Discussion: Featured Items at the Paragon Market - 11/29/11

Agent White



Undoubtedly, but that's hardly the context in which it'll be seen...



Originally Posted by Hellwolve_EU View Post
Undoubtedly, but that's hardly the context in which it'll be seen...
Possibly, but this is not an outfit for slinging guns

Looks like an old school playboy bunny

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



Hey designers! PLEASE stop locking out the back details, specifically wings and capes, from being compatible with costume parts such as the waste capes. I still haven't forgiven your removing of the back options from the magic bolero (completely ruined my all time favorite costume when I popped into the tailor before realizing you'd changed it) If clipping is an issue just please find some way around it rather than limit our options. Perhaps that's more work but your player base will be far more appreciative than when you take options away from us.
I used to jump on all the new costume packs but lately the costume boosters feel very rushed and the lack versatility to this pack is a deal breaker for me. Sadly it does seem the trend is quantity over quality. I hope those in charge will start really listening to the feedback your players give you. Yes, most likely there will always be a large player base that will go out of their way to find something to complain about, but look at it this way, the more people you please with your products the more repeat business and revenue you'll get.

By the way. In the future it would be beyond great if you could give multiple texture options for pieces so that they are more compatible with other costume parts that may not be from the same pack. Is it asking too much? Considering the long time devoted fanbase of this MMO, I don't really think so especially considering new costume pieces used to be free and now players have to purchase them.



Originally Posted by Player D View Post
Hey designers! PLEASE stop locking out the back details, specifically wings and capes, from being compatible with costume parts such as the waste capes.
Not going to happen. Devs said that too many animated pieces (from many characters in the same area) take a toll of FPS. So, the stated policy is that a character can only have one animated costume piece at a time.

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Originally Posted by Vega View Post
Possibly, but this is not an outfit for slinging guns


Looks like an old school playboy bunny
I won't deny that there are more practical outfits to sling guns in, but I suggest we cut the devs some slack fore purely the looks - real prostitutes wear much worse clothing. It just seems to me it's unnessarily harsh to call out such a thing.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Not going to happen. Devs said that too many animated pieces (from many characters in the same area) take a toll of FPS. So, the stated policy is that a character can only have one animated costume piece at a time.
>Toll on FPS
>Meanwhile iTrials




Originally Posted by Vega View Post
Possibly, but this is not an outfit for slinging guns

Looks like an old school playboy bunny
Actually, I think we now have the perfect French Maid outfit!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by elvnsword09 View Post
the girls are all ginslingers instead of gunslingers at best...

is sad...

Well, your bit of clever wordplay there gave me a new idea for a toon concept. I could make a giggly airheaded slutty old west cathouse *****/barmaid named Ginger Ginslinger. I could put her in all sorts of inappropriate clothing for fighting, and hang around in Pocket D selling booze and myself for 50 inf.

Because the female 'old west' parts would be perfect for it.

Sarcastic grumbling aside, I should like to say that the quality of the work going into the parts (except the pre-tinting, which nobody likes) is not in question, at all. They did a great job in making the parts. The problem is the clear 'boys have this role, girls have this role' message. Nobody in the old west dressed like this unless they were a literal woman of 'negotiable affections'. Even if they'd wanted to go with thematically gender appropriate roles for the set, the female costume parts should've been *way* more conservative. But we've also been told that we don't get floor-length dresses, so of course, we just get to dress like literal whores.



Looks more like one of the villains from Agent Aika

Originally Posted by Vega View Post
Possibly, but this is not an outfit for slinging guns

Looks like an old school playboy bunny

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by Hellwolve_EU View Post
I won't deny that there are more practical outfits to sling guns in, but I suggest we cut the devs some slack fore purely the looks - real prostitutes wear much worse clothing. It just seems to me it's unnessarily harsh to call out such a thing.
I don't buy that. I thought the look was familiar, and I was somewhat right

Yes, it was a western, but in the movie, her character IS a prostitute.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho



In the movie. Her character. Right. >_>

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
>Toll on FPS
>Meanwhile iTrials
Exactly, imagine how bad they would be if everyone's costume would take twice as much processing power.

@True Metal
Co-leader of Callous Crew SG. Based on Union server.



