No Ordinary Family premier




Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
Okay, so you're going to tell THIS FACE that you're abandoning her for someone else?

...I dare ya. And there's online catch-up for Americans anyway. Stay true to the faith! STAY PUNK!

In slightly more relevant news, I like it. I've been praying to the Universe for a sequel/equal to The Incredibles for years, and ABC (being Mouse-owned) seem to have provided one. Though they're really going to have to work to keep the dialogue this sparky. Mike Chiklis gets to show off a bit more range - comedy being somewhat harder to do than grimacing - and looking forward to when he gets to do some proper clobberin'.

Also,I hope it lasts longer than the end of fall sweeps. This kinda high concept stuff is notoriously difficult to sell - not to the public so much as advertisers. With Smallville ending this season, they could pick up some spare fans - but ABC execs may have quietly junked it already by sending it up against NCIS. Mere invulnerability, telepathy, speed, these pale compared to the power of SCIENCE, caffeine addiction, earbleeding metal and BEAMS OF PURE AWESOME that Abby has. And there's an Abby-led semi-solo episode this series! *fangirl squee*

Usual thing with something like this is if some exec's baby show can't cut it against the current top contender, first there's a huge promo burst, then as the exec's power wanes you're playing Hunt-The-Programme-Slot. Batted around timeslots and days without warning. And when they get dropped for 2nd tier baseball,both they and the show are destined for the junkyard.

If they can keep it quite well grounded in the family, keep the yuks coming and the occasional proper superheroic duel, I'm in.

So long as it doesn't clash with NCIS.

*cuddles Scientist Abby doll. And Habitat For Humanity Abby doll. And Nun Bowling Abby doll. And NSFW Fetish Abby doll...*
She is actually the reason I could never take that show seriously.



I'm thinking the discrepancy between catching the bullet without harm in the police station and being hurt by Bamfer-Man's shot is likely due to different calibers of bullet. A cop's gun will have "standard" rounds (whatever that actually means), which explains why the gun "borrowed" from the police armory and used in the batting cage had more-or-less the same effect as the gun snatched and fired at the police station.

It's easy to believe that Bamfer-Man's gun had illegal rounds that packed more oomph--what are they called, "cop-killers?' You know, the ones that supposedly can penetrate bullet-proof vests. At a (in essence) point-blank shot, such a bullet probably exceeded, if only by a little, Dad's invulnerability. Note that this doesn't exclude the idea that Dad has to be aware of an attack to be invulnerable--it may be that he has a base level of invulnerability, but expecting an attack makes him more invulnerable. A bit of a stretch, even for idle speculation, but I think I like the idea that Dad is only so tough and no more--weapons with greater impact are still a danger to him. This staves off the "Nothing Can Hurt Superman" syndrome, which allows for more tension/drama/suspense.

Fun Guessing is Fun!

M. Bison: For you, the day Bison graced your village was the most important day of your life. But for was Tuesday.
-- Street Fighter (1994)

McClane: Hey, thanks for saving my daughter's life.
Farrell: What was I going to do?
McClane: That's what makes you "that guy."
-- Live Free or Die Hard (2007)



I watched it. I liked it. And I hope it doesn't go off on a bad direction and stink.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



i actually kinda like this mechanic - he's a bit like an invuln or willpower tanker. he RESISTS damage but isn't impervious to it. So catching a bullet or jumping from tall buildings,ok(but it still hurts): stepping in front of machine gun,not ok. Means the writers can have a lot of fun with it while still making him,well,vulnerable.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



The Super Dad basically has the same power set as my first City of Heroes character (who is still one of my main characters). Super Strength, Invulnerability, Super Leap, Fitness, Fighting, Super Speed (mostly for Haste and Flurry), and I sort of felt Super Dad's exhilaration as he first leaped between rooftops. And as he took his first super punch! He's definitely slotting some Knock-back Training Enhancements by the end of this first episode.

I also think Julie Benz would make a spot-on Susan Storm Richards (the regular long-running Marvel comics version).

