What made you choose your handle?
Ryxx wasn't my first handle. Originally I named myself after one of my childhood nicknames, and I kept that name for more than a few months. Moving from toon to toon and AT to AT trying to find something I could bring myself to play over level 12, eventually I came to tanks. None appealed to me more than stone/stone. Trying to choose a name, I started my word association with rocks, which is similar in concept to bricks. Put those together and mess around with different spellings and you have Ryxx. He was immediately tons of fun, and a good toon to learn the game with. He was my first 50, but I changed my global to match his name around i7 ish or whenever they gave us the free global change around then. I think they've given us two more since then, but I've never once considered changing it. Ryxx is on the shelf now, partly from the stone hammers nerf and force feedback glitch being taken away (that was very very very fun for me), but mostly because I enjoy playing support or blasting more these days. Also they move faster, and I'm kinda antsy in this game; I rarely only play one account at a time unless I'm in a TF, and even then I often contact-sit or pocket-kin depending on who I'm playing with.
TL;DR: Rocks+bricks=Ryxx
Dusty Trophies
it was the idea that spawned my first group of villians and my first hero. Kinda stuck sicne then.
It included Personified Evil SS/Inv brute i7 Realease
Axeman-WM/Inv Tank I6 deleted I6 with the creation of Elainia (Future reincarnation pending)
Elainia-AR/fire blaster I6
Veronica Blake- Dark/dark corruptor I6
Lord O'Flame Merc/dark MM I6
M O'Flame Nin/nin Stalker I7
Versailles Blake (first incarnation) Claw/inv scrap I6 deleted I7 reincarnated as thug/ff MM (when thugs powerset became avail.
SGA V1 Trina-MA/Regen scrap-I7
SGA V4 Sky- Katana blade/SR scrap I13 (She is the last to be made connected to the Evil_Legacy group but has been mentioned since the story of SGA V1 since I7)
Vince Blake while mentioned in the story of Veronica Blake in I6 is not considered part of the Evil_Legacy storyline since he was generally too busy running the Blake family crime buisness until Versailles splintered it in I13 after the E.Legacy story ended, bringing him onto the front lines as a SS/WP brute.
-Female Player-
I was originally Penny on the Forums, but changed it to what it is now.
This is become some who should remain nameless (*cough*Voo*cough*) complained that our globals and forum handles were different. Since I couldn't get Penny as a global, I added PA for the state I live in and could get both for forum and global.
Penny was from Pen, which was short for my main when I started Penolope (a Spanish version of Penelope in an article I saw on Penelope Cruz), and rhymes with a name I am familar with...
Anyhow, this has been used pretty much for CoH/V only. Before then, I was sorta out of the whole handle thing .
I was originally Penny on the Forums, but changed it to what it is now.
This is become some who should remain nameless (*cough*Voo*cough*) pointed out in their infinite wisdom that our globals and forum handles were different. |
Ya know, the more I hear about this Voo guy and his magical/mystical influence on others, the more creeped out I get

Not bad for a guy that is not a draw

Edit: WAIT A MINUTE! You mean Penny isn't your real name? That's not acceptable

I've already forgotten about most of you

Peterbilt was a hero brick under the pen and paper Champions game from when it first started. My group role played A LOT and the character eventually got tired and "retired" because of what happened to him during multiple games.
I started playing City with CoV and the concept of Peterbilt actually turned villanous appealed to me. He was my first character and since the global wasn't taken, I thought I would take them both.
Current favs: Champ: Frau Schmeterling-22 MM 50s: NOTW-Blaster, Cat-Girl Commando-corr, Queen of the Dawn-PB, NOTW-Def, Peterbilt-Brute, IcedTNA-Tank, Archilies-scrap, Mann Eater-stalk, Redemptive Soul-toller, Mt Fuji of A-Team-Tank, Hot Stuff Vale-Dom
My MiniCity
Many of my toons, my global, as well as my handle on the boards are characters I made in the PnP RPG Champions when I was a kid.
Puce Nonagon is the illegitimate offspring of Red Square and Orange Heptagon, a pair of two-dimensional entities that were once in love until Orange Heptagon fell in love with Hoberman's Sphere, a THREE-DIMENSIONAL object. Hoberman's Sphere and Red Square fought to the death, but because whenever entities fight the one with the most dimensions will always be victorious, Red Square died. But, before he died he was able to sire the most wondrous hero ever... Puce Nonagon!
Never argue with stupid people. They drag you down to their level and beat you with experience.
@vanda1 and @nakoa2
I wanted to be Shrike but that was taken. Originally was gonna make a fire blaster, so i stuck fire on the end. I ended up making a mercs ff instead, and just kept the name.
