Discussion: Featured Items at the Paragon Market - 11/29/11

Agent White



Originally Posted by Maressa View Post
Am I the only one who is more upset that the lovely new boots the ladies got have no spurless option than the smallness of the rest of the outfit?
Noticed that and was looking for the option too .

Originally Posted by Noyjitat View Post
Did they leave the pre-tinting in? seriously?
Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
This is looking like the first costume set I won't buy. The pre-tint causing my costumes to look dramatically different at different graphics settings and making it impossible to mix and match has just gone too far.
Originally Posted by Stormbird View Post

Of course, they basically admitted these get done so far out that no feedback in beta really leads to any changes.
I call BS on that excuse. We all said the exact same thing with Steampunk, it was the first pack I didn't buy. That was like June. Sure Gunslinger has been complete and held back since August with all the accidental leaks it's had, but I doubt it's been complete since Steampunk was released. Meaning they couldve, and shouldve taken our feedback. It's not even like "oh it'd be too much extra work". *quotes guy from Forgetting Sarah Marshall* "Do Less. No that's too much. Do less!". There's always a handful of people in the beta forum who'll pat the devs on the back for ridiculous stuff that never should've even been though of, but seriously, I don't think I've ever heard someone go "oh the color-locked pre-tinted stripes on item X are AWESOME", so whyyyyyyy do they keep wasting all that extra time adding those in. If someone wants stripes let the secondary color apply them or something, but if they don't(which is apparently 90% of us), then let the primary/secondary match and hide the option .

I also couldn't find the boots outside of the Pants option that the preset costume button set(couldn't find them in tights etc). I like a couple pieces of the set and might buy it, but only if that issue gets fixed.

I'm REALLY hoping the pieces are just bugged. They already tell us how to (not)farm, and how to earn XP correctly, and which trials to run how often(well tried to, then threatened us to change the playnumbers or have their change brought back)if they start telling us how to use costume set pieces to compose costumes that'll just be insane *imagines what the devs will come up with 6months from now*"I know, lets delete all the costume items and colors but black tights, fire the art team, and use the money saved to make other stuff. We aren't the best online game for character customization nooo, nobody will miss the costume creator." /sarcasm.

Originally Posted by Optimus_Dex View Post
Well at least someone else is having the same problem - sorry misery loves company. Too bad they don't make sure they work before they sell it to us.
They don't give refunds on points spent. Who cares if the content is useless if people buy first, test later and can't unspend their money on stuff .

All year, and raised exponentially since Freedumb went live, the production plan has been quantity over quality. And as Zwill said, they aren't gonna fix anything because they're already working on i23. Then i23 will come with tons of sloppy bugs, but those won't have time to be fixed either because they'll be on i29. For god sakes I don't care if i22 doesn't come til next thanksgiving fix some stuff before putting in more, or at least stop rushing and make things less buggy from release so the bugs wouldn't be so apparent.

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online



Set needed holsters:

And thanks for slowly bringing in butt-capes.

Apparently, I play "City of Shakespeare"
*Arc #95278-Gathering the Four Winds -3 step arc; challenging - 5 Ratings/3 Stars (still working out the kinks)
*Arc #177826-Lights, Camera, Scream! - 3 step arc, camp horror; try out in 1st person POV - 35 Ratings/4 Stars



Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
If you buy the "Gunslinger Boots" then it unlocks both of them.

Good luck asking support for a 40 point refund though.
I bought the whole pack, the male costume minus guns is the only thing that works , Still going round and round with support.Makes me wary of buying other bundles when this one does not work.



Actually, LastLeprechaun, I'm not talking about the guns but solely about the female costume. Nobody is claiming, aside from the pre-tint, that it's an ugly, poorly made costume. The problem we have with it is that the only costume options that female toons get is a skimpy costume that would be the type only worn by a prostitute.

As for "This is the comic book genre. The chicks are sexy and the dudes are swollen... that's why we're here. There was not some secret back door entrance in comics that any of you slipped through where the heroic girls are flat chested and wearing frumpy layers. "

No. That's not why I'm here. That's never why I read comics. In fact, the unrealistic massively huge boobs and muscles are one of the things I hated and still hate about comics. I read them because I liked reading stories about superheroes. Also, you can still be sexy without looking like a damned streetwalker, without having a triple F cup (don't get me started on how the women's chest slider's SMALLEST size is about a C-cup), and while wearing more clothing than a band-aid. If I wanted to see that sort of stuff, I could look at pin-up models.

It IS effing sexist when men get clothing that resembles something a gunslinger would've worn in the old west and women ONLY get the clothing that a PROSTITUTE would've worn.



Originally Posted by Lymebt View Post
As for "This is the comic book genre. The chicks are sexy and the dudes are swollen... that's why we're here. There was not some secret back door entrance in comics that any of you slipped through where the heroic girls are flat chested and wearing frumpy layers. "

No. That's not why I'm here. That's never why I read comics. In fact, the unrealistic massively huge boobs and muscles are one of the things I hated and still hate about comics. I read them because I liked reading stories about superheroes. Also, you can still be sexy without looking like a damned streetwalker, without having a triple F cup (don't get me started on how the women's chest slider's SMALLEST size is about a C-cup), and while wearing more clothing than a band-aid. If I wanted to see that sort of stuff, I could look at pin-up models.

It IS effing sexist when men get clothing that resembles something a gunslinger would've worn in the old west and women ONLY get the clothing that a PROSTITUTE would've worn.

