No Ordinary Family premier




Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
It occurred to me when I picked up almost all the Buffy seasons that Darla appeared in very few episodes, yet people still remember Julie Benz as Darla.
To be fair I remember Darla more from Angel than from Buffy. She was only on 6 episodes of Buffy but she had 20 episodes on Angel.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



Originally Posted by Wayfarer View Post
To be fair I remember Darla more from Angel than from Buffy. She was only on 6 episodes of Buffy but she had 20 episodes on Angel.
Yeah but wasn't she reverted back to a human or something when she came back? I thought most of the popularity of that character stemmed from her being a pre-Spike Spike, that is, a psychotic, sadistic vamp.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Digging this..
and I want a Lair... with WiFi.



I thought the best part was when the daughter burned the other chick by mentioning the memorial they had for her virginity.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Yeah but wasn't she reverted back to a human or something when she came back? I thought most of the popularity of that character stemmed from her being a pre-Spike Spike, that is, a psychotic, sadistic vamp.

She ended up being a human, iirc. Then she got revampirized. Then she got knocked up with Angel's kid. The presence of the kid let her fake having a soul which conflicted with her vampyness. Gave birth to the child by staking herself. The kid was with Angel for awhile with Cordy being faux-momma. Kid got kidnapped and went to a Hell dimension, came back as an adult and had a squicky romance with Cordy.




I'm a big Julie Benz fan, because of Dexter oddly not Buffy/Angel. When we heard she would be in No Ordinary Family we were sort of Meh going in, but what we came away with was "this is our show." At its core it will be a "OMG I have powers let's try this and this AND this" show with a strong family vibe. It has an air of innocense that is missing from a lot of shows these days. I am going to look forward to this one every week and will be hyping it happily.



I have a lair? A wi-fi Lair?


As said, this had in one hour everything that Heroes missed.

Just one thing...

For a wife, who is some kind of super bio scientist, I wonder why she didn't worrie about bad effects the glowing water might have had on her and her family. Tests anyone? Tests?



Originally Posted by QuietAmerican View Post
For a wife, who is some kind of super bio scientist, I wonder why she didn't worrie about bad effects the glowing water might have had on her and her family. Tests anyone? Tests?
There are a lot of things in water that has bio-luminescence. Though... it's mexico so she would have likely had themselves checked from just that, but it's not like they'd screen for super powers so it wouldn't turn up anyways.



Thought it was an excellent first episode. Now just to decide if it's just the flowers mom has discovered and working with that gave them the powers and Evil Rev. Camden is only investigating/abusing it or if the corporation actually pre-exposed the family with the reasearch.

Hopefully finding out will be a fun ride.



Originally Posted by Desi_Nova View Post
I liked it, I'm willing to give up NCIS (oh Dear, dear Abby) for this
Okay, so you're going to tell THIS FACE that you're abandoning her for someone else?

...I dare ya. And there's online catch-up for Americans anyway. Stay true to the faith! STAY PUNK!

In slightly more relevant news, I like it. I've been praying to the Universe for a sequel/equal to The Incredibles for years, and ABC (being Mouse-owned) seem to have provided one. Though they're really going to have to work to keep the dialogue this sparky. Mike Chiklis gets to show off a bit more range - comedy being somewhat harder to do than grimacing - and looking forward to when he gets to do some proper clobberin'.

Also,I hope it lasts longer than the end of fall sweeps. This kinda high concept stuff is notoriously difficult to sell - not to the public so much as advertisers. With Smallville ending this season, they could pick up some spare fans - but ABC execs may have quietly junked it already by sending it up against NCIS. Mere invulnerability, telepathy, speed, these pale compared to the power of SCIENCE, caffeine addiction, earbleeding metal and BEAMS OF PURE AWESOME that Abby has. And there's an Abby-led semi-solo episode this series! *fangirl squee*

Usual thing with something like this is if some exec's baby show can't cut it against the current top contender, first there's a huge promo burst, then as the exec's power wanes you're playing Hunt-The-Programme-Slot. Batted around timeslots and days without warning. And when they get dropped for 2nd tier baseball,both they and the show are destined for the junkyard.

If they can keep it quite well grounded in the family, keep the yuks coming and the occasional proper superheroic duel, I'm in.

So long as it doesn't clash with NCIS.

*cuddles Scientist Abby doll. And Habitat For Humanity Abby doll. And Nun Bowling Abby doll. And NSFW Fetish Abby doll...*

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Our whole family liked it. The "as told to a counsellor" idea is fun, and the actors are good. Every character got the power(s) they sort of needed. I predict the boy gets accused of cheating at first.

Ideally, the tank will die precisely as everyone else starts fighting, allowing aggro to be spread evenly among the blaster. -seebs, "How to Suck at CoH/CoV" Guide



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Where as the primary power of Heroes was what? Claire's regen that is never done the same way twice and almost always needs prosthetics... that's hell of an expensive SFX after a while.
Writing, Presentation, and Pacing. It would have taken Heroes at least 6 episodes to get to where Super Dad walked within 20 feet of Bamfer and they never would have made eye contact, but the camera would have shown them... walking away from each other. In slow motion. With some type of emo music background. Stilted. And Disjointed.

Whereas last night we never saw the bamf coming, it was fast paced, the outcome for Dad was in doubt, it moved the story along and opened up new possibilities, and it showed the audience this was going to be an FX action dramedy.

So again I say, last night's episode kicked Heroes' ****.

(seriously? a-r-s-e is censored?)

DestineeFable's Guide to an MSTF run (fixed!)
My latest AE madness



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
There are a lot of things in water that has bio-luminescence. Though... it's mexico so she would have likely had themselves checked from just that, but it's not like they'd screen for super powers so it wouldn't turn up anyways.
Also, they had just survived a plane crash so there was bigger things to worry abut, like survival until rescuers could get to them. (I'm assuming they didn't hike out of there.)

I would imagine she would have thought about tests if they had showed any odd symptoms between taking a dunk and getting home, which leads me to think the water is a red herring.

DestineeFable's Guide to an MSTF run (fixed!)
My latest AE madness



I liked it.

The girl's "I just wanna be normal whine" was a bit much, though. Whenever they have those lines from teenagers in this type of show I wonder how long it'd been since the writers had last been teenagers themselves...

"Super powers as acne" never really worked for me.

My COX Fanfiction:

Blue's Assembled Story Links



I watched the show with moderate hope. I was not disappointed, and in fact it exceeded my expectations.

It is in my viewing cycle.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous


Posted much hate for Heroes.

To me...season one of Heroes is and always will be one of the best shows.



Hmm, well I have to differ a bit from most opinions on it. I was kind of "Meh" about it.

I think part of the problem is that I was kind of expecting a show that was going to attempt to avoid the "it's just another Heroes" moniker.

Instead it appears that the show is going to actually embrace that role.

I was a bit disappointed in the pacing. Everything felt a bit too rushed, trying to set up every plot-line in the first episode. And I felt that they should have actually avoided showing that there are other "Metas" out there for a couple of episodes.

Focus the first couple of episodes on each major character and how they deal with thier new powers, along with how the family as a whole copes with it....then start introducing super-villains and the big, bad, conspiracy/agency/government group/etc that's causing folks to have superpowers (or whatever methodology they end up going with).

Personally, I'm not buying the glowing water bit since they revealed that her boss is tied up in it. I mean, how many folks are you going to ferry out to South America and have go swimming? (of course they could always go with the 'the water was polluted from runoff being generated by the secret laboratory' or something)

Overall, I enjoyed the show, even if it went in a direction I was kind of hoping that it wouldn't be going in. I'll be giving it a few more episodes before I make my final conclusion.

(as opposed to "The Event" which we turned off after about 15 minutes, and from what I hear about episode 2 I'm quite glad we did)

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



I admit to enjoying the power fantasy elements, particularly the way the characters seemed (like I would be) to be really excited and interested to learn more about their powers.

LOVED the supporting cast, the two confidants that they each chose. I was a little surprised they mentioned Kitty Pride by name and actually had a real doll of her (complete with Lockheed on her shoulder, I think!).

One thing that irked me, though, was that Dad's power included the ability to lift five tons or more, leap huge distances (with a BOUND, not a 'leap' )... and while a bullet would not KILL him when shot at four feet to the back of his head, it DID make him bleed... apparently he can CATCH bullets with no harm, though. So either his hands are super super tough --- and he is actually FAST enough to get his hand in the path of the bullet --- or....

I got nothing. "Catching bullets" is all well and good, but if you can catch a bullet you pretty much need to be fast AND tough and if you're tough enough to catch a bullet (the one in the police station was smashed, so it's not like he caught the bullet without it making an impact).... then why would it hurt to be hit in the much-more-resilient SKULL? I mean, his hand never bled.... granted, that shot in the police station was from more than four feet away....

Having Dad be a police sketch artist is a great idea; when I first heard about the show, I misunderstood and thought he was actually a COP. This works much better, I think, and actually reminds me a bit of Barry Allen (Police Forensic Scientist, back before CSI and all that became the rage). INVOLVED with the police, but not strictly in the chain of command.

While it was a bit rushed, I'm afraid it HAD to be, to squeeze in all they could in what could be their only real chance to get people hooked (the pilot). While it's not as action-packed as super-speed or super-strength, the daughter's telepathy has the potential for much better stories, I think. In particular, I can't wait until she 'reads' her parents. No matter what you may SAY or DO, you can't always control your thoughts --- I can imagine a parent having a fleeting thought of, "What an ungrateful brat of a child" or "What could my life have been without this kid to tie me down"...

Passing, stray thought, but if the daughter picks up on that... in the preview for next time, it looks like she may accidentally 'read' her brother (perhaps just discovering his super-intelligence power that he has not yet revealed to the family).

I think they almost HAD to reveal the existence of other super-powered people and at least hint at a Big Bad Villain. If they hadn't, then people JUST watching the pilot may have thought, "Well, the powers are neat, but what is the show going to be ABOUT?"

They didn't reveal MUCH info, of course. Just that, yes, there are other super-powered beings who know that there are other super-powered beings. The revelation of the wife's boss as a Big Bad suggests (to me) that maybe the chairman of the company was eager to approve her expedition to the Amazon because that ancient plant that "could do anything" might be even more powerful than she thought originally.

Of course, if he knew that the plant gave superpowers, why send her to poke around for it... Hm...

Was a bit tiresome to hear the "no more fighting crime, okay? Sure, I promise" tired old lines...

I'll give it one or two "regular" episodes to see where they go... as long as they don't scrimp on the special effects in future episodes ---- having blown their budget on the pilot ---- it'll at least be fun for that.



Originally Posted by Brachaesnethar View Post
I admit to enjoying the power fantasy elements, particularly the way the characters seemed (like I would be) to be really excited and interested to learn more about their powers.

LOVED the supporting cast, the two confidants that they each chose. I was a little surprised they mentioned Kitty Pride by name and actually had a real doll of her (complete with Lockheed on her shoulder, I think!).

One thing that irked me, though, was that Dad's power included the ability to lift five tons or more, leap huge distances (with a BOUND, not a 'leap' )... and while a bullet would not KILL him when shot at four feet to the back of his head, it DID make him bleed... apparently he can CATCH bullets with no harm, though. So either his hands are super super tough --- and he is actually FAST enough to get his hand in the path of the bullet --- or....

I got nothing. "Catching bullets" is all well and good, but if you can catch a bullet you pretty much need to be fast AND tough and if you're tough enough to catch a bullet (the one in the police station was smashed, so it's not like he caught the bullet without it making an impact).... then why would it hurt to be hit in the much-more-resilient SKULL? I mean, his hand never bled.... granted, that shot in the police station was from more than four feet away....

Having Dad be a police sketch artist is a great idea; when I first heard about the show, I misunderstood and thought he was actually a COP. This works much better, I think, and actually reminds me a bit of Barry Allen (Police Forensic Scientist, back before CSI and all that became the rage). INVOLVED with the police, but not strictly in the chain of command.

While it was a bit rushed, I'm afraid it HAD to be, to squeeze in all they could in what could be their only real chance to get people hooked (the pilot). While it's not as action-packed as super-speed or super-strength, the daughter's telepathy has the potential for much better stories, I think. In particular, I can't wait until she 'reads' her parents. No matter what you may SAY or DO, you can't always control your thoughts --- I can imagine a parent having a fleeting thought of, "What an ungrateful brat of a child" or "What could my life have been without this kid to tie me down"...

Passing, stray thought, but if the daughter picks up on that... in the preview for next time, it looks like she may accidentally 'read' her brother (perhaps just discovering his super-intelligence power that he has not yet revealed to the family).

I think they almost HAD to reveal the existence of other super-powered people and at least hint at a Big Bad Villain. If they hadn't, then people JUST watching the pilot may have thought, "Well, the powers are neat, but what is the show going to be ABOUT?"

They didn't reveal MUCH info, of course. Just that, yes, there are other super-powered beings who know that there are other super-powered beings. The revelation of the wife's boss as a Big Bad suggests (to me) that maybe the chairman of the company was eager to approve her expedition to the Amazon because that ancient plant that "could do anything" might be even more powerful than she thought originally.

Of course, if he knew that the plant gave superpowers, why send her to poke around for it... Hm...

Was a bit tiresome to hear the "no more fighting crime, okay? Sure, I promise" tired old lines...

I'll give it one or two "regular" episodes to see where they go... as long as they don't scrimp on the special effects in future episodes ---- having blown their budget on the pilot ---- it'll at least be fun for that.
Maybe he needs to focus his ability? Focusing it makes him more invulnerable and since he didn't see it coming...he wasn't focusing and he wasn't invulnerable as he could be?



These are the kind of shows that can be derailed for not enough ratings or budget constraints.

This is also going against Glee and NCIS (the first I tape for the family, the second I tape for me - and my DVR only allows two shows watched or recorded at once). I watched it in the backroom ... and enjoyed it.

I understand pilots can have bigger budgets and hope they can maintain their FX shots for future shows. I agree with the posts here: like the cast, like the show.

Grade: B+
Regardless of the direction it goes, NOF has me for one season. I hope it succeeds (and maybe find a less brutal time spot. Plllllllllllease not a Friday or Saturday, ABC. /glares at FOX).

Thank you, City of Heroes, for giving me a superhero social network combined with amazingly smooth game play. Petitions signed with realistic expectations.



I liked it. I enjoyed seeing how they handled the characters' realizations about their powers. Going out and exploring their limits, seeing exactly what they can and can't do. Loved seeing Dad eat it on the rooftop during one of his jumps, and seeing Mom having to snarf down huge amounts of food after her runs. Gave a nice realistic touch to things.

I also liked the chemistry between the characters. Chiklis and Benz really nail the mom and dad roles. You can tell there is genuine love and affection there, but also a LOT of frustration and discontent. And getting powered up didn't cure it, but gave them the impetus to look at it honestly and start dealing with it. Each of their friends, the DA and the lab assistant were also well done. The kids' roles were a little weaker, but a lot of kids' roles usually are, and it takes a bit for some actors to find what makes that role work (plus I have to fight against my natural impulse to want to smack all teenagers upside their heads).

I was pleasantly surprised by the pilot, and hope they can keep the quality of the writing and the effects at that level. I'll keep watching.

�Life's hard. It's even harder when you're stupid.� ― John Wayne

�Just think of how stupid the average person is, and then realize half of them are even stupider!� - George Carlin



Originally Posted by CaptainFoamerang View Post
Yeah but wasn't she reverted back to a human or something when she came back? I thought most of the popularity of that character stemmed from her being a pre-Spike Spike, that is, a psychotic, sadistic vamp.
Wolfram & Hart brought her back as a human but in the condition she was in before she became a vampire, dying from an STD she had contracted while working as a prostitute. They were hoping to get Angel to revamp her in order to save her life but he refused. However Lindsey had fallen for Darla so he brought in Drusilla to do the deed and she did. Darla and Drusilla then caused considerable havoc for a while pushing Angel towards his dark side. My favorite moment was Darla and Drusilla crashing a Wolfram & Hart party intending to feed and Holland begging Angel to save them only to have Angel throw Holland's words from earlier in the episode back in his face and close and lock the doors. Tried to find it on YouTube but good luck finding anything but Angel/Darla music videos.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
Okay, so you're going to tell THIS FACE that you're abandoning her for someone else?

...I dare ya. And there's online catch-up for Americans anyway. Stay true to the faith! STAY PUNK!
Sorry Abs, it's not you, it's Mark Harmon. Since he ran Donald Bellisario off from his position as showrunner I'm just not feeling the NCIS love anymore. You're cute but there's this new family in town and they're anything but ordinary so I think I'm going to hang out with them for a while. But hey, if Bellisario comes back give me a call.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



I'm just wondering when we're going to get to the point where we find out why Stephanie says she could have chosen someone better to confide in. That suggests that her assistant is going to cause them problems at some point in time but we didn't see anything along those lines in the episode. So is she a spy planted by the boss to keep an eye on Stephanie's work or will she accidentally blurt something out to the wrong person?

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot