Let's Discuss: Comprehensive PB Proposal




Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
Agreed. VEATs are great and all but there's not a chance in hell I'd wanna see Kheldians cludged into something like them.

This is pretty much the meat of it as far as I can tell. We can (And probably will) go back and forth for days about all the rest but these points are indisputable.

Unfortunately this part is. Really, you can't talk about adjusting damage without considering Cosmic Balance. For good or ill, you've gotta balance PBs around it.

The up side to that is it means you can effectively kill two birds with one stone. I think we can all agree that our inherent is unfairly balanced toward teaming. It does absolutely nothing for us solo and, with Vigilance now adjusted, it's the only remaining inherent that does so. So let's focus on that first. Taking into account all the suggestions that have already been made, how can Cosmic Balance be changed to benefit us solo without making Kheldians OP on teams?
lol yeah i mean in the sence of the community commin up with crasy ideas for the AT.. both AT'S are great AT'S that have good powers.. it just has to be polishsed and brought up to todays standards..

also i agree the root problem is the inherant.. change that and then they can tweak and lift as they see fit and then we will be in business.

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post

The up side to that is it means you can effectively kill two birds with one stone. I think we can all agree that our inherent is unfairly balanced toward teaming. It does absolutely nothing for us solo and, with Vigilance now adjusted, it's the only remaining inherent that does so. So let's focus on that first. Taking into account all the suggestions that have already been made, how can Cosmic Balance be changed to benefit us solo without making Kheldians OP on teams?
If we're focusing solely on that.. then focus on what's been done with inherents (and related) in the past.

Domination - the most obvious. Damage buff given to all powers (and powers rebalanced) without regard to Domination itself. The reason? Previous "Jeckyll and Hyde" gameplay needing fixing.

Assassination - Maybe not quite so obvious, and this is more than just the inherent, really. It's rather extensive, as Stalkers are more an entire "system."
1. Hide's END cost reduced. It's such an essential power for the Stalker that having an END cost was unfairly punitive.
2. Damage buff if teammates are in *close* (30ft?) range.
3. Chance for AOE fear on successful AS.
4. Not breaking hide for a missed AS.

There can be a bit of argument there on just what fell into the inherent versus just rebalancing, though. At the very least, 2 and 3. They already had a chance to crit while hidden *and* on held targets.

Vigilance - ever-infamous, from "not having one" to "useless solo, encouraging letting yoru team get hurt for an END discount" (which I don't really *agree* with but can see the point of,) to "30% damage buff solo decreasing as people are added."

Defiance - went from "Die for a damage boost" (which didn't help blaster survivability) to "Some attacks while mezzed, and pseudo-Fury damage buff from prior attacks."

Brutes - Slower fury build, slower fury decay.

What hasn't been changed?
Tanks - Gauntlet. (perhaps minor tweaks. No, I'm not throwing the taunt -range or T1attack -res in here - power vs inherent.)

Masterminds - Bodyguard.

Controllers - Containment giving a damage boost.

Scrappers - crits

Corruptors - Scourge


So, what's the problem with CB?
- Doesn't help solo. Really, that's what it boils down to - we must be teamed to *have* an inherent, essentially.

I don't agree that "It doesn't give anything back to the team" is a valid point. Conditioning, crits, etc. don't, either. That's more a powers issue (in which case, PBs have some team-oriented powers.)

Can we just take the damage out and apply it directly to the powers? It's straightforward, yes, but...
Originally Posted by paragonwiki
Kheldians naturally thrive off the energy and essence of their teammates. Peacebringers' metamorphic nature allows them to bring balance to their team. Your Damage will increase for each nearby Tanker, Mastermind, Corruptor or Defender teammate. Your Damage Resistance will increase for each nearby Scrapper, Brute, Stalker or Blaster teammate. Each Peacebringer, Warshade, Arachnos Widow or Arachnos Soldier on their team gives a 10% Recharge Slow Resistance. Finally each nearby Controller or Dominator teammate will grant you limited protection from Control effects. You cannot put Enhancements in this power.
... what do we do with the rest of this?

Simplicity might say replace the damage with, say, defense. Alternately, handle two things - up the damage resistance we have inherently, replace it with defense, and where we have damage now, give a recharge buff.