QFT, Liked, /signed, +1... you said what I'm feeling on this topic. I can't make Annie Oakley or Calamity Jane with these pieces.

I can find use for much of this pack, just not in a female gunslinger. As a set, it's unusable, but the individual pieces have value here and there.

Primarily on Victory, Virtue, Justice, and Guardian, in that order.

Member of the Pride public global channel



Originally Posted by Lymebt View Post
Actually, LastLeprechaun, I'm not talking about the guns but solely about the female costume. Nobody is claiming, aside from the pre-tint, that it's an ugly, poorly made costume.
Understood and agreed. The fem version is probably the best designed pieces in the set and the only thing I could see piecemealing into some of my toons, esp with the steampunk stuff. Oddly enogh. as "whorish" as you are making it out to be, I've actually found with the right combination "some" of the pieces help add quite a bit of class and femininity to other costume parts for certain toons. Lots of these sets are about mixing and matching - I have no problem with doing that. It's when pieces are omitted, designed poorly, or in certain instances "unnecessarily" gender specific.

Originally Posted by Lymebt View Post
No. That's not why I'm here. That's never why I read comics. In fact, the unrealistic massively huge boobs and muscles are one of the things I hated and still hate about comics.
I suspect you are well aware that your position is both unique and probably minority - as far as the global comic book market goes - so I respect you even more for shouting it loud and proud.

But... "There was not some secret back door entrance in comics that any of you slipped through where the heroic girls are flat chested and wearing frumpy layers."

By your own admission you know the genre inside and out and I not only respect you're dislike of major keystone elements of the genre but I am in awe that you've managed to stick with and endure a genre that is so molecularly bound with the things you detest, almost since inception. I would have tapped out long ago, if i shared your convictions, especially when there are so many other places to get "story".

But be that as it may... please don't petition that a game, that has never made any bones about emulating super hero comic books, no longer emulate them. Petition Marvel and DC, artists and store owners and try to change the genre itself at its core... not it's simple conduit into MMO. I'd prefer a super hero comic book game to be unflinchingly reflective of the super hero comic book genre.

Originally Posted by Lymebt View Post
If I wanted to see that sort of stuff, I could look at pin-up models.
or comic books...

Originally Posted by Lymebt View Post
It IS effing sexist when men get clothing that resembles something a gunslinger would've worn in the old west and women ONLY get the clothing that a PROSTITUTE would've worn.
Historically erroneous statements - and slight difference on opinions aside - we can (and should) easily find common ground in the singular notion that the Dev's dropped the ball by not allowing the creation of the VERY comic book appropriate "female gunslinger".



I think my only issue with the Gunslinger set was that the hair for male body type that associates with the gunslinger hat is terrible. I liked the hat a lot and then I picked it, rotated my guy and was like "WTF is this?" Also, the Navy Colt pistol looks better than all the new guns, which made me sad a second time. Not sure if it made me sad enough to regret the purchase, but still kind of a bummer.



My issue was buying it thru the costume creator - bought tha bundle but it only charged me 320 points for this I got only the male options , no guns , no female saloon girl stuff. Support has not been able to help[ so do not buy thru the costume creator.



I hope you all are enjoying the waistcape.



So only the females get the gunslinger gloves with skulls? WTF?



Originally Posted by UNB0UND_4_LIFE View Post
So only the females get the gunslinger gloves with skulls? WTF?
Sorry, skulls are inappropriate for boys.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



The only toon I have that would fit the Gunslinger theme is female and she is not gonna run around looking like a *****. When I picture a female gunslinger I see Sharon Stone in The Quick and the Dead.

No sale, sorry.

Scataloni Volt
Scataloni Tank
Scataloni Arrow
Rad Scataloni



Originally Posted by Duneman View Post
The only toon I have that would fit the Gunslinger theme is female and she is not gonna run around looking like a *****. When I picture a female gunslinger I see Sharon Stone in The Quick and the Dead.

No sale, sorry.
Better off not buying . I'm having buyers remorse from an incomplete set.



I do wish I had read this feedback before I wasted 400 points on this.

Where's the gun belt with holster for the females? Mine has two guns, but darned if I know where she keeps them when she's not firing at someone.

This is not a gunslinger outfit. This is a harlot/woman of ill repute outfit. I realize that a lot of the devs are catering to an adolescent playerbase, but I'm old enough to watch real hentai if I wanted to.

I suppose you're going to make me pay extra for something that should have come with the bundle in the first place.

I give up. I'll never spend another point on anything costume related again.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
I do wish I had read this feedback before I wasted 400 points on this.

Where's the gun belt with holster for the females? Mine has two guns, but darned if I know where she keeps them when she's not firing at someone.

This is not a gunslinger outfit. This is a harlot/woman of ill repute outfit. I realize that a lot of the devs are catering to an adolescent playerbase, but I'm old enough to watch real hentai if I wanted to.

I suppose you're going to make me pay extra for something that should have come with the bundle in the first place.

I give up. I'll never spend another point on anything costume related again.
Sorry my friend, welcome to last month. Actually, welcome to even earlier but censored by moderators.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



"This is a harlot/woman of ill repute outfit". An excellent description of this set, I am not so sure how that title would look on the ad featured on the home page though
I started visiting the costume editor and viewing the pieces before I buy. This set I ended up with the back side cape and curly hair for a concept I've been working on. Obviously, my expectation is that not all sets will be gems and some will be less than stellar, IMHO this set falls into the latter category. It is missing a few key elements I would expect to see with a wild west theme. But hey, live, learn, and move on