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
I don't buy that. I thought the look was familiar, and I was somewhat right

Yes, it was a western, but in the movie, her character IS a prostitute.
You know what, forget it? I've my opinion and everyone else has theirs - forget the part where I thought there were people that though the same as I; apparantly there aren't any



Originally Posted by Hellwolve_EU View Post
You know what, forget it? I've my opinion and everyone else has theirs - forget the part where I thought there were people that though the same as I; apparantly there aren't any
Just state your opinion once and move on. All that needs to be done. Any more than that and things start turning into arguments and debates, with you developing a rep as "that guy" like a lot of other posters.



I've no interest in my rep, but even less so in wasting time



It's bad, really bad, that the default female gunslinger from the preset costume is in panties and corset.
It's like the art design team saw the complaints and thought 'this will show them' as return fire for the slamming about being too slutty.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Here we go…

I hit the costume creator pretty hard last night and fine tooth combed everything and I was left with one reoccurring thought. How do you botch the easiest costume win that could have been? Wow. Where to begin?

Originally Posted by Lymebt View Post
I should like to say that the quality of the work going into the parts (except the pre-tinting, which nobody likes) is not in question, at all.
Well... yes it is.

I’ll start off with the ball that was dropped the hardest… the guns. Why oh why oh why? What are those misshapen super-sized puffy polygon children’s toys? As I stated in my initial post 90% of the DP weapon choices are already hideous (Although I did notice last night that additional work has gone into the S&W and the Steampunk Pistol – thank you for that) and this was the one costume set that oozes pistols – perhaps our last chance to see new pistols - this was a designers time to shine! I expected so much from this. It only hurts so much because we know they can do better (Navy Colt). From a design standpoint I find these completely silly and unusable. This is my one true impassioned gripe. The rest of my post is just chatter in the ominous shadow of poor gun designs.

Originally Posted by Jonny_B View Post
I gotta say, after 7 years of playing this game I am actually getting annoyed with the Costume updates. IT IS NOT CONTENT! IT IS FLUFF!
Contrastly, costume updates are consistently the only thing that gets me to come back to the game after hiatus. Unfortunately this means it burns me twice as much when the anticipated costume set feels like rushed afterthoughts with no consideration for cross-gender, or more importantly cross-concept, compatibility.

Originally Posted by Jonny_B View Post
Why buy any of this when the Devs don't have a back story or something interesting that goes along with the Costume sets! At least give us a small mission arc that explains the reason for getting the Costume set!.
Sorry to pile on, but this seems like a really odd desire to me as well. And I’m all about content and continuity and wanting things to make sense and fit in the universe I play in. But the big difference here is I don’t need someone else writing the backstory to “my” hero. I provide that, either in my head, via the in-game bio or occasionally on a bit of offline creative writing if I’m so inspired. This is to say I justify the costume I create – If I can’t then I wont pick those pieces. I don’t want any of that done for me and I want lots of “quality” (ahem) choices without any dev storyline management bottle neck.

There should be an endless closet of costume sets with zero explanation… and when the hero poofs into existence on the sprawling streets of paragon… it is up to he/she to tell us their story.

Originally Posted by Jonny_B View Post
Here's your German Shepard!
I have to agree with you on this. (A) Because it’s not a costume set and (B) because I can’t creatively make a German Shepard fit into any comic-book theme no matter how disparate whatsoever and I’d love to see the Dev’s try. That would be entertaining.

Originally Posted by Maressa View Post
Am I the only one who is more upset that the lovely new boots the ladies got have no spurless option
Wait… Those things are spurs?

Originally Posted by Son Of Nyx View Post
Wow, and my main complaint was just that the male set is hideously ugly. That belt...all those cow skulls...that jacket...the nappy hair coming out of the weird hats. It's like "Rob Zombie's High Noon".
At least the cow skulls can be turned off. What about those odd grand marshal circus parade slash band geek perma-gold rope thingies that CAN’T be turned off? Not making this pill easy to swallow for us are they.

I actually like the hair, but I've been begging for long hair with cowboy hat (any hat?) since beta, and in the interest of full disclosure I would pay good money to attend the pre-screening of "Rob Zombie's High Noon".

