Info on Issue 20.5

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Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
Number 2: Seriously, all you people who seem to be emerging from the woodwork right now to say how much this game is horrible, and the dev team should feel horrible. What are you smoking?
Nobody is saying the game is horrible.

Just a reasonable number of people think requiring level 50 to use the costume is a really stupid idea, everything else is good (love the large selection of new lore pets, they really outdone themselves there) in my book apart from that one little gripe.

If they made the costumes not require level 50 to be used, it'd move this half issue from 'good' to 'awesometastic' in my book.

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
Seriously. This is why I would hate to be in the gave development industry. Aside from the really long hours, grueling work, impossible release schedules, and low pay relative to other industries, no matter how cool your stuff is, there will always be the people who 1) demand more, more more! and 2) constantly whine about insignificant little crap because it's the MOST IMPORTANT THING EVAR!!!

That's why, even when I don't agree with a decision they make, I try to make sure they know that I'm very happy with the game as a whole and really appreciate their efforts.

Trust me, it is not only in the video game industry that it is like this. :/ I am starting to think it is just part of the gamer personality.

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Originally Posted by Zyphoid View Post
I don't really disagree with you, but I fear feed back on this will get lost in the other changes.

As I said before, I see both sides of the argument. I really like the costume pieces personally, and I am sure I will use them on multiple 50s.

Perhaps a lesser version of them that can be used over the full level spectrum would help. Just remove the spiffy glowing parts.

Consider also, level locked costume options are not a new concept in this game. There is just a higher level attached to it this time.
I could accept that. Remove all the epic from them and leave them as just the costume with no aura/glowy and I'd be ok with it. Barring that I am strongly against unlocking Incarnate Armors before level 40 at the absolute earliest.

Originally Posted by Lazarillo View Post
This is essentially my beef. It's the same reason I don't use the Roman parts, or even some of the other unlockable costume pieces: by the time I can get them, I already have a character conceptualized. I don't make characters in the first place that have to wait 35 levels to get a costume that fits who they are, so why would I do it for one where I have to wait 50? It's compounded by the fact that the Ascension Armor is pretty elaborate and specific. It's not like, say, the Vanguard gloves, where you can fit it easily into a more elaborate costume.

There is also the issue of an "Incarnate Uniform" in the first place, though, too. It sorta highlights a general problem I have with the whole Incarnate League system in the first place, that being the "BEHOLD! Thou hast been personally granted the power of the deities from the source of all the infinite energy of the universe......just like those 30 other dudes." If being an Incarnate is supposed to be all about stepping beyond the normal limits and whatnot, then why the encouragement to have everyone look the same?
I for one have no intention of ever using the shoulders or cape. The boots though.. *drools*



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
Wait, wait, wait. Wait.

So not only do we get a new incarnate trial, we also get Rikti, Nemesis, AND FREAKIN' RULARUU PETS, the coolest dang armor I have ever seen in the game, a pixel and SONIC RAINBOOM AURA, and group area buffs?

Okay, two things.


Number 2: Seriously, all you people who seem to be emerging from the woodwork right now to say how much this game is horrible, and the dev team should feel horrible. What are you smoking?
squid, look at the names, its always the same, it will be the same for i21 and 22, regardless of what is in them.



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
Wait, wait, wait. Wait.

So not only do we get a new incarnate trial, we also get Rikti, Nemesis, AND FREAKIN' RULARUU PETS, the coolest dang armor I have ever seen in the game, a pixel and SONIC RAINBOOM AURA, and group area buffs?

Okay, two things.


Number 2: Seriously, all you people who seem to be emerging from the woodwork right now to say how much this game is horrible, and the dev team should feel horrible. What are you smoking?
Just because I find stuff that I dislike and (vocally) do not agree with doesn't make me a doomcryer.

I still like the game. I wouldn't bother paying if I didn't. I laugh at people saying 'CoH is d0000med etc etc' because it's very clearly not, and I fully expect it to remain online for many, many years to come yet.

That still doesn't mean I'm just going to overlook things I think are really bloody bad decisions, such as locking new costume pieces behind level 50.
I have a right to my opinion, and I will voice it. Being told to sit down, shut up and like it will merely cause me to shout more. End of.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



So because people have ONE gripe with the issue, most of whom are saying the rest of the issue is good (As I said love the new selection of Lore pets and the changes to Forcefield may actually get me playing my Bots/FF namesake again), they're now whiney cry babies.

Yeesh you people don't do things by halves do you.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Oh no no no no, perhaps I got read the wrong way. I wasn't calling people out for dooooomcrying in this thread. In fact, having a costume only usable by level 50's is a pretty legitimate complaint. I'm referring to those OTHER people who seem to be infesting OTHER threads and complaining about OTHER problems.

Pointing out one or two little problems doesn't bug me at all. In fact, if I was a dev, I would appreciate it. What does bug me are people who make blanket statements about how "X isn't just bad, it's SOOOO bad that the game is RUINED FOREVER!!!"

But seriously, we're getting a sonic rainboom aura.



Positive feed back is great for the ego, but really adds very little.

Negative feed back alerts the Devs of potential problems, and allows them to correct them.

I love this game, but I still see areas where it can be an even better game.

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I'm psyched about the new Lore pets, myself. The reaction was thus;

However, my reaction to level 50 locked costume pieces is still;

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Mr_Squid View Post
So not only do we get a new incarnate trial, we also get Rikti, Nemesis, AND FREAKIN' RULARUU PETS, the coolest dang armor I have ever seen in the game, a pixel and SONIC RAINBOOM AURA, and group area buffs?
Number 2: Seriously, all you people who seem to be emerging from the woodwork right now to say how much this game is horrible, and the dev team should feel horrible. What are you smoking?
You realize that people who "emerged from the woodwork" for i20 to say "how much this game is horrible and the dev team should feel horrible" are probably the only reason you get Rikti, Nemesis and Rularuu pets, right? Do you really think the devs would have acknowledged that we don't all love Praetoria as much as they do if all of us whiny complaining doomcryers hadn't said so loudly and repeatedly?

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
You realize that people who "emerged from the woodwork" for i20 to say "how much this game is horrible and the dev team should feel horrible" are probably the only reason you get Rikti, Nemesis and Rularuu pets, right? Do you really think the devs would have acknowledged that we don't all love Praetoria as much as they do if all of us whiny complaining doomcryers hadn't said so loudly and repeatedly?
I was about to say the same thing. If we don't put our concerns in the public eye, then we have only ourselves to blame when the development team completely ignores our desires which we never shared with anyone. Now that I've put my concerns in the public eye, I can freely feel wronged when they completely ignore my desires anyway, but I guess that's just how it goes. You win some, you lose some.

Speaking of which, I just want to say one thing: It may have taken seven years, but I finally win the "Capes at 20" debate. In your face, Jack!

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
You realize that people who "emerged from the woodwork" for i20 to say "how much this game is horrible and the dev team should feel horrible" are probably the only reason you get Rikti, Nemesis and Rularuu pets, right? Do you really think the devs would have acknowledged that we don't all love Praetoria as much as they do if all of us whiny complaining doomcryers hadn't said so loudly and repeatedly?
I'm more inclined to believe they had more pets planned all along, and like everything else Incarnate related, are rolling it out piecemeal. I'd wager that more pets were coming with or without the constant threads on the topic.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Are people who are complaining about the incarnate costume pieces complaining cause they dont want it in the game, or complaining cause they will have to do something to get it?



Originally Posted by Chuckles07 View Post
Are people who are complaining about the incarnate costume pieces complaining cause they dont want it in the game, or complaining cause they will have to do something to get it?
From my brief skipping thru the thread, most complaints seem to be that it's costumes for lvl 50's only.

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Chuckles07 View Post
Are people who are complaining about the incarnate costume pieces complaining cause they dont want it in the game, or complaining cause they will have to do something to get it?
It seems like the biggest complaint is needing to be level 50 to use it.

"Biggest" being relative. Compared to AoE buff effects, they can lock the costume bits behind having every T4 unlocked for all I care. I'll be giggling madly while I mass FF my group in my old school costume.



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
I'm more inclined to believe they had more pets planned all along, and like everything else Incarnate related, are rolling it out piecemeal. I'd wager that more pets were coming with or without the constant threads on the topic.
Given the wide-eyed Dev fascination with all things Praetoria, I wouldn't call this a safe bet.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
It seems like the biggest complaint is needing to be level 50 to use it.
Yup. I have no qualms with doing whatever (once) it takes to unlock them (once), but if they'll still be level-locked to 50, then who gives a toss? I don't spend 50 levels playing a character just to suddenly swap out to a completely different look once I'm "done." Leet loot, to the extent to which we need it, should remain purely functional. I don't want to see cosmetics as loot ever at all.

If it sounds like I want the costume pieces at level 1 but I don't sound like I want them at all, it's because you can't "grade" costume pieces. There are no "better" costumes. The only worth a piece has is in how a player uses it, which means crappy old junk like the Medieval shoulders are often far more valuable to a costume than the fanciest new super-elite costume set simply because they fit a particular design better. And to this day, they still have no alternative, so I'm not pulling examples out of the air.

The only thing gating costumes accomplishes is to arbitrarily split the list down a random line. So I can make a medieval line from the start, but I have to wait several years to make a samurai and I have to wait until level 35 and do a TF to make a centurion. Because...?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Am I the only one here that noticed the new Incarnate costume?!? My goodness, those costumes look as if they've descended from the heavens themselves. Me want, NAO!!

EDIT: Nevermind, just took another peek through the thread. But still, who cares if you need to be 50 to use it. I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.

- Im Not Talking Fast, You're Just Listening Slow.
- To Each His Own



Originally Posted by Rowdy View Post
Am I the only one here that noticed the new Incarnate costume?!? My goodness, those costumes look as if they've descended from the heavens themselves. Me want, NAO!!
No, you're not.
Also, sorry but if you want them you need to run incarnate trials to globally unlock them and once you globally unlock them, only your level fifty characters can us them. I should note here that the "Incarnate Armor" is not exclusive to Incarnates, just exclusive to level fifty characters, so there's not even the claim that the Well is no handing out glowing pants.

Franky, I do honestly like the armor, but this is some series bull-jarate, the characters I want all that for are NOT level fifty, if it was simply a matter of "unlock once and then all characters can use it from level one" then I'd be fine, but the Devs seem to think that they can copy [A CERTAIN OTHER MMO] and their methods will translate well here.

Oh, and also locking emotes behind Incarnate content too is a right middle finger, but at least it's not the Party Pack. (Let us never speak of that tripe again)

Now that I've fulfilled my average b@#$% quota for this thread, I will say I am delighted by the new lore pets and do wonder if they'll have any difference in powers from the standard NPCs, partly because I could have sworn a few of the present ones have powers their actual enemy versions lack.
Also, kudos on the new auras, not sure or what- *Rereads that the new auras are also locked behind merits* ...

Okay... but, the AoE shield buffing is nice...

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
So because people have ONE gripe with the issue, most of whom are saying the rest of the issue is good (As I said love the new selection of Lore pets and the changes to Forcefield may actually get me playing my Bots/FF namesake again), they're now whiney cry babies.

Yeesh you people don't do things by halves do you.
when terms like torture and dick-move come out of the woodwork, its hard to consider the discussion still in a civil direction.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
when terms like torture and dick-move come out of the woodwork, its hard to consider the discussion still in a civil direction.
No, that comes from having valid concerns and many attempts to voice resulting only in other people telling us to 'STFU and GTFO' and stop being 'whiners'.

