Discussion: The Intrepid Informer: Galaxy's Last Stand

A Man In Black



Do a google image search on any African American professional wrestlers. As anyone exposed to the brightest spotlights, especially when sweaty from doing any professional sport, depending on the angle, the washout can cause the same thing that's going on with BaBs in the photo.

Shadowing mixed with sweat/water/oil and an extremely bright light source can duplicate what's seen in the new loading screen.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Sister Psyche's expression is one of both shock and fear, which we consider an appropriate reaction to an apocalyptic storm of death and destruction hurtling at her from above. As a member of the Freedom Phalanx, nothing short of a world threatening event could evoke this kind of reaction from her.
But the problem with that is that BAB doesn't appear to be showing the same reaction - he looks shocked and angry, but still in control - her expression is just pure panic, and her strange stance doesn't help give the impression that she's in control at all - she looks helpless and depowered, whill BAB looks strong and decisive.

The above being said, we have been paying attention to your thoughts. We'll be making some very subtle adjustments to the image which address these concerns while still preserving its artistic integrity.
That's good, because the overall picture is exciting and dynamic, it's just the portrayal of Sister Psyche's reaction to a crisis that really let's it down.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



To me, it looks as BaBs saw the attack coming where Sister Psyche was facing the opposite direction and was startled that something happened behind her.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
To me, it looks as BaBs saw the attack coming where Sister Psyche was facing the opposite direction and was startled that something happened behind her.
Yes, BaBs saw it coming before the psychic, which is why she has that reaction.




Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Thanks for your feedback regarding the new loading screens. We are extremely excited about these panels you've been shown and are eagerly anticipating being able to show you the rest of the comic when Issue 21 launches. I have been speaking with Noble Savage, El Topo and Second Measure regarding some of your concerns, and we certainly understand some of the viewpoints being expressed in this thread.

A few things we can clarify really quickly:
  • Back Alley Brawler is being illuminated by a gigantic fiery meteor of doom, which at it's position is akin to being a light source as bright as the sun. As such the lighting has a bit of a bright orange hue to it, which has been saturated to an extent. There's definitely no intent of changing skin tone.
  • Sister Psyche's expression is one of both shock and fear, which we consider an appropriate reaction to an apocalyptic storm of death and destruction hurtling at her from above. As a member of the Freedom Phalanx, nothing short of a world threatening event could evoke this kind of reaction from her.

The above being said, we have been paying attention to your thoughts. We'll be making some very subtle adjustments to the image which address these concerns while still preserving its artistic integrity.

We're very excited to be exploring this new artistic direction with City of Heroes Freedom. This style of comic book is something that's considered new and cutting edge to many comic book enthusiasts and we're stoked to be leading the way among Super Heroic MMO's in evolving our style to embrace it.
I would want to apologize to the artists, personally. I know myself how frustrating finishing something and then either receiving reception of how not-good it is, or looking at it yourself and feeling frustrated... As my own apology, I link you guys to the netherregions of the Internet known as... My old DevArt page.
Of they managed to survive that with their eyesight intact, they can feel free to laugh and disregard my own critiques...

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Thanks for your feedback regarding the new loading screens. We are extremely excited about these panels you've been shown and are eagerly anticipating being able to show you the rest of the comic when Issue 21 launches. I have been speaking with Noble Savage, El Topo and Second Measure regarding some of your concerns, and we certainly understand some of the viewpoints being expressed in this thread.

A few things we can clarify really quickly:
  • Back Alley Brawler is being illuminated by a gigantic fiery meteor of doom, which at it's position is akin to being a light source as bright as the sun. As such the lighting has a bit of a bright orange hue to it, which has been saturated to an extent. There's definitely no intent of changing skin tone.
  • Sister Psyche's expression is one of both shock and fear, which we consider an appropriate reaction to an apocalyptic storm of death and destruction hurtling at her from above. As a member of the Freedom Phalanx, nothing short of a world threatening event could evoke this kind of reaction from her.