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Originally Posted by DreamWeaver View Post
i actually kinda like this mechanic - he's a bit like an invuln or willpower tanker. he RESISTS damage but isn't impervious to it. So catching a bullet or jumping from tall buildings,ok(but it still hurts): stepping in front of machine gun,not ok. Means the writers can have a lot of fun with it while still making him,well,vulnerable.
I gather his level of invulnerability has increased since the days of Power Man & Iron Fist but I can remember Luke Cage complaining that bullets still hurt even when they didn't penetrate his skin and his having to improvise shields from objects at hand when someone showed up loaded with armor piercing bullets or the like. It would be nice to see something like that.

I do find myself wondering about the dad's sensory ability and the speed of his reflexes. They've got to be amped up beyond normal human levels if he's able to do things like catch bullets. It would be nice to see the show touch on this.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



Originally Posted by Wayfarer View Post
I'm just wondering when we're going to get to the point where we find out why Stephanie says she could have chosen someone better to confide in. That suggests that her assistant is going to cause them problems at some point in time but we didn't see anything along those lines in the episode. So is she a spy planted by the boss to keep an eye on Stephanie's work or will she accidentally blurt something out to the wrong person?
I thought that "someone better" just referred to the fact that Mom didn't HAVE any ~real~ friends she could confide in, like Dad had his D.A. friend... so Mom "settled" for her lab assistant.

I loved her lab assistant's first assumption that she was going to be fired, and then when that wasn't the case, she wondered if they would share something that would make them like friends... clearly the lab assistant would LOVE to be friends with her 'boss' (or, I suspect ANYONE)... kind of a needy vibe she had.

While it's possible she'll Inevitably Turn on her new friend ---- I sure didn't see the daughter's best friend being the secret lover of her boyfriend ---- I'd prefer it if she remained geek-girl confidant of Speedy-Mom.



Originally Posted by ShoNuff View Post
Digging this..
and I want a Lair... with WiFi.
That's what i cal my computer room. Loved the interaction with the family. defiantly looking forward to more episodes.



Originally Posted by Stealth_Bomber View Post
Our whole family liked it. The "as told to a counsellor" idea is fun, and the actors are good. Every character got the power(s) they sort of needed. I predict the boy gets accused of cheating at first.
True but after some closely supervised testing they will diagnose that he was actually gifted and was simply bored with the current classes. Their bad. Sorry.

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Well they didn't want to make him bullet proof. To easy to deus ex, without risk there is no drama. Could also be a plot point for a costume.

Catching bullets also allows his arm to absorb some of the kinetic energy of the round, skull not so much.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Of course you just know they're going to have to take on the mom's boss, but once his army of metas goes down he'll have to gain abilities himself.

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



Originally Posted by Pie-Ro View Post
The Incredibles >1st season heroes > no ordinary > any other season of heroes
Fixed that for you.



Originally Posted by QuietAmerican View Post
Fixed that for you.
That's agreeable.

Token Fire Blaster of "Love The Turtles" and Green Lantern Uber-fan.



Really good. I know I'm a sucker for these things, but I thought it was well done and well written. They are a fairly dysfunctional family - bored dad, too-busy mom, boy-struck daughter, learning disabled son - who undergo a strange experience and start realizing they can do things they couldn't before. Some parts were moving, as they try to cope with the problems they would be having anyway. There were some really funny parts also. Not just slapstick, which is easy to do with people just learning how their powers work, but well-written comedy lines.

It was an hour long, which I'm not sure if all the episodes will be, or just this pilot episode. But it didn't feel like an hour. The story moved along.

They set up really well the kinds of things we'd expect to see in stories to come: keeping it secret, learning how the powers work, the down side of powers, to fight crime or not to fight crime. But there are apparently other supers already out there, and they're not all good.

Anyway, I enjoyed it a lot. I may not watch it live with y'all, as with Heroes. I can catch it online the next day. But I'll definitely follow it.



I like this Show, watch it last night, it has Comedy, Adventure and Drama, It's something new to me.

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I think the kids are too whiney. I think it was a tad sappy. But I think if it finds its focus, it might be a good show. Better than Heroes, yeah.

But I'd rather see good stories that develop these characters and not have a new unexplainable event every week.