Originally Posted by Son Of Nyx View Post
The one thing I wanted from a Gunslinger set was a belt with holsters, and instead of that we get some weird Rodeo Champeen hula hoop. Please...for the love of bacon, can we have belts with holsters? Please? Even just the Official belt with the nightstick taken off and the holster copied-flipped-pasted? Please?
I’m still in awe. How do you fumble your easiest win the hardest?

Originally Posted by Ideon View Post
You mean the gunbelt Enforcers from Thugs have been wearing since forever and has been ingame for ages? Really, why can't devs just give us this belt if it's already there? :3
You mean the natural claws that Werewolves, Spectral Terrors, etc have been using since forever and has been ingame for ages? Really, why can't devs just give us natural claws if they’re already there? :3

Originally Posted by Hellwolve_EU View Post
I'd really like a concise answer to that question. For really outlandish costume parts that need custom animations to avoid hideous clipping or other serious problems, I could understand, but, in this case...?
Devils advocate: Because the in-game NPC thug will never be subjected to a scale slider.

Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post
Apparently these things are done way in advance and their schedule is too packed with issue 22 and 23 to have done anything. Which of course brings up the "Why bother letting us 'beta test' and give feedback," unless you really want to hear the "We value your feedback" platitude echoed once more and not really lived up to.
This also brings up the
Originally Posted by OmegaS View Post
The art department commonly uses the excuse "can't give you that or it will clip or be otherwise incompatible with other costume pieces", if that was true we wouldn't be seeing this costume set on the market at all.
issue as well. I’ll never be able to hear that excuse the same way again.

The cockiest thing I’ll say here is that it seems to me if the Devs would just put 1/10th the QA/QC that I put into making a single costume in the creator - I think we'd be a little better off. I'm such a perfectionist (to a fault) with a silly little hobby… I just can't fathom releasing something like this from a professional standpoint. I truly think it’s that bad. Riddled with issues both buggy and creatively speaking.

Originally Posted by Vega View Post
I thought the look was familiar, and I was somewhat right
Hold your cards we have a bingo! Congrats on nailing the exact photo the designers were working from. Well done Vega. Any chance you can figure out where on earth they got the idea for that coat with the rope things??

Originally Posted by Vega View Post
I was thinking that this would be perfect for my Dual Pistol characters, but I'm afraid that it falls well short of my expectations. I was expecting something like
Ok… so play along with me for a second… maybe NCSoft has a pretty powerful firewall in place to keep these guys from slacking and google images is blocked from their desktops? Only excuse I can think of for missing the mark by this much.

Originally Posted by Hellwolve_EU View Post
That said, the context isn't a Wild West setting - this is City Of
Actually our first “super” heroes (in the US anyway) were cowboys. This genre then spurred (“spurred”… get it? Notice I didn’t say “gaudy fish-hooked”) some of the first “heroic” comic books, TV serials and film action stars. They even did innovative things like mix the western genre with Sci-fi… 80 years ago. Check out http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7ioDuO4w-jI sometime. It can’t get more “super hero comic book” than that stuff.

I’ll spare you all of the somewhat contemporary examples of western figures in hero comics – but I think it’s very safe to say western themes nestle just as comfortably into the genre as the appropriate super hero science fiction and fantasy elements. And based on the response to this costume set in particular I think my sentiments may be echoed.


Try slapping a high collar cape on the back of the gunslinger jacket for an extra special clipping party. Never got this with the Baron stuff.

Strictly on aesthetics… The female gloves are just horrible. What are those? I keep getting feelings like so many costume pieces and even auras are just quick filler throw-aways.

However by far the worse offending Costume issue (besides the pistols of course) has to be that the inside color of the buttcape is perma-black. Can some one else verify this? Maybe I was seeing things/red.


This is the comic book genre. The chicks are sexy and the dudes are swollen... that's why we're here. There was not some secret back door entrance in comics that any of you slipped through where the heroic girls are flat chested and wearing frumpy layers. And mind you I say this without even throwing Anime into the mix which is where it starts to get really kooky . However, a sexy female gunslinger with chaps is completely genre appropriate and will be horribly missed. Ugh.