The above being said, we have been paying attention to your thoughts. We'll be making some very subtle adjustments to the image which address these concerns while still preserving its artistic integrity.

We're very excited to be exploring this new artistic direction with City of Heroes Freedom. This style of comic book is something that's considered new and cutting edge to many comic book enthusiasts and we're stoked to be leading the way among Super Heroic MMO's in evolving our style to embrace it.
Thank you for the response, but I still have some concerns.

On BAB, I understand the intent, but I don't think it's conveyed very well, probably because the background is rather dark. If the buildings behind him were similarly washed out, it might help. Instead, they're mostly in silhouette. It's a weird effect. For the record, I still think BAB comes across as dark skinned, but it did take me a few seconds to recognize him.

On Sister Psyche, however, I really object. I don't equate those lips with "shock and fear." At all. Even if I did, it would be hard to take that shock and fear seriously when she's thrusting her chest out in that ridiculous pose. Honestly, it looks like she should be clutching a towel to her chest, having just stepped out the shower to find this week's murder victim on the floor.

There's no excuse to keep feeding the notion that female characters are only there to be explicitly female. I hope you can devote the time at some point to rework this cover*; it's not the image I'd want to associate with the new CoH experience.


EDIT: Specifically, her pose. I'm glad you will be tweaking it, but I'm not sure that will be enough.

Darkonne: Pinnacle's (unofficially) mighty Dark Miasma/Radiation Blast enthusiast!

Be sure to check out this mighty Arc:
#161865 - Aeon's Nemesis



I've been trying to resist saying this, since I know someone (possibly multiple people) put a lot of time and effort into this splash page... But the first time I saw it I actually laughed out loud, before hearing Plinkett's voice in my head saying "What's wrong with your face!" I'm not worried about BABs' skin tone or the curvature of Sister Psyche's spine, as that's just artistic license, but the faces on both of them are just... Oh wow...

Please, forgive me for criticising artistic work while possessing no artistic talent, but I can no longer resist saying this: Both of their faces are really bad. Let's start with the more benign example.

BABs' face here is weird. It's not that it's contorted in a "You are tearing me apart, Lisa!" scream, it's that his right cheek is bulging out like he has a shoe box in his mouth with teeth and a tongue painted on it. His left cheek that we can see is perfectly fine, in that it displays a straight line of tissue from the cheek bone right down to the chin, but his right cheek has this weird protrusion. There's no bone there to push the bottom of his cheek out like that, there's no jaw muscle so near the chin to bulge out, and it makes his face look either like the inside of his cheek is padded or like his cheek is drooping like that of an old, wrinkled man. Worse, it makes his face asymmetrical, which is really odd.

Then there's Sister Psyche's face, and that's just... Wow. Please, please don't take this as an insult, but it reminds me of the kind of face you'd see on Cartoon Reality, with the huge O-mouth and the exaggerated facial features. The way the lower lip droops over the chin, while possible to do and often practised by women trying to look sexy (and failing), is REALLY uncomfortable to do and not at all natural for a surprised face. I mean, BABs may look like he's constipated, but that's how people roaring and yelling tend to look, and I can tell what his emotion is - AAAAAA! Sister Psyche just looks like her face is melting.

What really does me in is that the corners of her mouth are way, way low for this to be a natural expression. Yes, there are muscles on the face which can pull the corners down, but these are more often associated with a "Ew! Gross!" emotion more than one of shock or surprise, which is what her deer-in-headlights eyes say. And - and this may just be perspective speaking, but her face looks like it's folding in half and being drawn in by the gravity created by BABs tremendous size. It also kind of looks like her nose and mouth are off-centre from the plain of her face.

All told, don't get me wrong - I like the artwork. The colouring is absolutely soling, best I've seen in quite a while, and I've seen a LOT recently. I mean, BABs' gauntlets in game are kind of dinky and low-res, but the gauntlets in this shot are simply breath-taking, doubly so since I don't actually like their design, but I like the ones here. The lighting is also excellent, with both highlights and shadows, and even the apparently controversial skin tones I find are very well done.

