Which AT & Powersets do you NOT like?




Masterminds. Don't care how much AWESOMENESS they can do. I just find them boring. And with my Demon/Dark IOed out MM at 50, I know they can be awesome, but...agggghhh! Sooo boring. I have concepts for MMs, just can't play em.

Kheldians. Still the only ones I need to get to 50 to have one of every AT. I see what an awesome WS can do but I still find myself going "meh" and PBs while I love the look of them, even with the buffs (and much needed imo) coming for them I don't find it enough to make me want to keep playing it even though I love my concept for the PB (and yes it's a kheldian concept >_>)

Stalkers. I love the concept of them! LOVE! Sadly, they don't play out to my expectations. I'm doing less damage than my scrappers, without the survivability to match it (this is based on an equal build on my scrapper and stalker). Increase damage, and I think I'd love this AT beyond just the concept of them.

Tankers. Low damage. *Sigh* I see they're improved. I'm just a scrapper type of person though.

Defenders. I know solowise the Defender really isn't that much lower for general missioning than a Corr. So it's not the lower damage that really frustrates me with them. It's having the blasts as a secondary! I want to blast things! I want my awesome blasty powers sooner!

...note this is all just my opinion on playing the AT themself, not with teaming with them.

As for Powersets...

MM Power Sets, Kheldian Powersets, and Stone Armor, most because I hate using Rooted and getting so slowed down! Getting rid of that slow effect, but possibly keeping it to like Grounded (stay on the ground...or have part of the mez protection always on, but the KB/Immobilize/+Regen ones needs to be on the ground to have he effects), would vastly improve the playstyle of this set to me.

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Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
Dominators have few counters to the issues I've explained. Without their attacks and control powers, they're just about hamstrung, so you have very little room to mess around with their builds.
Nit-pick: I'm pretty sure any AT in the game has that problem when you take away both of their powersets. :P

And in any case, a Dominator is actually quite survivable, you just need to use your control sets as an 'active defense'. And Domination does double-time as mez protection.

Back on topic:

For me, it's Kheldians (they try to do too much, and end up not doing any of it well), and Stalkers (playstyle is just too unstable, and you're pretty SOL if you don't use a defense based set.) Sure you can use IOs to bridge the gap with either AT, but at the same time, other ATs can use IOs and be just as far ahead as before.

But I will say with absolute certainty that Masterminds are my MOST... HATED... AT... EVER. I can't stand to play them, they're so boring! "Press Attack my Target. Read Webpage for 5 minutes"

And Cold Domination. You have no idea how much I loathe those darn ice shields. Ugliest thing in the game, and it's only made worse by the fact that USUALLY when I get them put on me, it's when I'm just standing around talking to someone. Totally not needed, and just plain griefing. I'll be sooooo happy when I can drop those shields in I21.

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy









All MM primaries except Demons, and even for those, I would be good with some toning down of the continual "AAAAAA-ROOOooOOOOOOoooOOOO!" So. Freaking. Annoying.

Someone else: You have no idea how much I loathe those darn ice shields. Ugliest thing in the game, and it's only made worse by the fact that USUALLY when I get them put on me, it's when I'm just standing around talking to someone. Totally not needed, and just plain griefing. I'll be sooooo happy when I can drop those shields in I21.
We're going to be able to block Ice shields in i21?!! How will we do that? Do we go to Null the Gull? [love that guy....]



Kheldians, I've tried and tried. Can't do it.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
"....you are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Bad_Influence View Post

We're going to be able to block Ice shields in i21?!! How will we do that? Do we go to Null the Gull? [love that guy....]
IIRC, you'll be able to right-click and remove any buff on you that isn't a toggle, and doesn't have a negative effect, like a crash.

"The Hollows was a cover up; it was really caused by Blue Steel experimenting with Foot Stomp." - Steelclaw

<-- boy



Originally Posted by _Psi_ View Post
tainty that Masterminds are my MOST... HATED... AT... EVER. I can't stand to play them, they're so boring! "Press Attack my Target. Read Webpage for 5 minutes"
Not commenting on anyone else's choices here, because, well, personal preference - but I have to on this one.

You have the *exact* same view of MMs I had when dealing with my Bots/FF mastermind. I could not *stand* the AT thanks to that one character. Like your description, it didn't even feel like I needed to be there after the summon/buff. It put me off even trying to level the others.

I got a more active powerset combo (Thugs/Poison) and it was a complete turnaround. Healing, buffing, debuffing, it kept me actually involved and that character became one of my all time favourites.

If you've only tried one combination - try some others. Take a good look at the secondaries and find one that's more active (or do what I did and ask in the MM forums.) Avoid Force Field, Thermal and Pain (to a lesser extent on the last two, as they *can* keep you active, but it's fairly reactive.)