In closing I think what saddens me the most is that I have thrown my two gunslinger hero characters (Six Gun Kid and Six Gun Girl on Pinnacle) from way-back in a holding pattern for months - waiting for the new gunslinger costume options before I started running them around for the world to see and spent hours looking at their backsides in possibly sub-par fashion glory. However having worked this costume set to death I am astonished to report that what I did with the pieces already available is better than anything I could do with what just came out and was meant specifically for my concept.




My discussion point - I'm not interested in any of this. Both theme, flaws in design, lack of portover between the two genders (huge is still male right?) and this "tinting" obsession the designers recently procured. More importantly:

Where are my titan weapons?

Edit: Although I did buy the gunslinger jacket sleeves (only #1) because it slightly made me think of a straight jacket's sleeves.



Originally Posted by LastLeprechaun View Post

This is the comic book genre. The chicks are sexy and the dudes are swollen... that's why we're here. There was not some secret back door entrance in comics that any of you slipped through where the heroic girls are flat chested and wearing frumpy layers. And mind you I say this without even throwing Anime into the mix which is where it starts to get really kooky . However, a sexy female gunslinger with chaps is completely genre appropriate and will be horribly missed. Ugh.

Just as a clarification, though, there is a world of difference between 'sexy' and 'slutty', and there have been hundreds of female comic characters who were sexy without looking like streetwalkers.

Speaking as a woman player, I cringe at a lot of the trampy female costume options in this game, and this latest costume pack is no exception. I'm not a prude, I'm married and have children of my own. If someone wants to dress their heroine as a saloon girl, that's cool. But for crying out loud, give us some options to NOT dress our Annie Oakley alts as saloon girls! That's all I'm saying.



Originally Posted by Nyght_shade View Post
Just as a clarification, though, there is a world of difference between 'sexy' and 'slutty', and there have been hundreds of female comic characters who were sexy without looking like streetwalkers.

Speaking as a woman player, I cringe at a lot of the trampy female costume options in this game, and this latest costume pack is no exception. I'm not a prude, I'm married and have children of my own. If someone wants to dress their heroine as a saloon girl, that's cool. But for crying out loud, give us some options to NOT dress our Annie Oakley alts as saloon girls! That's all I'm saying.
It's just not a conservative genre when it comes to sex, power and fashion. Never really was.

So while our personal definitions of what is sexy vs slutty in the game... or in current pop culture for that matter... assuredly will never align, nor our individual thoughts on what was sexy vs. slutty in the early 19th century, one thing is for certain... our call for options and freedoms in the world's greatest costume creator is singular and sound.



Since the women get to look like whores, I want the assless chaps option for males.



I have to admit, I had rushed to buy the Gunslinger pack and was a little disappointed. While not sorry I did so, I'm not happy either.

Some good to it, but some things I didn't care for.

- I'm glad some of the costume parts are optional, because they're awfully ugly. Like the cow skull on the arms. I've never seen that and have no idea what made them wish to do so? Worse, the gold ropes. Worse yet, the spacing makes those parts appear to "float", same with the belt. Speaking of...

- No holsters? I'm ok with the belt, its not that bad... but no holsters?!?

- Just one hat? I was hoping for a few more. I'd rather have the choice of another 2 hats or such, rather than the hat bling. Plus whats with the hair? Ugh.

- The guns, were just awkward. My gunslinger will stick with the navy colt pistol instead. I was hoping maybe a short shotgun like James Caan had in El Dorado, but I know that was hoping for way too much. While I'm on it... no Winchester rifle either for the AR folks? Rather than the corny pistols I'd have taken a long charge brawl that was a beer bottle smash or a stick of dynamite toss.

- No John Wayne like cowboy shirt? Aw man...

- No moccasin boots or fringe on the jackets? Aw man...

Other than that... I like the variety of the costume packs, keep 'em coming.



Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
Well at least someone else is having the same problem - sorry misery loves company. Too bad they don't make sure they work before they sell it to us.
If you buy the "Gunslinger Boots" then it unlocks both of them.

Good luck asking support for a 40 point refund though.



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
Have the people that made this set ever watched a western?
No but they're watched LOADS of anime.



Originally Posted by Hellwolve_EU View Post
...real prostitutes wear much worse clothing.