Gender Equality?! I LIKE CHEESECAKE!




I am a heterosexual male. I like pretty girls. I like pretty, scantily-clad girls. I like superheroines and villainesses who are both pretty and scantily clad. I frequently, but not always, like the characters I play in City of Heroes to be pretty, scantily-clad superheroines or villainesses.

I am all for having more costume options for guys.

However, when I look at my closet, I see that Mrs. Moo's section is about 4-5 times as large as mine. I also realize that the vast majority of those clothes, shoes, and accessories have been paid for, at least in terms of cash, by me.

I'm COMPLETELY okay with that. It's a GOOD THING! In my mind, women are vastly more attractive than men. They need more clothes to accentuate that attractiveness. I like buying clothes for her.

You may not share my opinions or tastes. However, I'm a VIP subscriber, and I will also pay for attractive costumes for my female COH characters. My male characters receive far less attention than my female characters when it comes to costumes. When I make the decision on whether or not to purchase a costume item or pack, I'm not nearly as concerned about the male models as I am the female models.

COH Artists and Developers: Please include VASTLY MORE costume pieces for female models than you do male models. More accessories, shoes, boots, and costume items. The more attractive, the better. Scanty is quite alright. Sheer and lacy items are wonderful. Cutouts are awesome. Shiny is fantastic.

Because I like Cheesecake, and I'm willing to pay for it!



Blasters are my fave AT. Devs please focus on them more.



OK, now go through Mrs. Moo's part of the closet and remove anything that isn't overtly effeminate and sexualized. Long pants? None of those. Jackets? Get rid of them. Are you still happy with her wardrobe? Is she?
I haven't seen anyone arguing against the existence of "cheesecake" costume options. It's when we get ONLY cheesecake options that it becomes a problem.

I'm not sure this actually needs its own thread when it's obviously a response to the sentiment in another thread already on the front page...



which, if you looked at the overall breakdown of the costume sets, its not the case, fortunately. 4 packs had cheesecake as an option, 5 if you consider a wedding dress cheesecake, 11 had not, and i think they forgot to count the alpha and omega sets which were also unisex. the wedding pack even had all the male jackets, as well as the bridal costume pieces.



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
Blasters are my fave AT. Devs please focus on them more.
Mine too! I'd love to see more blast power sets. I don't really get the scrapper love. I suppose that scrapper sets sell, so it's a wise investment to develop scrapper sets.

Sexy clothes also sell, so that's also a wise investment!

Originally Posted by Hopeling
OK, now go through Mrs. Moo's part of the closet and remove anything that isn't overtly effeminate and sexualized. Long pants? None of those. Jackets? Get rid of them. Are you still happy with her wardrobe? Is she?
I'm certain that it depends on the individual, but I've found that Mrs. Hamster is much happier when there are more feminine items in her closet. I am also much happier to see her wearing feminine items than I am neutral or masculine items.



Originally Posted by Hopeling View Post
OK, now go through Mrs. Moo's part of the closet and remove anything that isn't overtly effeminate and sexualized. Long pants? None of those. Jackets? Get rid of them. Are you still happy with her wardrobe? Is she?

You're acting like there aren't tons of long pants or any jacket options for women in the costume creator. There's seven years worth of clothing options available in the costume creator but people like you seem to have forgotten that.



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
I'm certain that it depends on the individual, but I've found that Mrs. Hamster is much happier when there are more feminine items in her closet. I am also much happier to see her wearing feminine items than I am neutral or masculine items.
Yes, it does depend on the individual. There's a 44-page thread right now, with many individuals stating they would prefer a more balanced approach. Starting a new thread over this really makes it look like you're trying to spin the issue into "they want to take away my attractive costumes", which isn't actually what anyone is asking for. Note that Noble Savage is all over that thread, so if you want a red name to see and reply to your opinion, post it there.

That said, I rather agree with your basic sentiment from the first post:
COH Artists and Developers: Please include VASTLY MORE costume pieces for female models than you do male models. More accessories, shoes, boots, and costume items.
The choice that has been presented is "we can have female-only pieces, or we can share the men's pieces, but we can't have both because that's more work." This presents what I think is a false dilemma. I would rather take the third option and pay 100 points extra for the set if it meant women get both groups of pieces.



I think they provide a good variety of costuming, even if I don't necessarily like all of it.

That said, as someone who also likes 'cheesecake', I would like more pieces with well-defined cleavage. Sometimes I find myself gravitating towards the witch top just for that reason.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Since you started your post with your gender and orientation, I will too.
I'm a female who happens to be attracted to both genders, and am happily married.

I have no problems with cheesecake (although the real life stuff....I'm allergic to), I just don't like it that because I voice that I'm tired of the same "sexy" stuff over and over, that I obviously want to make my girls look like they belong in a biker bar eating broken glass and beating up men.

Yes, there are options that have been around for 7+ years so I don't have to have cheesecake toons, did that quote go.... Those are to the point of qualifying for "Old and Busted", and I would like some "New Hotness" options that aren't oversexed.

Not to mention, I don't like it that there's massive amounts of cheesecake but hardly any sexy bishi or beefcake options for guys. I play both genders, mostly guys, but I play both genders on this game. I don't like that I only have a few options for faces that I find "sexy", while there are several female faces that I could easily find "sexy". Same with bodies, yes, there is the option for ripped or smooth chest for bare chest, but most of the other tops under tight are completely ripped. I want more options with the smooth muscle, as most of my guys are lean/lithe instead of steroid popping gym thugs (yes, went to extremes, but for some reason that image fit in my head best)

Oh, and on the subject of closets. Joyrock and I have exactly half and half in our closets, and the only reason I have as much on my side as he does, is I prefer to hang up all my shirts. The dresser itself that we use is 2 drawers for him, one drawer we share for socks, and 1 drawer for pajama stuffs that we in essence, he has more clothing than I do. And for shoes...
1 pair of tennis/running shoes
1 pair of motorcycle boots
1 pair of nice boots
>5 pairs of slippers stashed around the house, most of them men's slippers.



Originally Posted by warden_de_dios View Post
You're acting like there aren't tons of long pants or any jacket options for women in the costume creator. There's seven years worth of clothing options available in the costume creator but people like you seem to have forgotten that.
I'm rifling through the closet and I can't seem to find her chaps or magic coat.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
I'm rifling through the closet and I can't seem to find her chaps or magic coat.
Let me know when you find them, I'm looking for mine too.



I have no problem with cheesecake (either the food or the female variety), but not everyone wants to play a female character that is "Bikini Girl, Mistress of Cleavage".

Are there a lot of costume options for female characters that aren't cheesecake? Yes.

Did the ball really get dropped when it came to female costume parts in the Gunslinger pack? Also yes. (Mind you, they also dropped the ball by not having any holsters, or a western-style duster in the pack, or a western-style rifle for AR, but that's another matter entirely.)

If you haven't noticed, a lot of the backlash comes from the fact that the pack is advertised as the Gunslinger pack, when it's really not such for female characters. At least the Magic pack was more neutrally named, if not any less cheesecake-tastic.



This couldn't have been more useful and gone in the other thread why..?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
This couldn't have been more useful and gone in the other thread why..?
"Look at me look at me!"

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
"Look at me look at me!"
Just based on your icon, though, I get "And if you're smart, you'll stay down."



Originally Posted by Kierthos View Post
Just based on your icon, though, I get "And if you're smart, you'll stay down."
They do toe the line towards cute and sinister sometimes.

In the room the women come and go
Talking of Michelangelo.



Originally Posted by MisterMagpie View Post
They do toe the line towards cute and sinister sometimes.
Something about them reminds me of Snooch and Eben.



Originally Posted by MajorDecoy View Post
Something about them reminds me of Snooch and Eben.
As it happens, the creator of Two Lumps agreed. When he saw that picture (in a much larger form), he said they looked more like Eben and Snooch then the cats he originally based them off of.

And then he 'used' that image as the first panel of a comic.
(warning: Contains cartoon cat butt.)



I dont understand where this sudden "omg females have nothing!" riot group has come from

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I dont understand where this sudden "omg females have nothing!" riot group has come from
It's not that we're saying we have nothing, a lot of us are saying we're tired of the overly sexy costume pieces we keep getting.

I might be a VERY small minority, but as a female, I own the following:
1 pair of sneakers
1 pair of motorcycle boots
1 pair of nice boots
Several pairs of slippers (mostly men's)
2 pairs of jeans (one is on its last legs so to speak)
2 pairs of slacks
2 skirts- 1 brown 1 black
2 pairs of shorts
3 "nice" tops
2 "fancy" tops
I don't know honestly, because my husband and I share most of them since I tend to buy larger shirts that can also fit him.
3 fleecy jackets (2 for around the house)
1 Duster
1 "fancy" jacket

So when I make characters, I tend to go with more "conservative" outfits. Yes I still have the "sexy" and "skimpy" outfits from time to time, but that's only if it would fit with the character's personality. For me, having sexy after sexy coming out leaves me with the same things to keep using, and it gets old.

Doesn't mean I don't spend 2+ hours at a time messing around with costumes That's the major difference between me in RL and the game.



It's a shame that some people can't see a woman as feminine or attractive if she's conservatively dressed. I can.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
It's a shame that some people can't see a woman as feminine or attractive if she's conservatively dressed. I can.
You and my husband must be part of a dying breed.



Originally Posted by Aneko View Post
It's a shame that some people can't see a woman as feminine or attractive if she's conservatively dressed. I can.
Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
You and my husband must be part of a dying breed.
Feels like we are times =P

I love jumpers, personally. It's like an instant +5 to huggability XD

And that reminds me; we need a polo-neck option, stat.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.