But those faces...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Like where this is going.

About the Sister Psyche look:
maybe something as simple as changing her posture a bit, or her hands could convey the getting ready to respond look. Have her face be "OMG" but her fists tightening or tense to spring into action.

About loosing the original tutorials:
As others have said, apart of me likes breaking out of jail. Seems like a awesome way to begin a career.

Story wise, the original hero tutorial has its charms in that is a simple way to lead a new hero. "Nothing too dangerous, we're going to hold your hand through this, son."

This new tutorial also seems railroaded plot wise. "Something happens, and a hero rises to the challenge." Some of us choose to RP, or have a story on how we became heroes, and this arc might get in the way of that. (People have been saying the same thing about Jailbreak.)

If I had a say, I'd keep all three tutorials, and on the character creation have [Hero] [Villain] [Choose my fate], and keep the original tutorials locked from new players till they became VIP, or ran through the new tutorial at least once.



Excellent post Tetsuko_NA, as you stated, not rage, just observation..thank you!

Originally Posted by Angelxman81 View Post
Wow, I think some people is overreacting a bit...
Originally Posted by Tetsuko_NA View Post
And I find it amazing that honest critique, including people saying "Hmm, this looks disturbingly sexist/etc" is somehow conflated with OMG RAGE.

(Citation needed)

Does BAB's skin tone reflect what bright light - especially red-colored light as from a fire or explosion - look like on dark-colored skin? Is the tone of his hair, costume and gear similarly pale-shifted to suggest he is being bathed in actinic light that might wash out his skin tone?
BAB looks causasian in this picture - according to lots of people looking at it.
He's not.
That's either an technical mistake (which I would imagine the artist would like to be informed of), or it is a deliberate altering of BAB's apparent ethnic background, which the players would like an explaination for.

In terms of SP's expression, it looks less over-the-top and more asanine. This appears very much out-of-character for her, and so - once again - technical error or character alteration?
More to the point, let's assume that her expression is fully justified - she truly is that horrified/angered/paniced... do you pose like that when you're frightened? I'm quite serious - cover her face and look at her pose... what about that suggests fright or horror?
Or determination or strength or heroism, for that matter?
The fact that poses that emphasize outthrust breasts and hips are considered action poses for female comic book characters is sexist - deeply sexist. If you don't think so, just picture BAB in that same pose. If we are making the assumption that a character specifically uses her eye-candy appeal as part of her operational toolkit (e.g.: Catwoman, Poison Ivy), that's one thing. Again, is the part of SP's established character?

I hate this argument. Being able to match an effort is not a reasonable gate for being critical of that effort. if a gymnast falls off of their equipment during their routine, I don't have to be a gymnast to recognize the error. if I'm really unfamiliar with the subject, I might ask "Did you mean to do that?". And that's what some people ehre a re doing: "Did you mean to make BABs look white? Did you mean to make SP look like a posable sex doll?"

Did it maybe occur to you that feeling that you should end a post like this might just suggest you should review it for content?
Unless, of course, you find the typical opinion expressed on the boards to be worthless - in which case I would have to ask why you bother posting...

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!



Man, you said it perfectly; even the hair texture changed lol... so.... I'm hoping the collective comments ensure the integrity of the character when it comes out.. nicely stated

Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
At how many lux does dark skin appear Caucasion without similarly washing out all the other colors it illuminates or illuminating all those shadowed parts facing in the same direction of the light? It's got to be *brighter* that the sun, because people of African descent don't look Caucasion outdoors at noontime.

At how many lux do dreadlocks become undone?

At how many lux do panels of cloth burn away leaving just the seams?

Is this a wizard's fireball perhaps?

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!



But..before I get too way off topic, I am excited that with the technology, "we" are trying a new way to keep the game fresh. I had tried CO some time ago and their intro for new players thrust you into the midst of an event as well, but I like this in that its more cataclysmic, more epic!!

