Praetorian Epic Archtypes
I had hopes for that but I think you'll be waiting a long, long time.
The Pratorians get a bump to 25 in the next release so you maybe be able enjoy new content. I have a few praetorians I'm intentionally not playing with the hope they'll be able to go to 50 one day. Cross your fingers!!
Don't forget Villains had to wait 6 months just to reach 50. For VEATS they had to wait a further 11 months.
Deamus the Fallen - 50 DM/EA Brute - Lib
Dragos Bahtiam - 50 Fire/Ice Blaster - Lib
/facepalm - Apply Directly to the Forehead!
Formally Dragos_Bahtiam - Abbreviate to DSL - Warning, may contain sarcasm
Don't forget Villains had to wait 6 months just to reach 50. For VEATS they had to wait a further 11 months.
Issue 7 was released on June 6, 2006, 8 months later.
Issue 12 was released on May 6, 2008, 23 months later.
Let's focus on getting Praetorians content all the way to level 50 first, instead of making an epic archetype with story content that stops at level 20 and kicks you out of Praetoria.
Also, I'd rather see a Rikti epic, with a blueside storyline centering around the Traditionalists and their peace talks with the humans and integrating into society, and a redside storyline focusing on the Restructurists with their shaky alliance with Arachnos as they get the power they need to take control of their home world and Earth. But that's just opinion.
I am happy to wait years for the Praetorian side to get fully developed. I would much rather it go all the way to 50 with the same calibre of writing it has now, even if it takes six months for every five levels, than to see it rushed and weakened. Hopefully there's enough new money in Freedom that they can reinvest more in content creation, because I daresay GR-locked content will get more focus on the 'new shiny' to lure the free players into paying money.
When they make it, it will be the Whiskey AT and it will branch to Blended or Single-Malt. (after all it will be a PEAT)
Are the Devs ever going to make Praetorian Epic archtypes and if so what do u think they would be?
Avilians - Cancelled
Nictus - Cancelled, replaced with VEATs.
Incarnates - turned into the endgame system.
Blood of the Black Stream - in limbo, unlikely to be worked on
Coralax - in limbo, unlikely to be worked on
If anything, I'd say Incarnates are the "Praetorian (or at least GR) EAT." Epic ATs are "EATs" because they're tied to a story, after all, and the Incarnates are most certainly tied to the Praetorian invasion and storyline.
No thanks. If I wanted someone else to write my player character's origin story for me, I have a thousand different console and portable RPGs for that. I'll let you tell me how I met my Pokemon and became a trainer, but don't try to tell me how I became an MMORPG superhero.
A couple of different things don't apply to GR EAT that applied to both H EAT and V EAT.
1) Each side had their own ATs to begin with, GR has the classics of both sides only, nothing original.
2) It used to be that in order to qualify to access EAT, you had to reach 50, but lvl 50 content would definitely be a requirement for this level of work to be committed. Since we are at best only available to 20-25, we have a LONG way to go for that.
That having been said, I would like to see GR EATs to come out and play with, I'm altoholic, though, so I always like new toys/powers/alts to play with. I also would like to see 3.5 world's of content available to the game to come with it.
To go on from there, what 2 EATs should be made available to Praetoria, and what gimmicks should they have (H EAT have transformations, V EAT have split specs)? Remember that the other 4 EATs have an equivalent of Assault as a Primary, along with a defensive type power set to back it up.
My own thoughts:
Praetorian Clockwork: Technology Origin EAT: Powers: Robotic Assault, Adaptive Hardware/Software.
Separated Devouring Earth: Mutant or Magic or Science Origin EAT: Powers: Elemental Assault, Adaptive genome.
Gimmick: both power sets are only defined by range and power or aura type, they then take on damage/resistance types based on a "type" that they have taken, these types can either be purchased and swapped out ala the H EAT abilities, or they can be set with a specific power alteration ala Dual Pistols (but it affects both Primary and Secondary powersets).
Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
"They called me crazy�they called me insane�THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right."
- Megavolt - Darkwing Duck
2) It used to be that in order to qualify to access EAT, you had to reach 50, but lvl 50 content would definitely be a requirement for this level of work to be committed. Since we are at best only available to 20-25, we have a LONG way to go for that.
Eventually they got knocked down to 20.
Any future EATs, I'd hope, would either be unlocked at 20 as well, or be unlocked through a story arc, contact or task/strike force. They're tied to a specific part of the lore - so use exploration of the lore (which is what they are, really - a microscope taken to a part of it as opposed to the wide view of 1-50) to unlock them.
Note, after a while the devs said the unlock at 50 for Kheldians was a mistake. The only reason (and I argued against this, saying this was not a good justification at all) for the VEATs being unlocked at 50 was "parity."
Eventually they got knocked down to 20. |
Any future EATs, I'd hope, would either be unlocked at 20 as well, or be unlocked through a story arc, contact or task/strike force. They're tied to a specific part of the lore - so use exploration of the lore (which is what they are, really - a microscope taken to a part of it as opposed to the wide view of 1-50) to unlock them.
Are you a Wolf, a Sheep, or a Hound?
"They called me crazy�they called me insane�THEY CALLED ME LOONEY!! and boy, were they right."
- Megavolt - Darkwing Duck
Indeed, it used to be. I hated it myself, but as I said, I'm an altoholic, there are never enough character slots... It's a wonder my main is 36 at all!

You can get there.
(that said, when I first saw a Kheld was I3, my little Blaster was in a Hollows team... and I wanted one. When we had that horrid content gap and XP slowing - and double-debt cap, etc. - from the mid-late 30s to 40, that "Want a Kheld" was one of the things that kept me going. That and RP. Still love that PB... which is also 50.)
I agree that they should be unlocked at level 20, but the content for that particular aspect of the game (i.e. Praetoria) should be available to level 50 before EATs become available for it. Otherwise, what would really be the point? The new EAT spends 20-30 levels working for/against the Tyrant, and then heads off to Prime? No, it really needs to be expanded first. |
Also, I'd rather see a Rikti epic, with a blueside storyline centering around the Traditionalists and their peace talks with the humans and integrating into society, and a redside storyline focusing on the Restructurists with their shaky alliance with Arachnos as they get the power they need to take control of their home world and Earth. But that's just opinion.
Rikti EAT: Necessary!
((In before Techbot gets here...

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

I agree that they should be unlocked at level 20, but the content for that particular aspect of the game (i.e. Praetoria) should be available to level 50 before EATs become available for it. Otherwise, what would really be the point? The new EAT spends 20-30 levels working for/against the Tyrant, and then heads off to Prime? No, it really needs to be expanded first.
Change the mission where you become a Hero/Villain to be a bit more story oriented explaining that you are going to Primal Earth to spy for Cole/The Resistance and use that as the basis for the higher level PEAT stories.
Someone wrote up a really nice DE based EAT concept for goldside. It's around somewhere, but I don't recall what section. GR probably.
Somewhat in link with the idea of a Rikti EAT, I'd like to throw the idea for a Cimeroran EAT.
Would be a nice step towards bringing spears and thrown weapons into the game, imo.
As well as a neat concept to show how Romulus betrayed Imperious and all that.
Oh, the possibilities.
My hope for the PEATs would be the new PPD and Resistance powersets.
I really like the look of the PPD defensive powers with their glowing digital overlays rather than physical overlays (almost like localized force fields rather than physical armour). Plus, their powerglove attacks are a nice mix of melee and ranged attacks that are similar to, but still different than, existing powersets.
On the Resistance side, I... want... heavy... weapons
If they do ever make them a playable faction I would hope they would get some creatively different options for the powersets. For example, if I chose a mastermind, I would want to be able to choose between Warworks, Clockworks, PPD,Imperial Defense Forces or Ghouls as minions and to be able to call down shots like the shots like war walkers.
To be honest, I don't see enough unique in the PPD, Seers or IDF troops to make a PEAT very interesting. And although I like the rocket launcher packs, they're not as versatile as the crab backpack. Otherwise it'd be guns and psi attacks which we already have with VEATS.
If we absolutely had to have a PEAT (and personally, I hope the love affair with Praetoria ends very soon) then a Devoured Earth AT would be far more interesting. Now we are seeing what people look like as they are devoured, it could make for an interesting level progression as the mutation takes hold. Although I expect there would be great raging over having character appearance dictated to us.
Personally I think the Rikti AT has a lot more potential.
@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -

Honestly I think the Rikti EAT would have the biggest problem of all when it comes to Dictated Appearance. Think about it, a Devoured AT like the Fifth Ward Seers, even with their tentacled mutant bits, still have the standard frame/body, so could access the majority of existing parts.
Rikti would need almost entirely new art resources, or they'd be limited to the (very) few existing costume parts available to the Rikit model. Not just for 1 slot, like VEATs, but for ALL of their costume slots.
(Edit): I think a Devoured AT could be fun. You could get place able buff/debuff effects like Tree of Life/Cairns/etc, plus we've yet to see what kind of wacky abilities Praetorian DE have. And for the mutant bits they could just make them animated costume parts (just like the crab backpack) and have different versions of them to pick from, so sure you HAVE to have them, but you could customize what they look like to an extent (beyond just color).

Honestly I think the Rikti EAT would have the biggest problem of all when it comes to Dictated Appearance. Think about it, a Devoured AT like the Fifth Ward Seers, even with their tentacled mutant bits, still have the standard frame/body, so could access the majority of existing parts.
Rikti would need almost entirely new art resources, or they'd be limited to the (very) few existing costume parts available to the Rikit model. Not just for 1 slot, like VEATs, but for ALL of their costume slots. |
Rikti actually have a wide variety of different appearances and colors, and I could see the devs adding a few more to the mix if a REAT were ever made. It'd be like the first slot for VEATs, yeah, but there is slightly more customization. And every once in awhile the art designers could make a new costume part or two for 'em. Like Vanguard themed Rikti armor or something.
Utterly massive.
Also it would mean that from this point on they would have to build new pieces for 4 rigs instead of 3, because if anyone thinks players would be content with a REAT getting an orders of magnitude smaller tailoring pool and then NOT getting their own version of all new pieces added, they're very mistaken.

For Rikti EATs can Lost versions be an option too and what about a Hero1 option to come later?
South Park for avatars
Protector: Postmaster Bot/FF
Postal Express (Tech Blaster, AR/Dev)
Nukular Man (Sci Defender, Rad/Rad)
Are the Devs ever going to make Praetorian Epic archtypes and if so what do u think they would be?