Street Justice and general points refunds.

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I am a bit worried about the men and women that I share this planet with though...
I saw a signature on these forums which sums up my feelings on the matter:

"The more people I meet, the more I find myself rooting for the zombies."

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don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
There is NO reason though either the range of sweep cant be made 10' or the arc 90% and the cap raised to 10.
I want Shadow Maul (aka Sands of Mu, considered one of the better/best melee powers in the game) buffed this way too then

Originally Posted by TriAngel_EU View Post
Issue is also it can be done with things not like this.
I mean, the powerset is something that's easily identified on your account, they could in theory relock it.
But with the same PP you can buy things you can sell again on the in-game market like recipes. When you sell that the product you bought with PP is gone and nobody is gonna make an effort to tranceback what you did with it and what they need to retrieve.
For this reason all chargebacks are handled the same which is indeed banning/account locking/whatever you wanna call it.
As far as I know, nothing purchasable by Paragon Points is transferable off your account.
Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
It's not hearsay - it ACTUALLY happened to me a couple of years ago.

Long story short: I tried to use Paypal to pay for a Booster Pack while I was on a long overseas business trip. Paypal got excited and decided that overseas purchase was suspicious and decided unilaterally to charge back my money in order to "protect" me. Before I knew it NCsoft locked my account because from their point of view I tried to pull my money back from them. It took a better part of a week to get my account unlocked.

So yes it can and will happen.
Paypal is the only case I know of (for sure) that an account closed due to chargeback has ever been re-opened.I know we've rooted for people that, for various reasons, have had chargebacks initiated against their sub without meaning to (mistaking the charge for another company; spouse not realizing who NCSoft is), but I don't know if any of them ever got their accounts unlocked

And looking at those links to UK law... I see at best a 50/50 chance it would support a refund in this (if said laws applied) especially as you don't buy anything other than access (technically), but I could be wrong.

Tried going on test, but there is, apparently no account server there or it's down right now so couldn't check how the market acts on Test.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
While I agree with this, the developers do have the responsibility to do the following for this and any other power set that has to be purchased:
  • Post the "preview" aka Intrepid Informer at least a week before it is released in the Paragon Market.
  • Give full (and I mean FULL) statistics on the power in game, on the forums, and on the website when it becomes available on the Paragon Market.
  • Show the animations/information in the character creator BEFORE purchase.
  • At least a 1-2 week Test Server "preview" of the power set for players test the power set. It wasn't really available for open Beta to try it before it was yanked from the open beta.
I think all of these are fine suggestions and ought to be things the Devs of this game strive for. I would simply fall a bit short in fully agreeing with you that these things are strict "responsibilities" on their part. After all even if they "fully disclosed" everything as you describe they may have to make a last minute change to something and still piss people off. Their EULA is written to cover them for just these kinds of situations.

I feel it's a mistake to assume the average player of this game has no responsibility to accept the consequences of his/her purchases. Players should at least come part way with being knowledgeable on their own about what they are buying. The Devs can't hand-hold us for everything.

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Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
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Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
The overall quality of a set is subjective.

Therefore, a cash value cannot be placed on the quality of a set relative to any other set.

Now if you want them to charge per DPS or something, that would be different.
Unless they just run every sold powerset through Shubbie first.
Hehe, seriously though, what you said in those few words was exactly what I was getting at within a previous ramble of mine!

Here's a thread someone else started
the other day about allowing us to see the powers' info and animations in the character creator before buying them. Why not go and reply with your opinions!

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
While I agree with this, the developers do have the responsibility to do the following for this and any other power set that has to be purchased:
  • Post the "preview" aka Intrepid Informer at least a week before it is released in the Paragon Market.
  • Give full (and I mean FULL) statistics on the power in game, on the forums, and on the website when it becomes available on the Paragon Market.
  • Show the animations/information in the character creator BEFORE purchase.
  • At least a 1-2 week Test Server "preview" of the power set for players test the power set. It wasn't really available for open Beta to try it before it was yanked from the open beta.
I cannot agree. Saying *by rule* the devs must release all numerical powerset information to the players prior to the set being offered for sale implies strongly that the players are actually paying for *those numbers* which then opens the door to players demanding refunds if the powerset is changed from those numbers in any way they find disagreeable. I would strongly recommend Paragon Studios not open that pandora's box.

