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  1. I know it's hard to think about, but sadly the end is coming quite soon. I've been asking friends where they plan to see out the end but now I think it is time to start organizing events for the end. Personally I want to see it out with as large of a group of people as possible. Perhaps a fitting tribute would be to stand on the steps of City Hall in AP 33.

    What are your plans for City of Heroes' last moments?
  2. That would actually make six then. I wrote about four others in my CoH article earlier in the week. The Guinness World Records site didn't have the two listed that you found in the book otherwise I would have happily included them as well. City of Heroes has done so much for the industry. It is just a shame others can't see that.
  3. Maressa

    City of Steam

    OnRPG has put up a sneak peek of the closed beta. They're one of the first to have a look at the game in quite some time.
  4. Hi all, in a bit of a rush (about to go to the Skyfall Premiere) so I'm just going to quickly announce an upcoming event happening this weekend. I'll update a bit more when I get back from the movie but here are the basics:

    Meticulous Meta of OnRPG Hosts A Halloween Costume Contest

    Date: October 27

    Time: 7PM UK/2PM Eastern/11AM Pacific and 5PM Pacific/8PM Eastern/1Am UK

    Location: Pocket D, Virtue

    Theme: Halloween! Come wearing your best Halloween costumes.

    Prizes: The top 6 winners (3 from each event) will be featured in next week’s Meta’s Verse article.
  5. Copied from Titan Network:

    Hi guys! Sorry I've been so silent recently I have been swamped with work. But here we are the week of the event! I've created a spreadsheet to help everyone coordinate so please add yourself!

    Can't wait for Saturday!
  6. I just wanted to give an update on how this has been going so far. As of right now Team City of Heroes is 34th out of 1,736 teams. We've raised $2,190.98 for for Children's hospitals around the world. And there are 29 of us on the team.

    We've already accomplished something amazing but there is still time to join in! Come join us.

    Thank you for everything you've done so far. I'm looking forward to seeing you all on October 20th!
  7. I’ve been reading a lot of calls to do some sort of charity drive and I think it is a fantastic idea. So fantastic in fact that I’ve gone about organizing an Extra Life team for City of Heroes players, devs and anyone else who wants to join in. The City of Heroes community has always been known as one of the most charitable of all the MMO communities out there. This is another chance for us to be the heroes. Last year Paragon Studios took part in Extra Life as did thousands of others around the world. This year we’re inviting everyone to join us for a fun filled day in City of Heroes raising money for children’s hospitals around the world. The City of Heroes Extra Life team is working with Real World Hero and the Titan network on this event to make the in game portion of the event huge.

    I imagine right about now you might have a few questions about Extra Life, how you can get involved and maybe some others I haven’t thought of. Instead of writing huge paragraphs I’m going to go for a list. So here are some answers to questions might have!

    1. What is Extra Life? A 24 hour gaming marathon which raises money for the Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals around the world.
    2. When is Extra Life? Extra Life starts at 8 AM in your local timezone on Saturday October 20th and runs until 8 AM on Sunday October 21st.
    3. 3. How do I sign up? Simply go to the team page and sign up from there!
    4. Who decides which hospital I’m raising money for? You do! During sign up you get to pick from a list of Children’s hospitals around the world. The choice is yours. Last year I picked one that has a personal connection, one that my youngest brother went to as a baby. This year I’ve picked a more local hospital.
    5. How can I get involved? Sign up and ask family, friend, coworkers, even strangers if you feel brave to sponsor you. Then join us for 24 hours in City of Heroes for all the fun.
    6. I can’t dedicate a full 24 hours how can I still be involved? Come to the in game events we’re going to hold, tell friends about it, donate to team members.
    7. Why are there so few members? Because this is the first official announcement!
    8. What do I get from taking part? The satisfaction of having done an awesome thing, also sleep deprivation, many XPez (it’s a DXP weekend), and fun with friends and the CoH community.
    9. Which server is this happening on? Ideally? All of them. But we’re realistic. We know server population has been a bit low recently. For now we will say all servers and if that changes I’ll be sure to update everyone.

