Gender Equality?! I LIKE CHEESECAKE!




Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
ok but heres the thing, as you saw posted in the thread, we didnt get sexy after sexy.

out of 16 packs only 5 had unique costume parts for women, some of which could be varying levels of skimpy, OR given the nature of the costume creator, could be entirely modest, your choice. so lets be honest, it was sexy(with tuxedo jackets as well for female characters), then unisex, then unisex, then unisex..down the line a bit, then magic which did sexy with varying levels of coverage, from little to total(witch bare to witch leather respectively), then we got unisex, unisex..till later on we got a steampunk set that had parts that could be sexy if you chose to not put anything underneath them, then unisex, then unisex, on and on.

in fact, preceding the angst ridden gunslinger was the fully unisex cot and the halloween pack, which had a exclusive female hair, but otherwise was unisex. so the problem with sexy after sexy is it misrepresents what we actually have been getting, which is a mix of unisex with unique looks when they have significant iconic looks that work.

Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post

- Wedding (Feb 2008) -- women get both tux and dress
- Cyborg (Sept 2008)
- Valkyrie (March 2009)
- Magic (April 2009) -- differences in genders
- Science (July 2009)
- Martial Arts (Nov 2009)
- Going Rogue (April 2010)
- Origins (Nov 2010)
- Animal (Feb 2011)
- Steampunk (June 2011) -- difference in genders, first time corsets show up
- Barbarian (Aug 2011) -- difference in genders, both with lots of flesh on display
- Circle of Thorns (Sept 2011)
- Halloween (Oct 2011) -- difference in genders, but no one cares
- Gunslinger (Nov 2011) -- difference in genders
Here we are, I knew this table got posted somewhere.

So, yes, I edited the post slightly, taking out the Celestial armour because it's not a paid for booster. It's a Vet reward.

So, we have a chunk of boosters with specific themes in them at the end. I also don't see the CoT pack as counting, for the simple reason that we knew exactly what was coming in M/F divide. We only had to look at the NPCs to know. There was no surprises or anything like that.

So, for complete sets we have Steampunk, then Barbarian and then Gunslinger.

Steampunk was mostly fine with a 'feh, no jacket' which was a major complaint from the Magic Pack two entire years prior. Surely they should have noticed that back then? Apparently not.
Then came Barbarian, with the first 'This is a bit silly' moment with thigh high, high heeled boots and furry edged skirts and the like.
And then we got Gunslinger. With all that entailed.

That's three complete, themed and paid for packs in a row. That's not 'misrepresenting' anything, really.

Also, Rian, would it seriously kill you to use paragraphs or basic capitalisation? Walloftext is not a pretty thing.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
send your thank you notes to the politically sanctimonious for that little gem, i love when people shove their politics into my fun, dont you?
Good lord, its going to be City of Evangelicals next. We'll all have to have pants or knee-length skirts on our female alts, or risk getting reported.

"HI GM, there's this chick under the giant atom statue in Cap Au Diable wearing a mini, DOOOOOOO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!" [send report]

Meanwhile that stupid leather-straps-and-bare-chest-with-nipple-rings top for men will still be ok. Ha.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post

Steampunk was mostly fine with a 'feh, no jacket' which was a major complaint from the Magic Pack two entire years prior. Surely they should have noticed that back then? Apparently not.
Steampunk did have a jacket, that's what's so galling about it. It had a froufy little bolero jacket with puffy sleeves. We already have a bolero jacket and puffy sleeves. I suspect the long coat was automatically a no-go when the bustle belt was thought up, because they wouldn't be able to be worn together...which is another problem with costume sets. The costume sets are designed and marketed as a complete set, to be worn together, so the female pieces are very revealing in marketing and when you click the set in the costume creator.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Good lord, its going to be City of Evangelicals next. We'll all have to have pants or knee-length skirts on our female alts, or risk getting reported.

"HI GM, there's this chick under the giant atom statue in Cap Au Diable wearing a mini, DOOOOOOO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!" [send report]

Meanwhile that stupid leather-straps-and-bare-chest-with-nipple-rings top for men will still be ok. Ha.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I vote we make that the new forum header and call it a day.

De minimis non curat Lex Luthor.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Good lord, its going to be City of Evangelicals next. We'll all have to have pants or knee-length skirts on our female alts, or risk getting reported.

"HI GM, there's this chick under the giant atom statue in Cap Au Diable wearing a mini, DOOOOOOO SOMETHING!!!!!!!!" [send report]

Meanwhile that stupid leather-straps-and-bare-chest-with-nipple-rings top for men will still be ok. Ha.
Uhm... 'Just saying here... Not all of us who want other options for our female characters have moral objections to the sexy bits. We're just asking for something different for our own use, not telling you that you have to dress your own toons like librarians.

@Brightfires - @Talisander
That chick what plays the bird-things...



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
which, if you looked at the overall breakdown of the costume sets, its not the case, fortunately. 4 packs had cheesecake as an option, 5 if you consider a wedding dress cheesecake, 11 had not, and i think they forgot to count the alpha and omega sets which were also unisex. the wedding pack even had all the male jackets, as well as the bridal costume pieces.
You know, I tried pointing this out, and people still kept saying all the packs were cheesecake, and I forgot the alpha and omega sets!

They'd even bring up the Witch Costume, and totally forget there's an option to use it without baring any skin.

Basically, all those people may be ruining the chances of getting costume options many others have wanted. :/

Hopefully, the devs will stay the course.

However, it would be kinda funny if those complaining get what they want, only to find the bundle doesn't sell well at all, and the devs go "Well, damn. Back to what we were doing."

Did the gunslinger set suck, since it wasn't very gunslinger for the females? Yes. The devs should take that from everything. Next time you say "Gunslinger" (replace this with the next thing) make sure it's a "Gunslinger"

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Here we are, I knew this table got posted somewhere.

So, yes, I edited the post slightly, taking out the Celestial armour because it's not a paid for booster. It's a Vet reward.

So, we have a chunk of boosters with specific themes in them at the end. I also don't see the CoT pack as counting, for the simple reason that we knew exactly what was coming in M/F divide. We only had to look at the NPCs to know. There was no surprises or anything like that.

So, for complete sets we have Steampunk, then Barbarian and then Gunslinger.

Steampunk was mostly fine with a 'feh, no jacket' which was a major complaint from the Magic Pack two entire years prior. Surely they should have noticed that back then? Apparently not.
Then came Barbarian, with the first 'This is a bit silly' moment with thigh high, high heeled boots and furry edged skirts and the like.
And then we got Gunslinger. With all that entailed.

That's three complete, themed and paid for packs in a row. That's not 'misrepresenting' anything, really.

Also, Rian, would it seriously kill you to use paragraphs or basic capitalisation? Walloftext is not a pretty thing.
Because it's a vet reward shouldn't be a factor, but oh well.

And so the long trend of universal sets doesn't outwiegh the 3 packs in a row of universal?

Also, I see no reason not to include the CoT either, it's like you're trying to force the three sets to be in a row.

5 sets in a row one way, and you think the trend is the 3 packs in a row of the other way?

It's just becoming more and more like it's a "I didn't get what I want so I'm going to start name calling."

Yes, Gunslinger could of been so much better, they could of went the whole sexy gunslinger route and likely had no complaints at all. They didn't. :/ I know...I wanted those chaps too.

But then I wanted the Barbarian Chest Decal for my main too, but it's limited to males

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
send your thank you notes to the politically sanctimonious for that little gem, i love when people shove their politics into my fun, dont you?
Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
It's just becoming more and more like it's a "I didn't get what I want so I'm going to start name calling."
the only point of posting the above is to point out that both sides of the debate have slid into name calling at times , why even in this very thread !



Also I think there are really more than two sides to this debate /argument/contest of wills / donnybrook .



Personally I like that instead of picking a genre and then gating two seperate concepts from that genre by gender of toon they are doing the sensible: Give both the same concept from that genre.

Or to sum it up, if the female costume is that of a *****, the male one had better darn well be a pointy toed giggalo

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



The corset detail was created and re-released in different patterns 3 times in a little less than 6 months. We didn't have any prior to a few months ago.

Ironically, if we didn't get corset-like pieces in Barbarian and Gunslinger, we'd only have two, and would probably be asking for more corsets.

And like was said up thread, you can put something on under the corset if you think it's too revealing. If you put nothing on under it, plate armor is revealing too.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
Because it's a vet reward shouldn't be a factor, but oh well.

And so the long trend of universal sets doesn't outwiegh the 3 packs in a row of universal?

Also, I see no reason not to include the CoT either, it's like you're trying to force the three sets to be in a row.

5 sets in a row one way, and you think the trend is the 3 packs in a row of the other way?

It's just becoming more and more like it's a "I didn't get what I want so I'm going to start name calling."

Yes, Gunslinger could of been so much better, they could of went the whole sexy gunslinger route and likely had no complaints at all. They didn't. :/ I know...I wanted those chaps too.

But then I wanted the Barbarian Chest Decal for my main too, but it's limited to males
Hardly. We're talking about paid for packs. The Celestial armour was both un-paid for (in the sense that it wasn't a booster pack but a Vet reward) and unisex anyway.

And with the 'theme' booster packs, it's a case of 'We don't know what's in them until Beta/Live', whereas with the CoT it was a case of 'We get what the NPCs get'. Mostly, anyway...but thats a whole other kettle of fish.

As for name calling, well...what Deebs said, really. This has absolutely sod all to do with ' politically sanctimonious'ness and far more to do with 'Less cheesecake and more actiony stuff like jackets, cool hats and holsters please'.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
The corset detail was created and re-released in different patterns 3 times in a little less than 6 months. We didn't have any prior to a few months ago.

Ironically, if we didn't get corset-like pieces in Barbarian and Gunslinger, we'd only have two, and would probably be asking for more corsets.

And like was said up thread, you can put something on under the corset if you think it's too revealing. If you put nothing on under it, plate armor is revealing too.
Ugh. Again with grabbing the entirely wrong end of the stick here.

Shall I make it even clearer?
I like women! I like all their parts! I also have femalecharacters who dress in a very revealing way!

I ALSO have characters for whom that simply doesn't fit. I would LIKE them to have options too. I dislike the fact the Gunslinger pack was geared towards something entirely non-actiony.

This has NOTHING to do with prudishness, being 'offended' by too much skin or any of the other bloody daft strawmen counter arguments being thrown around here. Savvy?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
So, for complete sets we have Steampunk, then Barbarian and then Gunslinger.
I should probably clarify for my post, I started at the "Going Rogue" expansion, so for me, yes it was in my eyes sexy after sexy after sexy.

Steampunk was mostly fine with a 'feh, no jacket' which was a major complaint from the Magic Pack two entire years prior. Surely they should have noticed that back then? Apparently not.
I think the steampunk jacket could be considered 2 sleeves and a collar (not dissing it, just saying it's not really a jacket)

Then came Barbarian, with the first 'This is a bit silly' moment with thigh high, high heeled boots and furry edged skirts and the like.
Still trying to figure out how we're supposed to run in those things....

And then we got Gunslinger. With all that entailed.

That's three complete, themed and paid for packs in a row. That's not 'misrepresenting' anything, really.

Also, Rian, would it seriously kill you to use paragraphs or basic capitalisation? Walloftext is not a pretty thing.
/seconded. Brain...hurty....



Originally Posted by AmazingMOO View Post
I am a heterosexual male. I like pretty girls. I like pretty, scantily-clad girls. I like superheroines and villainesses who are both pretty and scantily clad. I frequently, but not always, like the characters I play in City of Heroes to be pretty, scantily-clad superheroines or villainesses.

I am all for having more costume options for guys.

However, when I look at my closet, I see that Mrs. Moo's section is about 4-5 times as large as mine. I also realize that the vast majority of those clothes, shoes, and accessories have been paid for, at least in terms of cash, by me.

I'm COMPLETELY okay with that. It's a GOOD THING! In my mind, women are vastly more attractive than men. They need more clothes to accentuate that attractiveness. I like buying clothes for her.

