Great, the incarnate system requires completing a mission arc

Adeon Hawkwood



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I like the Ramiel arc. However, in my complete a-hole moments (i.e. 92.45% of the time) I do wish the devs had made every mission in that arc non-droppable. I wouldn't even let you abandon it. You either get a team, succeed or be reminded of your failure until you do it.

*cackle* BWA HA HA HA HA!!!! *snort*
I fully support this.

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Originally Posted by Captain-Electric View Post
Less than a quarter of my characters will become incarnates, and I know a lot of people who can relate with this. All of Samuel Tow's characters will become Incarnates, and Samuel knows a lot of people who can relate with him. This variety in playstyles does not hurt anyone.
See, what gets my nether goat isn't really that people play a different way than I do. I mean, I wouldn't make characters if I didn't intend to take them all the way, but I've nothing against people who do. It's when I'm told I'm wrong and I should expect the game to kick me in the nuts and thank it for it because I'm playing the "wrong" way that the veins in my forehead tend to pop up.

Ideally, I'd like for all of us to play how we like without necessarily having to talk down other people because their playstyle is "unsupported," especially when it's not actually out of the supported norm.


Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
However, the player should realize that they will be required to grind the equivalent of 500 levels and will not find much sympathy if they grouse about how tedious the process is or how doing one set of Incarnate arcs should unlock Incarnate status for all of their Level 50 characters.
If only Incarnate status came with a free Field Crafter badge, eh?


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Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post

I'm speechless. Seriously, I don't even know what to say to this. This is the craziest complaint I've seen in a long time. I almost can't believe that the OP is serious.
Don't you understand??? He hates doing content so he can do content!

It's like when you really want to change your costume but don't want all the hassle of using the tailor. Or when you need to respec but then get ambushed by all that stupid power-choosing and re-slotting of enhancements.

It's not that hard to comprehe....

Wait. Now I'm confused

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Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
It's padding, filler, makework. Tedium for the sake of tedium, because "that's what all MMOs do." Go through this fifteen-part attunement questline or you can't come on the raid. Grind a hundred Overseers because we say so. Did you collect all of the plot coupons for Castanella and save the Lost? Well go do it again, or no ITF for you! Doing this stuff once I can understand, or on the characters for whom it should be explicitly part of their story, but on every single one? Why, because Jack said so back in 2005?
What's the alternative here? This game is still nominally a Role Playing Game, so there is some expectation that things need to make sense for characters. Incarnate level abilities are something special. This idea goes out the window if we just have to talk to a contact a lvl 50 and say "Make me an Incarnate!"

The other issue is that when you remove specific arcs to unlock content, it will usually be replaced with some random drop. This tends to lead to a disparity between hardcore™ and casual players unlocking the content. By using mission content to unlock content you know exactly what to do.

If we wanted to toss all required content, then unlocking would boil down to "Get to level X and you can do Y". For the most part, that is how CoX works. The exceptions are Respec Trials, badge missions (including TFs, Safeguards and Mayhems), Cape and Aura arcs, Cimerora and the Incarnate system.

Personally, I don't find this onerous, and while I can see the OP's position, there is no requirement to unlock the Alpha Slot for every (or any!) character.

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Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
However, the player should realize that they will be required to grind the equivalent of 500 levels and will not find much sympathy if they grouse about how tedious the process is or how doing one set of Incarnate arcs should unlock Incarnate status for all of their Level 50 characters.
I'm going to pick up on this snippet too, but to tie it in with a wish I've had ever since I joined the game (a year and a half ago, I'm a newbie). It's really cool how the beginning missions are related to characters origins. I wish a few of the big important arcs were written in origin-specific variants too, just the big ones that get a lot of replay, like the cape, aura, and Incarnate arcs.

If we had several variants of the Incarnate arc, each tied to an origin (or whatever, really), there would be a variety of choices. People prefer a variety of choices. I read that on the Internet. Uh. Somewhere.

For the record, this is coming from a guy who doesn't mind replaying an arc have a million times. For me, a different character can make the same arc "feel new" again. But not everyone is like me. And I've only been playing a year and a half. Will the same missions feel new next year? Or two years from now? Maybe, but maybe not.

Originally Posted by Samuel Tow
Ideally, I'd like for all of us to play how we like without necessarily having to talk down other people because their playstyle is "unsupported," especially when it's not actually out of the supported norm.
Just want to say "yep." I have never power-leveled a character, for instance, but I fully support those for whom that is their playstyle (as long as it doesn't involve cheating). It's a huge game with room for everyone.