And Shrike because it sounds so cool! people have unbelievable trouble with it though. not only will they spell it shriek, they'll even pronounce it that way sometimes. I also occasionally get shrek.
A long time ago in a galaxy far far away (ok, back just before I3 and about an hours drive from where I am now) I was bored beyond belief and looked into some of those constructed language things that are out there. Being note QUITE up to coming up with my own I did a simple letter for letter (well, and 2 and 3 letter for 2 and 3 letter) cipher that works fairly well as a constructed language translator.
Given that history the first toon I made that stuck was a Dark/Dark Defender (no villains back then kids, no globals for that matter either). Basically I took some shadow type words and punched it into my little translator and got Vanummli which is what Penumbra translated into. Well, it was longer than I was looking for so I was gonna go for the name Vanu at first (taken) so I went with Vanum instead. And it's stuck. Only once considered changing my global but never got beyond the thought.
P.S. This is also why those who play with me often have trouble typing/pronouncing my toons' names. Only like 2 of the 20+ are actual english words.
P.P.S. Since I'm bored now, the names of the people who posted above me, translated.
- Vivace - Wemeke
- Ryxx - Lyxz
- Evil Legacy - Ibin Naqeky
- Penny PA - Vanrh VI
- Voodoo Company - Woukuo Dowminh
- Peterbilt - Vafinmarc
- Puce Nonagon - Vugi Ronecor
- Shrike fire - Whrafe geri
Victory PvP Boot Camp 2.0 - Rules Committee Member
I've always gone for some variation of Gandalf for my gaming stuff. I needed something way back when I played Myth, Myth II, Medal of Honor, and Quake III with a friend, so it worked for me.
I was Gandalf333 for awhile since I needed to add a number while on the Gamespy forums, and then I kept using it when I joined a Battlefield 1942 (and eventually 2) clan. When I joined CoH, I wanted to do an homage to Gandalf, and Grey Pilgrim seemed to fit the world better. My main has the same name, with a slight homage in his backstory to that character. I'll probably stick with Grey Pilgrim from now on.
Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc: Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory
-shines monocle and sips tea-
Oh ho! I'm a complex man with complex tastes. My alias in this delightful online world is my first name...but with a "Z". Clever scoundrel, am I not?
Wanted Jay when i was at CoH launch, but someone had pre-handle booked it. So at the time i was watching "The Last Samurai" and like the Samurai Lord guy. So i chose the name. Had a few variations. @Katsamoto and @Kats, the latter is funny as people assume i'm a chick :S
-shines monocle and sips tea-
Oh ho! I'm a complex man with complex tastes. My alias in this delightful online world is my first name...but with a "Z". Clever scoundrel, am I not? |
Anyway, when I made my first character, Burning Effigy, I realized an annoying 2 had been added to my global name. Since I met most of my friends list people as my second toon, a sonic defender named Bossa Nova, and that's how everyone in the game knows me I figured I may as well use that as my global, and then it made sense to use it here too.
I was originally "Orphu of Io" from the Dan Simmons series: Olympos. [Shrike is one of the main characters of his best series: Hyperion, which why your name confused me at first!].
I was told my global name was too long and hard to spell [i was shocked by this], and i was playing my main toon a lot: "HoLLoW LiFe". 3d happened to call me "olo" one day, and well, that's short and easy to spell so why not.
I started before globals. My first character was a scrapper named Ruby Sparrer who I put a TON of time into creating and costuming. However, I didn't really know how to select powers correctly for a scrapper at the time (this was my first game ever). So someone suggested I try a defender. So I spent about 2 min creating MP and I thought the look was fun, but that it would never last. Well... I loved her and she wound up becoming the only character I played for a long time. When globals came out, it was automatically that and I did accidentally change it once (to my 2nd character) because I did not realize I only got it to change it once (I had wanted my name to be correct on the global chat channel my sg had lol). So I changed it back to Madame Pistacio when we got a free one. I would like to change my globals to be @schatzie and @schatzie2 but people know me as MP or FMP or Madame so the name stays . Besides I guess it is cute to be FMP and MMP
Guardian of CHRYSALIS
Victory Limitless- /chanjoin "Victory Limitless"
P.E.R.C. First Chair- P.E.R.C. Site, Victory Over Hamidon
If you don't count The Sim Online, then this is my first online game. I chose the name Pimpstress Bambi because the name Pimpstress was taken, and I am happy that it was because who wants to be a nameless Pimpstress so I started thinking of names used by Bimbos, and the name Bambi is one I always associated with them. That's when I became Pimpstress Bambi, and I was Pimpstress Bambi for a couple years, and then some nameless B**** decided she didn't like me, and had me genericed. That is when I lost my P and my Thug/Bub MM is now Pimstress Bambi.
