Great, the incarnate system requires completing a mission arc

Adeon Hawkwood



Damzs sensible post of the month come early

I have currently a few 50s. Here they are and what i like to do with them.

  • Ultimate Damz - ill/rad controller - my strongest character and will always push its limit to be the strongest it can be. I have IO'd it out, but it could be pushed further in that regard. Just at the moment, the playstyle suits the set bonuses. Will be fully incarnated in ALL the sets.
  • Noob Buster - fire/dark scrapper - my "carnage times" character. Love this character and got a few different playstyles for it. IO'd about 60% and will be incarnated
  • Lord Lightman - AR/NRG blaster - just built as my damage dealer/farmer, though i dont play it often these days. Will not be incarnated.
So far both my incarnated characters ran the arcs [only really started collecting the shards on my main due to gf wanting to spend time with me . . . i know! the nerve!]. Both of them had zero problem with the arcs apart from that one rikti mission. Did i look at that room and think oh my god im going to die? No, im the type of player who when i see that, i see a challenge and one that i MUST overcome at any cost.
Now my scrapper was able to just use a couple of inspirations and just destroy the entire room with relative ease [got to love the fear/stun aura]. However my ill/rad main did die a couple of times due to a few lucky shots off the honoree but apart from that, i was able to just pull a couple and deal with them before charging in and completing it

Overall i thought the entire arc was very well thought out, being a great little introduction in to the incarnate system and feeling like it truely is a brand new chapter to the game. Do i think the incarnate system will make the game far too easy? Judging by the alpha slot, i'ld say no. The potential is there for it to be too easy, but that is only for players who are already "maxed out" in the sets. Just a guess but surely that is a small percentage of players? Anyway that is for a different thread

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!




I honestly do not think that Sam nor Dechs are twisting your words or even going out of their way to pick your posts apart...

I also do not believe that your intentions with what you said was bad at all, nor what they are saying, however... What you wrote does say what they have claimed.

I simply think a few poorly stated sentences and misconstrued meanings (by all involved) have perpetuated this exchange...
And, if everyone backs off and recognizes and admits that things could have been said better...
And that your true beliefs really do not differ much (if at all)...
Everything's okay

Don't devolve further into silliness (not this kind of silliness).

Amerikatt... Some of the things you said certainly were worded in ways that had negative implications that were not so nice. However, I don't really think you hold to those negative beliefs... it just came out wrong. Maybe you can look back and see this yourself?

*offers a group hug*

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I stand by the highlighted snippet. Anyone who has played this game for even a short bit of time knows that there are people for whom the destination -- not the journey -- is the main draw of this game. Such people spend inordinate amounts of time in the AE building filling up their character slots with Level 50 characters, yet such people do not have even a rudimentary grasp of how to play the character.

[COLOR=lime]For those of us who enjoy roleplaying, we will choose certain characters to gain Incarnate assention. Just because Batman cannot change the course of mighty rivers does not make him any less viable a character as Superman or Wonder Woman. In their own way, each is an Incarnate [COLOR=pink](Brain, Brawn, and Heart, respectively)]
Err.... I'm sorry, Amerikatt, but that's flat out wrong and offensive to boot.

I'm a roleplayer and have been since I was 12 years old which was... a very long time ago. I never play a character that I can't, in some way, "live" in their mind and see the world though their eyes. I am totally incapable of playing a character "just" because I like a game or a powerset, if I cannot love the character. I RP during missions, I RP on teams, I RP wherever my characters are and whatever they're doing, except in very VERY few instances where I feel the need to go OOC because I feel sick or tired.

Yet I have 5 50s, and 3 more at 47, and more in their 30s, and all of my 50s will be getting their incarnate slot. To be frank, the concept of most of my 50s is that they're already "incarnate" in some way, so for me it's less a matter of going through the same storyline everyone else is ("Hey you drank from the Well too? So did I!") and more tying the powers they are receiving into their personal stories. Because the game and its mechanics do not rule who my characters are.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Another thing: Notice that with the way you phrased this, you are telling me that I must not be a roleplayer. You further claim that all roleplayers will chose certain level 50 characters to become incarnate and some that won't.

Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post

I honestly do not think that Sam nor Dechs are twisting your words or even going out of their way to pick your posts apart...

I also do not believe that your intentions with what you said was bad at all, nor what they are saying, however... What you wrote does say what they have claimed.
And I agree with both these posters. No one's twisting what you're saying, though what you're saying may not be what you INTEND to say, that is what it says.