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
People have always been willing to put in the work. We didn't get multiple 50s by sitting on our hands, after all, and no, we didn't get them from monkies, wolves, freaks or what have you. I know I got mine there the hard way.

However - and I will say this again - to claim that Incarnate levels "should not be diluted" to account for people maybe possibly wanting to play another character again in their lives is unreasonable. It runs contrary to the whole rest of the game. It makes no sense for the game to encourage the making of alts if the game won't actually allow you to use those alts all the way to the end.

You assert that the game should be built around focused-character players, when the fact of the matter is it isn't. It never was. New systems, therefore, should not be built with the expectation that people will, in fact, abandon their alts that the same game encouraged them to make.

If anything, the baseline assumption should be that the new system SHOULD be kind to alts, if in no other way than not being openly hostile towards them. At this point in time, it's harder to make the argument that the system should be padded to account for people who will only ever play one character through it.

This is out level cap increase, even if they don't call it that.
Sam: When I used the word, 'dilute', I meant it in the context that people will need to work for each gain for each character and should not expect for the grind to be taken away so that all their characters can be insta-Incarnates.

I have to wonder why you are twisting my words around and saying that I am advocating a '1 player, 1 character' system which does not take into account that people not only have multiple alts on their account, but actually have multiple *accounts*.

While this discussion helps to boost your post count, it does nothing to stay on topic and has engaged multiple times in unwarranted trolling from you.

Either stay on-topic or find someone else to troll.

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I don't mind that unlocking Incarnate requires completing an arc.

I do mind a little that unlocking Incarnate requires completing one, particular arc.

It's not a bad arc. It's just going to get old. Like the cape mission, and the aura mission, and Monty. The patron arcs are a somewhat superior model, because there are four of them.

Rather than one four-door arc, it would have been interesting to see four or five arcs: say, one for each origin, or one for each of the four Alpha boost types. They wouldn't have to be wholly unique, even; just one or two unique missions per arc would make a lot of difference. It is stated that there are many paths to the Well. It would have been nice to actually have more than one path to the Well. That would make me excited about unlocking Incarnate multiple times, as it'd be a way to see the multiple paths.

Water under the bridge now, though.

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Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I have to wonder why you are twisting my words around and saying that I am advocating a '1 player, 1 character' system which does not take into account that people not only have multiple alts on their account, but actually have multiple *accounts*.
First: The only one here twisting words is you, what with your misquoting.

Second: You flat out said that anyone who would go incarnate with multiple characters views them all as valueless pieces of a collection.

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Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Hard to target through 100+ Rikti all with names over their heads.
Hard to get near through said Rikti
Hard to actually hit when all AoEs are insta-target capped.
Hard to deal with all that AND Angry EB.

100+? I'm not sure I had *that* many in my mission. It was a lot, but the front portals weren't that hard to isolate.

Ran it on my first 50 - a BS/Regen that is built maybe 90% IO free (and was built under the old rules for MoG, and did really silly stuff like six-slotting Integration with heals. A strong character, but by no means optimal in today's game. I-19 gives me a good reason to play him and craft a new build.)

Targeted the Portals with (newly selected) Blackwand. *Missed* of course. Figured at that point it was essentially a suicide mission - drop a portal before I get dropped. I managed that. Came prepared with some purples for the second front portal which allowed me to clear all the front Rikti. In the process I alerted Holtz, then Honoree. Got Holtz down, Honoree got through my defenses (well, purples and Parry) and beat me down real quick (taking burst damage...still not a Regen's strength). Came back once more, with more purples, and managed to get him.

I thought about how to do this with other toons. Ill/TA? Oh, confuse + coercive persuasion will be handy. Fire/Fire blaster? Nice time to have taken my snipe. WM/Shield brute? Purples and dive in baby! My Emp/Psi? Yeah...she's going to have to ask very nicely for a team or drop the mission.

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When people talk about the "tedium" of having to complete new content for the Incarnate system, I have to ask myself why the content was added in the first place. Please forgive me if I'm wrong in the particulars, and I don't claim to know everything about the game, but here's my interpretation:

PROBLEM: People complained that there was no end-game in CoH. When you hit 50, people wanted something to do other than: Grind out Inf, purple-out your build, PvP, hold costume contests, roleplay, make more alts, etc.