Its one thing for the numbers to just happen to be available, just like all other powersets are, with the same understanding they are subject to change just like all other numbers are. Like oh say in the character creator screen, perhaps. But once you say its an obligation to release numbers, and you set up a specific system for releasing those numbers that goes beyond what the game automatically allows for all other powers, you cross the line into territory that frankly I would prefer not have to witness the fallout of.

No MMO player has the right to expect that any specific element of the game will not change, particularly powers. If you can't handle that at all, you shouldn't play MMOs. If you can handle that in theory, but not for powersets you purchase separately, you shouldn't purchase powersets. Anything else is impractical.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I cannot agree. Saying *by rule* the devs must release all numerical powerset information to the players prior to the set being offered for sale implies strongly that the players are actually paying for *those numbers* which then opens the door to players demanding refunds if the powerset is changed from those numbers in any way they find disagreeable. I would strongly recommend Paragon Studios not open that pandora's box.

Its one thing for the numbers to just happen to be available, just like all other powersets are, with the same understanding they are subject to change just like all other numbers are. Like oh say in the character creator screen, perhaps. But once you say its an obligation to release numbers, and you set up a specific system for releasing those numbers that goes beyond what the game automatically allows for all other powers, you cross the line into territory that frankly I would prefer not have to witness the fallout of.

No MMO player has the right to expect that any specific element of the game will not change, particularly powers. If you can't handle that at all, you shouldn't play MMOs. If you can handle that in theory, but not for powersets you purchase separately, you shouldn't purchase powersets. Anything else is impractical.
would it be fair to say the tl;dr version is "Nerfs/buffs happen"?

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
There is a test/beta server for a reason.
Yup, I tried to check out StJ on Beta when I had the time in my schedule, but I'm a Mac user so I got bent over. It's for this reason I decided to pass on spending 800 points on something I might not like. I'm going to horde my points for Staff fighting and/or Titan weapons and cross my fingers that Mac users won't get shafted in beta when those come out.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
You never want to loose a customer for stupid reasons, and not offering a refund even if the customer is wrong is one of them.
A customer who is wrong, shouldn't GET a refund.



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
Yup, I tried to check out StJ on Beta when I had the time in my schedule, but I'm a Mac user so I got bent over. It's for this reason I decided to pass on spending 800 points on something I might not like. I'm going to horde my points for Staff fighting and/or Titan weapons and cross my fingers that Mac users won't get shafted in beta when those come out.
I am waiting for people's reviews of powersets plus a couple weeks of potential live tweaking before I buy them.

Besides after the initial rush they could go on sale in a few months.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



I really wish I could get the points I spent on Rocketboard back - t'aint gonna happen



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
The set was changed from the time it came off beta but before live, and did not go back on test.

This feels rather bait and switch, even though it wasnt nerfed live.
According to staff...
Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post
Just to clarify, nothing has changed on Street Justice since it was removed from beta in late August.



Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
I think all of these are fine suggestions and ought to be things the Devs of this game strive for. I would simply fall a bit short in fully agreeing with you that these things are strict "responsibilities" on their part. After all even if they "fully disclosed" everything as you describe they may have to make a last minute change to something and still piss people off. Their EULA is written to cover them for just these kinds of situations.

I feel it's a mistake to assume the average player of this game has no responsibility to accept the consequences of his/her purchases. Players should at least come part way with being knowledgeable on their own about what they are buying. The Devs can't hand-hold us for everything.
I didn't say the player has no responsibilities. They do. They need to do their research before buying. However they can't be expected to do research when there is little to no information given. So some players are telling others "buyer beware", except that they couldn't reasonably expect to be informed of the problems before purchase. It falls on the seller to properly inform the buyer what they are buying. Paragon Studios failed at this. They will likely fail again. The whole market is the same piece of dung: they don't have proper descriptions, they don't show proper stats, they don't even show what you have bought. For the year+ that they have been working on it, the market is the worst checkout I've ever seen, including several student projects.