Is just bumping up damage enough to "fix" (my position on "brokenness" should be rather well known by now, so I'll leave it in quotes) PBs and the inherent? Is that enough for soloability? Should we consider "Start forms with two slots per power" part of the inherent? (I'd say not, really, as it is a separate issue - but would it balance out part of the PB complaints?)



I rather feel like a change to Cosmic Balance that is similar to Vigilance would be best. CB is quite good (other than for mez protection) on teams, so getting some kind of similar benefit while solo or teamed with just one or two teammates would be nice.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
I rather feel like a change to Cosmic Balance that is similar to Vigilance would be best. CB is quite good (other than for mez protection) on teams, so getting some kind of similar benefit while solo or teamed with just one or two teammates would be nice.
I'd rather have a base damage buff, so something along the lines of domination's change instead of vigilance's.

just fix seekers

fix the inherants

and raise dmg...
While this is true, there are several smaller problems that we should be including in a "fix" request. If we don't highlight them, then yeah they might fix these three things and just call it a day, in which case smaller problems wouldn't be looked at again for years if ever.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Should we consider "Start forms with two slots per power" part of the inherent? (I'd say not, really, as it is a separate issue - but would it balance out part of the PB complaints?)
Just wanted to jump on this idea real fast - It would make the forms a lot more attractive! As it stands, when we first Get the forms, they're harder to use because they haven't been slotted like our other powers have. When we pick up Nova a L6 (IF we pick it up at L6), then we still have the trailing edge of 'Beginner's Luck' to help us hit targets, but with only TOs to slot with, that benefit falls off fast.

When we pick up Dwarf, it's at a huge disadvantage, with our other powers multi-slotted and only the one slot available in Dwarf powers. And Dwarf doesn't get the To-Hit buff that Nova has, so it's even more handicapped. No attack-chain, due to few, slow powers, chronically under-slotted for at least three more levels - it's only value is as a free Breakfree and as a 'turtle' power. And it's still hard to get Into the form, in combat, so that 'benefit' is marginalized.

Starting the Forms with two slots per power would help to balance the forms against the Human-only powers and also mitigate the slot-crunch inherent in taking the forms in the first place. It's also less clunky than my 'one extra slot per slot-level' suggestion and less prone to abuse. This is less an adjustment to the Inherent, and more of a direct modification of the Forms. I hate to frame it as a QoL matter, but it sure would improve MY Kheldian quality of life.

As for Cosmic Balance... I have no problem with the inherent - a Kheldian should, rightly, shine in a team. The 'problem' is in diminishing returns.

On a Large team, a Kheldian's adaptability is less relevant than on a small team, or solo. A large team is more likely to Have the ATs that Cosmic Balance allows a PB to mimic. For instance, a large team might have the 3 Blasters (or however many) that turns a PB into a mini-Tanker, but it's also likely to Have a... well, a 'real' Tanker, which basically makes the PB's extra resilience Irrelevant. The case is similar with a Controller-heavy team - What need does a Kheldian have for Mez-protection, when teamed with That much lockdown?

Where a Kheldian's adaptability is Most important is on Small teams (and to a lesser extent, when solo) and this is where they should Shine. On a small team with a Defender, a Controller, and a Blaster, a Peacebringer is 'benefiting' from all aspects of Cosmic Balance, but the actual boost is so weak, it's practically irrelevant. In such a team, the PB would be practically Forced into a melee role - Granted, he's perfectly able to assume that role, however, his Cosmic Balance isn't really helping out. One 'boost' is not enough to make him a Tanker, or even a Scrapper.

Granted, if the team consisted of 3 Blasters and a Peacebringer... well, that many 'Hammer's' only requires that the 'Anvil' hold things together for a short while, but the PB is getting the full benefit of CB and he's perfectly capable of doing the job.

So, it seems to me that the 'cure' for Cosmic Balance is to 'frontload' the boost and balance it against large-team performance with diminishing returns, so that a PB on a Large defense-heavy team doesn't become some sort of 'Omega-Blaster'... ...although that does sound fun!

Be Well!



Really the only problem that I have with CB is that is a proximity buff which I think is complete BS. if/when they change it, i don't see why it can't be just people on the team and not people on the team AND within a whatever " radius. i'm on bored with a pseudo domination change, but if they do leave in the same mechanic just with a different buff (recharge or defense instead of damage or whatever) then i'd really like to see it not have the proximity limit on it.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by Microcosm View Post
I'd rather have a base damage buff, so something along the lines of domination's change instead of vigilance's.
That's not a change to the inherent so much as it is to the damage scalars for the Kheldian AT. The Dominator revamps were a bunch of tweaks all over, part of them being the move of damage ability being moved from the Domination power to the AT's damage scales, along with adjustments to certain Dominator powers.