As a result, people started proposing solutions, but most of them were based on things they saw in other games they played. The two biggest (in my estimation) of these proposals were:

1. Expanding PvP into the PvE zones (with /duel, etc). The idea being that since PvP is given as a rationale for playing your 50s instead of retiring them, it should be easier to access/more public. This was largely rejected because most people like the separation of PvE from PvP zones (which is rare in MMOs that have PvP and could be considered a selling point of CoH), don't want the associated griefing/lag, and also because they don't enjoy PvP enough to rationalize massive changes to the game to accomodate a change they wouldn't use (or would actively avoid).

2. Simply tacking on 10 more levels to the game. The idea being that this is the model most other games use when their end-game content starts getting stale. You can't retire a 50 if the new cap is 60. This idea was largely rejected because it did little to address the actual problem, since players would quickly hit 60 and start complaining about having nothing to do again. They complained that it would make their hard-earned level 50 purples obsolete. They complained that the resources needed to add the new levels would take away from content updates to the early levels which was sorely needed at the time (and I would consider Praetoria and Inherent Fitness to be attempts to address this very issue). They also complained that it would widen the gap between low level players and higher level ones even with the Super SK system, discouraging inter-level teaming.

CoH players didn't want another grind just for the sake of a grind, they wanted CONTENT, compelling, engaging, challenging content without the problems associated with either proposed solution. So the developers tried something new.

SOLUTION: A story-driven end-game that adds to character progression slowly enough that it can't be "finished" in a week, doesn't discourage (but also doesn't require) teaming, doesn't make level 50 purple enhancements obsolete, and doesn't (at least initially) require higher level zones to implement, and challenges your characters in ways they may have never been challenged before.

Naturally, not everyone will be satisfied with the implementation, but I'm absolutely amazed at how well the developers did this. Sure, people will complain that the arc is too hard, and other people will respond that the arc is SUPPOSED to be hard, because that's what we asked them to give us. People will complain that the arc will get stale, and eventually it will, but that's something they can change over time if need be (as they have done with the new cape mission, etc). Personally, I think it will be a long time before the Incarnate initiation arc gets stale for me, because I have very few 50s and because the time investment for maximizing the Incarnate system is so large (by design), that I'm only going to bother with it on characters I really, really enjoy playing. If you have the time and inclination, do it 60 or 100 times though--no one is stopping you. However, I'd argue that the lower level content will get stale much more quickly than the Incarnate arc because all of those 60 or 100 alts had to do the lower level content first (and that's why I love additions like Going Rogue).

Feel free to try out my AE mission arc, # 473452: Praetorian Redemption



Originally Posted by EvilGeko View Post
I like the Ramiel arc. However, in my complete a-hole moments (i.e. 92.45% of the time) I do wish the devs had made every mission in that arc non-droppable. I wouldn't even let you abandon it. You either get a team, succeed or be reminded of your failure until you do it.

*cackle* BWA HA HA HA HA!!!! *snort*
Well, that's just part of your nature as an Evil geko.

But I wouldn't be "reminded of my failure", because for me there's no failure in skipping content that I don't like. I don't consider myself a failure because I don't go into the PvP zones, and I don't consider myself to be a failure because I don't do TFs. If I couldn't auto-complete those missions, I simply wouldn't bother with the Incarnate stuff at all. As it is, I don't expect to get much of anything out of the system anyway.



Originally Posted by Valerika View Post
I'd argue that the lower level content will get stale much more quickly than the Incarnate arc because all of those 60 or 100 alts had to do the lower level content first (and that's why I love additions like Going Rogue).
I would just like to note that the number of paths from 1 to 50 vastly outnumber the number of paths from 50 to Incarnate. Especially if you count AE, the explicit purposes of which included creating many new paths from 1 to 50. AE, mission arc merits, Ouroboros, scanners/newspapers, tips and HVAMs, the Faultline and Hollows revamps, RWZ and Cimerora and Praetoria - all of these point to a general goal of diversifying the paths toward rewards, whether they be XP or otherwise.

The contrast between this general thrust toward multiple paths of advancement and the single path to opening Incarnate is worth noting, I think.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
First: The only one here twisting words is you, what with your misquoting.

Second: You flat out said that anyone who would go incarnate with multiple characters views them all as valueless pieces of a collection.
You are misinterpreting what I said, thus invalidating both of your assertions.

The actual exchange (highlighted in aqua) was thus:
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow
I fully believe that all players should expect to engage all of their 50s in the incarnate system.
Players are free to engage as many characters as they wish if they have both the time and inclination to do so. That is a personal choice.

However, your assertion that
Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow
all players should expect to engage all of their 50s in the incarnate system.
is flawed in that some people actually care about their characters and do not view them as valueless pieces in a dusty collection.

If people *want* to have an army of uber-l33t cookie cutter characters, that is certainly their privilege. However, that privilege does *not* extend to demanding that the Devs reduce the time necessary to open the 1-10+ Incarnate slots on *each* of a player's characters.

I have several Level 50 characters who *could* be run through the Incarnate system, but it really only makes sense for Amerikatt to gain Incarnatedom.

Besides, Incarnate status only applies to Incarnate-specific content, which the OP doesn't seem thrilled to unlock for even a single character.
I stand by the highlighted snippet. Anyone who has played this game for even a short bit of time knows that there are people for whom the destination -- not the journey -- is the main draw of this game. Such people spend inordinate amounts of time in the AE building filling up their character slots with Level 50 characters, yet such people do not have even a rudimentary grasp of how to play the character.

For those of us who enjoy roleplaying, we will choose certain characters to gain Incarnate assention. Just because Batman cannot change the course of mighty rivers does not make him any less viable a character as Superman or Wonder Woman. In their own way, each is an Incarnate (Brain, Brawn, and Heart, respectively).

It is all in how we choose to view our characters. My Natural Martial Arts/Willpower Scrapper is as important to me as Amerikatt, but she is never going to gain Incarnate-level powers to rival Statesman (or even Amerikatt).

Let's just agree to disagree, since Sam and his sychophantic clique are only going to continue to twist my words around so that they can boost their post counts.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
It's not a bad arc. It's just going to get old. Like the cape mission, and the aura mission, and Monty.
It is stated that there are many paths to the Well. It would have been nice to actually have more than one path to the Well.

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Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
Let's just agree to disagree, since Sam and his sychophantic clique are only going to continue to twist my words around so that they can boost their post counts.
The correct spelling is sycophantic. If you're going to use "big words," I suggest you do it right.

You're still ignoring the implications that your highlighted phrase makes. You are saying, in no uncertain terms, complete with passive aggressive tone, that anyone agreeing with Sam does not value their characters.

You may not be telling me how to play, but you're calling me an insensitive, unfeeling twit for not playing your way.


Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
Such people spend inordinate amounts of time in the AE building filling up their character slots with Level 50 characters, yet such people do not have even a rudimentary grasp of how to play the character.
Further, your statement is now lumping anyone who agrees with Sam into this group of AE exploiters. In fact, you're pretty much claiming anyone with multiple level 50 characters never left the AE building or knows how to play the game.

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Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I would just like to note that the number of paths from 1 to 50 vastly outnumber the number of paths from 50 to Incarnate. Especially if you count AE, the explicit purposes of which included creating many new paths from 1 to 50. AE, mission arc merits, Ouroboros, scanners/newspapers, tips and HVAMs, the Faultline and Hollows revamps, RWZ and Cimerora and Praetoria - all of these point to a general goal of diversifying the paths toward rewards, whether they be XP or otherwise.

The contrast between this general thrust toward multiple paths of advancement and the single path to opening Incarnate is worth noting, I think.
Most of those paths weren't initially available at the start of CoH. They slowly developed over time, as I'm sure changes to the Incarnate system will develop over time. The system just started, I'd say it's a little premature to expect it to have the same level of variance as the rest of the game at this point. As I said, I'm sure the Incarnate arc will get stale in time, and they will make changes.

Feel free to try out my AE mission arc, # 473452: Praetorian Redemption



It's a bit early to complain about the arc being old unless you got really into testing it in beta.

Although I'm pretty sure history is against me on this one we cans till hope that other paths will open in the future. Even if they are all mission arcs it would give us a choice of how we want tog et there and a fall back if we get worn out of our preferred path.



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
For those of us who enjoy roleplaying, we will choose certain characters to gain Incarnate assention. Just because Batman cannot change the course of mighty rivers does not make him any less viable a character as Superman or Wonder Woman. In their own way, each is an Incarnate (Brain, Brawn, and Heart, respectively).
Another thing: Notice that with the way you phrased this, you are telling me that I must not be a roleplayer. You further claim that all roleplayers will chose certain level 50 characters to become incarnate and some that won't.