No information was given before it started to be sold on the market. The Intrepid informer telling which ATs get what powers came a DAY AFTER it started selling. At that point, it isn't really acceptable to place the blame solely on the player.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
But once you say its an obligation to release numbers, and you set up a specific system for releasing those numbers that goes beyond what the game automatically allows for all other powers, you cross the line into territory that frankly I would prefer not have to witness the fallout of.
That isn't what I'm saying. I'm saying that the developers should be obligated to provide an adequate preview to all customers prior to purchase, the developers should be obligated to provide a full disclosure of what is included in the purchase prior to the player buying the item in question, and the developers should be obligated to do so in-game before purchase. Likewise, the player should be obligated to do proper research on if the power is appropriate for them. If it isn't they shouldn't buy it.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
That isn't what I'm saying. I'm saying that the developers should be obligated to provide an adequate preview to all customers prior to purchase, the developers should be obligated to provide a full disclosure of what is included in the purchase prior to the player buying the item in question, and the developers should be obligated to do so in-game before purchase. Likewise, the player should be obligated to do proper research on if the power is appropriate for them. If it isn't they shouldn't buy it.
I didn't say that is what you were saying or advocating, I said specifically that in my opinion is the natural consequence of doing the specifics of what you're advocating, whether you specifically want it to happen or not, and that side effect makes some of your proposals unpalatable.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Opener: Impulse Purchase
Finisher: Buyer's Remorse



Originally Posted by Thirty-Seven View Post
A customer who is wrong, shouldn't GET a refund.
Really, why

Does it pay to loose that customer for the cost of a single purchase?


I go into walmart and buy a hair dryer and then return it saying it doesnt have enough power, clerk says the watts is right on the box.

I say I dont like it, doesnt get my hair dry, I want my money back

They will give me my money back even if I was wrong and didnt read the wattage.

The customer is not always right, but a business does need to go a little above and beyond to accede to a customer when it costs them more to fight it.

Its not worth having me be bitter and leave for a few months for the 10 dollars, even if I dont stay gone forever.

Loosing 10 dollars compared to loosing 45 as I go somewhere else for 3 months because Im feeling ripped off.

Im not saying I will leave forever, but I have left for months when I felt ripped off or even longer, I left for the entire period between i6 and i9 because the game was 10 steps past horrid dreg as ED was in but inventions was not.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Really, why

Does it pay to loose that customer for the cost of a single purchase?


I go into walmart and buy a hair dryer and then return it saying it doesnt have enough power, clerk says the watts is right on the box.

I say I dont like it, doesnt get my hair dry, I want my money back

They will give me my money back even if I was wrong and didnt read the wattage.

The customer is not always right, but a business does need to go a little above and beyond to accede to a customer when it costs them more to fight it.

Its not worth having me be bitter and leave for a few months for the 10 dollars, even if I dont stay gone forever.

Loosing 10 dollars compared to loosing 45 as I go somewhere else for 3 months because Im feeling ripped off.

Im not saying I will leave forever, but I have left for months when I felt ripped off or even longer, I left for the entire period between i6 and i9 because the game was 10 steps past horrid dreg as ED was in but inventions was not.
Why are you assuming that customer service wouldn't help you out?

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
While I agree with this, the developers do have the responsibility to do the following for this and any other power set that has to be purchased:
  • Post the "preview" aka Intrepid Informer at least a week before it is released in the Paragon Market.
  • Give full (and I mean FULL) statistics on the power in game, on the forums, and on the website when it becomes available on the Paragon Market.
  • Show the animations/information in the character creator BEFORE purchase.
  • At least a 1-2 week Test Server "preview" of the power set for players test the power set. It wasn't really available for open Beta to try it before it was yanked from the open beta.
I agree with this. This is a 'purchase' item, vice a 'you get it with all the other stuff in the next Issue for free' item.

