Which AT & Powersets do you NOT like?




ATs I hate... Oh boy

Blasters: These guys are the one thing in the game I hate the most, largely because I have a history with them. For seven ******* years I tried to make the AT work for me solo, and I eventually had to admit defeat. They're too squishy, they don't do enough damage to survive, they have shoddy status resistance and they make me feel like a total wimp. Besides, any AT which can make me hate a set as awesome as Dual Pistols just because it's "slow" needs to burn.

Defenders: Don't care for support. One bit. They don't do enough damage to interest me, their secondaries are too team-centric for my solo tastes and while I could make maybe ONE that isn't primarily support, I can't get much out of the AT.

Corruptors: Not enough damage, too much of a gimmick inherent, team-centric secondaries, no feeling of "I am awesome." Not interested.

Controllers: "They get better at level 32. Maybe. Pity they suck until then, and I don't have the patience for that. I generally don't have the patience to play an AT without attacks. I honestly don't care how safe it is, it's boring.

Dominators: Interesting AT, but just too weak. The damage is about decent, but hit points are pitiful, status protection is too unreliable and I still have to play it like a Controller and build like one if I want to not die long enough to damage things. Too vulnerable or my tastes.

Tankers: Solid fighters, but they're SOO slow and SOO sluggish with their low damage and team-centric Inherent. Yeah, sure, I generally can't die... Unless I die of old age.

Kheldians and Soldier of Arachnos: I don't do Epic ATs. I play this game to make my own characters who look, feel and fight as I imagine them in my head. I'm not interested in playing anyone else's package designs.

Of the ATs I do like (Scrapper, Brute, Stalker, Mastermind), the powersets I don't are:

Stone Armour: Slow, sluggish, poorly balanced and Granite Armour is a terrible idea for a power. I have a level 50 Stone/Stone Brute and that's THE ONLY TIME I will ever touch Stone Armour unless it is fixed.

Dark Melee: It's a decent set, but I honestly don't like the visuals of it. "Punching with darkness" just looks... Boring, honestly. If it were a little more ornate and made a point to look like it's the DARKNESS hurting my enemies and not my punches, I might feel differently, but as it is it just looks boring.

Dark Armour, Fiery Aura, Ninjutsu: Lack of knockback protection has got to be one of THE worst ideas for set balance in the history of forever. Good god! It's infinitely annoying and it's the ONE exception I make to my rule of not using Set Inventions. Steadfast Protection and Karma are, unfortunately, the only non silly solution to that problem.

Spines: The set is slow, sluggish, unrefined and, at this point, really old. Remember back in the day when Energy Melee Barrage was Minor damage and yet SLOWER than Energy Punch and was a wretched, stupid attack? That's Spines in a nutshell. Claws got a fix, Spines didn't, and I'm honestly not all that interested in playing he set until it's unsucked. Animation times need some serious tweaking, if only to keep powers consistent. Smaller, weaker attacks should NOT be significantly slower than faster, stronger attacks.

That's all I got.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Scrappers, stalkers and brutes.

Given that I can't relax unless I'm keeping track of at least three separate things at once, a single-target oriented AT bores the living daylights out of me.



Ouch, Sam that's pretty harsh but I agree with 95% of it. I play mostly in teams but I can most certainly see that point of view. There are days when I just feel like soloing stuff.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I understand that people don't like being covered in bananas or shooting such unfeasible things as an "ice arrow" at an enemy--and therefore don't like the sets or archetypes, which is fine--but for this sentiment to spill over to someone's perception of actual performance is... intriguing, to say in the least.

Well yes. This thread is more a discussion on what toons people like to play and which AT's or powersets seems sort of lacking. I never really broke it down to the specific powersets and focused more on AT types and styles of play.

In regards to Trick Arrow, I think it just needs love, but it is the ultimate swiss army knife, and if paired with say, Illusion it is a really high performance set. But I think the main concern with TA is that for a controller it works better than being a defender set. Which was in my oppinion is where it "Feels" like it should belong, but other power options do it better for defenders and corrs. But for a controller, this set shines.

But if one looks at the thead closely, Khelds and Stalkers are the forumites least favored power sets.



Can't stand Masterminds. I'm a hands on kind of guy. Have never gotten one above level 18, just because I hate the playstyle.

Not fond of Empathy and Pain Domination. I don't like being blamed for someone else's stupidity. If you run to the other side of the map it is NOT my fault you got yourself killed. In fact, this is probably why I hate Masterminds so much, because playing one makes me feel like a support character to a REALLY dumb team.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Blasters. As much as I want to, I just cant get into them.