You may not share my opinions or tastes. However, I'm a VIP subscriber, and I will also pay for attractive costumes for my female COH characters. My male characters receive far less attention than my female characters when it comes to costumes. When I make the decision on whether or not to purchase a costume item or pack, I'm not nearly as concerned about the male models as I am the female models.

COH Artists and Developers: Please include VASTLY MORE costume pieces for female models than you do male models. More accessories, shoes, boots, and costume items. The more attractive, the better. Scanty is quite alright. Sheer and lacy items are wonderful. Cutouts are awesome. Shiny is fantastic.

Because I like Cheesecake, and I'm willing to pay for it!
I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

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"If all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail." - Maslow's Hammer



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Ugh. Again with grabbing the entirely wrong end of the stick here.

Shall I make it even clearer?
I like women! I like all their parts! I also have femalecharacters who dress in a very revealing way!

I ALSO have characters for whom that simply doesn't fit. I would LIKE them to have options too. I dislike the fact the Gunslinger pack was geared towards something entirely non-actiony.

This has NOTHING to do with prudishness, being 'offended' by too much skin or any of the other bloody daft strawmen counter arguments being thrown around here. Savvy?


But I wasn't talking to you. I don't know where you got that impression but I'm sorry if it came across like I was.

I think it's impossible to argue that an awful lot of comments in these threads have been about how 'revealing' these clothes are, including comments made in this thread, which I was responding to.

If the sexiness and amount of skin on display is a "strawman" I suggest taking it up with the people making statements that they are offended by the parts, instead of just responding to me when I post a response to them.



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post

But I wasn't talking to you. I don't know where you got that impression but I'm sorry if it came across like I was.

I think it's impossible to argue that an awful lot of comments in these threads have been about how 'revealing' these clothes are, including comments made in this thread, which I was responding to.

If the sexiness and amount of skin on display is a "strawman" I suggest taking it up with the people making statements that they are offended by the parts, instead of just responding to me when I post a response to them.
True, but said comments are grabbing the OTHER wrong end of the stick XD

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post

I see that the concept of sarcasm is lost on you.

Regardless, since the developers have limited resources for costume development and some of you - such as yourself - decided to speak for *everyone* and got said developers to promise we'd be getting many fewer things for females that males cannot ALSO wear, in the future.... thank God for Gunslinger. I have a feeling those will be the last truly feminine costume pieces we are going to see for many a long day.

Nice going. Thanks.



Originally Posted by Firemoth View Post
I should probably clarify for my post, I started at the "Going Rogue" expansion, so for me, yes it was in my eyes sexy after sexy after sexy.
Well, I've been here since 2006, and others have been here even longer than that. Had you been here all along, you'd have seen that things are way less unbalanced than you believe.

But don't worry, we have it covered now. *cue the three-piece business-suit for females, with a cute little bow on the lower back of the jacket* Puns fully intended.

*heaves a big sigh....*



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I see that the concept of sarcasm is lost on you.

Regardless, since the developers have limited resources for costume development and some of you - such as yourself - decided to speak for *everyone* and got said developers to promise we'd be getting many fewer things for females that males cannot ALSO wear, in the future.... thank God for Gunslinger. I have a feeling those will be the last truly feminine costume pieces we are going to see for many a long day.

Nice going. Thanks.
Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
Well, I've been here since 2006, and others have been here even longer than that. Had you been here all along, you'd have seen that things are way less unbalanced than you believe.

But don't worry, we have it covered now. *cue the three-piece business-suit for females, with a cute little bow on the lower back of the jacket* Puns fully intended.

*heaves a big sigh....*
You're telling me that's NOT hyperbole? Really?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
You're telling me that's NOT hyperbole? Really?
From where I sit, its sarcasm right now - but far from impossible. And that is what scares me.



"It's ALL going to suck, all of it from now on, NO exceptions, and it's all your fault!" sounds pretty hyperbolic to me.

If anyone actually read David's thread they'd see that the current most voted for course still includes female specific pieces, just not 'Guys get action suit, girls get passive 'pretty' outfit'.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post
I have a feeling those will be the last truly feminine costume pieces we are going to see for many a long day.
They won't be

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork