Let's Discuss: Comprehensive PB Proposal




Heh, 'madness' from another perspective may be 'inspired'. Even if it's Not Sparta.

And you've Both been saying 'That's Nuts' and 'Are you Stupid?' when, what you Really mean is, "That wouldn't work with my playstyle," or, "I wouldn't do it that way."

*shrug* Different strokes.

Beyond the rhetoric, the discussion between you two is enlightening. You are both clear about what you want Solar Flare to do, mechanically, and you only disagree about how it should do it. It seems to me, that's true about every discussion about the pros and cons of any form of mitigation.

People dislike KB when they're trying to get close to the enemy and do bad things to his face. They also dislike KB when they're trying to sweep up a big pile of enemy, so they can drop an AoE bomb on them.

Other people Like KB, because it helps keep the enemy from getting too close and doing bad things to their face. It helps them control the pace of battle and leverage their ranged attacks.

Some people who like KB, knowing that other people Don't like KB, work very hard to Master it. They learn through enormous trial and error, how to make the KB do their bidding. They are justly proud of their skill and the time they invested in gaining it.

Many people who dislike KB learn to live with it, but they still don't like it. Some just throw screaming hissy fits and boot anybody with KB from their teams - Check the Rude Tells thread for examples.

I kinda fall between these positions, since I like a lot of sets with KB, but I also play a lot of melee-toons and Hate when KB forces me to chase down my enemy - AGAIN - so I can punch him in the face... Except when it's MY KB and I just triumphantly Crane Kicked that goon off a Building! (WOOT!) Well, unless he Doesn't Die as a result and then I'm grumbling bad words as I have to chase him down again. So, I do make an effort to control my KB, but I'm not an expert and sometimes it just seems like too much work.

The point I wanted to make, here, is that, by trying to take away KB, one devalues the time, effort and Skill of a person who truly has mastered KB - and that's a threat to their pride in that skill. It's upsetting.

So perhaps it's wise to be a little gentler about stamping out some awfulness that others seem to value. Try to see the matter from their side, discover what they 'need' from that awfulness, and then think about how everyone might be satisfied.

Be Well!
a Peacebringer



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Sorry, you might find it useful. But you would find KD more useful. That's me being completely unable to wrap my mind around the fact that I am not you and you may have different preferences or a different playstyle than me.



Originally Posted by Fireheart View Post
Beyond the rhetoric, the discussion between you two is enlightening. You are both clear about what you want Solar Flare to do, mechanically, and you only disagree about how it should do it. It seems to me, that's true about every discussion about the pros and cons of any form of mitigation.

People dislike KB when they're trying to get close to the enemy and do bad things to his face. They also dislike KB when they're trying to sweep up a big pile of enemy, so they can drop an AoE bomb on them.

Other people Like KB, because it helps keep the enemy from getting too close and doing bad things to their face. It helps them control the pace of battle and leverage their ranged attacks.

Some people who like KB, knowing that other people Don't like KB, work very hard to Master it. They learn through enormous trial and error, how to make the KB do their bidding. They are justly proud of their skill and the time they invested in gaining it.
I agree with all of this, but I think that folks have a misunderstanding of what I'm saying. I'm not saying that KB cannot be used skillfully. I'm saying that in any comparison between KB and KD in the power Solar Flare (a copy of Footstomp), KD is more effective at killing NPCs. Killing NPCs is the point of our battles. It is not in 'skillfully using KB'. It's killing NPCs. I don't begrudge Bill (either of them) their playstyle. I have a Claws Stalker who uses Shockwave all the time. But I likewise, don't go around claiming that Shockwave is the best Scrapper T9 because it isn't.

The reason I'm wading into this argument is that Peacebringers don't really need that much. They do decent damage now, great damage in teams. But they don't do that damage efficiently. I don't give a crap about what Photon Seekers does if they move Solar Flare to KD because that becomes then the signature power of Peacebringers like it is for Super Strength Tankers/Brutes. Memphis Bill would be upset, and I honestly think that's regrettable. But the power would be more useful, more used, more taken and it would integrate MUCH better into the Peacebringer's suite of attacks AND the game as it is played.

Let's look at some recent examples to illustrate this point. When Castle buffed Repulsion Bomb, he REMOVED the KB and made it KD when he added more damage. Result: Power moved from the "easily skip" to "core power" in most FF builds.

Let's look at the power Energy Torrent. For Blasters/Defenders/Corrupters it does KB. For everyone else it does KD in their epics. Result: People can and do use the epic pool Energy Torrent whenever they feel like it. Integrating it into their suite of AoEs. Energy Torrent as a primary/secondary IF taken, isn't used nearly as much.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Solo Benefit to Cosmic balance. I think you could achieve something interesting with it if cosmic balance used foes as well as allies to buff the PB/WS. Depending on what the target cap was, you could do something like 1% Res/Def per minion, 3 points status protection per LT, 10% Damage per boss. Numbers would be more placeholders based on what would be balanced. Target caps put into place, etc etc. Lower the benefits from team cosmic balance, shift some of their benefits to teammates. Where as VEAT's provide Defense/To Hit/ Damage, I think PB's could provide something like +Res + Minor Regen/Recovery + Status Resistance (Not protection). WS's something like +Res +Def/Stealth + Debuff resistance. (DDR, -end -recovery -to hit - recharge, etc)

Like VEAT's bring defense for everyone (Sometimes lots) and some -Res Debuffs along with their own personal Defenses/Damage with this change Khelds would be someone I'd want on any team, but not focused enough where you'd pass up a Tank/Scrap/Defender, etc.

Solar Flare Human form. KB to KD/KU.

Photon Seekers, in my world I'd make them clones of Dark Extraction (in the sense that they follow you around and used light based attacks). Adjust the numbers so the damage for three of them was closer to the damage from two dark extractions.

Another option I like is the "Hell on Earth" clone mentioned earlier. Have the PB summon small photon seekers for 90 seconds, that do less damage as they are now, but act in the same way. Give it the 300/90 uptime ratio, warshades can have up to 3 damage machines perma, PB's should have a way to keep up with that.

Lightform - Cross Shadowmeld with Moment of Glory. (Much Lower defense/Resist values of MoG) Give it something like 120/25 120/30 up time. To compare, with SO slotting of eclipse in human form it takes between 3 and 5 foes to hard cap res to all (Depending on shields) and has 150/90 uptime with only SO's no hasten.

BU replaced by watered down rage clone. 60% Damage maybe? Much more form friendly, makes human form that much better.

As someone said earlier, give human blasts for PB's and WS's the Dominator treatment.



As an aside, I think we can agree Memphis Bill while you might like your PbAoE Knockback you are the vast vast vast minority. It would seem the vocal playerbase would rather have KD/KU. The added benefit is you could have it your way by slotting a Knockback IO/Set into the power.

As it stands, the change from say from mag 4 to mag .9 would make a great many players/teams happy, and costing only a few an extra slot to continue to annoy the hell out of teams/get their knockback.



Originally Posted by MrLiberty View Post
As it stands, the change from say from mag 4 to mag .9 would make a great many players/teams happy, and costing only a few an extra slot to continue to annoy the hell out of teams/get their knockback.
Because we have ALL THOSE EXTRA UNUSED SLOTS, right. How silly of me, and here I am six slotting Rest because like every other Kheld I have nothing else to put them in!



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Because we have ALL THOSE EXTRA UNUSED SLOTS, right. How silly of me, and here I am six slotting Rest because like every other Kheld I have nothing else to put them in!
Because you know, it's not like there are very cheap KB sets which allow you to get your KB back without any sacrifice in Damage.

So Bill how many slots do you devote to Solar Flare now? What enhancement numbers does that give you? What bonuses?

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Fix for pb

-Knock back to knockdown

-Pulsar mag raised to 4

-Qflight reduce end drain

-Raise dmg modifiers

- Seekers reduce recharge change to Targeted AOE (but can hit any enemy in between you and intended target)

- Like psyrene said change light form to more a shadow meld or a MOG.. short durations short recharge.. and give it 75% def to all and 45% resistance duration 20 seconds, take out the crash also keep the animation..

-Instead of group flight Give us a power like fire Embrace.. Potential to raise our light energy dmg..

- Shorten the durations of shifting

-Suppress shields in forms.. instead of detoggling

- Give pb resistance debuff prot and End drain prot

- Mez rez in each shield

WS fix

knock back to knockdown

- Change grav snare to a target aoe

- Change all ws shields to def base, so it stacks well with cloak

- Leave eclipse how it is with resistance so it can be a great layered def with the ws defensive shields.

- Put def debuff resistance, slow debuff resistance in all shields.

- Shorten the durations of shifting

-suppress shields in forms.. instead of detoggling

-Give Orbital Death slows.

-Raise all the mags of the WS mez powers.