Originally Posted by Basilisk View Post
Sorry Arcana, I have to disagree with you here. The primary reason being that the main complaint is less that (in my case, at least) I have to do an arc to access the incarnate content and more that I have to do this arc to access incarnate content. A player who wishes to go from level 20 to level 30 does not need to complete the "Mysterious General Z" arc if s/he doesn't like it. There are alternatives: other mission arcs, AE arcs, Task Forces, teaming up and doing a friend's higher or lower level arcs, etc.

As has been mentioned several times, Montague Castanella is in the same boat where access to Cimerora is gated behind his arc, and as compelling as it was the first time, the reaction that I hear about Monty's arc tends towards "Crap, I have to do this again?" Especially when you accidentally forget that the character you wanted to bring for an ITF hasn't actually done that arc yet.

If there were several options behind the unlock, this wouldn't be a problem. The arc is new and fresh now, and having just played it it's ok, but by the time I have to run my 10th character through it the arc becomes a meaningless chore. Even one other option for unlocking it, like the previous merit-buy or a TF would be nicer than always being channeled down the same path. Naturally, it comes down to developer time available, and I guess they've got better things to do than to add a couple of arcs to accomplish the same thing, but I still feel that the majority of this thread is being unnecessarily harsh on the OP. (Though that probably has something to do with the confrontational tone the OP has had from the start)
But that's not what the OP said. The OP didn't say they didn't want to do Remiel multiple times, he said he didn't even want to do it once. So repetitiveness was not the expressed issue, the core issue was having gated content that might be locked with content you don't want to do, no matter how many different undesirable options there might be.

Having more ways to unlock it might increase the probability that at least *something* would be desirable to the OP, but that's problematic when the OP admits they didn't actually run the arc in the first place.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I actually do have a legitimate problem with the "no reward" part. I know it's done to prevent these from being farmed, but you really can't get away with spawning infinite enemies unless they're going to grant infinite amounts of experience.
If it was me, I would design the portals (all portals) so that their first waves of generated spawns grant XP, then all others don't. So the original intent of their existence is preserved: they are designed to zone in reinforcements you have to fight, unless you can somehow destroy or disable them. If the reinforcements arrive, they are a legitimate threat and legitimately are worth XP - they have to be, because the mission designer intended for the mission and its rewards to be balanced around those initial reinforcements actually existing. But after that, if you deliberately keep them around, their successive waves don't grant XP anymore, so if you are either too slow or a potential farmer, you cannot exploit their generation capability for unlimited rewards.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
What do you expect from a guy who shills for GEICO?!
Actually, that's a different geko. EG crashes business conventions in Ohio using the name "Stanley."

(*hopes that she'll eventually be quoted by Arcanaville so that she can let out a loud squee!*)
3... 2... 1...

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
If it was me, I would design the portals (all portals) so that their first waves of generated spawns grant XP, then all others don't. So the original intent of their existence is preserved: they are designed to zone in reinforcements you have to fight, unless you can somehow destroy or disable them. If the reinforcements arrive, they are a legitimate threat and legitimately are worth XP - they have to be, because the mission designer intended for the mission and its rewards to be balanced around those initial reinforcements actually existing. But after that, if you deliberately keep them around, their successive waves don't grant XP anymore, so if you are either too slow or a potential farmer, you cannot exploit their generation capability for unlimited rewards.
That'd be great, if it can be coded.
(code rant here)

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
(code rant here)
I'm mostly immune to the SCR, but I'm aware it probably would take some new tech.

On the general subject of the Incarnate system, and what its intent is, here's my perspective: some of this I've been saying for a while (going back to I18 beta), some of this I'm expanding or clarifying.

First of all, I've been saying since forever that the Incarnate system is *not* an extension of the Invention system. Its not just a system of super-purples. That isn't a techie-statement. Its a statement of design intent. Purples are meant to be both powerful and rare. If you don't possess one right this second, its because you haven't gotten a rare thing yet. That's sort of what rare means.

But the Incarnate system is intended to be (part of) the end game progression system. That means unlike purples, even though the Incarnate powers are intended to be powerful, they are not explicitly intended to be rare. The Incarnate system is intended to be accessible by everyone (or rather: all level 50 characters).

However, being an end game progression system, it is *not* beholden to the normal difficulty rules. It does not guarantee that all aspects of it are soloable. It does not guarantee that "average" builds will find it accessible. Its intended to be something you both build to access, and then continue to progress in to open up accessibility.