Originally Posted by _Psi_ View Post
IIRC, you'll be able to right-click and remove any buff on you that isn't a toggle, and doesn't have a negative effect, like a crash.
You just MADE my day! Whooooooooooo! Great news!! No kidding.



I can't play anything that doesn't have some form of protection from mez - either through direct immunity, or through enough debuff and crowd control that mez never hits. When I press a button, and things do not happen, my enjoyment disappears instantly.

Other than that, it's all good. I used to be down on Stalkers, but then I discovered Elec/Nin and not taking Assassin's Strike. And I used to be down on Warshades, but now I play hop-n-bop lobster. And I used to be down on MMs, but then I found Demons/Traps. So, basically, for every AT I thought I didn't like, I found a powerset combo and playstyle I do like. Except Blasters.

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Originally Posted by Mr_Grey View Post
It seems like it can't decide whether it wants to deal out damage or commit crowd control, and it doesn't really have the strength to perform the former and all too infrequently has the power to do the latter.


It's definitely not casual-friendly.
Weird, Doms are one of my favorite ATs. It's true it may be hard to tell if they want to do damage or mez -- it's because they're designed that way. In a good way. They're designed as if both of those things are their primary. They don't do low damage. In fact their damage modifier is one of the highest in the game.

I try to equate them to Blasters. They can do pretty good damage if you're careful with them and don't get yourself killed. They have the ability to mez enemies away and take or mitigate alphas if you play them well. I feel they're casual friendly enough because you can just play them like a damage dealer and get pretty good results. Then once you learn how to integrate mezzes, you have a strong character.

It's definitely click-heavy and they do have their issues (endurance consumption). I can see why it's not for everyone. But I like them.

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
You have the *exact* same view of MMs I had when dealing with my Bots/FF mastermind. I could not *stand* the AT thanks to that one character. Like your description, it didn't even feel like I needed to be there after the summon/buff. It put me off even trying to level the others.

I got a more active powerset combo (Thugs/Poison) and it was a complete turnaround. Healing, buffing, debuffing, it kept me actually involved and that character became one of my all time favourites.
I had this happen to me with MMs as well. Because MMs really only have one set to play with (their secondary), picking an active one is important. I can't stand /FF or some of the less active secondaries. But two of my top played characters are MMs. Dark is a good way to go if you're looking for an active MM who always has something to do. Traps too.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I can't stand Masterminds, both to play or really to even have around on the team. Too much irritation and clutter. If I'm on a team and more than 1 Mastermind joins I usually excuse myself (without explaining why). If I do bother to stick around I try to outrun them so I have to be around the pets less.



Warshade...tried a couple of times. Do not like.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I don't much like Controllers, because I've found them to be rather tedious to play and the one I kinda enjoyed playing become completely unfun around level 38 or so.

I don't care for Brutes as in my experience with them they tend to be too squishy for me to get any enjoyment out of their Fury mechanic. I feel like I'm better off with a Scrapper if I'm looking for damage, and a Tank if I just want survivability.

I hate Radiation Emission and tend to dislike other sets that rely on enemy-affecting toggles without status protection.

I want to like Ice Armor, but it's so obtrusively ugly...

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



scrappers and night widows....i dont like teaming with either..they both think their tanks till they either die or get someone killed cause they forgot they cant hold aggro.



I've got ATs of all types, but not any Stalkers. I've made quite a few, but could never get far with them. I'd rather wade in and start smacking things.

I like all of the Control sets with the exception of Gravity. Visually, it's pretty neat, so much so that I've made a few Doms and Trollers with Gravity to try to get one to "work" for me. Haven't succeeded yet, and I've given up on that set.

Dungeoncleaners! (ID#125715): Slay the Adventurers! Rescue the Monsters! Return the Treasure!
Peppermint Cat-- Lv50 Mewtant Ice/Eng Bls



Im not big on Tanks of any type.
Im not big on Stalkers
I do not care for MM's and Khelds
Im also not a big fan of Brutes

Although I have seen all of the AT's above, with the exception of the Stalker perform exceptionaly



Don't particularly like Defenders, as the damage of their attacks is abysmally low and while they do get respectable buff/debuff numbers, i feel Corruptors/Controllers do an overall better job with things, despite lower buff/debuff values.

That said, i have a Dark/Dark/Soul Defender sitting at level 50 that i like + an Empath, who's level 42 at the moment.. once she hits 50, unless the AT gets somehow 'improved' i doubt i'll roll another Defender, ever.

Also, not big on Tankers either.. as the damage there, again, is too low to my liking + Brutes and even Scrappers in some cases, can tank as good as actual Tankers, sometimes even better.



Peacebringers and Stalkers

Devices... (It's the only power set I don't currently have in my stable of toons. It was deleted at 22.)

I know they're powerful, but I don't have fun playing toggle debuff sets like radiation and dark. I think it's because I don't like losing anchors.

