Great, the incarnate system requires completing a mission arc

Adeon Hawkwood



Ok. I think I understand.

1. You dont want to do missions/content for the sake of unlocking "rewards."
2. You want all "rewards" available no mater what.
3. Youll only do content/missions because you feel like it, not because you have to.
4. You dont want people/devs/game telling you to do missions to experience content but will do those same exact missions to experience content as long as you wanted to on your own.

did i get that right?



Originally Posted by Teeko View Post
Ok. I think I understand.

1. You dont want to do missions/content for the sake of unlocking "rewards."
2. You want all "rewards" available no mater what.
3. Youll only do content/missions because you feel like it, not because you have to.
4. You dont want people/devs/game telling you to do missions to experience content but will do those same exact missions to experience content as long as you wanted to on your own.

did i get that right?
Pretty much nails it..

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



Originally Posted by Teeko View Post
did i get that right?
No, not at all.



I do not have Midnighter Access to most of my dozens of characters because it is repetitive and boring. So I start with SOME understanding of where the OP is coming from, but then he just kept digging.

I remember I have run a farm mission 100+ times for the rewards, run Positron dozen of times (the old one) for the rewards, etc. So yea, if you want the rewards you do the mission. Midnigheter access is not something most of my characters need, so I CHOOSE not to do that arc on them all. If I want the Alpha slot unlocked on a certian 50, I will do the arc, even if I have done it 45 times on other characters.



Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
I'm sure this is old news to a lot of people, but some people don't read up on the details of issues before they're released.

Maybe I'm alone here, but I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE having to do missions to unlock content. It's probably the biggest complaint I have with the game. Capes, Auras, ITF, even Patron powers. It is so irritating to have to do a certain arc just to be able to go do some thing fun/interesting. I have like four level 50s who can't access capes just it's such a pain to unlock them.

I've been told it's a short arc, but I really don't care...Having to do it on every toon I want Incarnate access on would be so tedious. I didn't think it would be easy or quick to be able to become Incarnate, but having to do a story arc is just annoying. I don't expect to use the Incarnate system at all.
Bring this up to the people who had the Alpha Slot held back in I18.

Also bring it up to them about 2 months ago. Thanks.

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Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
No, not at all.
and yet you didn't correct me? or provide how you WOULD make incarnates available like previous posts states.

Therefore Icome to the conclusion you don't know what you want, and you're being difficult for the sake of being difficult to get a rise out of people and taking pleasure in it.



I wouldn't mind the arc if I thought it was fun. I think it's pretty boring, so I wish we didn't have to do the arc in order to unlock the Incarnate slots.



I like any extra missions I can get provided they aren't AV type missions. I prefer to solo and getting missions like some of the Patron missions is a pain. This is true even when you reduce them to EBs. Example: a Dominator cannot easily solo 5 unholdable EBs in a row without really crippling the mission (-1 level and/or outleveling and using lots of Inspirations) or using a full stick of summoned blobbies. I don't feel much of a sense of accomplishment by having a summoned mobs defeat everything for me while I hide behind him.

On the plus side now you CAN cripple missions by setting them at -1 which is a help at times.

Other than that more missions = better. Just don't link to a Task Force I draw the line there. Been on too many where the team couldn't get through the first room much less the TF. lol (I am serious though, been on 2 TFs where the team broke up after multiple wipes in first room because of poor play)

You can't please everyone, so lets concentrate on me.



Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
It's called "emphasis"

Putting the word HATE in all caps several times is the only way to emphasize how much I hate it, since I can't use tone of voice in text. Maybe next time I'll put "(<-Read in a really angry voice!)" instead.
No comment on the thread, but you did just remind me of Kefka.



I can sort of agree with the OPs point. It does get tedious having to run the same arc over and over and over and over and over and over again because it unlocks something you want. I stopped getting capes and auras quite awhile ago because it started getting tedious. I'm getting to that point with the midnighter arc as well. It would be nice if they introduced multiple ways to unlock these, or made them account-wide instead of character dependent or something.



Originally Posted by firespray View Post
I can sort of agree with the OPs point.

Um. The original poster didn't have a point.

What are you agreeing with?



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post

Um. The original poster didn't have a point.

What are you agreeing with?
I thought it was pretty clear that my point was that having to do the same arc over and over to unlock some thing can get annoying after a while.



If that was your point, I'm afraid you singularly failed to make it.

What you said was that you "hate" (in a non-extreme fashion, despite hatred being a very extreme emotion) having to do content to unlock other content.

I presume you've never led a Katie or Hess TF, either?

Oh, and as a point of utterly valid interest:

You "HATE" something in a game?

Hehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehe hehehehehehehehehehe.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



I also said "Having to do it on every toon I want Incarnate access on would be so tedious."

And I have never lead either of those TFs, for this same reason, although I have done most of the missions in Croatoa on various characters.



Feel free to try out my AE mission arc, # 473452: Praetorian Redemption



Originally Posted by [B
Ironblade[/B]]So, then we shouldn't mention that you can't even access a ton of stuff if you don't buy Going Rogue?
Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
Not sure what has to do with any thing since buying Going Rogue isn't a mission. :\
Ironblade was pointing out that you'll need to purchase the 'Going Rogue' expansion if you want to access the new Praetorian content.

While I can understand not wanting to do the same missions ad infinitum, ad nauseum, please keep in mind that replayability *is* a feature of this game. Although you are certainly free to pick and choose which game content you do and do not wish to pursue, the fact remains that certain things -- such as capes and auras -- do require that each character undertake that same mission in order to unlock the content. If you don't want a certain character to have a cape or aura, then just don't do the mission.

Incarnates, on the other hand ...! The journey is the fun part, so enjoy it. Savor it.

If you want high-level content to be magically unlocked for you, then I have to pose this query:
Clebstein: I cannot tell by your forum avatar, but are you wearing a white building (with a crescent moon) on your head as well as red flannels?

Do you know a healer?

Are they a good healer?

Can you find the Atlas Park City Hall from the AE building?

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Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
If you want high-level content to be magically unlocked for you, then I have to pose this query:
People seem unable to grasp that not wanting to do an arc to unlock it isn't even close to wanting it magically unlocked.



oook, qr'ing since thigns got silly. This is endgame, while coh is peviously based on being very casual and alt friendly, in endgame heavy games, they tend to revolve around having just one or two characters to develop incrementally slowly with the content. if i were to see the reasoning of the decision in relation to other mmos, you really arent supposed to think of incarnates as something you are taking 30 characters through, but rather something to take 3 or 4 through to get the incremental upgrades and slowly build a few insane characters with the higher level buffs of each kind. endgame is for purpled out warshades, not for everyone in your entire roster. just my take on things.

for the record i quite like the incarnate arc, the first mission pretty much makes you feel like godzilla and the later challenge really forces me to bring my a game.



Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
People seem unable to grasp that not wanting to do an arc to unlock it isn't even close to wanting it magically unlocked.

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Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
People seem unable to grasp that not wanting to do an arc to unlock it isn't even close to wanting it magically unlocked.
I beg to differ! The road to Incarnatedom is a long and twisting road, and the arc reflects that.

If you want one -- or all four -- of your characters to receive the benefits of Incarnatedom, then you will have to do the arc. Perhaps do it several times.

Most importantly, you should have *fun* with it. Fun is what most people seek to derive from playing games. If you want an insta-'I Win' button, then go back to speeding through the rest of the game.

There are certain milestones in this game and you should strive to reach each of them on at least one of your characters.

I'm not crazy about having to do the same missions for regular content, but I realize that each of my characters has to undergo her own journey. That's what's important to me as a roleplayer.

There are some badges, though, that I wish *were* global unlocks. THOSE *are* tedious ... and costly!

Have fun! Relax! Enjoy yourself!

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
I Support Nerd Flirting and Even More Nerd Flirting!



I can see the OP's point, I'm going to have to put about 60 toons through this arc, but it doesn't take long and for the first few weeks, finding a team will not be an issue and it's trivially easy on a team, as only on one mission do the EBs become AVs.

It's actually not a bad arc, but once you've read the flavour text once, turn it down to -1 and blow through it, find a friend if you need to.

We already have content like this, and I'm thoroughly bored with the hero cim unlock arc which I've probably done closer to 100 times, but if I want to go to cim, I either find somebody about to talk to the student or do the arc.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
Most importantly, you should have *fun* with it. Fun is what most people seek to derive from playing games. If you want an insta-'I Win' button, then go back to speeding through the rest of the game.
This is what I'm talking about. Every one thinks that just because I dislike the way some thing is unlocked, I don't enjoy the game and I only speed every thing and I want every thing handed to me.



I will very partially agree with the 'Dislike' part here, having now done the Alpha Slot arc.

All I can say is;

****. You. Unlimited. Rikti. Portal mobs.
Go die in a freaking hole!
I genuinely hated that mission by the end of it. And I was spitting incadescent rage when my net dropped me while talking to the second EB

I r NOT amused....

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
This is what I'm talking about. Every one thinks that just because I dislike the way some thing is unlocked, I don't enjoy the game and I only speed every thing and I want every thing handed to me.
Well, I don't think that, but I do think you're missing the point to the Incarnate system. The Incarnate system and the End Game system are two halves of a whole. They are the End Game Progression system for level 50s. This means the entire system is going to be, just like any other progression system, gated content. The Incarnate system and the end game content being developed is not intended to be past times for 50s. Its basically going to be the mythical "level 60" for the game, except instead of foolishly extending the combat level tables, they will be adding an intertwined set of content and incarnate ability designed to be used within that new content.

Not only is there content arcs gating progression rewards (Ramiel gating Alpha) there is also progression rewards gating content (end game content task forces).

If you do not want to participate, that is your prerogative. However, you will be in the same position as people who do not want to level are in the regular game but want to participate fully in the higher level content. Which is to say, the devs are unlikely to change the entire premise of the end game system just for you.

And you can add me to the list of people who do not want this aspect of the end game system changed. Its too bad Venture is (if I recall correctly) in pseudo exile. There was a time that if Venture and I agreed on something, whoever was disagreeing was probably wronger than wrong. To have Venture, myself, je-saist and EvilGeko simultaneously agreeing on a matter of content is like forum armageddon. Of course, I have no idea if Venture would agree, since predicting Venture is like beating the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.

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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
To have Venture, myself, je-saist and EvilGeko simultaneously agreeing on a matter of content is like forum armageddon. Of course, I have no idea if Venture would agree, since predicting Venture is like beating the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle.
This thread is truly a gift that keeps on giving.

In before forum armageddon...

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