Street Justice and general points refunds.

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Originally Posted by BeyondReach View Post
Yes, not every new powerset has to be uber. Free powersets don't have to be uber. But powersets you have to pay should be superior to free powersets. Otherwise, make them free.
Happily, StJ is superior to many free powersets. For instance, the animations are subjectively the best of all the melee powersets. The names of the attacks are superior to many other powersets. The combo mechanic is superior to many other gimmicks. It's better than MA for AoE. It's better than Spines for ST. It's better than Kinetic Melee for not sounding like a racecar.

All in all, for the variables I am concerned about, StJ is at least on par and often superior to many other options, including free powersets.
Powersets that you have to pay for should be in every aspect superior to free powersets, both in in-game effectiveness and other appeal (interesting mechanics, looks good, interesting concept).
Ahh, now I get it. You think that it should be better than everything else, in all areas. Faster animations, more damage, lower end costs, the works. To this, I say thee, nay.



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
And I have a theory that you could make a "Thought Melee" set where your character stands there and does nothing, has no animations, and if it did better AoE damage than any other melee set then some people would declare it awesome.

I want this set...

Actually want access to "No FX" psychic powers, that'd be fun.

[url=]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



There aren't any "powersets you must buy". You get points every month as part of your subscription, and you can use them to pick up a new powerset if you want, and never pay anything extra. There is no "must buy" about it.

Now want to buy, want to buy now! I can understand.

But if I were the Devs I wouldn't give away another new power set ever again. It goes against their current business model.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
They are responsible for providing accurate information at/before the time of purchase. Failure to do so will cause these complaints.
No, they are not "responsible" for providing anything of the sort any more than they have been responsible for providing power numbers to people who have not purchased the game prior to Freedom. Allowing us to see power numbers would be good business, but NOT providing them is neither criminal nor unjust. It simply asks players to look for these numbers on their own, and these numbers are not that hard to find.

Furthermore, providing numbers does nothing for people who can't do the math, so it would be logical to request that it is the development team's "responsibility" to provide comprehensive numbers breakdowns for people who aren't well-versed in basic statistics.

Seriously, what is it with all the Icedrones on the forums of late?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
And Paragon Studios did not fulfill THEIR responsibility for full disclosure for players to actually do their due diligence. It takes two to form a sale, and I'm not willing to put the blame on one party only.
How so? The revised StJ is available to test right now. It's been reported here in the forums.

When, in the past, have they come out with a powerset where they sat down and straight out gave you the spreadsheet of numbers at the time of purchase?

Dual Pistols?
Electric Control?

You objection appears to deny any responsibility of Paragon Studios to provide information before the player buys the item. They are responsible for providing accurate information at/before the time of purchase. Failure to do so will cause these complaints.
Venues for obtaining the information are already in place. This is a failure of the customer's portion of due diligence.

If you buy a car, then, 50,000 miles later find out that the turn-signal flasher is located in a place that necessitates disassembly of the dashboard (incurring large labor costs), you can't return the car.

Now please understand. I'm not saying that Paragon couldn't, or shouldn't make the raw numbers on such sets (and not just the graphical appeal) available to people beforehand in a human-readable format. I'm simply saying they haven't done so in the past.

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So I have to say I am extremely apointed and happy with Street Justice .

The set is just plain sweet... the aoe's are so cool as to be kickass, and a 5 target limit on one and a 10 on the other.

ITs funferior to SS in both single and aoe damage.

The set was changed from the time it came off beta but before live, and did not go back on test.

This feels rather kick and butt, even though it was kickbutt live.

To move onto a general point, will we be able to get more sets, powers, etc that we feel appointed with.

There was a way to view the real stats before purchasing, so again I feel this was a somewhat kickbutt.

I am EXTREMELY happy with this.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



whoever said it was better then SS?



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
How so? The revised StJ is available to test right now. It's been reported here in the forums.
Just want to reiterate that Clockwork 01 today said that Street Justice has not been changed since it's removal from beta in August.

Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
So I have to say I am extremely apointed and happy with Street Justice .

The set is just plain sweet... the aoe's are so cool as to be kickass, and a 5 target limit on one and a 10 on the other.

ITs funferior to SS in both single and aoe damage.

The set was changed from the time it came off beta but before live, and did not go back on test.

This feels rather kick and butt, even though it was kickbutt live.

To move onto a general point, will we be able to get more sets, powers, etc that we feel appointed with.

There was a way to view the real stats before purchasing, so again I feel this was a somewhat kickbutt.

I am EXTREMELY happy with this.

In regards to the text I bolded and enlarged the font for I have two things to say.

No. Not correct in the slightest.

Originally Posted by Clockwork O1 View Post

Just to clarify, nothing has changed on Street Justice since it was removed from beta in late August.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
So I have to say I am extremely disapointed and unhappy with Street Justice .