If you think about it, this game has been around over 7 years, and still innovating, still competing with games which admittedly have a newer graphic engine but don't have the substance, the lore that CoX has. So while CoX continues to add more content at the beginning, and an end game, these innovations are a great way to show that in addition to content, the devs care about keeping it competitive technically as well.

A listening dev community is what keeps me coming back year ..after year...after...

Arc: 378122 "Tales of the Terran Space Marines -The Apocalypse Initiative" 5stars!
Arc: 481545 "Twilight of the Gods - The Praetorian conflict"8000+ hits!




<:[ shark goes nom nom nom ]:>
[QUOTE=theOcho;3409811]As to the REAL reason I'll be leaving, I'm afraid it is indeed because Tamaki Revolution dc'd on me during a RSF.[/QUOTE]



Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
Thanks for your feedback (snip) we certainly understand some of the viewpoints being expressed in this thread.

A few things we can clarify really quickly:
  • Back Alley Brawler is being illuminated by a gigantic fiery meteor of doom, which at it's position is akin to being a light source as bright as the sun. As such the lighting has a bit of a bright orange hue to it, which has been saturated to an extent. There's definitely no intent of changing skin tone.
  • Sister Psyche's expression is one of both shock and fear, which we consider an appropriate reaction to an apocalyptic storm of death and destruction hurtling at her from above. As a member of the Freedom Phalanx, nothing short of a world threatening event could evoke this kind of reaction from her.

The above being said, we have been paying attention to your thoughts. We'll be making some very subtle adjustments to the image which address these concerns while still preserving its artistic integrity.

We're very excited to be exploring this new artistic direction with City of Heroes Freedom. This style of comic book is something that's considered new and cutting edge to many comic book enthusiasts and we're stoked to be leading the way among Super Heroic MMO's in evolving our style to embrace it.
Thanks for the post and the devotion to the community's comments. The overall feeling of community involvement being appreciated and encouraged the the Dev. team is one of the reasons I've remained not only invested, but interested and passionate about the game. That being said I take it upon myself to cast one last suggestion...

Please give the brutha his dreads back. I would never look to infringe on David's art (of which I am a huge fan!), but the dreads would compete with the gloves (imho) as far as iconic associations with the character. Thanks again .

"Think! It's not illegal yet."



Originally Posted by BluGypsc View Post

Please give the brutha his dreads back. I would never look to infringe on David's art (of which I am a huge fan!), but the dreads would compete with the gloves (imho) as far as iconic associations with the character. Thanks again .
Actually, he's never had dreads, except in the original CoH trailer - he's always been shown in-game and in the comics as having spiked hair, sometimes slicked back a bit - his hair in this latest picture is accurate with how he's been shown for the past 7 years.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Actually, he's never had dreads, except in the original CoH trailer - he's always been shown in-game and in the comics as having spiked hair, sometimes slicked back a bit - his hair in this latest picture is accurate with how he's been shown for the past 7 years.
You are right. I think this is because the dread art in game needs an update in general (). Which brings up another good point... please update the dreads hair in the costume creator! Thanks Goldy! I almost missed an opportunity to make that request again !

"Think! It's not illegal yet."



Dang I didn't know I had to analyze a picture ........ Lol



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
But the problem with that is that BAB doesn't appear to be showing the same reaction - he looks shocked and angry, but still in control - her expression is just pure panic, and her strange stance doesn't help give the impression that she's in control at all - she looks helpless and depowered, whill BAB looks strong and decisive.

That's good, because the overall picture is exciting and dynamic, it's just the portrayal of Sister Psyche's reaction to a crisis that really let's it down.
To be fair, BAB won't a) get people like TehHippeh below ( ) or b) complaining why she didn't just make a giant forcefield over Galaxy City
Originally Posted by TehHippeh View Post
Yes, BaBs saw it coming before the psychic, which is why she has that reaction.

