What made you choose your handle?

Adam Maqil



Basically my first toon was named Spider Dragon (blaster). Mainly because it comes my greatest fear and my animal (yes, Dragons are real and they are very cute!)

The odd thing about the spider part is that even though I will run like a girl if i ever see one(damn my parents for letting their 5 year old watch arachnophobia), I pretty much mimic one in my daily life. I always crawled around, climbed **** (broke **** too because of climbing) and as much as i hated spiders, they were really cool.

For the Dragon part, well duh Dragons are awesome.

Now my first toon only got to 32 about 5 1/2 years back, I f'ed a respec and hated him (and now he is my badge ho and favorite toon, go figure)and started my super alt craze. Around that time sg's were pretty big and i have to say i was involved in about 100 or so and each and everyone of them disbanded at some point. Thus my new toon was created, Diz. Banded. I was really fed up with not being able to stay in one sg for awhile so i figured why not make a toon with that name, lame i know. This guy was my second 50 but i played him so much that people started calling me Diz instead of spider.

When i joined LoV the name stuck and everyone called me Diz. I swear one day i will change my global to Diz but for now im just a lazy *** and will keep it with Spider.

...ok i thought my story would be short but i guess not...



well I my first Fifty came along Issue 7. She was of course Americas favorite spoiled girl with a rifle. At the time I had some questions for the Tech support Forum so I picked my Once and still Villainous Main. Still raising hell after I moved her from Freedom to here.

Being rich and power full means I don't have to say I'm sorry
Virtue:Too many at fifty



All the MMOs I have played previously were straight fantasy games...so my primary handle has always been the name of the main character of the book I never finished writing. I've carried her through a lot of games, but it didn't work in CoH, so I kept my global the same as my first character name. Her name is basically very descriptive Jade (she was military, so green was her thing) and claw cuz that's what she uses.

Even tho' we could change our global names once, I decided to keep Jade_Claw...even if I did not continue to play her, because she is the first character that introduced me to this awesome game. So, the name has quite a bit of significance in that way. And since I still play the gal after all this time, the decision seems to have been a sound one.



perilAXE to not get my Parallax clone nerfed. peril+variable=character name. ie., perilCILLIN, perilSITE, perilYZE. X is a variable. peril+X=perilX



Galadiman was the name of an old D&D character I had waaay back. (An Elven Paladin, his name translates literally into Tolkien elvish as "light good warrior" or somesuch.) I come up with my character names independently.

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally my handle was Vhaasen (the same as my Stalker). That's a name I created ages ago for my pilot in Tie Fighter for the PC (I still love that game, btw).

However, over time people seemed to enjoy the fact that I go cueball bald, and one day Elegost combined "Vhaasen" and "Baldy" and called me "Valdy".

I immediately changed my global since it seemed to fit so much better.

Leader Rank in NightShift SG and Shifted Night VG

"I'm too scatterbrained to come up with a snappy catchphrase."



I don't actually remember if I did it intentionally or if it was a typo (v next to b). I think it was a typo... but even I don't remember at this point.

I felt super-honored that he dropped his oldschool name for my variation almost instantly. Made me feel all special inside.
As far as where my name came from...

let's not go there.

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
FFXI was the first MMO I ever played, and the character I used in that was named Warkupo after the sound a chocobo and a moogle made. I thought it was really clever when I was thirteen. .
That's brilliant, I never even noticed.
Although, chocobos started going "kweh" after FFVIII I thought, (FFVII they "warked"). Do they still "wark" in XI?

Originally Posted by Iggy_Kamakaze View Post
I hate to be the bringer of bad news... but Willpower sucks!!! you're better off rolling a regen
^Professional Katana/regen build thread



Killiana was the name of my character in SWG my first real online game.
From there people found easier to just Say Killi. And it has a nice ring to it
So when Globals came I choose to take on the mandle of Killi and bring some chaos and suicidal charges to any team I join

Heroes: Storm/Psy, Claws/Inuvul, Emp/Elec, Mind/Rad, PB tripple changer, Ill/FF

Villains: Fire/Psy, MA/Ninja, Stone/Stone, Ninjas/Dark, Fortunata Widow, Sonic/Kinetic.