Both of these are untrue. I happen to be a roleplayer with three level 50 characters. All of these level 50 characters will become incarnate. Any other character I get to 50 will also become incarnate because it makes sense to do so. They are in the City of Heroes world, and in the era of the game, more power is required to save the world from the next threat. To do so, my characters will become incarnate.

You even said that each one of your examples is an incarnate in their own way. Is your imagination so limited as to cheat your characters out of content that they should be able to do, as they are beings within the City of Heroes universe.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
The correct spelling is sycophantic. If you're going to use "big words," I suggest you do it right.

You're still ignoring the implications that your highlighted phrase makes. You are saying, in no uncertain terms, complete with passive aggressive tone, that anyone agreeing with Sam does not value their characters.

You may not be telling me how to play, but you're calling me an insensitive, unfeeling twit for not playing your way.


Further, your statement is now lumping anyone who agrees with Sam into this group of AE exploiters. In fact, you're pretty much claiming anyone with multiple level 50 characters never left the AE building or knows how to play the game.
I have never told anyone -- on the Forums or in-game -- how to play their character.

I have not called you an insensitive twit, either, although you and Sam *are* taking things out of context to support *your* strawman arguments.

I did not lump together the game's myriad players with their diverse playstyles. I simply pointed out that *some* people try to get their characters from Level 1 to Level 50 in the shortest amount of time and that such people often do not understand the intricacies of playing such a character (unless they have played that AT with that specific primary/secondary power set before), they pose a potential danger to team mates, and generally do not have much emotional attachment to the character.

Also, isn't it a bit petty to point out that I misspelled a word? That doesn't exactly give you the moral highground, you know.

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Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I have never told anyone -- on the Forums or in-game -- how to play their character.
Again, you don't have to. You're doing a good enough job implying that if we don't play your way, there's something wrong with us.

Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
Also, isn't it a bit petty to point out that I misspelled a word? That doesn't exactly give you the moral highground, you know.
And calling me sycophantic is giving you the moral high ground, how exactly?

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Thanks, guys. i was in a terrible mood before i read this thread. The first few pages were an amazing pick me up. Too bad it seems to have lost its thunder..



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I did not lump together the game's myriad players with their diverse playstyles. I simply pointed out that *some* people try to get their characters from Level 1 to Level 50 in the shortest amount of time and that such people often do not understand the intricacies of playing such a character (unless they have played that AT with that specific primary/secondary power set before), they pose a potential danger to team mates, and generally do not have much emotional attachment to the character.
I don't think you have the qualifications or data required to make judgments on other players emotional affairs.



I understand the OP's point though I don't agree. I cannot imagine and will not be unlocking Incarnate on all my 50s any more than I would purple all of them.

I am thinking I might do 2 or 3 of them.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I did not lump together the game's myriad players with their diverse playstyles. I simply pointed out that *some* people try to get their characters from Level 1 to Level 50 in the shortest amount of time and that such people often do not understand the intricacies of playing such a character (unless they have played that AT with that specific primary/secondary power set before), they pose a potential danger to team mates, and generally do not have much emotional attachment to the character.
I have a 50 SS/Elec. I also have a 50 SS/Fire.

When I went to make a SS/Fire, I asked several level 50 friends to run tips and newsies and have me along. They graciously did so and, in turn, PL'ed my face off. I did this all while RPing with them, building my character's backstory. I only have... roughly 22 hours of solid playtime on him, but thanks to his powersets he's level 39 already and I have a pretty tight emotional investment in him. He can solo +1/x8 like a god, can kill entire spawns with ease (usually less than 10 seconds per bunch, depending on Fiery Embrace being available) and I also really enjoy his look and backstory.

So you CAN PL a toon and still love them. It's dependent on the person. Your assumptions do not apply to all.

I also asked that same group of friends to do the same thing to a Mind/Psi Dominator I named 'The Exec.' I've never played either set before, and again, I RPed Exec the whole time. In about 8 hours I learned where Mind/ sat on the Control table, and where /Psi's key powers were.

It's not hard to grasp the game, and while I have met my fair share of AE-farmed idiots I do not think your generalization is as broad as you believe it to be.

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