Being psychic just means mental powers in the comic book world, usually (like Sister P) a telepath or telempath (thoughts vs. emotions, although many blend the two). The future is precognition - which I don't think Sister P is (or retro-cognition, the past).

Elsewhere in the now is clairvoyance.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



This is not a comment about how the art looks, but I wanted to comment on the idea of Sister Psyche being overcome.

I am not familiar enough to know if she has displayed the powers of empathy, mind reading and/or any sort of telepathic link to others.

Psychics who do have such powers may be a bit overcome in such enormous situations, due to a sudden flood of panicked cries, thoughts and feelings of anguish from the large number of victims.

I am not saying anything about the pose or the face, nor any social commentary about the woman panicking and the male standing strong and resolute... I am just commenting on the concept of a psychic's possible reaction to such things. Some times, even, the more powerful a psychic is, the worse. I'm not saying that they can't compose themselves... or even keep themselves composed and functional the entire time... but they still often may have visible indicators of the emotions they are sensing from others.
It's a fun, and dramatic, aspect of psychic characters that I've seen in many works of fiction.

Anyway... just saw a lot of people scratching their heads about that specific aspect of the situation being depicted in that picture and was surprised that no one seemed to think of that angle.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by NaoGal View Post
Even before this picture, Back Alley Brawler exemplified this concept in spades.
Ha ha ha OH WOW

Ironically poor word choice alert!



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
This is not a comment about how the art looks, but I wanted to comment on the idea of Sister Psyche being overcome.

I am not familiar enough to know if she has displayed the powers of empathy, mind reading and/or any sort of telepathic link to others.

Psychics who do have such powers may be a bit overcome in such enormous situations, due to a sudden flood of panicked cries, thoughts and feelings of anguish from the large number of victims.

I am not saying anything about the pose or the face, nor any social commentary about the woman panicking and the male standing strong and resolute... I am just commenting on the concept of a psychic's possible reaction to such things. Some times, even, the more powerful a psychic is, the worse. I'm not saying that they can't compose themselves... or even keep themselves composed and functional the entire time... but they still often may have visible indicators of the emotions they are sensing from others.
It's a fun, and dramatic, aspect of psychic characters that I've seen in many works of fiction.

Anyway... just saw a lot of people scratching their heads about that specific aspect of the situation being depicted in that picture and was surprised that no one seemed to think of that angle.
I actually considered it like this as well, though I would still find it a little surprising since Sister Psyche's a Rik' War Vet (an' killed fiddy men!), can given that that was a global event across, more than just confined to Galaxy City...

Click here to find all the All Things Art Threads!
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by _Toxa_ View Post

Paragon, you've revamped signature costumes before. This illustration drives home the need to give Sister Psyche a -real- costume. She's a super hero, not a porn-star. Or is that forever the role of females in the comic book universe? She's running around the city, almost completely naked with nothing more than a few bits of electrical tape for clothing, and people are supposed to take her seriously?

Her costume is an embarrassment.
I've got to put another 'agree' behind that. Just because it's the way things traditionally are, that doesn't mean we have to hold to them with it gets just so over the top blatant. The problem here isn't even so much the pose- it's that the pose and expression just exaggerate the problem that's always been there, with her costuming.

She's a heroine. A member of the Freedom Phalanx. And she is wearing a costume that is designed pretty much from the ground up to force you to stare at her tits and not look away- and even then, her costume lines direct you to the tips of her breasts specifically. I'm sorry if this is coming off as overly sensitive, but it's past time that it gets changed.

The pose just makes it even more exaggerated: That costume does not say anything real about the heroine she is. It doesn't suggest mental abilities, or an 'old soul' type thing. It says sex, sex, sex, and more sex, and it's a complete embarrassment. I'm not saying that costumes can't be designed with a visual appeal in mind- even a relatively sexy one, at that- but that costume has NOTHING else to it.



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
This is not a comment about how the art looks, but I wanted to comment on the idea of Sister Psyche being overcome.