Kinetics used to be a chore, now it's bearable.

Ill/Emp, Stn/Ice, FF/Rad, Plt/Fire, Nrg/Nrg, Ice/Cld, Mrc/Psn, Ice/WM, Mnd/Psi, Earth/Son, SS/Inv, DB/Drk, Fire/Ice, NB/SR, Fire/Elc, NW, Fort, Bot/TA, Son/Kin, Crab, Arch/Fire, Drk/Elc, Nin/TA, Grv/Elc, Elc/Wll, Mnd/FF, Drk/Thm, Clw/Reg, Stn/Nrg, Elc/Mnt, Ice/Earth, Spn/Fire, DP/Trp, AR/Rad, BA/SD, DB/SR, Fire/Stn, WS, Drk/Stm, Dem/Drk, Rad/Nrg, SJ/SD, Fire/Psn, Elc/Nrg, SF/SR, Bst/Stm, DP/Fire, Thg/Trp, Wtr/Psn, BS/Wll, Nat/Psy. BR/Time



Stalkers. The funny thing about this is: I have a double-decade-plus long love of rogues that began back in my early PnP D&D days. I love stealth. I love backstab stabby stabby and being unseen. But... it just doesn't click for me in this game, not when we have to kill the massive amounts of enemies we do. If we could get bonuses for killing the boss and *only* the boss in a mission, while remaining unseen, I would be all over Stalkerness.

Tankers. I had one, a Burn tanker, and I loved her, but this was many years ago in the pre-ED days of dumpster diving. Then ED happened, and then- the major stickler- Burn got nerfed, and thus the only reason I made her (omgBurnSOmuchFUN) was nullified. Yes, I literally only loved her because of the massive numbers of 5th Column I could SlaughterBurn. Hey, it was fun, don't judge me! But everything else about Tankers I simply found... boring, and not my style.

Kheldians. I really dislike the looks of their alternate forms, and the whole Void thing bugs the heck out of me, so I avoid it.

Fortunately, my love of Redside sans Stalkers is more than enough for me!



I HATE Brutes. As far as I'm concerned, Fury is the antonym to fun. No matter the primary, no matter the secondary, playing a Brute is the least fun I've ever had in this game.

We'll always have Paragon.



Originally Posted by NeverDark View Post
I HATE Brutes. As far as I'm concerned, Fury is the antonym to fun. No matter the primary, no matter the secondary, playing a Brute is the least fun I've ever had in this game.
I slowly drift back and forth between Scrappers and Brutes. Sometimes I feel like just doing consistent high damage, sometimes I like to tank and do more damage when surrounded. But there are things about each AT I like and dislike. Lately I've been leaning back toward Scrappers more after having played and abandoned a bunch of Brutes. More lately I sound like you; disliking Fury and just wanting to do damage all the time.

I think my StJ and TW toons will be Scrappers.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Scrappers and Stalkers.. hate em both.. hate Scrappers more...

Empathy... will quit the game before I ever roll one..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I know nobody is going to see this post (or any post other than their own) due to the nature of the thread, but I've found this to be an interesting read.

Having extensively played every Archetype except Arachnos Widow myself, and having most of the powersets under my belt, I've seen the ups and downs of each. When people say which ones they don't like, they've got about a 50% success rate when it comes to describing the actual downs.

Some things are a matter of preference, and that doesn't make me raise an eyebrow in the slightest. Some people like Tankers because they outlast the Energizer bunny, and some people hate them because their attacks hurt your ears more than the enemy (I'm looking at you, Foot Stomp). The especially eccentric classes like Defender, Controller and Stalker are pretty easy to see why people don't like them (and I'm just as guilty when it comes to Controller): they're just plain weird, and if you find it intolerable, you find it intolerable. End of story, no harm done.

But on the other hand, people are saying some things that I, whom I consider fairly proficient in characters and powers, find somewhat ludicrous. For example, it's been said that sets like Trick Arrow or Spines perform poorly, which frankly isn't the case (and in fact, through experience, I've found both to be among the best in their categories). I remember being happy when my Scrapper reached the level of survivability my Peacebringer had (which didn't happen until I frankenslotted it at 50), but people are talking down to Peacebringers just because they don't excel in any one area compared to more specialized archetypes.

I understand that people don't like being covered in bananas or shooting such unfeasible things as an "ice arrow" at an enemy--and therefore don't like the sets or archetypes, which is fine--but for this sentiment to spill over to someone's perception of actual performance is... intriguing, to say in the least.



I would have to say Stalker but that really isn't fair as I haven't played one to 50 yet.

I could never get my head around the Peacebringers or the Defenders though I have reached level 50 for both ATs. I liked the Storm/elec/elec defender set well enough but it just wasn't my cup of tea.

The PB's annoyed the hell out of me though.