No specific powersets, but there are definately some out there that I just don't click with.



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
Ouch, Sam that's pretty harsh but I agree with 95% of it. I play mostly in teams but I can most certainly see that point of view. There are days when I just feel like soloing stuff.
Well, I didn't try to be objective in the slightest so quite a few of my points may have been greatly overstated In the end, though, after seven years, I've just found that I want to stick to the ATs that can be easily and directly self-sufficient and who don't give up anything for enhanced team play. They don't have to be GREAT (Stalkers sure aren't), but as long as they're decent without making me try very hard, that's good enough.

The problem is that with anything that doesn't give me a lot of leeway, I end up having to trade concept and awesome for performance and optimization, that's where my patience ends.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Controllers, Dominators and Defenders I don't really 'Get'.

The exceptions so far have been my Empath/Psi fender who has and always will be fun to play, and the Sonics/Beam Rifle gal I'm (re)-rolling when I21 hits, because the combination is painful and awesome.

Controllers just...eh. It's like the entire Kheldian Inherent applied to every power combo; I NEED teams to not blow wind.

Dominators....I know how awesome they can be. My friend has an Ice/Fire one that is...ohgodtherats. Stuff just melts. He and a friends Tank duo'd a LGTF. Just don't fit for me though.

Corruptors, too. I really regret making one of my characters AR/Pain. I love the character, love the costume (female ex-Nemesis soldier, Roman armour ftw) and...I hate, hate, HATE playing her, because the combo is so utterly weak and failcake. It has none of the strengths of my Empath defender, and none of the damage output either.

AR as a whole I have a love/hate relationship with. It either works and stuff falls over in droves...or it doesn't, and I get splatted repeatedly.
Brutes too. My SS/WP either works or doesn't. I do kinda prefer my Axe/Invul Minotaur, who tends to make a choppy mess of stuff in short order. I have no idea why there's the discrepancy.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



ATs : Masterminds and Controllers, I have one of each in the 40s, but they are both next on the chopping block to be deleted because they are simply not fun for me.

Power sets: I *LOVE* corrupters, but I can't play Assault Rifle. I end up putting it away to use my buffs and pulling it back out waaaay to often. I actually built a AR/Trick Arrow corrupter just to see how much redraw I could handle before I snapped. She got to level 29.

Make a man a fire and keep him warm for the day, SET a man on fire and keep him warm for the rest of his life.
Incarnates: K'lir(Fire/Dark Corr):Hot-House Flower(Plant/Fire Dom):Kinrad X(Kin/Rad Def):Itsy-Bitsy Spider(Crab):Two Ton Tony(Mace/WP Broot):Teeny Weeny Widow(Fortunata/Widow) : Zeroth Law (Ice/Fire Tank)



Pretty much anything melee. I don't like having to run, lumber, lurch after things, and I don't "get" the challenge of beating stuff senseless when you're well nigh unkillable. I do love that other people love tanks, brutes, scrappers, aggro magnet dudes and dudettes because it lets me do my thing from afar.

There aren't too many squishy ATs that I don't like, but one is Peacebringers. Ugh, just cannot get into them and don't think I've ever got one to 20.

Power sets? I haven't played them all (and some I'll never play, see above re: melee), but there aren't any that I dislike, though now that I think about it, I've never really gotten into traps.



Oh, boy, my choices for least favorite archetype are going to be very unpopular. I just had to post because all I keep seeing is hating on tankers and blasters. I love tankers and blasters because I seem to migrate toward archetypes that rely on only a single gimmick. I'm not too fond of the under the hood mechanics of the other archetypes.

My least favorite A.T.'s in order of dislike are:

1. Scrappers: These guys think they're the bee's knees. As far as I'm concerned they are just a pain in my butt. Just because they can dole out blaster like damage and have a tiny bit of survivability does not make this the end all be all of archetypes. I constantly have to watch out on my tanker for scrappers who just like to run into a fight thinking they can survive taking on a jacked up (in difficulty) crowd of enemies. I don't think they realize that as the tanker I'm keeping their butts alive and keeping the aggro off of them. I really dislike the play style of this archetype because it's so mindless to me and even a little too straight forward for my taste.

2. Controllers: I have never been able to get one past level 10. The damage is much too low and while I know they can be awesome if I.O.'ed out at level 50, I just don't see the allure of having to play an archetype that does next to no damage and cannot solo for a very, very long time. They're cool when they're hopped up on invention juice, but they're just not for me as the play style is much too passive for much too long before they finally begin to shine.

