Premium Players get less than expected!

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Originally Posted by Prodiguy View Post
If there is nothing gated behind a subscription that can't be bought with a one time purchase, there is absolutely no reason to have a subscription.
Not true, but it requires a different model. The first major MMO to go "freemium" works like this and got more subs after the transition. But there content was gated behind a one time purchase. New content keeps being added and is available for free to subscribers. The price of all this content is quite a few months of subscription, and coupled with the hassle of buying it separately, a lot of people chose to go for subs.

Another alternative is to have things which need to be bought multiple times. Another game limits spell power and equipment, but allows you to buy the ability to equip or upgrade a limited number of them. You have to buy that every time you want to equip such equipment. People who don't like subscriptions can live with that, while people who want to use these things often and don't mind subbing can do that. Plus there's also a lot of other stuff you get.

There's no shortage of working models which don't completely gate abilities behind a subscription. That doesn't mean that Freedom's model is bad, just that it's not the only viable one.



Originally Posted by The_Prismist View Post
This is the difference here. Obviously it would be ridiculous to give everyone access to everything for free. However, the assertion that allowing access to everything at a price would cause all subs to disappear is completely unfounded.
Not remotely. You're forgetting that a sub does come with a monthly stipend. Eventually you could buy the incarnate content with that stipend.

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Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Heh, a lot of players on this board don't care for what I have to say, most likely because of jealousy. Either that or my style of covering every single little detail in long-drawn out posts leaving no room for any counter-argument just invites players looking for every tiny in-accuracy they can find just so they can throw insults and feel better about themselves.
You are now hearing this as Dr. Aeon /em lectures.

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Nope, sorry Dechs, I agree with Je-saist in spirit. We might have different ideas on where to draw the line, since I've not fully decided yet, but offering some of the content of Incarnates (even if only to previous GR buyers) is a good idea.

No amount of marketting blurb or word of mouth can replace experiencing something. The incarnate system is another level of gameplay. You should be able to experience some of it, and want more of it.

That is a sustainable business idea.

Putting the best toys in a VIP lounge so that the Premiums can see and never, ever play with them?

That just leads to them finding ways to be perfectly content with what they have.

Because if you never had something, you can't miss it.

Forse: lvl 22 FF/NRG Defender
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Toppa Grace: lvl 25 Fire/Ice Blaster
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Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Nope, sorry Dechs, I agree with Je-saist in spirit. We might have different ideas on where to draw the line, since I've not fully decided yet, but offering some of the content of Incarnates (even if only to previous GR buyers) is a good idea.

No amount of marketting blurb or word of mouth can replace experiencing something. The incarnate system is another level of gameplay. You should be able to experience some of it, and want more of it.

That is a sustainable business idea.

Putting the best toys in a VIP lounge so that the Premiums can see and never, ever play with them?

That just leads to them finding ways to be perfectly content with what they have.

Because if you never had something, you can't miss it.
For the record I'd be fine with an Incarnate License ONLY for Premiums, NOT free players, or allowing premiums to play with the alpha slot. Not trials though.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Forse View Post
Nope, sorry Dechs, I agree with Je-saist in spirit. We might have different ideas on where to draw the line, since I've not fully decided yet, but offering some of the content of Incarnates (even if only to previous GR buyers) is a good idea.
This much I can agree with, as I've actually stated a few posts back. Give them the first two tiers of the Alpha slot, which is what GR might have been released with.

Likewise you'd have to include that in the GR package now, or maybe just as a new item.

But you can't sell access to the level shifts, other iPowers, or the iTrials, except perhaps as a license like the IO system.

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give 'em the Alpha without being able to iTrial. It allows you to slot it up, but at a horribly slow pace through weeklies and randomly dropped shards. Which is devilish, but a carrot to dangle non-the-less

Member: Mutant Force Five, Chaos Legion & Team Awesome



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Not remotely. You're forgetting that a sub does come with a monthly stipend. Eventually you could buy the incarnate content with that stipend.
Did you read anything else I wrote? As I said, this is one aspect of the game that subscribers get. It is not everything they get by a longshot. That monthly stipend is just enough to cover buying the monthly story arcs that are being released in order to retain access to them after you leave. So if you want to be a free VIP we can just take both the story arcs and stipend out of our equations and see what's left. I still see a server (the only thing I don't think you should be able to buy out of), a lot of character slots, greater inf space and inventory space, a powerset, an expansion, free access to the full incarnate system (all 10 slots and all levels of power within those slots) and access to a zone's worth of stuff as of right now. And since you don't have to spend your monthly stipend on those story arcs in order to keep them once you're gone you also get free money towards new powersets, travel powers and costumes.