Today, people read labels on foods to see what calories, sugars, etc are in them, and make informed decisions on their products (ok, not me in particular, but you get the point). With the economy the way it is, it should be the same with purchasable items in the Paragon Market.

The item descriptions for most items in the market, thusfar to me, have been thin to non-existent. For me, a key example was the Barbarian costume set. I had to dig around the forums to find images of what they're supposed to look like, and a list of what was actually in the set. With work and family being what it is, I don't have the time to go digging and hunting through UStream videos and the such for the info. This info should have been an up-front feature (i.e. click-to-access info) for those wanting to purchase these items. A link to a specific web section that shows ALL of the purchasable items and a bulletized/detailed listing of what you get for purchasing said item. I'm seeing this slowly getting remedied of late.

For power sets, Snow Globe's post seems a great way of covering the bases for this. Granted, it's a lot of work for Paragon Studios in regards to Sales dep't, website managers, test server item scheduling, and potentially product preview movies/animation, but they are the ones that started this system and the purchasers/potential purchasers are not obviously 100% happy with their system.

If they want to do this microtransaction gig, they need to do it right to get more customer interest and trust. Hiding or providing a lack of details of a purchasable product is equal to a used car salesman's technique, whether if it's intentional or not.

When one has to say 'caveat emptor' to others regarding a company's products, that's not a good sign of the company's salesmanship or products.

As to OP's original post, your refund question belongs in a PM or email to Paragon Studios or NC Soft or discuss with customer services for resolution. There is little the forumites can do to resolve your situation, other than speculate and postulate.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Why are you assuming that customer service wouldn't help you out?
Actually im not, I just wanted to have the discussion first about what this means.

Its about street justice at the moment.

But this needs to be hashed out if they are going to continue to sell powers.

Its not like a costume set.... yeah that loincloth didnt look as good in game as the character creator...

Its not the same

Though honestly I didnt come up with the discussion or argument until I actually hit a powerset I didnt like, so I didnt bring this up for beam rifle.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I didn't say that is what you were saying or advocating, I said specifically that in my opinion is the natural consequence of doing the specifics of what you're advocating, whether you specifically want it to happen or not, and that side effect makes some of your proposals unpalatable.
The Intrepid Informer was written during closed beta, why the heck wasn't it made available prior to it going on sale?

Below you'll find the list of powers that make up the Street Justice powerset along with their short description, long description and some of my comments regarding each power. Please keep in mind that these powers and their descriptions are subject to change through the beta process.
As to the others: Like any real numbers shown, to expect them NOT to change in an MMO is insane, so I don't agree with your objection. At the very minimum, they need to have a preview before buying. The Beta and Test Servers seem to be ideally suited for this, as they are not connected to the billing server.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



The one thing I can agree with is that we should be able to preview the sets in the character creator. And not just the numbers. We should be able to preview the animations and customisation options as well. The tech apparently exists to stop you from progressing past a certain point if you have options you don't own selected on a character.

Of course, similar suggestions went unheeded in beta...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



You never want to loose a customer for stupid reasons, and not offering a refund even if the customer is wrong is one of them.
Having read your posts for years and having done my fair share of work in retail, I can say without hesitation you are emblematic of the type of customer I would go to great lengths to lose.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Having read your posts for years and having done my fair share of work in retail, I can say without hesitation you are emblematic of the type of customer I would go to great lengths to lose.
OOh personal insults... how very enlightening.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by Canadian_Medbot View Post
Opener: Impulse Purchase
Finisher: Buyer's Remorse



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Having read your posts for years and having done my fair share of work in retail, I can say without hesitation you are emblematic of the type of customer I would go to great lengths to lose.
Monumental day.

Once again I am agreeing with Venture.

I'm beginning to feel sick just typing that sentence.

Then again, I begin to remember why some people used to be on my ignore list before I decided to be charitable and wipe the slate clean.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Canadian_Medbot View Post
Opener: Impulse Purchase
Finisher: Buyer's Remorse

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.