I just see a change to the inherent easier than the damage mod. When I'm on a team, my PB's damage goes up noticeably, and I haven't had issues with the damage I do on teams. If someone wants to put out the math and show how it's still not enough in comparison with other ATs when you have maybe... two people improving your damage with Cosmic Balance (probably a fair average for a large team), I guess I could go with the damage mod adjustment.

I just can see the devs getting worried about upping our damage mod, with how much we can get buffed on teams, let alone our own powers. Given that, I can see a change to the inherent when we are solo or on a small team, as opposed to an adjustment to our damage mods.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



The problem I have with increasing damage buff instead of base is that you get significantly less than your teammates do from outside buffs. It won't take many buffs to eclipse (no pun intended) your damage on a team and make you, again, one of the lowest dps'ers on the team.

If they doubled the base damage and kept CB just the way it is, with a full team of people buffing your damage (so 140% buff to damage), the top pb chain would do about 341 dps, after accounting for build up and tohit cap. That's about 30 dps higher than the top scrapper dps (before involving reactive, etc). Obviously they don't need to double the base dps, but the current gap between pb's and dps'ers is really tremendous, even fully buffed.

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I would too. However, I think the devs' concern would be players who weren't aware they could turn them off and complaining that their endurance went bye bye. This might have been more of a concern in the pre-inherent Stamina days though.

With free fitness, it is (or really should be) a non issue. If they allowed toggle suppresion then switching to a form would be the same as adding one more toggle (a low end cost toggle that comes with +rec.) If that one added toggle is causing a toon's end to go bye-bye then that toon's build has some problems it was already encountering before/if they added toggle suppresion.



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Just wanted to jump on this idea real fast - It would make the forms a lot more attractive! As it stands, when we first Get the forms, they're harder to use because they haven't been slotted like our other powers have.
This idea would be fine, but I think a more elegant solution would be to simply do away with the duplicate attack powers that the forms have.

So the Nova uses normal PB blasts, Dwarf uses normal PB melee attacks. The toggles would just apply damage and resistance modifiers, and 'grey out' powers that can't be used while in a form.

If you want a form to be effective, you still have to invest in the slots and power choices available to use in that form (want to use Nova? Better have got those blasts), but the forms will be something which work with your other abilities to give you added flexibility, rather than requiring massive investment of their own.

OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1



Originally Posted by oreso View Post
This idea would be fine, but I think a more elegant solution would be to simply do away with the duplicate attack powers that the forms have.
More "elegant" sure ... but man ... what a way to buy a cottage!

One thing's for sure ... if the Devs ever made our Human Form powers do "double duty" in our Nova/Dwarf Forms ... you'd better believe that the Slot Crunch for Tri-formers would *RADICALLY* change! Instead of having "too many powers, not enough slots" we'd be going to a scheme where the available powers just about matches the number of slots we'd need for them.

I do like the "simplicity" of allowing the Nova/Dwarf Forms to apply Global Modifiers to whatever our Human Form powers do (+Damage, +ToHit, +Range, +Recharge in Nova) (+Recharge, +Resistance, +Mez Protection in Dwarf) and then restricting what Powers you can use in your Forms (Inherent and AT Powers Only?). It would also mean that it would be perfectly possible to "gimp" your Forms, just by making wacky power selections for your Human Form though (load up on Pool Powers, for instance).

It's the end. But the moment has been prepared for ...



I did, once, suggest that the Forms essentially become like the Leadership toggles, leveraging the Human-form powers, but I got shot-down with a vengeance by another player who was using the extra power-slots to stack up Set IOs and bonuses. Besides, doing this would destroy several popular Kheldian form-switch maneuvers, like the 'Double-Flare' and the 'Double-Mire' and the 'Double-Heal'. Also, we would lose the Taunt and Teleport powers of the Dwarf-form. Those have no analogues in Human-form and would require more power-slots to acquire.

One thing that I would like to see Dwarfs get, is another attack - it's nigh impossible to build a decent melee-attack-chain with only two powers and an AoE. It works for Nova because the Cone can be used with a single target and, so, do duty as a third single target attack. Perhaps Dwarf could get something similar to 'Jacob's Ladder' from Electric?