Heck, do YOU take put downs kindly? I sure don't enjoy it, thanks.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
I'm more inclined to believe they had more pets planned all along, and like everything else Incarnate related, are rolling it out piecemeal. I'd wager that more pets were coming with or without the constant threads on the topic.
Either scenario is possible, but Eva's underlying point is to me still valid. The "complaints" tend to be more useful to future development than the "praises". But the "praises" are useful for dev/player morale.

Praise essentially says, the game is just fine as it is. While complaints tell me, there's part of the game that is causing dissatisfaction so it might be worth a look to see if it needs addressing.

Of course assuming those "complaints" include enough detail to be considered useful feedback.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
No, that comes from having valid concerns and many attempts to voice resulting only in other people telling us to 'STFU and GTFO' and stop being 'whiners'.

Heck, do YOU take put downs kindly? I sure don't enjoy it, thanks.
im guessing a a significant amount of perspective is needed to find where rational valid concerns were voiced in a productive fashion from the current crowd that assaults any thread about new incarnate content is posted. perhaps youc an link to a post that preceds the hyperbole and name calling of the developers? because in multiple threads currently running, im seeing the opposite, and that is why the issue is polarized. i initially fought against endgame but kept an open mind and avoided over the top comparisons that do nothing but demonize people who disagree with me. What im seeing from several posters, and yes, this includes you, is not that kind of behavior. and thats why i and many others simply are going to tune you guys out, because you simply go too far. The extents to which you exaggerate make your statements rationally untenable.



group area buffs
I can play Kinetics now!
I can play Kinetics now!


But still not Empathy.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



As one whose feedback is appreciated:

New Incarnate Trial - Keyes Island

I've been looking forward to this one. I was a little wary of the other Incarnate Trials when people were saying things like "guard towers that ignore defense tankers are worthless now wah wah wah," but having tried them for myself I see that they are in fact just as reasonable as the rest of the game. Having a third activity for Incarnate advancement sounds like it can only result in good.

Though for Keyes Isle in general, could you scale back the dark sky in Neutropolis a bit? Currently, it triggers as you're half way across the Lambda Sector interior, which is a bit jarring as you romp through the zone.

More New Lore Pets

I knew there were more coming, but just how many knocked me for a loop. I'm especially interested in Polar Lights and Storm Elementals, since they're not so much commanded soldiers as they are essences of bidding. They also really help with the concept sticker that was catching people when all we had was IDF mobs.

New In-Game Merit Rewards

That's a lot of new costume options! And Super Inspirations. And vouchers! Architect Tickets may have been an odd fit save for purchasing Salvage, but I really like the direction the Incarnate Merits are headed.

Purchasing IO recipes with Incarnate Merits is also appreciated, but the thought occurs to me... If you guys are marketing your new content on the merit that those recipes are too "hard to find or inconvenient to obtain," isn't that kind of saying the other systems for getting ahold of them are unreasonable or lacking in some way? Just sayin'. It wouldn't harm anyone to lower the Alignment Merit cost, for starters...

Team-Up Teleporter Expansions

More control is never a bad thing. I've personally never had issues with unwanted guests or disorderly conduct on raids I've conducted myself, but the fact these improvements were made suggests there's a good reason for making them.

I've never used the LFG option to join a random League (presumably what these Open Leagues are all about), since the system simply didn't work. All I ever heard about it is that it launches as soon as you get the bare minimum for participation and therefore no one is able to complete the Trial. I'd really look forward to using it if I knew its problems were being addressed.

Quality of Life Upgrades

The AoE shields could be good or bad, I suppose. If the powers don't cost more Endurance to use, I'll call it good. But if one teammate happens to be standing 31 feet away and you have to expend another 20 Endurance to protect them, I see it getting ugly fast. It's been noted already that Masterminds have gone through this with their Henchman upgrades (and Henchmen are WAY easier to group up than teammates), so let's learn from history rather than repeat it. (-:

Interstitial cutscenes are not skipped, such as the only cutscene in Lambda Sector... So basically the announcement makes an entire point marketing the fact that the BAF intro can be skipped?