The set is just plain weak... the aoe's are so small as to be meaningless, and a 5 target limit on one and a 10 on the other.

ITs inferior to SS in both single and aoe damage.

The set was changed from the time it came off beta but before live, and did not go back on test.

This feels rather bait and switch, even though it wasnt nerfed live.

To move onto a general point, will we be able to get refunds on sets, powers, etc that we feel disappointed with.

There was no way to view the real stats before purchasing, so again I feel this was a somewhat deceptive.

I am EXTREMELY unhappy with this.
Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
So I have to say I am extremely apointed and happy with Street Justice .

The set is just plain sweet... the aoe's are so cool as to be kickass, and a 5 target limit on one and a 10 on the other.

ITs funferior to SS in both single and aoe damage.

The set was changed from the time it came off beta but before live, and did not go back on test.

This feels rather kick and butt, even though it was kickbutt live.

To move onto a general point, will we be able to get more sets, powers, etc that we feel appointed with.

There was a way to view the real stats before purchasing, so again I feel this was a somewhat kickbutt.

I am EXTREMELY happy with this.

Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
In regards to the text I bolded and enlarged the font for I have two things to say.

No. Not correct in the slightest.
While you're absolutely correct, please examine the quotes from Shubbie & NT. Hopefully I haven't misunderstood some humor on your part.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
You are quick to accuse me of misquoting you, so I'll give you an opportunity to reread what I said in its entirety and reconsider. If upon doing so you still want to stick with this statement, I will be compelled to demonstrate this has absolutely no basis in fact.
Okay, you are saying that providing the real numbers before sale is a bad idea because it would cause more complaints when the powers are changed, right?

Do you agree or disagree with this statement:

"The developers, when they have asked subscribers to purchase a power set, have asked more from players should be held more accountable to provide more information in a timely manner than with powers that are included with a subscription."

It is a fairly simple question. They want to charge for a power set, so they should have to provide more information in a timely manner. If you agree with the statement, how are they to provide that information in a timely manner to the players? If you disagree with the statement, how do you answer the complaints that the developers are not forthcoming with information that helps players make an informed decision?

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
No, they are not "responsible" for providing anything of the sort any more than they have been responsible for providing power numbers to people who have not purchased the game prior to Freedom. Allowing us to see power numbers would be good business, but NOT providing them is neither criminal nor unjust.
Criminal? Please show me one instance in this thread other than this reply where I mention "criminal".

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
It simply asks players to look for these numbers on their own, and these numbers are not that hard to find.
If the numbers are not provided, how are the players supposed to "look for these on their own?" Circular arguments are circular.

Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Furthermore, providing numbers does nothing for people who can't do the math, so it would be logical to request that it is the development team's "responsibility" to provide comprehensive numbers breakdowns for people who aren't well-versed in basic statistics.
They've had that Intrepid Informer typed up for at least a month and a half, if not 3-4 months. I doubt anyone can claim that they could not have provided that information at an earlier time than a day AFTER it being put up for sale.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
How so? The revised StJ is available to test right now. It's been reported here in the forums.
Player reported, not official channels and not in game before purchase. If it is on the test server, then that is ok for low levels, but doesn't show what would happen at higher levels unless a player is willing to spend a lot of time on a throw-away character.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
When, in the past, have they come out with a powerset where they sat down and straight out gave you the spreadsheet of numbers at the time of purchase?
When, before Issue 21, have they charged $10 for a single power set?

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Dual Pistols?
They had a beta test for a week before the Going Rogue Pre-sale where players could test Dual Pistols before release.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Electric Control?
Open beta for around 3 weeks before Going Rogue went live.

Under $10 combined when the full powers & content were $29.99.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Venues for obtaining the information are already in place. This is a failure of the customer's portion of due diligence.
The only official venues for the information are the test server and official announcements.

Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Now please understand. I'm not saying that Paragon couldn't, or shouldn't make the raw numbers on such sets (and not just the graphical appeal) available to people beforehand in a human-readable format. I'm simply saying they haven't done so in the past.
That is no excuse for them to not release that information in the future. There is also no excuse for holding that Intrepid Informer till the day after it goes on the market.

Originally Posted by Goliath Bird Eater View Post
Just want to reiterate that Clockwork 01 today said that Street Justice has not been changed since it's removal from beta in August.
So what? A lot of players could not access the Beta Server before Street Justice was pulled from the Beta.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Do you agree or disagree with this statement:

"The developers, when they have asked subscribers to purchase a power set, have asked more from players should be held more accountable to provide more information in a timely manner than with powers that are included with a subscription."