- Mez rez in each shield

Iron-Blade 50kat/invul Iron Ascension 50trifpb Cinder Reborn 50fire/kin Zaha'doom 50triws Cindered Stones 50fire/ston ColdFusion 35 ice/rad Iron Ash 50 Fir/WP
Iron Wind km/regen Iron Static elec/reg Psy Entity 50 psy/dev Iron-Assassin 50 nin/nin



* Raise human form damage scale from .85 melee/.80 range to 1.0 melee/range (numbers from paragon wiki) to be in balance with VEATs.

* Change KB to KD.

* Reduce shape shifting times.

* Revamp Photon Seekers - I rather see one summonable photon seeker that attacks. It will look like a smaller version of light form with range attacks.

* Add mez and KB protection to inherent.

* Change KB to KU.

* Automatic shield retoggle when switching between forms.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Because you know, it's not like there are very cheap KB sets which allow you to get your KB back without any sacrifice in Damage.

So Bill how many slots do you devote to Solar Flare now? What enhancement numbers does that give you? What bonuses?
That's where my 6 Armageddons go. Tell me, oh infinitely wise EG, what slotting involving a KB set matches those stats including the set bonuses.

Edit: In case it wasn't clear, I hate the KB on solar flare and would love to see it changed to knockdown or up. I just hate stupid comments.

Be well, people of CoH.



Ok, I think the KB to KD argument has gone on long enough. For the time being let's back burner it in favor of less contemptuous issues. When the rest is worked out we can return to the issue.

Originally Posted by Big_Soto View Post
* Raise human form damage scale from .85 melee/.80 range to 1.0 melee/range (numbers from paragon wiki) to be in balance with VEATs.
I'm not gonna argue with getting more damage but I do have a concern with raising the numbers that high.

...Cosmic Balance

Giving PBs a base 1.00 modifier would be great if they didn't have to be balanced around the inherent. It has the potential to make our damage much higher than that of damage specialists like Scrappers and Blasters. VEATs can force multiply in a somewhat similar fashion but they're more limited by having to take and constantly run Tactical Training: Assault. I'd recommend a smaller boost to make sure PBs don't end up edging out other, more specialized, ATs.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
That's where my 6 Armageddons go. Tell me, oh infinitely wise EG, what slotting involving a KB set matches those stats including the set bonuses.
Oh sarcastic Bill, do you not know that Dwarf Flare takes those Armageddons (which are unique and so of course you can only have one set) just as well.

I just hate stupid comments.
Then don't make them.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
Ok, I think the KB to KD argument has gone on long enough. For the time being let's back burner it in favor of less contemptuous issues. When the rest is worked out we can return to the issue.

I'm not gonna argue with getting more damage but I do have a concern with raising the numbers that high.

...Cosmic Balance

Giving PBs a base 1.00 modifier would be great if they didn't have to be balanced around the inherent. It has the potential to make our damage much higher than that of damage specialists like Scrappers and Blasters. VEATs can force multiply in a somewhat similar fashion but they're more limited by having to take and constantly run Tactical Training: Assault. I'd recommend a smaller boost to make sure PBs don't end up edging out other, more specialized, ATs.

I believe someone mentioned before that Cosmic Balance has some issues. Maybe they need to redo the inherent. Maybe I am just greedy, but I would rather have Cosmic Balance give resistant to Knockback, Slow, Sleep, Hold, Immobilize, and Disorient effects. If they want to encourage teaming with the Kheldian, then let it effect team members kinda like a Sonic Dispersion or Dispersion Bubble. VEATs give team member Defense, Accuracy and Plus Damage from tactical training. I think it would be a good idea if we give team member status protection. I know it wont happen, but it is just an idea on what I would do to fix it.

Proton Sentry Peacebringer:lvl 50+++ - Human Build / Triform Build
Quasar Sentry Warshade:lvl 50+- Human Build / Triform Build
Red Katipo Arachnos Soldier:lvl 50+++ - Crab Build / Bane Build
Black Katipo Arachnos Widowlvl 50+++ - Fortunata Build / Night Widow Build



Originally Posted by Timeshadow View Post
Ok, I think the KB to KD argument has gone on long enough. For the time being let's back burner it in favor of less contemptuous issues. When the rest is worked out we can return to the issue.
It's really too core to the problem with PBs. Peacebringers do not need more damage and given what you posted concerning Cosmic Balance are not likely to get it. Peacebringers need to have more synergy between their attacks. A PBAoE that is a signature power where it does not have KB, becomes nearly skippable in PBs. Despite the comments and needless insults to the contrary, this isn't a playstyle issue. This is an issue that goes to the effectiveness of the EAT. The whole point of these endless "buff Peacebringer" threads is to move them closer to their brothers the Warshades and make them more valuable and desired for teaming. That isn't happening by ignoring the KB issue. Yes, it's contentious. Yes, people have strong feelings about it. But this change could do a lot of good with very little harm. Versus other buff ideas which are harder to justify.

