Premium Players get less than expected!

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Originally Posted by KraZeD_KaoZ View Post
Maybe incarnates were at one point meant to be part of GR but NOW you need to be a VIP to access this. Why you keep going on and on I don't understand.
Not to mention that either way, it is meaningless. People (myself included, sometimes) get so ramped up that it's like "Charlie stole the handle, and the train, it won't stop goin'. No way to slow down'.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Why would content within that game, that requires the paid expansion, not be part of that expansion?
Because, as seebs pointed out, "prerequisite" or "requirement for" do not mean "part of". As in the actual, defined meaning of those words, such as you might find in a dictionary, do not communicate the same concepts.

The devs have never described "the Incarnate system" as part of Going Rogue, the expansion. They only described GR as a prerequisite to accessing the incarnate system.

We keep using analogies because analogies are how one shows the meaning of words, by example. The words do have meaning, and you're using them in ways that doesn't seem to line up well with commonly accepted meaning. Yet you keep dismissing the analogies, because the analogies aren't the thing itself. Yet if we have to define these words uniquely for this example, then again, the words lose meaning. If we can't use these words here as we would use them elsewhere, how do we know what the words mean?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Void_Huntress View Post
Super Tailor.
Are saying that it is wrong to say that the Super Tailor was part of the Science Booster?

Originally Posted by Aquila_NA View Post
Not to mention that either way, it is meaningless. People (myself included, sometimes) get so ramped up that it's like "Charlie stole the handle, and the train, it won't stop goin'. No way to slow down'.
It's all useless, after all.

Believe me, I (reluctantly) made the decision to try and have this discussion here, knowing that it'd likely end up with me getting piled on and looking very silly. Big deal.
And I feel like I got a couple of interesting thoughts in response. So, there ya go.
regardless, I understand and agree with your post!

Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Because, as seebs pointed out, "prerequisite" or "requirement for" do not mean "part of". As in the actual, defined meaning of those words, such as you might find in a dictionary, do not communicate the same concepts.

The devs have never described "the Incarnate system" as part of Going Rogue, the expansion. They only described GR as a prerequisite to accessing the incarnate system.

We keep using analogies because analogies are how one shows the meaning of words, by example. The words do have meaning, and you're using them in ways that doesn't seem to line up well with commonly accepted meaning. Yet you keep dismissing the analogies, because the analogies aren't the thing itself. Yet if we have to define these words uniquely for this example, then again, the words lose meaning. If we can't use these words here as we would use them elsewhere, how do we know what the words mean?
Uberguy, people come up with dubbing the expansion and content's relationship as "prerequisite" and I understand the meaning of those words. However, that does not mean that a prerequisite, in the realm of video game expansions and related content, are not possibly tied to each other and a part of said expansion. A prerequisite may be like a segment of a line, that is still a part of the greater whole.
Just because someone who wants to say they are not a part of each other labels it as prerequisite does not make it a lost cause to suggest that they are part of each other.
It is not a lacking of understanding the meaning of words nor of being capable of handling such concepts.
It is a disagreement of the strict usage of one without the possibility of the other.

Anyway, I had some extra time to waste on this, but... I do not feel swayed one bit that the content was not part of the expansion. And that is fine. I have no problem how others want to see it. I only brought it up because people were saying it was wrong to see the content as part of the expansion. And I see that as wrong. It is completely justified to consider it part of it.

How about we just agree on "they are tied to each other"?
Not that we have to agree at all.

Next time we see each other... don't hold my opinion on this against me. And I won't hold yours against you. All is okay in the world (well, this tiny, insignificant aspect of the world, at least, hehe).

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
A prerequisite may be like a segment of a line, that is still a part of the greater whole.
Just because someone who wants to say they are not a part of each other labels it as prerequisite does not make it a lost cause to suggest that they are part of each other.
It is not a lacking of understanding the meaning of words nor of being capable of handling such concepts.
It is a disagreement of the strict usage of one without the possibility of the other.
Actually, it's like a point outside the line, disconnected from it in every way except that it is a conditiion (among others) required for Incarnate content.

It doesn't lie on the line, it lies outside it. They are not one, man...

Just because you want to say that they are one and the same does not change, like, reality, man...

If it is not a lack of understanding, then what is it?

How can you disagree that Incarnates were released with I19 as part of the greater City of * franchise, and that they tied the system to a substantive monetary purchase which was, hitherto, entirely unrelated to the content released with I19? That is exactly what they did.

And now, instead of tying the content to that purchase, it's been redeployed to part of the VIP package.

It. Was. Never. Part. Of. GR.

My Guide to Illusion/Kinetics Control.

CoH_Player_101: It's okay. Your choice in avatars makes up for a world of indiscretion.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Or being a Hero is a prerequisite to becoming a Vigilante.
Originally Posted by St_Angelius View Post
Or being a Rogue, but yes.
No, being a Hero is prereq for Vig. Being a Villain is a prereq for Rogue.