I am not familiar enough to know if she has displayed the powers of empathy, mind reading and/or any sort of telepathic link to others.

Psychics who do have such powers may be a bit overcome in such enormous situations, due to a sudden flood of panicked cries, thoughts and feelings of anguish from the large number of victims.
According to the comics, at least, Sister Psyche has an empathic and telepathic connection to literally everyone in a very wide area centered on herself. She cannot suppress or control this connection in any way.

This means Sister Psyche is having to address not only her own emotional response to the destruction and chaos going on all over Galaxy City, but also everyone else's responses to it. I'd like to see anyone maintain their composure with the panicked and terrified thoughts of thousands of people pounding through their head.

As for Back Alley Brawler, the only mental response he has to deal with is the realization that today was a really bad day to indulge his inner child.

Edit: And add me to the list of people who think Sister Psyche needs a costume re-design. Her personality has always been presented as being a dignified sort of lady who would be ashamed to wear outfits exactly like her costume in public and probably in private.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



I only read a little of this thread begause, frnakly, a lot of the things I read disgust me.

I don't need an ancient 1970s feminist notion of what a strong woman is supposed to look like informing the design of characters in my game. In the post-feminist 21st century women can display intelligence, strength and sexuality to any degree they choose to.



Originally Posted by Moly View Post
I only read a little of this thread begause, frnakly, a lot of the things I read disgust me.

I don't need an ancient 1970s feminist notion of what a strong woman is supposed to look like informing the design of characters in my game. In the post-feminist 21st century women can display intelligence, strength and sexuality to any degree they choose to.
Who here has posted that there is something wrong with a strong, intelligent woman being sexy and expressing their sexuality how they like?

Sister Psyche is not a real woman. Her depiction in this image is emblematic of the larger issue of the representation of women in both comic books and videogames and so she's a perfectly legitimate subject to discuss. Especially because I don't really know of any empowering female characters in this game besides maybe Ghost Widow, and even then she's basically the thrall of a powerful male.

If your argument is that her outfit and composure in this image is believable for an 80 year old war veteran, then that's one thing. But this weird attack on feminism is a whole different ballgame. Saying that the 21st century is post feminist (assuming you mean feminism is not necessary any longer) is really quite ignorant.

My Going Rogue Trailer

Virtue (blue) - Wes The Mess
Virtue (red) - Jess The Best



Originally Posted by Moly View Post
I only read a little of this thread begause, frnakly, a lot of the things I read disgust me.

I don't need an ancient 1970s feminist notion of what a strong woman is supposed to look like informing the design of characters in my game. In the post-feminist 21st century women can display intelligence, strength and sexuality to any degree they choose to.
Of course everyone has the right to express themselves however they choose to, and condemning people based on how they choose to express themselves is nothing short of bigoted.

The thing is, though, that Sister Psyche isn't a woman. She's someone's idea of a woman. There's no woman named Shalice Tilman that ever came to Paragon Studio and collaborated with the devs on the design of her costume. When people criticise her costume they don't criticise someone's decision to wear that costume, they find someone's design decisions for a female character's costume objectionable.

Put shortly, it's entirely possible to both support and defend a woman's right to wear whatever she wants and at the same time object to a female character's design.

But even if you think the costume is empowering or demeaning, I have a hard time seeing Sister Psyche's pose as nothing but outright objectifying. It's the kind of breasts-and-butt-out pose that, if you try doing it at home, it's unnatural and uncomfortable at best and actually painful at worst. It's a pose that serves no purpose other than to emphasise her, well, breasts and butt for the sake of emphasising it. It's certainly not an expression of Sister Psyche's sexuality, even ignoring how uncomfortable the position is, because it's pretty safe to assume that when you're terrified half-to-death by an apocalyptic meteor shower expressing your sexual autonomy is not someone's first concern.

So really, all it says is "here's some woman's assets to look at!" It emphasises them and reduces the character to them. It's objectifying.