We've seen over and over that when you lower KB in AoE powers that the power goes from skippable to highly valued. So would it be with Peacebringers. I caution to say that that one change to Solar Flare would do more to make Peacebringers more acceptable than any realistic fix to Photon Seekers or other powers.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
Oh sarcastic Bill, do you not know that Dwarf Flare takes those Armageddons (which are unique and so of course you can only have one set) just as well.

Then don't make them.
Human only. You fail as usual, EG. Quit dodging. Show me slotting that will push it back to knockback that doesn't lose anything offered by the armageddon set.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Human only. You fail as usual, EG. Quit dodging. Show me slotting that will push it back to knockback that doesn't lose anything offered by the armageddon set.
That's your problem. You have access to another power. If you choose not to take it, then that's no concern of mine. I'm not dodging anything. You want to build a human only that's your business. Take Dwarf and don't slot it, just slot Dwarf Flare. Then you can have the precious KB in Solar Flare that you said you don't want.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
That's your problem. You have access to another power. If you choose not to take it, then that's no concern of mine. I'm not dodging anything. You want to build a human only that's your business. Take Dwarf and don't slot it, just slot Dwarf Flare. Then you can have the precious KB in Solar Flare that you said you don't want.
Ahh, do I have to spell it out for you, EG? Here, I'll do it carefully so that you can't go cry to the mods and get my post pulled.

Your statement:
Because you know, it's not like there are very cheap KB sets which allow you to get your KB back without any sacrifice in Damage.
I gave you an example showing that your statement was stupid. You can't defend against it. You also won't own up to your statement being stupid.

Instead you throw out "take a power you won't use so that you can poorly slot the power you do use."

Why is that? Well, I know, but I have to make sure I don't break any rules telling you.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Ahh, do I have to spell it out for you, EG? Here, I'll do it carefully so that you can't go cry to the mods and get my post pulled.

Your statement:

I gave you an example showing that your statement was stupid. You can't defend against it. You also won't own up to your statement being stupid.

Instead you throw out "take a power you won't use so that you can poorly slot the power you do use."

Why is that? Well, I know, but I have to make sure I don't break any rules telling you.
EDIT: Nevermind.

Somebody has to be the grownup.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Redlynne View Post
You do realize that suppressed toggles still cost endurance ... even though they aren't doing anything for you ...?
Yes, I'd happily pay the cost. I never had end issues before pre-free fitness and doubly/triply so now. People who don't care to pay the cost can simply turn off the toggles.



Originally Posted by Mercury_Down View Post
Yes, I'd happily pay the cost. I never had end issues before pre-free fitness and doubly/triply so now. People who don't care to pay the cost can simply turn off the toggles.
I would too. However, I think the devs' concern would be players who weren't aware they could turn them off and complaining that their endurance went bye bye. This might have been more of a concern in the pre-inherent Stamina days though.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
It's really too core to the problem with PBs.
I'm not so convinced of all that but...

I caution to say that that one change to Solar Flare would do more to make Peacebringers more acceptable than any realistic fix to Photon Seekers or other powers.
I'm not arguing against changing Solar Flare. Hell, a PBAoE that does KB on a non-squishy AT makes roughly 0 sense. I wanna see it changed to KD, period.

Wanna play a Peacebringer? Don't believe the hype. Check out my guide and get the real truth:
PEACEBRINGERS SUCK!!! (Now fully up to date for i21+ )



I'm reluctant to step into this fracas, but it never stopped me before so...

I like a lot of the ideas here, and I hope the Devs will give them consideration.
I'm especially in favor of a boost for soloists, clicky buffs being able to be used in
forms, and pretty much anything that would improve the "Village Idiots" (Seekers)
for PB's.

Adjusting form transitions would be very welcome, and if we could reduce recharge
times for White Dwarf somewhat, I might even become giddy.

I'd love to see them rethink Quantum Flight. I haven't taken it on a PB since
they changed it way back when (I6?), but that's probably a pipedream.

As far as the Bill / Geko debate, I'm in partial agreement with both sides.

Like Bill, I'm vehemently opposed to changing/losing KB across the board. No, Heck No.