Or is the Taunt supposed to take the place of an attack? Really, it's only situationally useful.

For these reasons, I've been persuaded that the forms should retain their unique powers, despite all of the slot-crunching problems that come with them.

Be Well!



Re: the concern about being able to gimp yourself by taking Dwarf and not taking melee attacks (for instance): I'd argue that the current system requires us to be gimped, by making Dwarf powers all but useless for many many levels until we can finally afford the slots for all of them. And ya know, even then, we have major slot crunch.

Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
I did, once, suggest that the Forms essentially become like the Leadership toggles, leveraging the Human-form powers, but I got shot-down with a vengeance by another player who was using the extra power-slots to stack up Set IOs and bonuses. Besides, doing this would destroy several popular Kheldian form-switch maneuvers, like the 'Double-Flare' and the 'Double-Mire' and the 'Double-Heal'. Also, we would lose the Taunt and Teleport powers of the Dwarf-form. Those have no analogues in Human-form and would require more power-slots to acquire.
Fun tricks are good and all, but I'd prefer my Dwarf form to be useable when I take it, not ten levels later and at such a huge slot expense. And I don't have much sympathy for people who only want the powers for set mules, I have to say

The extra powers for Dwarf can be put in 'for free' as they are now. Not exactly a biggy there.

OMG! How like, totally kewl are these characters?!1



Possible compromise: The flares, mires, and heals could be left separate, but the single-target attacks and the Nova's nukes could be merged with the human form. It'd be nice to have useful attacks in both human and Kheldian forms without gimping ourselves.

Yes, this would mess with people using both sets of ST/AoEs for IO slotting, but I honestly have trouble seeing how they manage it and still have their core powers decently slotted.

...Or, actually, oreso seemed to say something that might leave the best of both camps. Have human powers usable in forms, but leave the form powers as they are. However, that might cause odd balance questions with the doubling of available attack powers in forms. Getting seamless attack chains would become trival. I do think it's worthwhile as a starting place for discussion though.

Hm. Much to discuss, I think. And, honestly, I don't play a PB right now. I play a WS (though I created mine for concept rather than power level reasons). I can say that a fair number of the changes (KD/KU Solar Flare, Seeker tweaks, etc.) proposed here would make PBs more attractive to me. And it might be worth categorizing the suggestions separately into PB-specific things (Solar Flare, Seekers fix, things like that) and changes for Kheldians in general (shift animation time reduction, slotting changes, etc.). Warshades really don't seem to have a lot wrong with them that isn't wrong with Kheldians as a whole anyway, so there's probably not any need for Warshade-specific fixes (other than the oddity of their Cosmic Balance giving them more of what the team already has, and a PB thread isn't really the place for discussion on that).

As for the dwarf mez things, actually I think there might be a way to do this: give the mez protection portition a longer duration but keep it non-stacking. Just look at how the stealth IO procs work for example. Mez protection for, say, 30 seconds or so would let us do some things in other forms at least without necessarily making us completely invulnerable to mezzes. This number could be tweaked - 20 seconds might be a more suitable duration.

I like the idea of frontloaded Cosmic Balance.

Shorter shift times would be great. I haven't really seen much disagreement about this point. The formshifts are pretty dramatic and cool looking, but there're still noticeable pauses in them. And even without that, I think they could easily be shaved down to a second or possibly less and still keep a lot of visual impact.



I really dont think that the forms need a total rework, which is what these last few ideas are basically. The forms work great as they are its just a small change to the inherent we should focus on. Maybe its just me but I like how peacebringers "work" and dont want big changes, just a few small changes that can make a big difference.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
I'm not sure if that's doable - none of the current status protection powers do that, either, to be fair (IE, you pop a breakfree, you still have the mez there. Toggle Practiced Brawler on, it's still there. Stack more holds and you're held again.)

Of course, none of those (except the breakfree) are "Toggle while held," either.

(Random minor buff idea that just popped up - innate resistance to psy damage. Why? Two minds in one body instead of one. Doesn't come into play a *lot,* I know, but as a flavor thing...)
If nothing else, mez resistance needs to be added to Dwarf forms to shorten the length of mez durations. Using Dwarf like a break free is unrealistic, when you're faced with super long stuns (Malta and Knives). And other than Granite, is there an other power that offer mez protection but prevents using other powers?



