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Bloody Bay for a pack of Shivans.
Summon the Shivan closer to the EB than you are so it will tank her.
Heal it while the rest of your pets do the beatdown on her debuffed self.
There is very little that can't be beaten down with a buffed Shivan to assist -
If you look at the neck you can see the part that attaches the Tank to the Torso, and as has been said, with the right colour picks and aura the tank mostly fades.
It was very satisfying to use an Echo of Statesman to tank the guy who killed him and his little buddy too.
I find the occasional hate thread encouraging, actually. Those threads illustrate strong feelings about the game instead of meh responses. That this game can still generate strong reactions positive or negative points to an active and engaged player base (at least on the forums). If game changes updates or releases of content dropped to a resounding chorus of crickets, I would be more concerned for the health of CoH. Those threads are a fairly healthly way to vent without degrading the forums overall. So thumbs up for spleen, bile and vitriol venting. (hmm. Spleen, Bile and Vitriol. good name for a redside law firm?)
While not directly related to graphics, make sure you have the NCsoft launcher set to close after launching COH. Many find that it can be a memory hog if you do not do so.
Dunno when they went up, but 2 char slots are currently on sale for 400 points, so I think that solves your dilema.
I believe these are the convention costumes, not the ToT available ones. Only downside is weapons are invisible when in costume, oddly the nem staff , blackwand and ghost axe are not.
Well you'd have to use a female body for this one. An empty jar with the shoulder-cat to explain the lack of fish in the tank.
Flowbee Scalp Massage?
Opener: Impulse Purchase
Finisher: Buyer's Remorse -
I like Kal's Idea. Power Slide remains exclusive and purple, a new purchaseable, tintable power similar to it but with more up to date sfx can go up for sale.
While these are nice and a sale is nice, these are still massively overpriced. They belong in bundles of 5 or 10 thematically related sets. The costume powers I and many are waiting to show up are the convention exclusives, which we might be willing to pay maybe 400 points for. I realise these are essentially vanity powers and cost is often high, but please don't make these the microtransation Monacle debacle for COH.
While I already have these, I would not be opposed to grouping most or all of them together as one of the rotating Tier 9+ Vip Paragon Rewards picks. That way you aren't directly selling them for cash, and the Tier 9 requirement maintains some amount of exclusivity for those who care about that. Not the best solution but better that the current situation.
I love these in a AOE power, and on tanks I stack them all in the 1st power so I get the most out of bruising blow. I tend to not level 1 build over 20 so that I can enjoy the proc madness when exemping that low.
If you don't level a build using them over 20 (even if you could train higher) when you exemp down to 20 or below the procs still work. as soon as you train to lvl 21 the procs cut out, exemped down or not.
Both the DVD and COV DVD capes are only showing up under High Collar capes and that only on Male and Huge models. Female body type cannot access them at all. And as many have mentioned the Wisps aura is not there in the tailor either.
Ditto to the joined GM fight already in progress and having to fight a new crop of 15 shivans and the GM before getting ported. This may be WAI, but I can see new players being confused or annoyed by this.
Well I could see the new EULA as a blanket permission to snoop for AE farms of the publish, farm, unpublish type, but the new lowbie sewer trial is going to suck the air right out of AE farming/PLing at low levels anyway.
I think my biggest beef with GR is the lack of Day Job locations that could have been there, like the one for the tailor and other non faction locked ones. It wasn't too annoying but it was a constant irritant whenever I was getting ready to log out.
Don't forget to get, craft and slot the kismet +acc def IO as it applies to all your temp power attacks and sits nicely in CJ.
I really like 'Rocco's arc, but if you have a dislike of Mu you may want to try a different one.
Looks like Countess de la Roca (from A Flight to Remember) as Shadowcat/Kitty Pryde
When they make it, it will be the Whiskey AT and it will branch to Blended or Single-Malt. (after all it will be a PEAT)