3. Dominators: I know that dominators can be awesome, eventually, but the way they play is just very odd to me and I could never really get into playing one for more than a few levels. Cool in concept and an A.T. I'll give a real shot somewhere down the line, but while the damage can be good and the controls okay, there's just something odd about this archetype that keeps me from playing it.

Those are my top three most disliked A.T.'s. I want to take a moment to list my top three underdog classes since there's so much hate on them:

1. Tankers: This is my most played archetype. There's something very fun about being a Super Man like character and taking hardly a scratch in a fight. A team is usually dependent on a tanker for survivability and before the fire tank craze, we were a rarer breed and were sometimes difficult to get onto a team. Tankers are the backbone of any team and I feel they deserve much more love than they get. Brutes are a nice balance between damage and survivability, but the survivability of a brute will never quite match up to that of a bona fide tanker.

2. Stalkers: This is the most underrated archetype in the game. I know that the current game we play is making these guys rather obsolete, but there still is a place on them on any team. This A.T. can take down any hard target and if played correctly, are a boon in sticky situations. What they lack in a group fight they more than make up for in stealth and burst damage. I love you stalkers out there and hopefully there will be some rebalancing of your class in the near future!

3. Blasters: You all know that early on in playing this game you all went for the most iconic of all comic book power types. Blasters may have low defense and hit points, but they annihilate anything in their paths. If you die a ton it's because you don't know how to properly play these guys. Yes, you generally can't take an alpha strike, but I have been on hundreds of teams where I consistently led said teams as a tank would because of my play style. There have been so many instances where I would lead off with a snipe only to then have my team run into a group of enemies for the kill. A single blaster on a team can make a boat load of difference and can easily turn the tide in a losing fight. Hate all you want on this archetype, but they sure do have a solid place in City Of Heroes despite all of your complaints and protestations!



I have tried...and tried...and TRIED PB's. I dislike the look of the forms, and who wants to be half hearted blaster (squid) or half hearted tank (lobster)...so there goes half the concept of PBs right there. I have tried human form only PB's...multiple times....multiple builds...multiple respecs; but I NEVER get past the lack of Status protection. Why in the world have all those shields...and yet a fricking MINION can walk up....bonk me with a PUNY hit....and stun me. PB's would be my favorite AT, easily, because of their versatility... heals/blasts/melee/shields...but the lack of status protection utterly RUINS the AT. There are almost no PB's running around the game...there is a reason.

Now that we have the Going Rogue options and I can make villain ATs, I have stopped making most hero ATs. Brutes are a far better balance of survivability and damage output than either a Tank or Scrapper. Corruptors do more damage than a Defender, making them more fun to play. Dominators are more fun for me than Blasters, lots of damage, but lots of crowd management tools to; only Ice Blasters are close to Dominators for fun to play.

I dislike Stalkers or MM's......just....hmmm.....not my thing. I won't even team with most MM's, especially the Demon Sumon types...I'm sure they work great and all...but the CONSTANT belching is SOOOOO annoying.

As for powersets; I really only avoid powers that cover up costumes. The Stone Tanks for example just look dumb to me.....not at all superhero-y-ish. The same thing goes for Ice Tanks...and for that matter teaming with an Ice buffer...dang those stupid looking ice buffs...I refuse to team with Ice buffers.



Originally Posted by Tally View Post
There are almost no PB's running around the game...there is a reason.
Because everyone shares the same opinion?



My least favorite AT is Tanker for a very specific reason. It isn't so much the watching-paint-dry speed of its attack damage (although that makes playtin the AT miserable). It's the fact that if you're the only tank on the team (the usual situation), then whether you have the star or not, you're the de facto team lead. I hate, hate, hate that aspect. If I'd wanted the star, I'd have started my own team.

If there's more than one tank on a team, then you're pathetically redundant defensively and offensively you contribute the attack capabiities of wet cardboard. The only times I've enjoyed playing a Tanker have been "Tanker Tuesday" events where everybody's wet cardboard and equally redundant. Misery loves company.

As far as powersets go, I have one of every powerset (except MM Ninja, Battle Axe, Fortuna-build) up to at least level 30. I like to rotate my toons and level them up together through the same missions to see how the different ATs and powersets compare in the same situation. It's suprising how many times a mission that's tough for a "good" powerset will be a piece of cake for a "weak" powerset.

I don't really have any powerset I particularly dislike except Devices and Stone Armor (hate Granite and Root mechanics -- a Tank's damage is already glacial ... let's make his movement glacial, too!).



Originally Posted by Tally
There are almost no PB's running around the game...there is a reason.
That's because PBs get Fly at level 1. They don't have to run anywhere. (Ducks for cover!)



I'm not really fan of melee AT.
Can play them, but do prefer range, especially defenders/corruptors.

"If you want to win you must not lose."
"Easiest way to turn defeat into a victory is to put on the enemy's uniform"
"Better strategic retreat than dishonorable defeat"
- Il Numero Uno (The Number One)



You come to a thread specifically asking for things we don't like - as an opinion - and proceed to open a paragraph with "screw you?" Next time you want to state an opinion, do it without insulting people who hold a differing one.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Least like AT:Stalkers
Least like powerset:Stone Armor



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You come to a thread specifically asking for things we don't like - as an opinion - and proceed to open a paragraph with "screw you?" Next time you want to state an opinion, do it without insulting people who hold a differing one.
Yeah, I'd been tempted to comment on some, but its for another thread at a different time. Choices are probably to preference to playstyle.

H: Blaster 50, Defender 50, Tank 50, Scrapper 50, Controller 50, PB 50, WS 50
V: Brute 50, Corruptor 50, MM 50, Dominator 50, Stalker 50, AW 50, AS 50
Top 4: Controller, Brute, Scrapper, Corruptor
Bottom 4: (Peacebringer) way below everything else, Mastermind, Dominator, Blaster



Originally Posted by newchemicals View Post
Yeah, I'd been tempted to comment on some, but its for another thread at a different time. Choices are probably to preference to playstyle.
I have no problem with discussion, really. I actually prefer it. But there's a fine line between discussion and "You're stupid and wrong and stupid!" Discussing why we dislike the ATs we do might actually be fun

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
You come to a thread specifically asking for things we don't like - as an opinion - and proceed to open a paragraph with "screw you?" Next time you want to state an opinion, do it without insulting people who hold a differing one.
LOL, Samuel, that was supposed to be a playful "screw you guys". It really was only a joke and I was saying that rather playfully. I'm sorry it doesn't come across that way in text. My apologies to you.



Originally Posted by SuperBull View Post
Least like AT:Stalkers
Least like powerset:Stone Armor

Great minds.

I can't get into the Stalker thing, I've tried. And Stone Armor... slooooooow and I am too lazy to make a build to work around it all.

@Tax E - RIP CoH 2012



I don't like EATs because they're too closely tied to the game's lore, which I find lame and unappealing. To me the appeal of CoX is that it allows me to portray a wide range of characters from different genres, so concept, backstory and costumes are extremely important to me. I don't want to be forced to use ugly costume parts/forms or have a background that draws too much from the game's poorly-written lore. I could try to portray Widows and human-only Kheldians as something else, but the lack of power customization is still a deal breaker.

I don't like powersets that aren't near the top of their category. I don't see any reason to play energy or rad blast for as long as fire and archery exist; the questionable value of KB and the tiny advantage of -def don't hold a candle to overwhelming single-target and AoE damage. I don't see any reason to play a Blaster when scrappers deal comparable damage and are 10 times tougher. The more powerful a character is, the more fun I find it to play so it's important that any character I make be at the very top end of what can be achieved by players.

More broadly, I don't like characters that aren't powerful. My definition of 'powerful' is being able to dominate the majority of situations and content, being highly self-sufficient and needing minimal support from the team, and having high performance in a wide number of areas (ST damage, AoE damage, buff/debuffs, survivability, controls). An example of a character I find worth playing is a fire/dark corr. It's a strong debuffer, but it's also extremely tough with powerful layered defenses of massive -ToHit and -Dmg, exotic resists, a strong heal and IO defense. On top of that, it does good single-target and AoE damage in an exotic damage type. Such characters are very unlikely to be disadvantaged because if you take away one of their strengths they have others to fall back on.

I don't waste my time on characters that suffer heavily in a certain type of environment (e.g. Masterminds on speedruns), or are only really capable at a few roles (e.g. tauntbot tanks, "support" controllers/defenders). I enjoy my characters and concepts and I want to be able to play as much of the game's content with them as possible, whether grouped or solo, regardless of the team makeup and the ability of my teammates.

All of the above means that I don't find any appeal in the overwhelming majority of characters. In 3 years of CoX, I've created and kept just 8 characters, with two more currently being evaluated. And that's perfectly fine with me since I dislike making one throwaway alt after another most of all.



Originally Posted by End Sinister View Post
You all know that early on in playing this game you all went for the most iconic of all comic book power types.
Yes. But Blasters don't get Super Strength and Invulnerability.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Khelds confuse me. There are too many power/slotting choices.

Defenders frustrate me. I've had to actually team to get my highest level defender to 47, after 6 years.

And it must be me, but I don't like Radiation Blast. I solo a lot. As a defender I might be able to hit you more often. So what?