Release the Hounds of... Sheep! (German Shepherd pet now Live)

Agent White



Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
So there's gonna be loads of GSDs hanging around in in Atlas sniffing each others butts?
Isn't that what happened when the Animal pack released?



Eh, no real interrest in buying it yet, maybe if I had a concept that warranted a german sheperd following them around.

The price is steep, but as a SG member said, "It's the first of it's kind" so they're likely trying to make sure they get the investment back, since there are players out there who don't buy the extras that do nothing for gameplay.

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Originally Posted by Kheldarn View Post
$6.25 for this? No thank you. IMO, it's worth $1.50, max. For those who buy it, enjoy!
That's much less than the cost of a real German Shepard.



Originally Posted by Coyote_Seven View Post
That's much less than the cost of a real German Shepard.
Real German Shepards have better graphics and animations. They're even fully 3-D!

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
Real German Shepards have better graphics and animations. They're even fully 3-D!
They also leave 3-D messes.

BrandX Future Staff Fighter
The BrandX Collection



Originally Posted by ShadowMoka View Post
This makes me tempted to buy it. Only tempted, though.
It looks awesome. And not only have all my dogs been shepherds (barring an inherited terrier) my first was a traditional German too :/

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
We've already had reports on Virtue of several serious bites on the catgirls in Pocket D.
I was undecided on whether or not I wanted to purchase this item. However, if it really will chase all the catgirls away I may have to consider it a good investment.

your = Belonging to you.
you're = Contraction meaning "You are."
Ur = The name of an ancient Mesopotamian city.
ur = This is not a word.



Originally Posted by LordAethar View Post
500 points for a vanity pet? That's a little too much IMHO.

I have a new Native American themed character that would love to have a wolf pet. A German Shepard is close, but not close-enough (especially at that price).
Well there a reason why it's too much, for one, it's a 4 leg mechanic pet, we never seen a Npc pet any where in COh History. It's has 3 different Animations and nicely detail with at lease 4-5 different Colors in it's fur alone.

So no wounder why it's very pricey, I would wait until it's go down in price.

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Hmmm... 500 points. You know, considering the detail of the graphics and the A.I. and all that, I am not surprised at the cost. If they priced it below 400 points, everyone would buy one, we would be over run, and the servers would crash from so many of the things. Or lag all to hell. So, 500 points is about right. Only those that REALLY want it will buy it.

I'll wait until it goes on sale someday.

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Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
Also: Zwillinger sandwich!
Actually, it would be a Flea sandwich. When you have some bologna between two pieces of bread, you don't call it a bread sandwich.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
We've already had reports on Virtue of several serious bites on the catgirls in Pocket D.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



3. The upshot of this is that you can ditch the Shepherd anywhere you want. So, e.g., leave the Shepherd in front of Ms. Liberty and fly to the top of the Atlas Statue and there will be an abandoned dog in front of Ms. Liberty. If you're in TF mode, you won't log out. If enough people do this, Ms. Liberty will look like a dog lady.
So, I just left two German Shepherds in front of Ms. Liberty all afternoon and the zone was abuzz. Typical snapshot of broadcast as people were running by:
sewers team lookin for 2 more
full thanks
room for two for sewer trial, spt for invite
team full, thank you
starting sewer trial pst for invite or yell
sewer team lf more pst for invite or yell
sewer team lf 3 m. pst for invite
sewer team lf2m. pst for invite
last spot. u know u want it
just queue up, it iwll fill
full. thanks
lookin for sewer team
sewer team lookin for members pst
Just queue up for sewers, the group will fill automagically
room for 3 on sewer team
room for 2 pst
last call room for 2 on sewere team
Sewer team lfm
scraper lf swer team
looking for sewer team as well
LF Farmer, pst*
any sewer teams forming?
So, it's a success!

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Actually, it would be a Flea sandwich. When you have some bologna between two pieces of bread, you don't call it a bread sandwich.
It's a Zwill sandwich on flea bread. He is the baloney in the middle.

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is there an /em throw stick emote to go with that dog?

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Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Great, now this game is going to be City of German Shepherds. They'll be all anyone will make -- characters with German Shepherd pets! Thanks for destroying the game, CoH Devs!
But I’m sure that only hero concepts – costume and name – that make sense with a German Shepherd will take this option.

But seriously folks, I had this CoGS reaction as well… similar to the CoBA… until I saw the price. 500 = population control... if not canineocide.

Please note something like this – roughly – is right up my alley – they are catering to me. I am a costume creator junkie with altitus that has made everything from Duo’s based on costume change emotes to highly detailed and themed Super Groups that only slot IO sets that have an on point name/theme that is synergistic to the hero… dozens of hours painstakingly spent dialing in a concept just right… and though it would be a struggle for even me to come up with a concept that specifically uses a German Shepherd (hey can someone check for me and see if Schutzstaffel is available on pinnacle and hit me back)… there is no way I can justify 500 points for a non-combat non-color-tintable non-spiked collar single breed pet. I keep comparing its price to other “accessories” to try and justify it since I am all about style and swag - but I just keep reeling in awe.

Originally Posted by Flint_Grim View Post
So is the wolf pet no longer a future option? The Shepard looks great and I am sure it'll be a hit; it just doesn't fit my theme. Does anyone know if the wolf is still a possibility?
Of course I don’t know, but I would confidently bet unequivocally. The only justification I can come up with for the price point and the severely limiting niche “breed” would be pure market testing. Supply and demand. Milkability. This test wouldn’t have worked as well if they would have released the hounds… er wolf. The wolf actually would fit a wide variety of themes and concepts and is just generally a much “cooler” animal in this and related genre’s. The wolf would have been the no brainer (and as lots of us saw it was all queued up) and will in the end garner the most cash from this advent. But a German Sheppard (with its specific coloration etc) is a very specifically limiting choice in my estimation. If this sells I bet we see 1 or 2 more niche breeds before the wolf. If this doesn’t sell I think we’ll see the wolf much sooner… and then the over-priced non-everything pet idea will fade away into “nice-trydom” – hopefully materializing at some future date into at least summonable ally or at most an MM primary as someone already said. Just my humble. But I fear that supply and demand thing... what will the masses do... they alone have the power.

Originally Posted by Scarlet Shocker View Post
So there's gonna be loads of GSDs hanging around in in Atlas sniffing each others butts?
GSD… so that is what the kids are calling the free-to-players now-a-days?

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
So, I just left two German Shepherds in front of Ms. Liberty all afternoon and the zone was abuzz. Typical snapshot of broadcast as people were running by:

So, it's a success!
This was a priceless post. Well done.

Anyway... 500... wow... just wow.



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
room for two for sewer trial, spt for invite
The amazing thing is that people figured out your pet was named spot so quickly.

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I am posting in this thread because i heard sheep.

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Will reiterate that I hope to see this rig used in both combat and non-combat NPC models (dogs, wolves, hellhounds, cerebri, (GM spectral hounds) and non-canine varieties as well)... and I would hope that purchases here would inspire and cover the cost of that kind of implementation.

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Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
I am posting in this thread because i heard sheep.
That's what the kids are calling it these days?



I'll likely pick this up if it's on a Black Friday sale.

Along we a few of the other 'overpriced' (in my opinion) items out there.

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