    Well, I think that has covered everything! If you have more questions post them and I’ll answer them ASAP. I hope to see you all there!
  8. Maressa

    City of Steam

    As far as specs go, if you can run CoH you can run CoS. I'm not sure any official ones have been released yet. But I do know that each map is directly put on your computer, makes for almost no loading times after the first time you visit a zone. And the game was designed specifically so older machines and those with little hard drive space can play them. Sadly, no, you can't jump but there is a good reason for that. Making it so shadows can change makes maps bigger makes the game less accessible. This is also why time doesn't change while you're in a zone. But as soon as you do zone time will catch up to the daylight setting it should be at.

    If anyone has any questions about this game I have a ton of experience with it and got a dev guided tour. I'm happy to answer all I can. And ask my dev friend the questions I can't answer.
  9. Maressa

    City of Steam

    I've asked my contact at City of Steam if anyone on the team plays City of Heroes but I imagine right now they're pretty busy and I won't get an answer anytime soon.

    Also, don't dismiss the game because its browser based. Browser based games have come a long way. Check it out for yourself before you judge.
  10. Maressa

    City of Steam

    I got to play City of Steam every Alpha weekend they had and I have to say I quite enjoyed it. For a browser based game it is amazing. I highly recommend it to anyone.

    I did several reviews after each weekend of the Alpha on and will be getting another sneak peek at it before it goes into beta in November.

    I will certainly be adding it to my long list of games.
  11. That is quite similar to something that is going to be coming to The Secret World. The Tokyo raid was completely inspired by Cloverfield. There are trailers for it on youtube. I won't post them here though out of respect for CoH.
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Lycantropus View Post
    I'm sure I can get the SG to show up for Thursday, and help pick up anyone needing a team if we have room left! Not so sure about Saturday though. Great idea for the different times for just that reason!

    Also, is there a particular server for this, or we just showing a mass of people across servers running Posi?

    Last but not least, does Titan have a global network, in-game, one can subscribe to?
    All servers. Play on your home server. Play with your friends. Or if you really want play on a different server and meet new people! The choice is yours.
  13. Ever since our Rally last weekend Tony and I have been working on what our next in game event should be. Rallies are great but we wanted to something a bit more active and something that non VIPs could get involved in. We also wanted something that would be a nod to the developers without whom we would have no game to play. With all of that in mind I would like to announce:

    Positron's Ally

    Two days of Task Force fun.

    On Thursday September 20th at 9PM Eastern/ 2AM GMT


    Saturday September 22nd at 12 Noon Eastern/5PM GMT

    Join TonyV, myself and the entire Titan Network team in running the Positron Task Forces, part one and two. In the world’s biggest synchronized Positron Task Force group across all the City of Heroes Servers.

    Come with a team already formed or make yourself a PUG while you’re there!

    Take screenshots, chat with old friends, make new friends and listen to your favorite server based radio stations.
  14. Hi guys, I am adding my support to Sith Rose's offer. This is a fantastic offer and she is fantastic for offering it. If you live overseas this is a fantastic offer. I'm going to go wake up before I say fantastic again.
  15. While to some protest may not be a dirty word it is certain an aggressive one. And while we may all be passionate about the game and all have our own reasons for being there last night. It was ultimately a rallying of the community. TonyV and I have been making sure in our press releases not to call it a protest. And we will continue to do so in the press release we put out today. Sadly we cannot control what gets put into other people's words. Publicity is publicity. If there is negativity remember to respond to it in a respectful, but honest manner. We can do this if we all work together.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Jack_NoMind View Post
    Maressa, if I run into you anywhere, you will *not* escape the bearhug.
    I look forward to it. But unless you're Euro based it is unlikely for some time. Still, thank you for all your work. And thank you to everyone who came to the rally. We couldn't have done it without you. Keep your eyes peeled to those gaming sites this week. I know will have an article on Monday about the rally. And I've already seen quite a few others popping up.
  17. Hi guys, we picked these three offices specifically because of their involvement with City of Heroes.