Another thing I liked purely from a character point of view, it's refreshing to see a smart dad who knows more about the kids than the mom, and the kids are not wise beyond their years. One of the reasons I stopped watching sitcoms years ago was the marginalization of the father in the family, and adult male leads seemed like they were being dumbed down. Maybe it was just me, but it was annoying.

Not to say mom is a slouch as a professional, just no real maternal on-top-of-everything i-have-an-answer-for-everything like I've seen from other shows.

The teen girl freaking out about her virginity is a little over the top, but the emphasis she put on keeping it until the right guy is better than usual I guess. The right guy will have to be the real deal at this rate.

And the son, dunno about. He doesn't seem to be stupid or handicapped per say, just disinterested with a chip on his shoulder. I find myself wondering if his power is figuring things out without actually learning or comprehending the subject.

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Was pleasantly surprised watching this show last night.

I enjoyed the family (dys)functionality. Made it more enjoyable to relate to; had a taste of "The Incredibles" family feel to it, but not overblown.

The best part of the husband/wife interaction is that they didn't blame each other; they blamed themselves for their part in the family's shortcomings. It was refreshing to see that, and allows for a truer meaning of resolution to the dysfunction (i.e., they don't hate each other).

Aside from that, well done, well written, and well acted especially by my favorite "The Shield"/The Thing actor! Loved his expressions and excitement while learning about his powers. The "Lair..with WiFi" reaction was spot on for the character. Looking forward to more episodes.

Tuesday nights are now NOF; NCIS has run its course for me. Sorry Abbey (maybe Abbey can jump from the NCIS ship and be a super lab geek at the super-wife's Global Tech job?).



Originally Posted by Teikiatsu View Post
And the son, dunno about. He doesn't seem to be stupid or handicapped per say, just disinterested with a chip on his shoulder. I find myself wondering if his power is figuring things out without actually learning or comprehending the subject.
Learning disabilities go beyond being stupid or mentally handicapped. For example Dyslexia is a learning disability but it has nothing to do with IQ and someone who is dyslexic is a lot more likely to go undiagnosed for a long time than someone with an intellectual disability.

I'm beginning to wonder how much wish fulfillment is involved in what powers manifest. Both the mother and the son got powers that helped them deal with what they consider the biggest problems in their lives. Coincidence or something more?

I suspect the mom's new research project is the source of their powers and the corporation knows it, hence the head of the company flying in immediately to discuss her research project. The assistant may or may not be a spy but if not will probably blurt something out to the wrong person at the wrong time. She seems like the sort who would do that. Stephen Collins will eventually be revealed as just an intermediate boss with the head of the corporation being the real big bad.

"Tell my tale to those who ask. Tell it truly, the ill deeds along with the good and let me be judged accordingly. The rest is silence." -- Dinobot



I thought the Dad looked familiar. He is the Thing on the Fantastic Four movie with Jessica Alba.

The first step in being sane is to admit that you are insane.



Not just the mom and daughter. They all got wish fullfilment.

The Dad: Feared he wasn't strong enough to keep his family together. That he wasn't tough enough to protect them during the crash.

The Mom: Felt like she was always having to run to keep up with everyone else.

The Daughter: More than anything she wanted to know what her boyfriend was thinking. Was he going to leave her if she didn't put out.

The Son: Just wanted to fit in. To prove he wasn't a moron like everyone thinks.
So really they all got wish fulfillment powers.

Now to the only thing that puzzles me, as I've already set the season pass for it.

Did anyone catch the names? Are we going to be calling them mom and dad and sis for the series?

Also: So happy to see Conrad from weeds as Dad's confidant!

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Originally Posted by MaestroMavius View Post
Did anyone catch the names? Are we going to be calling them mom and dad and sis for the series?
Dad: Jim
Mom: Stephanie
Daughter: Daphne
Son: JJ

- CaptainFoamerang

Silverspar on Kelly Hu: A face that could melt paint off the wall *shivers*
Someone play my AE arc! "The Heart of Statesman" ID: 343405



their last name is Powell I found out while trying to find out their names last night...

Notice that people like P names family names
