Discussion: Featured Items at the Paragon Market - 11/29/11

Agent White



One more issue, gunslinger boots stop just above ankles. Use shredded tattered pants and you can see the invisible leg syndrome. As a consequence can only use boots with pants, this issue and others mentioned previously makes me think the art department is just getting lazy as easy money can tend to breed. Pass on this set.

Starting to regret that wad of points I bought if this is where things are headed.

The art department commonly uses the excuse "can't give you that or it will clip or be otherwise incompatible with other costume pieces", if that was true we wouldn't be seeing this costume set on the market at all.



Gunslinger jackets/chaps/hats for Women
Corsets/buttcapron/bows for Men.

Please make it equal and not sexist. I got 3 pieces individually, if at the least Women got new jackets I may've shed out the full 400 which would've meant I'd need more points when Titan Weapons come out. Congrats, you've lost a few $$$

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Sometimes all at once.
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The female options seem more City of Unforgiven than City of Heroes to me. And pre-tinting?

Yet another optional set I'll pass on, which is a shame as I have an alt that could use some of the male options, without being pre-tinted.

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If there's ever a version made of the female costume that doesn't include the hideous stripes pretinted into it, I'll buy this pack - not for use as a gunslinger, mind you, but to have the option of a waistcape that isn't attached to a trench coat/bolero.

I'd never use any of this as-is though. The entire male costume is hideous excepting the pants (what were the artists thinking with the skulls everywhere?), and I, personally, hate hate hate hate hate stripes, which ruins any potential the female version could have for me as mix-n-match pieces.

@Draeth Darkstar
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I've read this thread and I'm glad that I'm not the only one at the very least amused by the comments on the female costume parts. If you ask me, one needs only to shrug about it - it's not like the selection of "pre-Gunslinger" parts are significantly less sexist

That being said, from what I've read there's another issue with the parts, and that's the pre-tinting. I agree for the full 124% that it needs to go. It has annoyed me with earlier things, too, such as the Arachnos Soldier 'custom' Crab Spider backpack. Hell, don't get me started on costume peeves - I've got things older than any of this




The female form options look like ruddy brazen painted strumpets!




After seeing Zwill's response in the other thread going on about this - for those who missed it, he says there will be more gender neutral options for females in the future, as well as two versions of any costume piece they choose to pre-tint - I changed my mind. I went ahead and bought the one thing from this pack that appeals to me in any way.

The 20 point cigarillo.



Originally Posted by Hellwolve_EU View Post
I've read this thread and I'm glad that I'm not the only one at the very least amused by the comments on the female costume parts. If you ask me, one needs only to shrug about it - it's not like the selection of "pre-Gunslinger" parts are significantly less sexist
See, here's the thing...

If there's just a few costume sets where the male version is fully covered while the female version is dental floss, then "it's just a few costume sets, don't make a big deal out of it".

If there's a *lot* of costume sets like that, then "well that's the way things are, it's normal, don't make a big deal out of it".

So... when *can* we make a big deal out of it?

I think "every time a costume comes out for one gender that I would really like to see for the other" is a good baseline.

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Quite frankly, for me personally? Never There are plenty of costume parts to go around with as-is, and even though creating costumes for my toons is one of my biggest enjoyments for CoH/CoV, if not the biggest...Well, I've yet to try all possible combinations, and in the end, the costume has zero impact on gameplay. If the devs never again released costume parts I like, I'd probably still not complain.



Originally Posted by Hellwolve_EU View Post
Quite frankly, for me personally? Never There are plenty of costume parts to go around with as-is, and even though creating costumes for my toons is one of my biggest enjoyments for CoH/CoV, if not the biggest...Well, I've yet to try all possible combinations, and in the end, the costume has zero impact on gameplay. If the devs never again released costume parts I like, I'd probably still not complain.
Cool thing about that, though, is the fact that so many people play this game each for different reasons. This game offers fun gameplay, missions, and trials, so there's people who do that. It also offers an incredibly diverse costume creator that allows you to make so many great things like you mentioned, and some people play because of that. Think of all the people out there that have entire servers filled with alts just because they love to make new characters and concepts.

So it only makes sense that if the developers are screwing up the very thing that keeps you around, you'd complain about it. And I don't mean you specifically, I'm being general.



I understand that you don't mean me personally

Still, as it happens, I'm one of "the people out there that have entire servers filled with alts just because they love to make new characters and concepts." And 'even' I can find it in myself to forgive the Devs Apparently not everyone can



Im sorry but Im not buying the "We so busy we can not make the fixes-add ons bases on player base feedback".
I know you guys work a lot in advance but...
When Steampunk pack came out we made clear our point:
More neutral pieces, no pre-tint, 2 colour choices for everything, etc...
Same feedback was made for Barbarian... We were ignored too.
So why the art devs didnt follow our suggestions since then?
I cant get it, sorry.



You know, I'm glad I'm not the only player who's a little bit... upset... by the female costume pieces in this set. It's times like these that I'm reminded how much the gaming industry is dominated by men.

I have a toon. She's a gunslinger. Even has a variation on 'old west gunslinger'. When I heard there were going to be gunslinger themed pieces, I was excited. When I saw the male costume pieces, I was even more excited. Theeeen I saw what females get: we get to be cathouse whores! Silly me. I was hoping for gunslinger leathers like the male toons get.

You know what's just as bad? A lot of the pieces female toons get look like they're just only slightly modified off of the steampunk pack.

At least female toons finally frigging get to have a cigar, like male/large toons have had for only the LAST SEVEN YEARS.

Guys, you are seriously starting to alienate a large portion of your female playerbase.

I've purchased nearly every booster pack or costume pack for my account. This'll be the first that I will be skipping, much as I like the male costume parts. I kind of don't like being told 'men get to be gunslinging heroes, women only get to be whores'. Yet another disappointment on the list of post-Freedom disappointments.



well, the main thrust seems to me is get out stuff so the players will buy PP and we get money coming in. So I will pass again.

Fluffy Bunny 1 Person SG
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Originally Posted by MadHobbit View Post
well, the main thrust seems to me is get out stuff so the players will buy PP and we get money coming in. So I will pass again.
Except they aren't going to get that money if no one likes it.

Originally Posted by eth_Nargy View Post
That's my word! I want a nickel every time someone says it.
Deal, but you get squat if we type it.



Is there some reason why the female model doesn't get access to the Gunslinger jacket and pants? I feel like the male models get a real Gunslinger costume, and the female one just gets Gunslut...

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



I expect everyone who has comments in the vein that the new female Gunslinger parts are for 'whores' to scold all females at their local club



Originally Posted by Hellwolve_EU View Post
I expect everyone who has comments in the vein that the new female Gunslinger parts are for 'whores' to scold all females at their local club :P
Paragon Studios-approved tarts of Babylon. And I have to wonder why we don't get female MM sets again. :3

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Am I the only one who is more upset that the lovely new boots the ladies got have no spurless option than the smallness of the rest of the outfit? I'm also afraid that from here on we will only get boring gender neutral outfits and everyone will start to look the same. Variety is good, gender neutral is good. Alternate it and I think everyone will be happy.



Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
Paragon Studios-approved tarts of Babylon. And I have to wonder why we don't get female MM sets again. :3
That should be a series of somesort



Thanks guys, it sucks.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Not getting into the whole belt not fitting and lack of holsters in a gunslinger set, I have to say I don't particularly have a problem with the female costume parts, minus the whole pre-tinting issue. The parts are nicely done and really look great. My issue is in the fact that those are the *only* pieces that females get. It's like the art team has blinders on that female characters wouldn't want chaps or jackets.

I understand their arguement with wanting to have equal costume parts between genders in sets, but seriously I have no issue if they wanted to provide more costume pieces to females than males. It only makes sense that females would have the option of dresses or pants. Just my 2 inf.



Wow, and my main complaint was just that the male set is hideously ugly. That belt...all those cow skulls...that jacket...the nappy hair coming out of the weird hats. It's like "Rob Zombie's High Noon".

The one thing I wanted from a Gunslinger set was a belt with holsters, and instead of that we get some weird Rodeo Champeen hula hoop. Please...for the love of bacon, can we have belts with holsters? Please? Even just the Official belt with the nightstick taken off and the holster copied-flipped-pasted? Please?



This new costume set will take rp to a new level....personally, i don't engage in that so I have a few things to say.....:O :/ :?