Which AT & Powersets do you NOT like?




As for my least favorite archetypes, I've never really been able to get into Corruptors. I've never gotten one out of the teen levels. I can't really explain why, though. But with Time Manipulation coming out soon, I have a concept for combining it with Sonic Blast. I'm still not sure if I'll make that toon into a Corruptor or a Defender.

I'm not too fond of the Epic AT's, either, but I have a more coherent reason for those, that's been mentioned a few times before. It's mainly the lack of freedom in concepts for them. One of the main appeals of this game for me is the ability to create my own concepts, and in a game like this, a character whose story has basically been written for you just doesn't appeal to me. When I want to play a character with a pre-written story, I have any number of other games to choose from.

Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.



Gotta say I really dont have enough hate in me for any particular powerset or AT. Might be the tinker gnome in me, but I'll latch onto a concept and hammer on it till I make it work.

------->"Sic Semper Tyrannis"<-------



Originally Posted by ebon3 View Post
Gotta say I really dont have enough hate in me for any particular powerset or AT. Might be the tinker gnome in me, but I'll latch onto a concept and hammer on it till I make it work.
I hate elves, and I hate the Rolemaster system, but one of my favourite characters to play was an Elf in a Rolemaster game. Which is to say that I don't necessarily let my general dislikes get in the way of pursuing a concept (of course, the pursuit may become tedious enough in the long run that I put it aside, such as Rambo 20X6 the petless Bots/Trick Arrow Mastermind).

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



I mostly solo, but oddly enough I'm just really not a fan of either Scrappers or Brutes... I find them boring and not much of a challenge.



Least favorite AT: Masterminds. I just don't like feeling secondary to an NPC (or group of them), even those that I have (somewhat clunky) control over. I just feel like I'm not the one accomplishing things, they are.

Also Blasters, Scrappers and Stalkers. Less so but also Tankers and Brutes, because I feel like they only bring 1 thing to the table (Damage in most cases).

Least favorite Sets: Weapon sets. All of them. I really can't stand redraw.

Gravity Control, because it's performance disappoints me so much, when it's such an awesome concept that I WANT to love it.

@Oathbound Too



Defenders - The damage is way too low.

Tanks - Again, the damage is just way too low.

Controllers - I'm OK with control sets. I'm OK with debuff heavy support sets. But when you combine them I can't play it.

Khelds - I've tried them a couple times and I never get very far.

Healing/Shield sets - I can play them if they're on a MM, but otherwise I will never touch them. I prefer Debuffs for my Corrs.

Energy Melee - I learned this one recently. It seemed pretty good at lower levels, but now that I'm in the 20's I think the set sucks. Goes too slow and has crappy AOE.

Ice Armor - Too ugly.



I have multiple of 50s of most everything, except... never successfully leveled a stalker or an MM. Just can't get into either.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



I only have one AT that I cannot stand... Stalkers. They feel weaker than Scrappers, in both damage and survivability, and it's just not fun. I'd rather play all those sets as a Scrapper, Brute, or Tank, which is why the only Stalker I have is Ninjitsu, the only set that another melee AT can't get.

All other ATs I enjoy, though within each is a powerset that I just can't seem to like.

Control sets: Illusion. I've managed to finally get one up to 25, but I had to pair it with an active secondary (Storm) to be able to do so. I find myself using the secondary for control purposes far more than my primary, which is just wrong. I play a Controller to control.

Gravity and Mind come in close behind. I hate that Gravity has a control gap because of Dimension Shift, and Wormhole can be hard to master. And Mind... much as I LOVE Mass Confusion, the recharge is way too massive, especially after playing a Plant Dom, that I just can't bring myself to enjoy it without a pet. Got a Mind Controller to 50 and she's been sitting, unplayed, ever since. All the NPCs with high levels of Psi Def/Res didn't help matters either.


Blast sets: Assault Rifle and Devices. I just can't. I've tried several times, but as soon as the KD of lower levels turns into KB, it starts driving me batty. I don't mind KB. I like Energy Blast and Khelds. I hate RANDOM, SPORADIC, UNRELIABLE KB. Turn all the KB into 80-100%, and I'd probably play the set, but 25-50% is way too low. And Devices... Traps' weaker, less useful cousin. I look at the powers listing and say "Ooo... Trip Mine!" and that's about it. I have great concepts for this pairing, but don't see myself rolling one any time soon.