In addition you are assuming that Incarnate would be bought in a single shot whereas there are numerous ways that it could work without gating behind a subscription. The invention license is of course one model of this. As is EQ2s model of not allowing certain rarity of equipment unless you pay for unlockers for each piece (in this case paying to unlock each paragon slot as well as each level of incarnate powers would suffice).

As I said, yes some people would buy out of subscriptions, but that doesn't mean that they will not be paying a large sum of money to do so and won't have to continue to pay afterwards in order to get all of the things VIPs get. Personally I do think its a travesty that VIPs are not receiving future powersets for free and I think this should be added to the VIP list of things they get for free. However, there are still a ton of reasons to subscribe.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
Heh, a lot of players on this board don't care for what I have to say, most likely because of jealousy. Either that or my style of covering every single little detail in long-drawn out posts leaving no room for any counter-argument just invites players looking for every tiny in-accuracy they can find just so they can throw insults and feel better about themselves.
I would be terribly amused by all of that if I didn't think you actually believed it.

So, in the style of Nash's WTFIWWY let's do the math:
  • Empirical evidence says that very few of the incoming Premium Players will hit level 50.
  • Empirical evidence says that even fewer of the incoming Premium Players will be interested enough to invest in a subscription.
  • Empirical evidence suggests that future content will lesson the ability for existing subscribers to play existing content
Where does the evidence for the third bullet point come from? I don't take that at all from what Positron said. New iTrials will be published, and when they do, people will flock to them, especially when they're associated, directly or indirectly with new slots. Edit: OK, we do have to assume they won't make many more iTrials that go over like Keyes. If they do, the whole thing is toast.

Even if bullet three is true, bullet one invalidates the notion that giving premium players access to incarnates would meaningfully affect that outcome in any case.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by The_Prismist View Post
Personally I do think its a travesty that VIPs are not receiving future powersets for free and I think this should be added to the VIP list of things they get for free. However, there are still a ton of reasons to subscribe.
This on the other hand I don't agree with. I think it's fine that we now get to pick and choose what we're willing to pay for. Had I had the choice I never would have paid for Dual Pistols.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
[...] Current subscribers would have little to no reason to continue subscribing if the incarnate content was not behind a subscription wall.
You don't need to use the subscription model to consistently get money out of a player, and even a VIP banking their points for going Premium can't replace their subscription unless they have very narrow interests - and even then, they're going to run out of points eventually. Even if they don't re-sub when that happens, they will have spent money on the game at some time and contributed to the player base.

I think the store could sell 30-day licenses to access each trial. A player could buy a Keyes license to see what it's like; or a former subscriber might come back and drop $2 to see a new trial that just came out, and they're not yet sure there's enough new stuff to warrant subscribing. Premiums could be limited to only using Incarnate powers during trials, so they get much less utility out of them than subscribers - but they still get to play with them, like a video game console in a department store, the ultimate goal being "Mommy will you buy this for me?" (Except most of us probably have the ability to buy stuff for ourselves, of course!)

Although that doesn't address the issue that Incarnates are beyond the sight of Premiums without getting them to pay first, but that can be addressed without negating the value of a subscription, too: a Free or Premium account could get a voucher on their first 50 that grants them a 30-day BAF+Lambda license. An Incarnate Trial trial, if you will. What would be wrong with that?

Edit: And now after posting I see you've made another reply about license-based Incarnates. Curses!



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
This much I can agree with, as I've actually stated a few posts back. Give them the first two tiers of the Alpha slot, which is what GR might have been released with.

Likewise you'd have to include that in the GR package now, or maybe just as a new item.

But you can't sell access to the level shifts, other iPowers, or the iTrials, except perhaps as a license like the IO system.
Let's pretend here for a second. Let's say each slot costs $15 to unlock and comes with the first tier within that. Then add $5-10 per tier, per slot (let's say $5 for the first two and $10 for the last two).