However, for Solar Flare, I'm completely in Geko's (and others) camp - KD/KU
is a much better choice for a host of reasons: Melee focus in human form,
thematic equivalence to FootStomp, and simple team dynamics to name just 3.

To Bill, I'd ask you to compromise a little. You listed *one* scenario that
works for *you* - but there are many other cases where KD is distinctly better
than KB, particularly in a team setting, and KD would certainly be much more
palatable for the majority of the playerbase in those cases.

That said, I wouldn't want to eliminate the option for you, but I think scrounging a
slot or two to have an effect you deem vital is a reasonable exchange. <shrug>.

Anyway, interesting thread - I'd love to see the Devs put some thought and effort
into Khelds - they're overdue for it, comparatively speaking, in today's game.


I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.



The whole point of these endless "buff Peacebringer" threads is to move them closer to their brothers the Warshades and make them more valuable and desired for teaming.
I was under the impression that the goal was to get both buffed (obviously not the point of this specific thread, but generally speaking) so that it moves them closer to everyone else, namely VEATs since the two ATs fill the same role as "we do some of everything" role. I mean just because the WS is better than the PB doesn't mean they both don't have serious flaws in design that need to be addressed.

while I can agree that khelds don't need much to be balanced, they do need alot of little things rather than one big thing, if that hasn't been made blatantly obvious by everyone who has made a suggestion in this thread thus far. but simplying changing SF from KB to KD/KU and thats it would just be too little.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



I posted this in another thread just recently, and it is applicable here too. It is a little heavy on changes though, so take it as you will.

1) Make Kheldians more similar to Soldiers of Arachnos. When you create a kheldian, have them go from level 1 to level 24 in "human form," like you would a VEAT. Then, at level 24, you have the option to branch off, and continue a "human only" build, a "nova" build, or a "lobster" build. The branching would make the Nova and Lobster forms mutually exclusive; however, to compensate for this, damage/mez mitigation would be reworked. Instead of being limited to only a couple powers while in these forms, while having the Nova form active, it would be a cosmetic, as well as "toggleable buildup" of sorts (think of a buffed up Assault), while also buffing team-mates within a certain proximity to it. Thus, while in this form, all previously "human" powers would be used instead of "Nova" attacks, but would have Nova scales of damage applied. Additionally, later on in this branch, more ranged AoE or ST attacks would be attainable (think fortunata). This branch would possibly work similarly to a blaster's inherent, except that additionally, for every enemy defeated, stackable mez protection is added for a specified period of time. This branch would be light on control, but heavy on damage.

On the other side of the coin, in lobster form would be a toggleable armor, like (i think) Granite (think teir 9 Stone Tanker). Similarly to Nova, the character would have all attack powers availible to use while this is active, and while active, increases the damage resistance of allies by a certain amount (think of Maneuvers, except resistance based). Later in the branch, more melee attacks would become availible including several PBAoEs. This form, while active, would also gain aggro similar to that of a Tanker or possibly, buff damage like a Brute. This branch would be heavy on Melee and AoE's that would quickly gather aggro, and would naturally provide mez protection as a part of the form.

The human PEACEBRINGER form would be focused primarily upon providing control to its teammates. While damage would not be spectacular, nor would its damage mitigation, this form would be the only one by which an Epic or Patron powerset could be taken. Also, more potent forms of the Ancillary Leadership pool, and would come with a +regen +recovery AoE power. Additionally, the closer proximity to a Peacebringer a character was, the more potent their mez resistance would become. Think of this Branch as a "radiation controller without the debuffs" type of character.

The human WARSHADE form would also be concerned with providing control to its teammates, but whearas Peacebringers brought buffs or other "additive" effects, Warshades would bring Debuffs or "subtractive" buffs to a team, and would also have the ability to take Epic or Patron pools. Beefed up, slightly differing Leadership powers would also be availible, and an arua that defended against mez would become more potent the closer one was the the Warshade. Think of the Warshade as a "dark defender with darkish controls."


2) Simply make both forms unslottable, like Ninja Run. Additionally, buff them up because of the loss of their slots. Making all their powers come out of the box with 6 slots could also be a good workaround.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Human only. You fail as usual, EG. Quit dodging. Show me slotting that will push it back to knockback that doesn't lose anything offered by the armageddon set.
5 Arma's (Minus the Damage one) + a Damage/KB Io will give comparable stats + Knockdown on a .9 KB mag Solar flare minus the 5% resistance to toxic damage. (People slot for that?)

6 Arma's can go into Dawn Strike if you are human form only.