I also have problems with Radiation Blast and Electric Blast for non-Blaster ATs. I really find myself missing the big hitter in Electric Blast, and Radiation just... under-performs with the long animations and low damage. Both sets are close to unsoloable for me, which is pretty much a no-go. I took both sets to 50, Empathy/Electric and Radiation/Cold, but I don't think I'll ever use them again. They are FANTASTIC on teams, but yeesh.


Buff/Debuff sets: Forcefields, Empathy, and Thermal (and Sonic to a lesser extent). I love support ATs, but there's something about those sets that I just can't get into. Forcefields is far too one-trick pony. Yes, improvements have been made, but eh. No debuffs and some minor KB controls just leave me feeling bored.

Empathy. The only time I've ever enjoyed playing my Empath was on the RO Green Machine teams, because crashless nukes are too much fun. If I'm the only one on a team, meh. Don't get me wrong. The buffs are great and it's a very active set, but this one again falls into the 'no debuffs' problem area. I always felt useless when a team was going up against AVs.

Thermal could be fun, and should be fun for me, but it just wasn't. The debuffs come too late and do too little. A team would survive well when I was around, but would be sucking wind, especially me. I really found myself wishing for some sort of +recovery power.

Sonic should be great. I like the mix of powers, but hated the endurance costs, forced teaming to use one my only debuffs (Disruption Field) and the stupidly massive recharge on Liquefy. I mean COME ON! It's essentially Earthquake + tiny damage + tiny chance for hold. Does it really need a 300 second recharge? Earthquake has a 90 second recharge. Another set I don't foresee myself playing again.


Armor sets: Stone. Honestly, that's the only one. It feels quite squishy with just the low-level toggles, and the lack of mobility drives me nuts. As Bas put it at the beginning of this thread, nothing can stop you... except a slightly too tall curb. Forced travel power selection and needing some sort of +run buffs to keep me from needing to use that travel power constantly is annoying as hell. I have minor quibbles with other armor sets (KB and Psi holes in shields) but I'll still play them more readily than Stone.

Melee sets: Honestly, I like most of these sets. The ones I'd be least likely to play again though would be Dual Blades, Kinetic Melee, and Energy Melee. I played an Energy Melee Brute to nearly 50 before the Energy Transfer change. I find it hard to play her now.

Dual Blades... fantastic concept, poor execution. Not being able to switch between combos seamlessly when an attack misses... gah, it pisses me off beyond belief. And I really find myself wishing for the -Def every other sword set gets so that the whole concept behind the set, combos, can actually be useful.

Kinetic Melee... another fantastic concept, and I really like the look of it, but I just can't get into it for some reason. I think it's the same problem I have with Radiation Blast. Too much moving about, not enough result. Which is weird, because I don't have the same issue with Dual Pistols and Dual Blades. *shrugs*


Henchmen: Ah Ninjas. You squishy little men. I had two Ninja MMs. Got one to 50, deleted the other. I just couldn't go through it again, especially the last 10 levels. Melee using NPCs should not die that easily. I found myself respawning them more than I do my Thugs, and those boys are supposed to be squishier. I'm not really a big MM fan in general, though I do love my Demon/Pain, but Ninjas nearly turned me off the AT for good.


EATs: This one is more of a build specific. With the VEATs... It was a struggle, but I finally got to like my Night Widow, once I got all her AoEs, and really only when Mind Link is up. As soon as that goes down... yeesh, she is squishy. I haven't tried a Fortunata or straight Widow build, but it oddly doesn't look very appealing. Now the Soldiers, I can't do Bane. I just can't. Too much like an even weaker Stalker (see above about how I feel about that). Now a Crab or Huntsman is just good fun, though I hate the lack of KB protection.

With the HEATs... I can't do Human-only builds. The forms are just too much fun. The closest I have is a Human/Dwarf Warshade.

"A good Defender is the battle hardened Corpsman who will kill a Nazi with a tongue depressor while putting a splint on your leg, then hand you a fresh clip of ammo." ~Jock_Thompson
Repeat Offenders, TNT Profile, My little hero



I'll add Stone Armor to the list of Powersets I don't like, cause it's god awful ugly as sin.

Unlike many, I love the look of Granite Armor but having to play a set I can't stand to look at for 32 or 38 levels to get Granite is something I just can't bring myself to do.

@Oathbound Too



As usual threads like this turn into a stalker hate fest.

But they are fine devs! Just fine.

EDIT: I like all ATs. Stalkers are my favorite.

Powersets: AR. AR just doesn't do anything particularlly well.
Just like stalkers right folks?

When something good happens to me, I can never enjoy it....
I am always too busy looking for the inevitable punchline...




I haven't been able to get into brutes. I'm not sure what it is about them... the whole fury mechanic probably. I have a level 35 brute and he does ok but my tanks are certainly better at survival and my scrappers are certainly better at damage and my stalkers are more fun to play. I'm sure it's me, not them. SMASH FAST isn't my preferred playstyle and I don't play much with I/O sets.

I only have 1 low-level corruptor. That's just a matter of having never gotten around to having a character concept that fit the AT. Jury's still out... he seems a bit anemic but perhaps he'll get better.

I haven't had the desire to play a kheldian or a spider. I have a widow and she seems like just another scrapper with some team-buff tools. I do enjoy playing her though so that counts for a lot.

I have at least 1 character in the 40's if not 50 of every other AT. I love the variety of play that each one provides.

I haven't played a powerset I didn't like although I doubt I'll do another Regen. I haven't played necromancy or demons and don't plan to (one's ugly and the other too loud). I have one force fielder (my mercs mm) but I doubt I'll do another because the big bubble gives me headaches, especially in caves. I have a stormer and she's ok but I feel like a 1-trick pony. I doubt I'll ever try stone armor because of the way it completely overrides your costume (thank goodness they finally fixed dark armor). Of course, I don't have a ton of characters so it isn't like I've played every powerset yet. There are probably other sets out there I won't like.



I loathe Blasters.
I hate Kheldians.
I dislike Stalkers.

As for powersets, I dislike:

Energy Melee
Stone Armor

Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



Hmm, my personal dislikes:

For archetypes, it's brutes, stalkers, and masterminds.

Brutes, I just can't stand dealing with fury. Funny thing, I tend to *play* like a brute on my tanks/scrappers anyway, in terms of 'top speed always gogo killkillkill', if I can, but it's fun to me because it's on my own time. I can go fast when I want to, and if I feel like it I can stop to check my inventory or chat or whatever without penalizing myself. As soon as you put in a game mechanic tying my damage to activity level, staying active becomes a chore I have to do rather than something fun I *want* to do.

Stalkers, I simply have no interest in the signature stealth strike mechanic, and the AT gives up too much in exchange for it. If I don't care about AS/hide/etc, I'm basically playing a lower HP scrapper missing a couple powers out of his primary/secondary (and I especially feel the missing AoEs). It's a pity, because I've been waiting to be able to use /nin for a long time, but I'll just keep waiting until scrappers can use it (amusingly enough, it's looking like I'll get the other powerset I was waiting for for that character (SJ) before I get /nin even though /nin's been in existence for years).

Masterminds, managing the pets is just too much work for my taste. Without specific direction they're just too retarded, but I always found myself neglecting the rest of the things I was doing when I spent time trying to keep the pets doing something useful. Maybe someday the AI will get an upgrade or I'll find the perfect powerset combo for me, but for now I'll leave them on the shelf.

As for powersets, there are a few. These are the ones I actually have some sort of objection to, rather than just 'I don't happen to have made one'.

Electric blast - almost completely useless gimmick and no third blast. Devices - what is the point of this set, anyway? Ice control - if I want a control set that's incapable of negating an alpha, I know who I'll call. Spines - the graphics aren't too bad nowadays, but the ugly animations are still a deal-breaker. Kinetic melee - until concentrated strike gets some sort of alternate animation, I won't play it. Ice and stone armor and energy aura - I made a costume for a reason, I'd like to see it.

And, finally, gravity control - I want to like this set. I want to like it so badly. Concept-wise, it's perfect. But until it can actually do its job, I just can't use it.

Student, Gamer, Altaholic, and future Astronomer.

This is what it means to be a tank!



Hrm...I would have to say Masterminds in my "Hate" category.

In my "don't like but I really really want to" category are Defenders.

I only have one defender that made it beyond the 30's and he's my sole, remaining first year Winter Lord baby and I feel nerd-bound to not let him go. He's also the only electric blast character I've gotten above the late 20's, so there more motivation. Corruptors really threw me off my "lets try to make a defender work" bit. I have a traps defender in the early 20's but he's just tedious to play.

However, a Green Lantern themed Force Field/Beam Rifle or Force Field/Fire defender may get me over the hump. Otherwise, I'll have to go with a Beam Rifle/Sonic Corr.

Hated power: Mind Control

My oldest character is a Mind/Rad Controller and he's been 42 for five years. I hate Mind, it's so...crap.

Especially after my Boy!Fortunata made 50. The Fortunata hit all of my buttons for a CoX toon with FABULOUS PSIONIC POWUH!!! It did such a complete job, I didn't even roll a psi blaster when that power proliferated. So Mind stands as the set whose theme appeals to me, but whose reality just repels me.

Edit: On and until recently I haven't been a fan of Tanks, but something changed last year: Kinetic Melee. Now I am "tank fevered" with a Dark Armor/KM tank at 50 and an Invulnerability/KM at 46. That's just how much I love KM...but with the rise of the Claws/Regen Brute, I am afraid I must cheat on them.



I hate Mind, it's so...crap.
A Mind dominator just soloed the LRSF, and you call it CRAP?

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
A Mind dominator just soloed the LRSF, and you call it CRAP?
Let's see, my statement was:

My oldest character is a Mind/Rad Controller and he's been 42 for five years. I hate Mind, it's so...crap.
C-o-n-t-r-o-l-l-e-r. Yes the character has been sitting at 42 for five years, but it is a seven year-old toon. Won't delete it because of that. I still hate Mind Control and I will be specific...Mind Control Controllers. The success of said Dominator does not change my experience with my Controller just as my experiences with Blasters, Tanks, scrappers, and illusion controllers, do not change the experiences of those who dislike those AT's and related powersets.

I am happy for said Dominator though, and hopefully it is wearing a Jean Grey inspired costume.



I've never really liked Blasters for some reason. Sure, they do a lot of damage but I'm either having to carry a mix of Break Free/Reds/Blues or I'm out of endurance fairly quickly, or stunned/dead.

As far as powersets, don't particularly like Fire Armor.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Stone Armour. I hate not being able to jump, I hated the way it made me play. I got the character to level 36 and then deleted it.

Energy Melee for tanks. Going from level 4 to level 35 with no attack that does more damage than Bone Smasher is quite a slog.



Blasters. And it's not because I think they're a bad AT, because they aren't. It's the way that they were designed that I do not like.

Blaster. When I hear the word, I think about shooting things at range. And only range. It's just my opinion, but blasters should not have melee attacks. Kind of like how wizards and sorcerers in D&D would stay away from melee combat, but were unrivaled when it came to range (archers with the right feats and the right weapon could compete) and AOE. But I tread on thin ice, and I don't want to compare with D&D. I know blaster players who say they hit and run when they melee, but that sounds more like a stalker.

I suppose what I want to say is: If you could make a blaster a PURE ranged blaster only, like having Fire Blast for your primary, and Ice Blast for your secondary, then I would give up on scrapper and brutes for the next year.

I'm not a dev however, and they chose to design blasters the way they did for a reason. If what I listed were an optional way to create a blaster though? I would pay any price to have that option.

Can't come up with a name? Click the link!



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
Blasters. And it's not because I think they're a bad AT, because they aren't. It's the way that they were designed that I do not like.

Blaster. When I hear the word, I think about shooting things at range. And only range. It's just my opinion, but blasters should not have melee attacks. Kind of like how wizards and sorcerers in D&D would stay away from melee combat, but were unrivaled when it came to range (archers with the right feats and the right weapon could compete) and AOE. But I tread on thin ice, and I don't want to compare with D&D. I know blaster players who say they hit and run when they melee, but that sounds more like a stalker.

I suppose what I want to say is: If you could make a blaster a PURE ranged blaster only, like having Fire Blast for your primary, and Ice Blast for your secondary, then I would give up on scrapper and brutes for the next year.

I'm not a dev however, and they chose to design blasters the way they did for a reason. If what I listed were an optional way to create a blaster though? I would pay any price to have that option.
Personally, I always wanted their secondaries to be a mix of Controller/Defender primaries. Kind of like backward/sideways Dominators.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



ATs I dislike:


Brutes - Though I have one that's nearly 50. She's KM/SR and I'm woefully unimpressed with SR. Give me a resist set over a defense set any day.

Powers I dislike:

Stone Armour

FF on a Mastermind - Way too passive. Makes MMs a snooze fest

@Arwen Darkblade
Proud Member of Hammer of the Gods and Sanguine Syndicate
Arc ID #86194 "Cry Havoc"
Arc ID #103934 "Dr. Thomas' First Day"
[URL="http://tobyfife.blogspot.com/"]Hero Girl[/URL] - my geek culture blog



Originally Posted by Oedipus_Tex View Post
I can't stand Masterminds, both to play or really to even have around on the team. Too much irritation and clutter. If I'm on a team and more than 1 Mastermind joins I usually excuse myself (without explaining why). If I do bother to stick around I try to outrun them so I have to be around the pets less.
Same here. I never have been able to warm up to Masterminds. My bots/poison MM is my second-oldest villain (made at CoV launch), and I think she's up to lvl38 now. Don't much like teaming with them, either (although since the petclog issue has been largely dealt with, I don't mind nearly as much). If it's bots or demons, the horrible, annoying sound effects alone tend to make me want to quit the team.

I also have to fight an urge to go find something else to do if a team member has the ice armors. I absolutely loathe how they look. I put a fair bit of time into my characters' appearance, and I don't care to have it obscured by that crap, regardless of how effective it is.

I've noted that several posters have mentioned that they dislike Stalkers because they find them unable to "stick around and scrap" and they consider them a one-trick-pony. I don't find that to be the case, myself (Stalkers, along with Dark Defenders, are something of a specialty of mine). Certain powerset choices (specifically, /Nin, and to a lesser degree /Regen), combined with a careful build, make Stalkers perfectly capable of hanging in a tough melee situation. The aggro control tools in /Nin are particularly suited to this. It can be done! Although if the AT is just not your bag, I can see why someone might not bother...sort of like I am with MMs, for all that I know they can be crazy-powerful.

"And in this moment, I will not run.
It is my place to stand.
We few shall carry hope
Within our bloodied hands."



Originally Posted by Nightphall View Post
Blasters. And it's not because I think they're a bad AT, because they aren't. It's the way that they were designed that I do not like.

Blaster. When I hear the word, I think about shooting things at range. And only range. It's just my opinion, but blasters should not have melee attacks. Kind of like how wizards and sorcerers in D&D would stay away from melee combat, but were unrivaled when it came to range (archers with the right feats and the right weapon could compete) and AOE. But I tread on thin ice, and I don't want to compare with D&D. I know blaster players who say they hit and run when they melee, but that sounds more like a stalker.

I suppose what I want to say is: If you could make a blaster a PURE ranged blaster only, like having Fire Blast for your primary, and Ice Blast for your secondary, then I would give up on scrapper and brutes for the next year.

I'm not a dev however, and they chose to design blasters the way they did for a reason. If what I listed were an optional way to create a blaster though? I would pay any price to have that option.
Blasters do need the occasional melee attack simply because they do get baddies in melee range when immob, for instance, so they can't get away. Smacking an ice or fire sword at these is useful while hitting range targets with range attacks; it also looks really cool . Many of the secondary blaster sets, though, are about mitigation more than melee, with the obvious exception of /nrg (shiver and ice patch are awesome; consume is great, etc. People, not me, swear by some of the auras--though I do love hot feet on /fire, I admit). That said, though, I rather love the idea of a pure blaster blaster with actual blast sets as both primary and secondary. It makes me a bit giddy just thinking about it.



I don't like tankers. I don't have the patience to live through low damage and mediocre defense in order to get to the uber meatshields that late-game tankers become. I have gotten a tanker to level 30 by sheer brute force, and it's taken me almost three years to get her there. I have despaired of ever actually taking her to 50 unless I farm (and generally I don't like to farm).

I also am not much of a fan of Stalkers, though it's more of a concept thing than how the archetype performs. I don't like having to stop between spawns, and wait for hide to come back to get the best out of my gameplay.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



Peacebringer and Nrg/* Blaster - way to much knockback.