If you disagree with the statement, how do you answer the complaints that the developers are not forthcoming with information that helps players make an informed decision?
Its not the developers' fault if the buyer was impatient and made an impulse buy before more information was provided. In fact, the fact that said buyer made the purchase without even having that information would lead one to believe they were ever interested in making an informed decision to begin with.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Criminal? Please show me one instance in this thread other than this reply where I mention "criminal".
I never said you did, as the post I quoted didn't say that. But others have said this in the buildup to Freedom.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
If the numbers are not provided, how are the players supposed to "look for these on their own?" Circular arguments are circular.
The numbers can be obtained by calling out the power names in-game. If one needs to know the power names, ParagonWiki - which shows up in loading tips - has them. I don't know if Mids' or City of Data have them yet, but they will. Failing that, on these very forums are people who WILL supply power numbers if you ask them to.

It's only a circular argument if believe the character creator to be the only source of City of Heroes numbers on the Internet, and it isn't by far. It isn't even the only source of numbers within the actual game.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Player reported, not official channels and not in game before purchase. If it is on the test server, then that is ok for low levels, but doesn't show what would happen at higher levels unless a player is willing to spend a lot of time on a throw-away character.
What are the developers supposed to show you that lets you know how a powerset performs at high levels BUT its numbers? And those are available to ALL players with the only requirement being knowing what the powers are called, which is trivial to find out. Are you perhaps suggesting that the developers give players level bumps on test as a means to provide information? Because this won't happen, nor should it ever, not outside of a larger test with more productive goals.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
When, before Issue 21, have they charged $10 for a single power set?
Does it matter if they charge for one powerset or four? Does it matter if they charge for a powerset and a zone? You still don't know what you're buying until you buy it.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
They had a beta test for a week before the Going Rogue Pre-sale where players could test Dual Pistols before release.
Which was to test that the set is working, not to give players "infromation."

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
The only official venues for the information are the test server and official announcements.
So says you. Far as I'm concerned, the forums are perfectly official. Furthermore, since ParagonWiki is showing up on loading tips, that should be considered a go-to source for information, as well. It's not official, but it's accurate.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
That is no excuse for them to not release that information in the future. There is also no excuse for holding that Intrepid Informer till the day after it goes on the market.
They don't need an excuse, because they don't owe you an early look. If you don't feel informed enough to make a purchase, then don't make that purchase.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post

They don't need an excuse, because they don't owe you an early look. If you don't feel informed enough to make a purchase, then don't make that purchase.

I would like to point out that any player in the EU can claim a refund within seven days of purchase. By law.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



How important is or how much of an impact does "deserve" in this instance?

For many customer interactions, deserve has nothing to do with it. The issue is decided on some other criterion/ia.



Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
So you are saying that Paragon Studios has no ethical responsibility to inform players what they are buying? I think that could be challenged in the courts or under any number of consumer protection acts.

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon View Post
Its not the developers' fault if the buyer was impatient and made an impulse buy before more information was provided. In fact, the fact that said buyer made the purchase without even having that information would lead one to believe they were ever interested in making an informed decision to begin with.
I'm not talking about the original poster though. Yes, the original poster is at fault for not waiting for more information. However, it IS ALSO the developer's fault for not providing the information in a timely manner.

Both the original poster and the developers are at fault.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
the target caps for the two aoes are 5 and 10 respectivly,
ALL melee AoEs follow this rule.

Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
and the aoe distance insanely small. Its very difficult to hit anything with the aoe. The radius on the aoe is also a miniscule 7 feet and 50% arc and 6 feet radius.
MOST melee AoEs follow this rule, although there are some outliers.

Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Footstomp has a 15 foot radius and a 16 target cap
This is just NOT TRUE. Furthermore, Foot Stomp's 10-target limit is well-known AND easily researched! Take more pride in your work and TRY to know what you're talking about.

Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
Also the heavy hitter, have almost exactly the same stats except KO does a bit more damage
Knockout Blow is an outlier to balance the rest of the set. Many melee sets have no single power with its damage number, but te sets as a whole are regarded as strong.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Originally Posted by Red_Gren View Post
While you're absolutely correct, please examine the quotes from Shubbie & NT. Hopefully I haven't misunderstood some humor on your part.
Just pointing out inaccuracies. As I tend to do at times. Especially when it's an inaccuracy being repeated by several people. Especially when I have a Dev quote available to back up what I'm saying.

Your quote didn't enlarge the text as my quote did, so looking at it that way it's losing the context.

Could I have trimmed out the rest of NT's post and left only that sentence? Sure.

But I liked leaving the rest of the quote there since it had so much win in how it was worded.

It would have worked so much better if NT had corrected that line to say:

The set wasn't changed from the time it came off beta but before live, and did not go back on test.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
I would like to point out that any player in the EU can claim a refund within seven days of purchase. By law.
I would like to point out that throwing a hissy fit and ranting on the forums is not how any player can claim a refund.

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.

Black Pebble is my new hero.



Originally Posted by Texas Justice View Post
I would like to point out that throwing a hissy fit and ranting on the forums is not how said player can claim a refund.

The problem is does he have any other recourse? Paragon claim by their EULA they don't have to give a refund (Much like shops will try, until you mention the law) if they don't come out with a way to preview a powerset before purchase, they will get a lot more of these threads.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by Shubbie View Post
So I have to say I am extremely disapointed and unhappy with Street Justice .

The set is just plain weak... the aoe's are so small as to be meaningless, and a 5 target limit on one and a 10 on the other.

ITs inferior to SS in both single and aoe damage.

The set was changed from the time it came off beta but before live, and did not go back on test.

This feels rather bait and switch, even though it wasnt nerfed live.

To move onto a general point, will we be able to get refunds on sets, powers, etc that we feel disappointed with.

There was no way to view the real stats before purchasing, so again I feel this was a somewhat deceptive.

I am EXTREMELY unhappy with this.
Why SHOULD it somehow be equal, or better than SS when it comes to damage? SS its general accepted as one of the best all round sets, especially for damage with Rage. Just not sure if the comparison with SS is a reason to cry foul. Hey, dark melee has inferior aoe to ss..fix it now? Come on.

Mine you, I didnt play the set on test, so maybe you are right in saying it has been nerfed for Live. However..I do not play a new set expecting it is just gonna be better than everything else. The animations of SJ alone sold me. If your not having fun with the set..dont play it.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Okay, you are saying that providing the real numbers before sale is a bad idea because it would cause more complaints when the powers are changed, right?
No, I said, and its sufficiently self explanatory I can simply requote:

Its one thing for the numbers to just happen to be available, just like all other powersets are, with the same understanding they are subject to change just like all other numbers are. Like oh say in the character creator screen, perhaps. But once you say its an obligation to release numbers, and you set up a specific system for releasing those numbers that goes beyond what the game automatically allows for all other powers, you cross the line into territory that frankly I would prefer not have to witness the fallout of.
Its perfectly acceptable to disclose the details of the powerset in the same manner the numbers are disclosed for all sets. Going farther than that is going too far.

Do you agree or disagree with this statement:

"The developers, when they have asked subscribers to purchase a power set, have asked more from players should be held more accountable to provide more information in a timely manner than with powers that are included with a subscription."

It is a fairly simple question. They want to charge for a power set, so they should have to provide more information in a timely manner.
Given the specific words "more information", the answer is no, I don't agree. I agree the disclosure should be timely. I disagree there's any special requirement on the release of the numbers beyond that.

Moreover, the implication of being "more accountable" suggests that players can assume they are buying those numbers, and therefore they have a right to insist that what they buy actually *be* those numbers. Its meaningless to say that the numbers will be that upon sale, but may change five seconds after that. The numbers are there, and should be there, solely as an optional information source that describes the set without promising performance of a set. If you make a buying decision based solely on those numbers, the devs are free to change then two seconds after you buy the set, or for that matter while you're buying the set. The devs are not financially guaranteeing any of those numbers. There is therefore no logic to purchasing a powerset based primarily *on* those numbers.

The devs are only accountable to the powerset numbers for purchased powersets as they are for all other powersets. Players should not be given the false impression that because they are purchasing unlocks for those powersets, they are in some way special when it comes to how powersets are managed in the future. I'm saying to the players don't presume that, and I'm saying to the developers if you can't follow this rule, then you're in effect selling improper power through the store by granting exemptions to the normal powerset management process, and you should stop selling powersets altogether.

You're supposed to sell your work, not your design soul. You don't get to buy it back.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
So you are saying that Paragon Studios has no ethical responsibility to inform players what they are buying? I think that could be challenged in the courts or under any number of consumer protection acts.

I'm not talking about the original poster though. Yes, the original poster is at fault for not waiting for more information. However, it IS ALSO the developer's fault for not providing the information in a timely manner.

Both the original poster and the developers are at fault.
If you feel that strongly, then go ahead. Lawyer up and file a suit. Nobody here's stopping you.

Blood Widow Ricki * Tide Shifter * T-34 * Opposite Reaction * Shaolin Midnight * ChernobylCheerleader



It really doesnt matter why I dislike it, I come to the conclusion that it is irrelevant.

Also buying points is a silly sheild in this case

That would be like mcdonalds saying you cant buy a hamburger, you have to buy a gift card with points on it, then use that to buy the hamburger.

Therefore negating any obligation from them to actually provide a tasty burger instead of a bad one. Because what you paid for is merely the card, and not the actual burger.

A point system is not insulation from customer dissatisfaction, its merely way to make it feel like you arent spending money.

Boycott Ncsoft if they close down Coh.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
I would like to point out that any player in the EU can claim a refund within seven days of purchase. By law.
I live in an EU country and there's no such law here. There never has been. What country is this that this exists? Because "the EU" is not a country, nor an authority with law-making rights over sovereign states.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.