This was the name of the first character I ever stuck with past 10. Winter Lord baby and all that. Her name came from her backstory, where she was mockingly called "Red" by a Hellion threatening her with a "switchblade". By the end of the story she was holding the knife when someone asked "You okay Red?" and that's what went through her mind when she registered to be a hero.
The Story of a Petless MM with a dream
I have a 50 in every AT, but Scrappers and Dominators are my favorites.
I tried to make my Global be the same as my main, but unfortunately my Global wasn't allowed to be the same as my account login, so I went with my second character, an Earth/FF controller.
Unexplained Investigations Supergroup on VICTORY!
UI Cards
Snuph's Hero Helpers
My original handle was SailorEx back in the original beta, but in live I went with Toril.
Toril was the namesake of a gameworld I ran for nearly 10 years and then later it was the most recent super hero type character I had made in a game system called BESM. Thus Sailor Toril came about...
Older handles I have used. Xylic, which was the name of a major villian in our realms game, and also Zazzz Tam, a play on a major villian from realms canon. I used Zazzz Tam while playing a web-based strategy game called Archmage for years.
<sigh> Viv says its no longer "all me".
Wish I knew. Jack's become an online staple in one form or another since I started CoH yea all those years ago. Think I might have been reading Jack London and Thomas Wolfe at the time. One of my female alt's name means "Desert Flower" in Farsi, I've been using that name since SW:Galaxies, but I don't really know where the others come from.
Jack Wolfe Prototype Super Tank, over 25 million in damage taken in the service of others
My 360 hates me and writes about it
Jack's X-Box's Blog
I will love the light for it shows me the way, yet I will endure the darkness for it shows me the stars. ---Og Mandino---
Well, with the last name of Floyd, a nickname I have gotten many times from different people over the years has always been "Pink". (For those of you who dont get it, Pink Floyd...the band...). I used to fight the nickname, then became mostly indeferent to it, and finally just went with it.
At one of the jobs I used to have everyone in the office, including my boss, only referred to me as "Pink", and one of the people there always would write the word-of-the-day from dictionary.com on his white board. One day he came up to me very excited because the word meant pink. He showed me, and I thought the word Incarnadine sounded far more badass than Pink, so I started using it online. Since most people don't know what it means I usually do either "The Incarnadine" or simply "Incarnadine".
So yeah, the mysterious orgins of my username, finally revealed.
@Incarnadine - 50s on Victory:
Electric-Boogaloo (Electric/Psy Dominator) | Floating Flame (Fire/Psy Blaster) | Guldo Golem (Stone/Mace Tanker) | Hornak (Elec/Elec Brute) | Insatiable Greed (Demon/Dark Mastermind) | Solar Explorer (Plant/Thermal Controller) | TimeTraveler (Kin/Ice Defender) | Verranil (Emp/Archery Defender)
Guess where I live. Tada.
No really, that's it. I had struggles at one point somewhere in my life when trying to find a name I liked... and wound up finally picking 'houtex' for it, and... well, it's kinda amazing how often I can do that. So it was obvious to use it here.
Boring, I know.
And yes, it's a correctly spelled 'houtex' on purpose. Not 'Houtex' or 'HouTex'. Just 'houtex'. It's always been that way. No reason, just bein' weird as usual.
August 31, 2012. A Day that will Live in Infamy. Or Information. Possibly Influence. Well, Inf, anyway. Thank you, Paragon Studios, for what you did, and the enjoyment and camaraderie you brought.
This is houtex, aka Mike, signing off the forums. G'night all. - 10/26/2012
Well... perhaps I was premature about that whole 'signing off' thing... - 11-9-2012
CoX was my first MMO, and I've always been Minotaur in game and on the forums. The toon I use as my avatar, Mr Minotaur was my first 50 in early Jan 05.
I use different board names for unrelated stuff, I'm a high level bridge player and use something completely different on boards for that (a variation on a nickname).
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
FFXI was the first MMO I ever played, and the character I used in that was named Warkupo after the sound a chocobo and a moogle made. I thought it was really clever when I was thirteen.
It's been my online persona since. Nine times out of ten, if you see Warkupo somewhere else, it is me.
Simple question: what made you choose the name that you have? Is it a handle that you've used the majority of your internet life, or something that just randomly popped into your head while making a character?
Vivace (pronounced Vee-VAY-chay) is a musical term that directs players to play in a fast, lively tempo. It's also Italian for "lively". I joined CoH shortly after graduating high school, and that year in band we had played a piece called Variations on a Korean Folk Song and there's a section in there that is done in a vivace style, and it was my favorite, and BAM, I chose that name for myself.
How about you?