If you never become a Villain, your Hero cannot become a Rogue. Likewise, if you never become a Hero, your Villain cannot become a Vigilante.

Hero <-> Vigilante -> Villain <-> Rogue -> Hero

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
No, being a Hero is prereq for Vig. Being a Villain is a prereq for Rogue.

If you never become a Villain, your Hero cannot become a Rogue. Likewise, if you never become a Hero, your Villain cannot become a Vigilante.

Hero <-> Vigilante -> Villain <-> Rogue -> Hero
She's right. You can earn all the badges and powers, too.

My Guide to Illusion/Kinetics Control.

CoH_Player_101: It's okay. Your choice in avatars makes up for a world of indiscretion.



Originally Posted by Frostbiter View Post
Dear lord, this isn't a discussion about premium players. It's a hand-grenade!
Quick dive on it and save us all.

On second thought it is about 920 posts to late to do that. Oh well just post something random then.

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Are saying that it is wrong to say that the Super Tailor was part of the Science Booster?
Except that the super tailor is specifically listed as a feature of the Science Booster. Incarnates are not specifically listed as a feature of Going rogue.

Quoting from the COH website announcement of the Science booster.

But there's more! The Super Tailor is a new Tailor NPC called the Cosmetic Surgeon, located near existing Tailors and enabled through purchase of Super Booster III: Superscience. The Cosmetic Surgeon can modify your character's height, build, body type, and even gender in each of your costume slots. Transform from a 98-pound weakling into a huge beast! Experience spontaneous gender reversal! These amazing things are possible with--science!

But it's MY sadistic mechanical monster and I'm here to make sure it knows it. - Girl Genius

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Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
Actually, the Dev's have done that regularly over the last 5 years, it was called villain content. And that was absolutely part of CoV.

Additionally, I would consider First Ward part of GR. As this is an MMO items are added which require you to have unlocked access to different parts of the game. Incarnate content required you to have access to GR, as does First Ward.
I just wanted to point out that you don't need GR to access First Ward. My preemie account bought the First Ward content unlock and my heroes and villains can access First Ward just fine. I simply can't take Praetorians there (since I can't create them), and I can't take side-switched characters there (since I can't side switch).

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post
No, being a Hero is prereq for Vig. Being a Villain is a prereq for Rogue.

If you never become a Villain, your Hero cannot become a Rogue. Likewise, if you never become a Hero, your Villain cannot become a Vigilante.

Hero <-> Vigilante -> Villain <-> Rogue -> Hero
Originally Posted by mogura View Post
She's right. You can earn all the badges and powers, too.
I stand corrected. But then, is still new to me. I prepurchased going rogue and the my gaming rig started having oppen GL crashes and my laptop wasn't good enought to handle CoX. As a from about 2 days after GR's release till about 2-3 months back when i got a new lappy to replace my old one which was stolen I was unable to play. Though kept my sub going all that time and am so glad I did, especially with the release of I21 and the new vet reward system. From the info i read I got the impression that it was hero <-> Vigilante <-> Rogue <-> Villian. At least that make the switching a little better than i first though and though badges are quite a long wait for each (yippie!).

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
Then it's time for them to get off the cross, use the wood to build a bridge, and get over it.
In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
So what happens if I sell you a new expansion that requires a prior expansion? Is my new expansion "part of" the old one? Are the features of my new expansion "included" in the fact that you bought the previous one?
I had the analogy go through my head of Going Rogue is like a car, and Incarnates like car registration. TO have the latter, you a) gotta have the former, and b) subscribe.

Nothing has changed for Incarnate content, they are making it still require both Preq.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
If it makes you feel any better, the first analogy that came to mind was going to be a caulk gun.

And EK - Vaporware refers to software that never materializes. THe most well known example (until recent events) was Duke Nukem Forever

Also, each "Issue" is an expansion. GR required Issue 17. Therefore, by your reasoning, we should not have needed to pay for it because it is part of Issue 17.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Here is the thing:

It doesn't matter.

Just for the sake of the argument, let's say that the camp that says, "Incarnates are part of GR" are right.

Nothing changes.

Everyone who bought GR still has the same access to Incarnates that they have always had, whether VIP (has a subscription) or Premium (needs a subscription).

The only people whose access has changed is people who never bought GR. Their situation has improved.

If you are saying that Incarnate content should NOT require a subscription, then that is a completely seperate argument.

If you are just trying to convince a bunch of people on the Internet that they are wrong, well, good luck.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
I had the analogy go through my head of Going Rogue is like a car, and Incarnates like car registration. TO have the latter, you a) gotta have the former, and b) subscribe.
I tried that one, but in reverse. Going Rogue is the license that lets you drive your Incarnates. Unfortunately some random person started trying to shoot it down, and it got lost in the nonsense.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Kitsune9tails View Post
Here is the thing:

It doesn't matter.

