Info on Issue 20.5

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Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
The devs don't care about your costumes and looks and concept. Their deus ex won't deign to let you wear those shiny new costume pieces you like until it says you're cool enough to wear them. Besides, by the time Omega rolls around you'll be covered in so many effects you won't be able to even see your costume.

Also please, stop quoting said "gems." Report the troll and let my ignore function do its job.
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
^ This, too. I wish it would auto-parse posts and remove quotes from blocked people
If you're using FF, I believe Zombie Man has something in his sig that will not only remove a post by anyone on your ignore list, but also remove it from the post of anyone that quotes someone on your ignore list.



Originally Posted by minimalist_NA View Post
Actually I didn't have any problem with Incarnate-specific costume pieces to begin with. I like the idea of having the "highest" characters have at least some degree of visual distinction, even if only a small fraction will ever actually use the costume pieces, probably.
If only one of the very first Incarnate slots featured a nuke power with unique graphics that was also a real whiz bang attack...that would be very visually distinct! Even better, there could be at least four major variations, meaning they would be even more distinct!

Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
They're available to only level 50's, but how many level 50's will actually be wearing all the pieces?
As I've said before: Then why keep them exclusive? If they're going to be unpopular, or only popular in a piecemeal fashion ("I love the gloves!" "The helmet's for me!") then why bother acting as though the set is somehow super special?

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post

Oh, for crying out loud. You mean like how capes are restricted to level 20 characters and above and auras to level 30 and above? Like how a bunch of costume sets and pieces are locked behind Veteran Rewards? Or maybe how a bunch are locked behind missions you can only run during the winter and Valentine's Day holidays? Or how Vanguard pieces are locked behind doing the Rikti ship raid a bunch of times? Or maybe the ones that are locked behind $5 or $10 "booster packs"? Or maybe the slot that's locked behind collecting trick-or-treat salvage (or dropping a few million at the market) during Halloween? Or is it more like the emote that's locked behind completing Ernesto Hess's task force? Or the one that's locked behind completing the Neutropolis zone event? Or the ones that required you to keep your account active for several consecutive months?

I mean, you're acting like this is totally without precedent, as if all of a sudden, there's this weird new thing coming down the pipeline.
As was previously stated, every single one of these have been decried before. The precedent was there, but so was the precedent of a number of players disliking aesthetic unlocks.

Why is it that some folks have such a huge problem with there being cool little rewards for accomplishing things in the game? Why is it that those rewards always must be limited to influence and experience, ho hum?
I know, if only there was a system that rewarded level 50 characters with brand new, unique powers and bonuses that took them beyond the limits of normal level 50s. That would be a lot more interesting than a costume set.

Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
If it's the latter, well, work for it; that will make it all the sweeter!
No, it really won't. I don't feel like "working" for an arbitrarily special aesthetic doodad just because the devs feel I should have to before I deserve it, solely because it's special. Just like how I didn't work for the Vanguard parts. Because it was work.

I like the fact that not every level 1 schmo will be running around with this stuff on, that the devs understand that it's cool to have stuff in the game worth getting excited and putting in time and effort to achieve.
I'm sorry that you apparently feel something is less valuable just because "every level 1 schmo" has access to it. That opinion right there is very, very telling. What if you still had to pay the merits, but they simply removed the level 50 lock on it, nothing else? Or would that offend your need to flaunt your superiority?

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Originally Posted by TonyV View Post
I talked to Serge about this earlier tonight, and he assured me that it is quite impossible to replicate on a non-Incarnate. I think that his exact words were, "I do not dress zee heroes in teen foil and steerofoam."

Seriously though, what is your beef? That there exists such a thing as an "Incarnate costume" at all, or that this particular costume is locked behind the trials? If it's the latter, well, work for it; that will make it all the sweeter! If it's the former, then I respectfully disagree; I think it's cool, and is an effective way at generating more excitement at dinging 50 and doing Incarnate content.

Yes sir, I like it. I like it a lot. I like the fact that not every level 1 schmo will be running around with this stuff on, that the devs understand that it's cool to have stuff in the game worth getting excited and putting in time and effort to achieve. I give it three thumbs up. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got to call the police and report finding an inexplicably dismembered thumb. Gross, where did this thing come from?
alright, to play a bit against my own side, I'll agree with you for this post. But I ask you, would you want more of these Incarnate costume sets? More Costume sets that are only unlocked through grinding the trials? Trials that not everyone might be able to access? There are still some people who haven't gotten Going Rogue, you know.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



I'm hoping the next round of new Auras has a Fire Path Aura!

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rainbow aura who's making Nyan-Cat?



While I will admit "YAY everything else!"

The Incarnate costume stuff, while account wide, kind of comes across as 'tier gear' if you get my drift. Only kind of because once you've unlocked it, anybody on your account can wear it but it still has that slight taint of "I'm sooo awesome I got this REALLY flashy armour set!" vibe that I'm feeling.

It just seems really odd that the Auras and the emotes will be account wide and accessible from either A) the get go in regards the emotes or B) at Level 30 when you got all the other auras (which can usually be replicated by the booster pack auras, some even look better...Omega aura looks WAAAAYYYY cooler than the bog standard fire aura for example and these will actually get people running the Aura mission again...since it seems to be so rarely run these days thanks to the many auras now available from level 1) while the costume set is a level 50 only reward.

I will admit as well that daymn those are some big pauldrons...someones been playing the big fantasy MMO, the fact it actually looks like some of the higher tier gear from that particular MMO is interesting, hence why I'm getting that vibe from it I guess. Heck my Incarnate character can't even use that gear because, being the RPer I am, it doesn't fit the concept (her Incarnate form is the old Greek Toga look, with glowing golden backlight glow (Alpha body aura)).

Tell you what devs, make the armour require you to run the iTrials to unlock (you need to buy it with merits ofc) but is then available from character creation on any other character and I reckon you'd be golden on this half issue as the most awesome half issue ever.

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Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
rainbow aura who's making Nyan-Cat?

Oh geez! Now I have to watch that video again!

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Originally Posted by Reiraku View Post
Nemesis is the well
The Well is a Nemesis Plot.

Wow... that blew my mind!

Wait! Never mind! It is the awesomeness of I20.5 that blew my mind!

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!



Originally Posted by Dr_MechanoEU View Post
It just seems really odd that the Auras and the emotes will be account wide and accessible from either A) the get go in regards the emotes or B) at Level 30 when you got all the other auras (which can usually be replicated by the booster pack auras, some even look better...Omega aura looks WAAAAYYYY cooler than the bog standard fire aura for example and these will actually get people running the Aura mission again...since it seems to be so rarely run these days thanks to the many auras now available from level 1) while the costume set is a level 50 only reward.
The ability to unlock auras at any level rather than 30 is one of the vouchers available, which means you could use them from the get go also, at a premium.

Of course, there's still confusion as to how the new auras work, thanks to that asterisk on the update page. If they really are Incarnate-exclusive, they're equally a bad idea. Offering what is essentially travel power customization in aura form, only to lock it away as an exclusive unlock is shooting themselves in the foot. And I'll take it as a personal insult, since my recently-created digital lifeform characters are perfect for the Binary and Pixel auras.

But the description is so contradictory and poorly phrased, I'm not sure if that's the intended design or not.

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ok liking a lot of the stuff. am going to have to start saving a-merits now, haven't cashed in any e-merits, but i get the feeling a full set is going to cost me. and a new costumes set that isn't in a booster, i am happy, not getting into anything else about it, but overall i can live with it without disappointment. the buff changes are intriguing, still wished they affected the caster too, but one step at a time.

oh,, and the rainbow aura pic...that looks kinda familiar wink wink, seems i saw that somewhere a month ago yeah, i bought it there, and im going to unlock it here too.

you would do this to me after i made my lore pets for my mains already, wouldnt you :P i suspect that ill be making some new lore sets very soon.

overall a good bit more than i expected for a mid issue, good costume stuff, now please keep it going, makes boosters feel less questionable if we start seeing included costume pieces in issues again.




Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
still wished they affected the caster too, but one step at a time.
This will simply never happen at any point, ever. And if through some miniscule, infinitesimal chance it did? That part where they didn't touch the endurance cost, or recharge time, or effectiveness of the power wouldn't be coming with.

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-AOE buffs. YESYESYESYESYES!!! Best. Change. Ever.
-Auras. KIRBY DOTS! Lightning! Ice! MOTHE-*bleep*-ING SONIC RAINBOOM!
-Another way of getting IO's. (Let's see how efficient that'll be compared to the other ways)

I'm so happy.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by Mr. DJ View Post
rainbow aura who's making Nyan-Cat?

Ignore the cat. I'm making freakin' RAINBOW DASH!

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Oh man.

I. So. Want. To. See... Bill Z Bubba with the Rainbow Aura on! Bwa ha ha ha!

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Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
we will see, you seem a great deal more confident making absolute predictions than i am. though for the sake of balance, yeah the end/rec or effectiveness would have to change, that just makes sense.
It's entirely possible to be all three - higher end, much longer recharge, and much lower effectiveness (compare World of Pain to Fortitude). And even then, you're looking at a pretty major altering of set balance, since it's still personal defense or resistance those sets didn't get before. And actually, for that matter, in the case of FF, debuff resistance as well.

Also do you really think it would be balanced for Kinetics to give itself Speed Boost on top of Siphon Speed?

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Im very happy with this half an issue.

Yes there is one or two things I would have done differently. Ive been neutral about gated cossie parts, I don't mind them being in the game but wouldn't complain at all if they weren't either. AoE buffs (with no endurance increase!!!) are good for the most part, but you do get people who do not wish to be buffed so managing that will become more difficult.

But overall when I read the Overview page I was so happy with everything that was announced.

Oh and the new law pets? WOW! The devs really pulled the stops out to get ALL those ready for half issue

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Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Tired Angel View Post
Oh and the new law pets? WOW! The devs really pulled the stops out to get ALL those ready for half issue
Seriously! There's a lot of stuff in it for being a half-way point to the next Issue! The decision to make smaller, inbetween Issue updates was a great one and the person who put it in motion should get a pay raise.

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Originally Posted by Tired Angel View Post
Im very happy with this half an issue.

Yes there is one or two things I would have done differently. Ive been neutral about gated cossie parts, I don't mind them being in the game but wouldn't complain at all if they weren't either. AoE buffs (with no endurance increase!!!) are good for the most part, but you do get people who do not wish to be buffed so managing that will become more difficult.

But overall when I read the Overview page I was so happy with everything that was announced.

Oh and the new law pets? WOW! The devs really pulled the stops out to get ALL those ready for half issue
Well, they're mostly just recycled models I suspect, but still, not complaining

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Seriously! There's a lot of stuff in it for being a half-way point to the next Issue! The decision to make smaller, inbetween Issue updates was a great one and the person who put it in motion should get a pay raise.
I agree on the pets issue. My Plant/Emp is looking forward to getting a Lore pety which actually makes sense (Ruluruu Brute I'd guess if not then a glowy, wispy thing).

I laughed when I saw the cossie, having seen the latest patch notes for the 800lb gorillas next patch where they have cossies which basically do the same thing.

New auras are well cool, although I suspect these were the Power Pool Customization effects Posi talked about ages ago so it makes me kinda sad that they appear to have given up on PP customization and instead rolled them out as auras.



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
Well, they're mostly just recycled models I suspect, but still, not complaining
Oh you're more than probably right but there are all the choices of which NPCs they use (just thinking about all the different Longbow Wardens available, which would they pick) so it is remotely balanced would still be a bit of a task.

Member of GGRRR, a SG on Defiant - check out our website - GGRRR
Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
16. Has Paragon Studios redefined "player" to require your mouse to subscribe separately from your keyboard?
If your mouse has greater processing power than your gfx card, the answer is yes.



Originally Posted by Carnifax_NA View Post
New auras are well cool, although I suspect these were the Power Pool Customization effects Posi talked about ages ago so it makes me kinda sad that they appear to have given up on PP customization and instead rolled them out as auras.
I don't want that to be true! Where are my NoFX for Hasten, Super Jumping/Combat Jumping, and Flight/Hover? Wheeeeeeere?

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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I don't want that to be true! Where are my NoFX for Hasten, Super Jumping/Combat Jumping, and Flight/Hover? Wheeeeeeere?

I do this this might still be in the works and will be the 'solution' for PP customization.



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I don't want that to be true! Where are my NoFX for Hasten, Super Jumping/Combat Jumping, and Flight/Hover? Wheeeeeeere?
You forgot the second most annoying one after Hasten...Super Speed.

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Originally Posted by Wanted_NA View Post
You forgot the second most annoying one after Hasten...Super Speed.
I never pick up that power. Wouldn't know.

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