That's $150 to unlock all of the slots and $300 more to get all of the slots filled to top tier. Are you saying that people should not be allowed to pay $450 to get full access to the system because you think everyone would stop subbing keeping in mind all of the other things subscribers get?



Originally Posted by The_Prismist View Post
Personally I do think its a travesty that VIPs are not receiving future powersets for free and I think this should be added to the VIP list of things they get for free. However, there are still a ton of reasons to subscribe.
I don't think this is the case. I think we will still see the occasional power set released free for VIPs, but probably at the rate at which we used to see them. Just as Issue 21 brought a free-for-VIP power set (Time Manipulation) and purchasable powers set (Beam Rifle). I expect we'll see more power sets released per x period of time, but most will be purchasable to cover the added development/resource costs. Then we'll see a power set or two per year that are released as free for VIPs.

I hope.

As for the rest of this debate, I am of the mind that there has to be a middle ground rather than "all or nothing." The simple window-view of the Incarnate system will nurture a "haves vs. have nots" situation, which may be enough to inspire some Premiums to upgrade to VIPs, but will probably inspire resentment amongst the majority. Resentment usually results in either indignant complacency or outright rejection. In other words, Premiums will either feel that they are going to "stick it to the man" by deliberately not upgrading to VIP despite wanting access to the Incarnate System, or feel that they can get their ultimate power trip elsewhere and leave.

While I do not support nor wish to be around either of those attitudes, if the Powers That Be want to entice people to upgrade to VIP status, the Premium players need a taste of what they are missing rather than just a window view. Let's be the one that actually offers a free sample of one layer of that delicious 5-layer-cake in the bakery window!

@Winter. Because I'm Winter. Period.
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Originally Posted by Death_Badger View Post
I consider a video of Positron stating at PAX that Going Rogue included the first tier of Incarnate access (which I linked earlier) fairly conclusive proof.
A dev talking about a feature under development before release is not proof. That is just a dev talking about a feature under development.

If the advertising copy and the box didn't say incarnates included it wasn't included in the final release then.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Fix'd that for you.

Current subscribers would have little to no reason to continue subscribing if the incarnate content was not behind a subscription wall.
This is also assuming CoX is a "game in a bottle". If nothing new is ever developed for it then yes, subscribing would be pointless. If on the other hand, new content is developed and Premiums never got access to it, then there would still be a nice incentive.



Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Not remotely. You're forgetting that a sub does come with a monthly stipend. Eventually you could buy the incarnate content with that stipend.
I don't understand.



Originally Posted by Undead_Bubble View Post
give 'em the Alpha without being able to iTrial. It allows you to slot it up, but at a horribly slow pace through weeklies and randomly dropped shards. Which is devilish, but a carrot to dangle non-the-less



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
For the record I'd be fine with an Incarnate License ONLY for Premiums, NOT free players, or allowing premiums to play with the alpha slot. Not trials though.
Like it.



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Originally Posted by FizRep View Post
To whichever Mod renamed this thread:

I love you. <3
I lold



Originally Posted by Undead_Bubble View Post
give 'em the Alpha without being able to iTrial. It allows you to slot it up, but at a horribly slow pace through weeklies and randomly dropped shards. Which is devilish, but a carrot to dangle non-the-less

I don't think you get how the Alpha slot works.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Originally Posted by CactusBrawler View Post
I don't think you get how the Alpha slot works.
I don't understand how YOU think it works.

After running Remiel's arc you could slot the Alpha all the way to tier 4 purely through random Shard drops and the Notice of the Well from the Weekly Strike Target. Indeed, I DID on at least 6 of my toons.



Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
I don't understand how YOU think it works.

After running Remiel's arc you could slot the Alpha all the way to tier 4 purely through random Shard drops and the Notice of the Well from the Weekly Strike Target. Indeed, I DID on at least 6 of my toons.

Yes but they said it would take ages, it does not do so. You get the slavage for the Alpha slots from doing Task Forces (to my knowledge not locked to premium players), it takes a maximum of free weeks unless you are a villain/rogue in which case it takes two weeks.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Actually, they do. The Alpha slot can be used, even the +1, in standard content. No Incarnate trials were promised as part of the sneak peak. In fact, before the argument goes there, the slot was pulled because there was no content to go with it and to make it less grindy.