Just for the sake of the argument, let's say that the camp that says, "Incarnates are part of GR" are right.

Nothing changes.

Everyone who bought GR still has the same access to Incarnates that they have always had, whether VIP (has a subscription) or Premium (needs a subscription).

The only people whose access has changed is people who never bought GR. Their situation has improved.

If you are saying that Incarnate content should NOT require a subscription, then that is a completely seperate argument.

If you are just trying to convince a bunch of people on the Internet that they are wrong, well, good luck.
Indeed. It's a merry go round of misconceptions.

Maestro Mavius - Infinity
Capt. Biohazrd - PCSAR
Talsor Tech - Talsorian Guard
Keep Calm & Chive On!



Originally Posted by Remidi View Post
After reading this thread, I've come to the conclusion I am the only player who bought GR because it was, you know, an expansion to the game I loved. Period. I never gave a flip about Incarnates. The Incarnate System sounded - still does, for that matter - too much like WoW-style raiding for me to want to spend much time on it. I bought GR for Praetoria, and side switching, and new costumes and power sets and all the cool, neat things that come with an expansion. Incarnates were the least part of it.

Personally, I'm staying VIP on both my accounts. I have paid a subscription for over six years so that I would have access to everything the game had to offer, and I plan to continue doing so. I don't want to run up against any walls blocking my way. That was worth $15 a month before, and it's worth $15 now.
You're not. I was excited for GR because of the new stories and side switching. Like Uber said, getting the Incarnates with it was just a bonus.

I continue to pay because there is still value in the game for me. It's still well worth the $15.00 a month to have access to everything, not to mention that I like financially supporting things I enjoy. That's why I donate to public radio and purchase my music.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



Originally Posted by Remidi View Post
After reading this thread, I've come to the conclusion I am the only player who bought GR because it was, you know, an expansion to the game I loved. Period. I never gave a flip about Incarnates. The Incarnate System sounded - still does, for that matter - too much like WoW-style raiding for me to want to spend much time on it.
I don't even remember whether I knew about the incarnate system at all. I bought GR because OMG ALIGNMENT CHANGING THAT IS SO COOL. With a vague afterthought to "power sets and new content sound fun". Also, because I'm pretty much the king of the impulse shoppers*, and if you tell me there is a new expansion for a game I play, I usually buy it before I remember to ask what it does.
[*] The crown was in a checkout lane. I don't remember what it cost.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
...and if you tell me there is a new expansion for a game I play, I usually buy it before I remember to ask what it does.
Ditto. And if there is a collector's edition I will get it.

Also, I once impulse bought a dog. Eleven years later, he's still my baby.

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL=""]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



Originally Posted by ArwenDarkblade View Post
Ditto. And if there is a collector's edition I will get it.

Also, I once impulse bought a dog. Eleven years later, he's still my baby.

This game has published 2 collector's editions. One for CoH and the other for CoV. Both are being sold on Amazon.



Originally Posted by seebs View Post
I don't even remember whether I knew about the incarnate system at all.
I did. Being the cheapskate that I am, I didn't pre-order or pre-purchase GR for my accounts. I decided to watch for a good sale, and managed to score copies of GR through Best Buy's launch day sale. I can't recall after all this time how much I saved, but it was a good deal.

"Home is where, when you have to go there, they have to let you in."



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
Anyway, I had some extra time to waste on this, but... I do not feel swayed one bit that the content was not part of the expansion. And that is fine. I have no problem how others want to see it. I only brought it up because people were saying it was wrong to see the content as part of the expansion. And I see that as wrong. It is completely justified to consider it part of it.

How about we just agree on "they are tied to each other"?
Not that we have to agree at all.
How about we agree that, "Premium players get what they pay for"?

Any more than that is assumptions, opinion, and entitlement, wouldn't you say?


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
This game has published 2 collector's editions. One for CoH and the other for CoV. Both are being sold on Amazon.
One for huge amounts, the other for almost nothing. Just be sure to get New ones, the used are useless.

Justice Blues, Tech/Tank, Inv/SS
Fighting The Future Trilogy



Originally Posted by Justice Blues View Post
One for huge amounts, the other for almost nothing. Just be sure to get New ones, the used are useless.
The one for the "huge" amount isn't much more expensive than what it cost when it was released considering how rare it is. I got mine for $59.99 when it was released.

I've seen other MMO's collector's editions selling for $200, $400, and even $2,500 on Amazon.



Who was that genius that decided that you can't roll for mission architect tickets at tier lvl 4.
For a premium account it says you have access to auction house and MT rewards and yes you will get exp & tickets.
However if you try to buy(roll) with your tickets salvage/recipes you can't because you need a Invention License!

C'mon you can sell/buy IOs on the AH but you can't turn MT tickets into IOs without the 160point/month license.