If you can't solo a core non-exempt story arc with a character of any archetype that is at least nominally designed to actually be effective at soloing, even at lowered difficulty, you have a potentially valid complaint about the difficulty of that arc. That's a statement of fact. But that avenue of complaint disappears - or rather is significantly modified - in the end game. Is Remiel soloable? Theoretically yes. But that might be very difficult for some players and some characters. That's WAI. Its intended to be difficult. And if you think its so difficult you're better off dropping the arcs, I'm afraid the problem will be that all future content designed for the end game progression system will very likely be more of the same. Not necessarily designed in the same way, but designed for similar levels of difficulty. Remiel is meant to be hard because he's the gateway to even harder content.

Does that mean the Incarnate system is explicitly meant to be restricted to only some players or only some characters? No. Its simply meant to be harder, and more complex. You're supposed to think, like figuring out the tactical secret to Trapdoor, or working around the brute force thrown at you with the Honoree. In that sense, its designed to appeal to players that want that sort of content, and that might not be everyone. But its only exclusionary by happenstance, as all content is: not everyone will like everything.

However, in this case, the *reason* for an end game system to exist at all is to create different, more complex, more difficult, more advanced content. There's no such thing as the simplified version of it, and there is unlikely to be an end game system alternative for people who want to continue to progress, but don't want the extra difficulty that comes with it. The option for such players is to wait for more *standard* content to arrive either at level 50 or at other levels accessible through exemplar.

So, while I'm conscious of the current practical limits of the size and scale of the system, and in general I'm all in favor of having more content and more options, I don't believe more options will be more easily accessible ones. They will be more variety at equal difficulty, scope, and duration. Some people will consider that enhanced difficulty cheap, repetitive, bogus, counter-productive, a barrier to entry, or alt-unfriendly. While that should be minimized to the best extent possible, there should be no compromising the core aspect of the end game system to distinguish itself from the standard game in complexity and challenge.

I doubt the devs would compromise significantly in those areas, but I'm also here to say that if I think they intend to at some point, I'm going to oppose that move strongly on principle.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I doubt the devs would compromise significantly in those areas, but I'm also here to say that if I think they intend to at some point, I'm going to oppose that move strongly on principle.
I disagree somewhat. I think yuo're correct that the devs should not lower the difficulty of the content for the sake of lowering the difficulty however I do think the devs should think about lowering the difficulty, or more accurately the time required, to get a particular Incarnate bonus at around the time the release the "slot" two or three onward from it (so make the Alpha slot quicker to finish around the time they release the Interface or unnamed 4th slot).

The problem with any sort of progression content is that while it works well for people who progress alongside the content releases you risk locking out newer players (or at least newer characters) if they have to spend to much time running the older content (which often ends up being abandoned). In [insert name of other MMO here] they have a system where they constantly upgrade the gear rewarded from the basic entry level progression content to allow new players/characters to gear up there in preparation for the newer raids.

Now it's possible that the unusual nature of CoX (people having lots of alts, the nature of loot drops etc.) will make this unnecessary and even when we have the Omega (10th) slot people will still want to regularly run ITFs and LGTFs without discriminating against those who lack even an Alpha slot but I really hope this is something the devs are keeping in mind.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
actually, that's a different geko. Eg crashes business conventions in ohio using the name "stanley."
Originally Posted by Amerikatt
(*hopes that she'll eventually be quoted by arcanaville so that she can let out a loud squee!*)
Originally Posted by Arcanaville
3... 2... 1...

AMERIKATT: Star of Stage, Screen, and Saturday morning cartoons! (Art by Psygon and ChristopherRobin)
"(Katt-Girl) obviously reads a lot of encyclopedias" -- Kiken
Dark_Respite's video -- Avatar: COH Style!
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Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
However, being an end game progression system, it is *not* beholden to the normal difficulty rules. It does not guarantee that all aspects of it are soloable. It does not guarantee that "average" builds will find it accessible. Its intended to be something you both build to access, and then continue to progress in to open up accessibility.
I have to agree with this. I don't think it likely that I will have very many characters become Incarnates. I don't have a lot of 50s to start with. I don't consider levelling to 50 a goal for me, so content that STARTS at 50 isn't much of a goal for me either. This is not the same as when the level cap was raised from 40 to 50, I didn't have any 40s at that time either, and never intended to make levelling a character to 40 a goal, either. But some of my characters have made it to 40, and since the system lets them level past that, they have.

Incarnates, though, I consider a different animal. IMHO it's what the Epic Archetypes SHOULD have been. I never figured I would ever level a Kheldian, either. When I got my 50, I went, "That's cool", started a Peacebringer and Warshade and tried them out. When the level to unlock them was lowered to 20, I went, "That's cool, too", because I could see no reason I couldn't have been playing those Kheldians from, well, the first year I was playing this game. They were cool, but not something for me to "do past 50". Especially since the character I used to unlock them was STILL 50, and still had nothing to do...

My first thought was that when you created a Kheldian, it would be like your 50 starting over again at level 1. And that's kind of what the Incarnate system is. Except, instead of levelling, you are doing end game content. And instead of running missions for XP, you are running missions for Incarnate Slots and Components.

I hate to use the "r" word around here, but it's pretty obvious to me that the Incarnate system is raid content. And raid content means some things. It means players that have all reached the end game, and are ready to work together to achieve somewhat different types of rewards. It's not as open or casual friendly as the regular content, but that's okay with me, because you have to get to 50 just to start it. I'd rather just start over with a new SoA or Kheldian (or one of the other ATs, just mentioning the Epics because they're still new) if I just want to fool around.

I do think it's a bit of a shame that the devs put work into content I'll never see, particularly if lots of other folks feel the same way. I will probably try some of the arcs on my 50's just to try and support them in it. But I'd like the devs to do some things for me, too, that maybe some of those other players who want the raid content would think was a waste of time. And I'll feel better about getting some of that if they get their content as well. I don't really want the devs to design the whole game for me.



Well put, as usual,Arcana. I don't see how anyone could have a different view on the situation. It's End Game content.
...I also think the nature of CoH will mostly avoid the "no one running the old stuffs" issue in other MMO endgames

Furio--Lvl 50+3 Fire/Fire/Fire Blaster, Virtue
Megadeth--Lvl 50+3 Necro/DM/Soul MM, Virtue
Veriandros--Lvl 50+3 Crab Soldier, Virtue
"So come and get me! I'll be waiting for ye, with a whiff of the old brimstone. I'm a grim bloody fable, with an unhappy bloody end!" Demoman, TF2



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
I do think it's a bit of a shame that the devs put work into content I'll never see, particularly if lots of other folks feel the same way. I will probably try some of the arcs on my 50's just to try and support them in it. But I'd like the devs to do some things for me, too, that maybe some of those other players who want the raid content would think was a waste of time. And I'll feel better about getting some of that if they get their content as well. I don't really want the devs to design the whole game for me.
I don't see them stopping development on the entire rest of the game, which will still follow the current rules for difficulty and accessibility. If they were, all the content developers would be working with Positron on end game, and War Witch would just be in charge of perk packs and veteran rewards. My guess is that *most* content development, at least in the long term, is still going to be non-end game related. The end game will be just a fraction of that.

So I'm reasonable certain that players completely uninterested in the end game system will still get more content to play with that is not connected with it. There are whole level ranges to populate in Praetoria, and likely to be more content connected to that within Paragon, and probably more content and content updates eventually coming to Paragon and Rogue Isles itself.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Furio View Post
I don't see how anyone could have a different view on the situation.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I don't see them stopping development on the entire rest of the game, which will still follow the current rules for difficulty and accessibility.

Sorry, couldn't resist. No, I meant that as well. I want to see both end game content, and the low level, exemplarable stuff that you DON'T see in "that other MMO". The fact that Incarnate powers don't exemplar, I think, is intended to keep those two aspects of the game in balance.

And it reflect the logic, really, behind introducing a whole new start area and low level content, concurrent with a whole new end game system. This is an old, mature game with a mature player base, but we are (hopefully) attracting new players as well. Plus providing new "Epic Archetypes"-like experiences for the Veterans.



Originally Posted by Jade_Dragon View Post
I do think it's a bit of a shame that the devs put work into content I'll never see, particularly if lots of other folks feel the same way. I will probably try some of the arcs on my 50's just to try and support them in it. But I'd like the devs to do some things for me, too, that maybe some of those other players who want the raid content would think was a waste of time. And I'll feel better about getting some of that if they get their content as well. I don't really want the devs to design the whole game for me.
Well.... everything, absolutely EVERYTHING the devs have put into the game so far as been for "you," being people who aren't interested in rushing to 50, don't need to be 50 to access the content, low-mid level content updates/addition, etc. That's part of what I love about the game!

This is the first of the "end game" content and there will no doubt be more, but I honestly can't bring myself to believe that the devs who've kept this game alive for the last 6 years will be putting ALL their energy into JUST end game content.



Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
The sarcasm is cute, despite not addressing the point at all.

I guess what it boils down to is that I wouldn't bother with the arc if there was no reward, so I really have no interest in doing it just for a reward.

...And yes I'm aware that sounds really backwards.
Well, actually the arc is rather fun. Especially the first mission where you are god-like in your abilities.

But I do agree that is is a chore to run 6+ level 50s through the same arc over and over again.

Uber Talgrim - level 50 emp/dark defender
Uber Rod - level 50 dark melee/regen scrapper
Rod Valdr - level 50 invuln/SS tanker
Talgrim - level 50 ninja/dark mastermind

OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!



Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
Well, actually the arc is rather fun. Especially the first mission where you are god-like in your abilities.

My only worry there is that people are actually starting to extrapolate Freem to figure out what the rest of the Incarnate system will be like, specifically level shifts.

Depressingly, it turns out at the end of time, I will be able to obliterate archivillains with power blast, stand toe to toe with the crystal titan, laugh at ghost widows's mez, and turn Statesman and Recluse into crash test dummies. I will have the power of the gods at my command and become an unstoppable force to rival the combined might of the greatest entities in all the dimensions. And yet, my flight speed will still suck.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Depressingly, it turns out at the end of time, I will be able to obliterate archivillains with power blast, stand toe to toe with the crystal titan, laugh at ghost widows's mez, and turn Statesman and Recluse into crash test dummies. I will have the power of the gods at my command and become an unstoppable force to rival the combined might of the greatest entities in all the dimensions. And yet, my flight speed will still suck.
And you will STILL have ham hocks for hands.



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post

I truly lost control when I read that word. Thank you.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
I would just like to note that the number of paths from 1 to 50 vastly outnumber the number of paths from 50 to Incarnate. Especially if you count AE, the explicit purposes of which included creating many new paths from 1 to 50. AE, mission arc merits, Ouroboros, scanners/newspapers, tips and HVAMs, the Faultline and Hollows revamps, RWZ and Cimerora and Praetoria - all of these point to a general goal of diversifying the paths toward rewards, whether they be XP or otherwise.

The contrast between this general thrust toward multiple paths of advancement and the single path to opening Incarnate is worth noting, I think.

The OP should thank you for translating into Rational.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Originally Posted by Clebstein View Post
I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE having to do missions to unlock content.
The missions are the content. Capes, auras, Alpha slot, are rewards. I think you're saying you hate having to play the game to get the rewards. In which case your out of luck, you don't get rewards for free.

Plus, The Alpha Slot arc takes all of 20 minutes if you hurry and it can be quite a bit of fun.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by DumpleBerry View Post
Wrong. It is "Let us choose how we become Incarnates."

Originally Posted by Adeon Hawkwood View Post
Personally I can see the reasons for adding the arc but I would have preferred it if they had added the arc and kept the original methods. That way people could choose to run the arc (if they enjoy it or simply want the story) or run TFs if that's more their thing.
This, in a nutshell, is my position. The people that are intending to say there should only be one way should realize that not everyone plays or even wants to play like you do.

Originally Posted by Lothic View Post
Some people really do have a "I've done it once already so why should I do it again" mentality. Since this game is character based and not "player" based I've never understood how those people have a leg to stand on as far as complaining about it but that never seems to stop them.
People have been complaining literally for years about content that has to be repeated to the point it gets stale, yet the developers ignored all that and took the original plan of multiple ways to unlock the Incarnate system and reduced it to a single arc. An arc that some people don't like. It has nothing to do with being able to beat it or not (and I've done it solo and with groups). It has to do with repetition.

List of already annoying/repetitive tasks:
Go to the Hollows to talk to Wincott (heroes)
Go see Perez Park Security Chief (heroes)
Go to the Bloody Bay Rep (heroes/villains)
Cape Missions (everyone)
Aura Missions (everyone)
Go to the Siren's Call Rep (everyone)
Go to Stephanie Peebles (heroes)
Go to the Mission Architect Tour. (heroes/villains)
Go to the University/CDEC (everyone, multiple times if you switch)
Go to the Warburg rep (everyone)
Intro to Ouroboros (everyone)
Intro to Cimerora (everyone)
The Incarnate arc will be there for every single level 50 to do. And we'll have to do it in order to unlock the Incarnate slot.

Every single one of these tasks should have other options to either unlock account wide or have other means to unlock the abilities/content.

The thing I liked about the original way was that there was a choice: Players could do any of the task/strike forces/trials/raids (even using alignment merits) and unlock the slot. It was the player's choice, not a forced arc.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
List of already annoying/repetitive tasks:
Intro to Ouroboros (everyone)<snip>
I don't think I've ever done this arc. I just hop up to the top of the thing in the middle of ouro and grab the explore badge.