bad-*** gunslingers, and female characters got to be sex workers. That was, and remains, problematic. You could have doubled the number of pieces available to female characters but stuck to that theme and it would still be a problem.

The only way you have the remotest chance of making the situation look unfair to male characters is by making it about a strict numerical count of pieces.

Thanks a lot feminists. (Sarcasm)
This isn't about feminists or feminism. It's about people on this forum who were dissatisfied with the costume options available to their characters. You don't seem to actually be dissatisfied with your options, so what is your real problem?

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Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Actually, that is exactly what is going to happen now. Females will get everything males get, plus special unique things. And males will get nothing unique.

Thanks a lot feminists. (Sarcasm)
again the vocal minority wins out...

below is just a IMO rant, take it as you will...

Having no unique pieces for males is one of the single worst ideas ever made involving costumes.

How giving females everything and males half seems fair to this crowd has me amazed.

I may be in minority on here but I think the female gunslinger stuff was great and for the time period involved around the gunslinger lifestyle it was very fitting IMO.... With the exception of one or two females of that time. Ladies looked like ladies and men looked like men.

I like it when ladies look like ladies. Not so much when most of their wardrobe is from the mens department.

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Got any examples of clothing that only men wear?

Again with the word?
Topeless chests, but how many are there in the game? How many Skirts do females get? I think that speaks plainly enough.

Be sure to drink your



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Thanks a lot feminists. (Sarcasm)
You're welcome?

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Gr33n View Post
again the vocal minority wins out...
The silent majority should stop being silent then - unless they're not really the majority, of course

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Topeless chests, but how many are there in the game? How many Skirts do females get? I think that speaks plainly enough.
Just how many different types of topless chests do you need? I mean I guess you could keep on tossing out different skin types or tattoo patterns, but I don't know how huge a draw that would be overall.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's not an item of clothing
Tell that to the Emperor.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The silent majority should stop being silent then - unless they're not really the majority, of course
It's somewhat 'common' knowledge that only a small percentage of the playerbase tends to visit a game's forums. It's because of that I really wish games would implement a way to do optional polls from in the game.

I mean I suppose if they did that then people would raise holy heck if they didn't get exactly what they wanted from the polling but it would give somewhat more of a 'voice' to that mass of players who don't visit the forums.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Actually, that is exactly what is going to happen now. Females will get everything males get, plus special unique things. And males will get nothing unique.

Thanks a lot feminists. (Sarcasm)
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
The silent majority should stop being silent then - unless they're not really the majority, of course
They are, they just seem to play this game more than getting pulled in to an internet war on the forums. ;P

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
Tell that to the Emperor.
Thank you for that by the way. I honestly laughed at that one.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Just how many different types of topless chests do you need? I mean I guess you could keep on tossing out different skin types or tattoo patterns, but I don't know how huge a draw that would be overall.
How many tops with skin options do females need? An actually manly looking chest piece with SOME hair on the chest and stomach, not the crazy monstrous fur piece. I would like chests with pierced nipples, without those lame belts and arm strings, or a pierced sternum, a topless chest piece with abnormal growths of bone structure, say like that villain from the Hulk movie, Abomination. Some better looking topless zombie chests with ribcage showing, or a beating heart, ANY chest with quality skin texture (the witch and barbarian chest details have bettor looks skin and muscle tone) Did we get a better looking chest quality muscle tone for out barbarians? No because we have a 7 year old muscular chest piece already. And one smooth chest piece with no muscle detail at all. This is just things I am coming up with on the spot, off the top of my head. If someone was paying to to do research and draw concepts I could do a lot more. Plus LOADS of possible tattoo options that could be used for both genders.

Be sure to drink your



Originally Posted by Gr33n View Post
They are, they just seem to play this game more than getting pulled in to an internet war on the forums. ;P
I hate to think that I have had to stoop to this. But with the way this whole thing has gone awry, from a reasonable gunslinger pack request, to this ridiculous special treatment for females from now on rubbish. I dunno, what this game is coming to. I assume unless I see some really cool updates after i22, it will be a matter of months that I will get bored and quit this game.

It is sad to think that I have played it this long, had two pieces of my artwork put in the game, bought every pack and expansion, and now when I ask for a simple request like porting some Carnival of Light pieces to males, they do not respond, they do not send tells, not even so much as a maybe, but they do the exact same thing for the females with the Baron pack, the Steampunk pack, the Gunslinger pack, and now the Dynasty pack, and announce that this will happen for all future packs as well just for females. Well that is a pretty big slap in the face. If the shoe was on the other nicely textured foot, it would be an unfathomable injustice.

Be sure to drink your



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
slap in the face.
What else wolud you get when you're raging against feminists?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
A standard female combat move
i want this ported to males also!

No one goes there anymore, it's too crowded...
"The potato goes in the FRONT."



Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
This is just things I am coming up with on the spot, off the top of my head. If someone was paying to to do research and draw concepts I could do a lot more. Plus LOADS of possible tattoo options that could be used for both genders.
So pretty much about what I was thinking then. Personally I'd rather have different shirts than I would different topless skin types, but that's mostly personal bias talking there.

I do think it's kind of unfortunate that they nixed male-specific costume pieces, but I can understand why they did it. There's much more overlap between the "men's" clothing that's socially acceptable for women to wear than the other way around.

MA Arcs: Yarmouth 1509 and 58812



Originally Posted by Gr33n View Post
again the vocal minority wins out...
Actually, the vocal minority wanted gender neutral costumes. The vocal majority wanted to maximize the amount of option porting to both genders, which had the side effect of the devs deciding that more options were reasonable to port from men to women than the reverse.

The silent majority, as usual, cared a lot less either way than either of them.

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Originally Posted by Red_Addiction View Post
Thanks a lot feminists. (Sarcasm)
There's a difference between being a feminist and being a guy who likes having a wide variety of characters and getting utterly sick and tired of the male models getting, say, a gunslinger outfit and the women then getting a 'saloon girl' outfit instead, since that was the pack that sparked the whole argument.

Guy, for the most part, have had all the cool stuff for a while now. The female model, on the other hand, got all the 'sexy Halloween' variety of stuff (Magic pack, Gunslinger Pack, partially Barbarian pack) rather than, say, cool jackets, new trousers and suchnot.

So, yeah. At least get the facts right please, before tar-brushing everyone in one go.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Actually, the vocal minority wanted gender neutral costumes. The vocal majority wanted to maximize the amount of option porting to both genders, which had the side effect of the devs deciding that more options were reasonable to port from men to women than the reverse.

The silent majority, as usual, cared a lot less either way than either of them.
Sounds about right.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Just how many different types of topless chests do you need? I mean I guess you could keep on tossing out different skin types or tattoo patterns, but I don't know how huge a draw that would be overall.
Tattoos would be a much more powerful draw than you give them credit for. There are a lot of things City of Heroes does right, but the one thing it does HORRIBLY WRONG is body art of any kind, and that's not something which is unpopular. For men, you can somewhat fudge tattoos on the chest by using basic patterns on a bare chest, but so few of those patterns actually resemble tattoos. For females, you CANNOT have tattoos of any kind on the upper or lower body because you can't show skin in such a way that you can put patterns on it, thanks to how Tights With Skin is coded. And on neither gender can you put tattoos on the legs.

I keep tossing this girl around as an example for a whole lot of different things, but one of the big ones is body art, and I might have a version that has even more body art on it. I'll have to check. The point is that this would actually be a big thing, in my view.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Oliin View Post
Just how many different types of topless chests do you need? I mean I guess you could keep on tossing out different skin types or tattoo patterns, but I don't know how huge a draw that would be overall.
Topless: Hairy
Topless: Quite Hairy
Topless: Robin Williams (might be covered by Monstrous)
Topless: Waxed
Topless: Oiled
Topless: Nipple Rings (Right now to get Nipple Rings, you have to wear leather straps)

I think those, combined with the two existing topless options would cover everything short of tattoos.



It was pretty crappy that they didn't take the time to port just the sash (A MUCH requested item) over to the male models. Really I think just doing that would have kept me out of these discussions, maybe many others. Hey if they would just let us know that giving males a sash is on the schedule, I may would back off. But BP has everyone in such fear of their lives we can't even get an answer on that.

There were items in that carnie pack that could have been shared, they chose not to. I have no real issue with what is being shared from male to female, I just think it is bs that it is not going to other way also.

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Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Topless: Hairy
Topless: Quite Hairy
Topless: Robin Williams (might be covered by Monstrous)
Topless: Waxed
Topless: Oiled
Topless: Nipple Rings (Right now to get Nipple Rings, you have to wear leather straps)

I think those, combined with the two existing topless options would cover everything short of tattoos.
agreed. um... but maybe no robin williams option O_O and add a decent tattoo'ed option or two.

you dont know how many time's ive tried to use the circle emblem blend chest pattern on a slightly off skin-color to try to mimic decent chest hair... and it doesnt really work too well but i live with it because its all i got right now, and i mostly see my character's back.

these chest options for males would be appreciated, as well as more of the bottoms with skin that females get. that one "bare" option is... ok... but females have what, three or four underwear like options, and plenty of with-skin options that could be easily ported over to males to match potential top options.