Originally Posted by Jot View Post
I really dont think that the forms need a total rework, which is what these last few ideas are basically. The forms work great as they are its just a small change to the inherent we should focus on. Maybe its just me but I like how peacebringers "work" and dont want big changes, just a few small changes that can make a big difference.
Agreed. A total overhaul is both unnecessary and highly unlikely.

On Cosmic Balance, I'm not sure I'd be supportive of a Domination style change. Throwing the damage directly into powers would require a lotta rebalancing. I think the inherent's fine as is. It just needs to effect us solo. I'm at work right now and can't run the calculations but once I get home I'll see if I can get some numbers for all of us to mull over.

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It's worth noting that most mez protection powers as far as I'm aware don't allow you to activate them while you're mezzed. Then again, most of them don't restrict your power usage. But yeah, some mez resistance might be nice.

And, yeah, those're some pretty major revamps to the forms. Which's why I'm not really going to push for them. I was mostly just thinking about the possibilities of what'd been said.



off topic: kinda disappointed that they didn't mention anything in the i21 announcement. I know that it hasn't even hit yet and theres still a possibility but one would think that something like that would be in there and be a selling point.


Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by PC_guy View Post
off topic: kinda disappointed that they didn't mention anything in the i21 announcement. I know that it hasn't even hit yet and theres still a possibility but one would think that something like that would be in there and be a selling point.


My feeling is the EAT's are gonna end up as purchased stuff, and people who make the "mistake" of buying PB's are gonna be particularly upset at what their points bought them...



Originally Posted by Zenyth View Post

My feeling is the EAT's are gonna end up as purchased stuff, and people who make the "mistake" of buying PB's are gonna be particularly upset at what their points bought them...
If they did that, maybe that would make them allot some time for adjusting them. But who knows... Kheldians have always been red-headed stepchildren, for all that you would think an unlockable AT should work just as well if not better than the other ones (and I don't mean that Kheldians should be more strong than other ATs).

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Well, this was in a thread Posi replied to:

Originally Posted by Kelenar
Wait, F2P players only get 8 archetypes? What don't they get access to?

Masterminds and Controllers (and HEATs and VEATs). They can purchase these separately, or become a VIP Subscriber and get access to all AT's.

So... hopefully that means they'll treat Kheldians a little better in the future, if that is going to be a dividing line between F2P and VIP. We'll see, though, like I said in my other post.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Just had an interesting idea for Group Energy Flight. Give it a foe-affecting aura a la Choking Cloud, with a low mag hold. Enemies caught by the hold would have the same animation as players experience from the green beam in the keyes trial (lifting off the ground, flailing arms and legs). This hold could stack with I-Strike on a single target, and otherwise just affect occasional minions like Choking Cloud. Or, switch the effects of I-Strike and Pulsar so the latter could stack with Group Energy Flight for a more solid AoE hold. Whatcha think?

The Inspiration Maker's Guide [i12] UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
A Flash in the Dark: The Electric/Ninjitsu Stalker [i23]
Kheldian Inspiration Macros UPDATED with POPMENUS and Movement Binds!
Guide to the Katana~Ninja Blade/Electric [i23]



Honestly most of the discussed changes to solely benefit PBs don't interest me all that much, except for the one about making Group Flight actually useful. Nor can I ever remember being on a team with a Warshade and feeling outmatched. I would like for all Kheldians to have the ability to use some human form powers even in dwarf or nova form (possibly including one or two shields) similar to the way blasters can use their basic attacks even when mezzed. It also might be neat to use the first two weakest nova attacks while in dwarf form and vice versa (novas look like they could deliver a nasty tail slap!). That would make Kheldians truly epic imho.



I think one simple change might go a long way to making PBs more viable. Warshades get Dark Extraction, and the resulting pets are the main reason WS damage is higher than PBs.

I would change Photon Seekers (which despite many attempts to fix them, have never worked exactly as they are described) and make them aggro managers, similar to Phantom Army. Give them an increased threat level or Taunt aura, and a couple of control/damage powers like Stuns or Holds to match the PB character's powers.

Making the Seekers more like PA or Dark Servant would increase the effectiveness of a PB solo as well as help a team control groups. And PBs would no longer have to find workarounds for a power that doesn't do what it says in the description.

There is precedent for changing pets without violating the Cottage Rule, Dark Servant got a makeover several issues ago, and a few issues ago Controller pets were made more permanent.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide