Which AT & Powersets do you NOT like?




I dislike playing as/with Kheldians. I know they add to the team (and Warshades get some darned cool powers!) but I absolutely hate the animations and sounds they produce. I could mention the knockback, but most seem to have mastered the use of it now... rarely do I find one just scattering mobs for the heck of it anymore.



A topic asking for sweeping generalizations? Can do!

Second rate (de)buffers whose theoretically solid offense gets torpedoed by bad pets (namely, bad pet AI). Good players work around it for the most part, but 99% of the time those players would be better off playing something else.

Joke AT. Enjoy your middling single-target DPS in an AoE-focused game. Roll a scrapper the next time you want melee damage without aggro control.

Jacks-of-no-trades, masters-of-terribleness. Fun to play, but unfortunately I can't separate that fact from the abysmal performance (denial isn't a river, Warshades).

Defenders that aren't Sonic Blast
-20% res per blast is too good to pass up. I can tolerate an argument for Psy, Dark, or DP (maybe), but everything else is awful by comparison.

Assault Rifle
Unless it's your badger, you shouldn't be playing this. If it is your badger, you have my condolences.

I retired mine when I stopped PvPing in I8. Playing one at this point is pretty much indefensible.

Shield Defense
You made SR less enjoyable. I hate your True Grit, I hate your Shield Charge, I hate your One With the Shield, and good glory, I hate your Against All Odds. That you look absolutely ridiculous with your stupid little shield in a city of heroes is my only consolation.