    As for the question about mailing to Korea I would suggest going to your local post office and standing in line. There will be no one universal answer I can give beyond that.

    Personally I have printed out 50 masks and plan to divide them between the three offices. I may also buy a cape or two to send in.

    Thank you all for your efforts. If you have any further questions post them here or give me a poke in game.
  18. Hi folks, first off I want to thank TonyV for all the hard work he has put into this campaign so far. And of course a huge thank you to all of you in the community. Tony and I couldn’t do this without your support. Now, I know there have been calls for people to send cakes, and dolls and all sorts of things. Well that’s what this is. Except, cakes aren’t really all that relevant to City of Heroes, and dolls…well they can be a bit expensive. So, we have come up with a cheap way to get the attention of NCSoft. By sending them in Capes and Masks.

    Thankfully Halloween is coming up so there are a lot of online stores out there selling Capes and Masks. I have picked a Cape and Mask that are cheap and plain enough that they aren’t clearly one character or another.

    Now, by no means do you have to use these two. These are just what I found in a few minutes of searching. You may even find something at your local dollar/euro/pound store.

    Edit: @Sith Rose has been kind enough to offer her cape making services for players overseas. She is offering to make capes at the cost of the materials and ship them for you! These are normally $40 for she is making a special deal for City of Heroes players and offering them for $15. To take advantage of this she's set up a page on Etsy: Thank you so much for being so awesome!

    Another option, one I plan to be doing is printing out our own masks to be decorated. I’ve found a couple and thanks to my team had them laid out for you so you can print several out without wasting paper. Even if you aren’t artistic you can get involved. Write messages on them, but keep it polite and clean.


    Some messages mine have:

    We are Heroes. This is what we do.
    We are Villains. What’s ours is ours.
    My Global Name
    My Character’s names
    My Character’s powersets
    What Server I’m on
    Phrases my Characters Say

    What you put on them is up to you.

    Once they’re decorated, or the mask/cape is bought you need somewhere to send them! We’re asking everyone to send them to one of three places:

    NCsoft Corporation
    157-37 Samsung-dong
    Kangnamu-gu, Seoul 135-090

    NCSoft Seattle
    1501 4th Avenue, Suite 2050
    Seattle, WA 98101

    NCsoft Austin
    6801 N Capital of Texas Hwy.
    Building 1, Suite # 102
    Austin, TX 78731

    And, if you’d like to send in a picture of your masks to Tony and I, we would love to see them. Send the pictures to and we will include them as part of our press package.

    Thank you all for your huge support. Start sending out those Masks & Capes!

  19. Hi everyone, so, there was a thread starting this already and I took the liberty of compiling everything from there onto a google document. Please add your own and pass it on!
  20. If I may offer my suggestion. Turn it into a google document. Make it editable by only a few select people who you trust (I happily volunteer to help) that way it can still be viewed by anyone and updated through the day as things change.
  21. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Zombieluvr View Post
    You're awesome!
    I'm just doing my part to keep the community organized.
  22. Just wanted to add a few things myself:

    OnRPG Coverage: Regular coverage will occur every Wednesday from next week. Here is the initial announcement.

    Questions for Devs: A compilation of questions from players, please add to it!

    Goodbye Daily Blog (of sorts):
  23. That is a fantastic question. I'm going to add it to my list of questions for the devs. Though I imagine today will be the day we find out more.
  24. Hiya folks,

    I've compiled all the questions on this forum so far and put them in a document. Feel free to add to it and pass it along to your friends.
  25. I know it seems like a lot of people are leaving now. But I couldn't do that. Even if I didn't have my job as a game journalist, I plan on being there when they turn the lights off. Whenever that is. So, my question for everyone is, how are you planning to see off the end? By torchlight under Atlas? Having one last dance in the D? Taking out Hami one last time? I want to be where the people are. And though it is still a ways off it is something we need to consider.