Full list here: http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/12325



Heraclea is my global and the name of the first character I created in game. She existed well before the game itself; I created her for my pinup art, as a sort of mashup between Wonder Woman and a sword and sandal hero. The name is simply a feminine version of Hercules; the name Heraclea was widespread as a town name in the classical world.

Oddly enough, of the characters that figured in Heraclea's cycle of stories --- Maveth, Dragomirja, and Omphale --- only Omphale has made it into the game yet.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



My main character's name is a result of my time with the Civil Air Patrol in real life.

I had been with Civil Air Patrol (CAP) since I was a young lad (cadet). I started in California at age 13 and throughout the years (decades) in California, Hawaii, New Hamshire, Connecticut and Rhode Island doing exciting and important roles in Emergency Services, Disaster Relief, Search and Rescue, Counternarcotics, Aerospace Training, and Cadet Programs, I dedicated much of my spare time and effort always trying to 'make a difference'.

I eventually made the rank of 'Major' in that organization, where everyone already knew me and my first name as "Deej". The adult portion of the organization (Senior Members, as they are called), used my first name so much that everyone who knew me gave me the title as "Major Deej". Even our Wing Commander got confuzzeled when she saw my 'real' last name on my uniform's nameplate and stated, "You're not (last name); you're Major Deej!". That name stuck with me even AFTER I retired from Civil Air Patrol.

When I picked up the City of Heroes game, I didn't even know what an MMO was. As I was making my first character, I drew a blank of what to name/create him as. I'd created and drew dozens of superheroes when I was a kid, still remembering some of their names after all these years, but none of them seemed right as my new 'first' character name. After what seemed like hours of contemplation, sitting there looking at the costume design screen, I went completely original, and made a character I'd never designed before, and called him 'Major Deej".

Much to my surprise, I actually run into players in this game now and then that ask, "You're not the same Major Deej from Civil Air Patrol, are you?", and discover some senior members and cadets I hadn't seen/talked to in many years.

I'm glad I choose that name simply due to the personal association of my being in an organization (CAP) which I consider the greatest experience of my life and now associating it with what I consider the greatest game I've ever played in my life!



Waaaaayyyyy back in July 2004 while attending that years Origins my son and I were able to play CoH at the set up they had there. I wanted to play a woman as I felt every one would be playing some variation of "Billy Bad ***". I wanted to go against the grain. We didn't have a lot of time and I played arround with a couple of names (I can't remember what) that were all ready taken. So I decided to go the ironic route. She was a scrapper and hit things (or so I thought) with her fists. So Fista. The "A" makes it feminin, don't ch'a know.

So when I got a free try out a few days later, I recreated her and viola! I'm Fista.

Something witty and profound



Originally Posted by Fista View Post
Waaaaayyyyy back in July 2004 while attending that years Origins my son and I were able to play CoH at the set up they had there. I wanted to play a woman as I felt every one would be playing some variation of "Billy Bad ***". I wanted to go against the grain. We didn't have a lot of time and I played arround with a couple of names (I can't remember what) that were all ready taken. So I decided to go the ironic route. She was a scrapper and hit things (or so I thought) with her fists. So Fista. The "A" makes it feminin, don't ch'a know.

So when I got a free try out a few days later, I recreated her and viola! I'm Fista.
So you named your forum/global name after a girl.

Currently listening to Oingo Boingo's Boingo Alive

Chief Hamster of the Fist of Justice / Shadows of Victory
Victory Server: Join Victory Forum for team forming and general game chat and IRC Chat: irc.hashmark.net #victory for offline chatting.
Rock, rock on Hamster.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
So you named your forum/global name after a girl.

Currently listening to Oingo Boingo's Boingo Alive
Sorta. If I remember correctly they picked your global for you and it was based on the 1st charicter your created? If that's not it I got no clue as to how it happend.

Something witty and profound



Originally wanted to go with Cobalt Thunder since the namesake is a blue brute with a lightining themed costume but it was taken. Then I tried for Kobalt Thunder like the tools but that was taken as well. Finally went with Kobolt Thunder and have stuck with it since and have gotten used to it. The breif time I played CO I had Cobalt Thunder but it just didn't feel the same. The K seems to be cooler than the C and bolt fits with the lightning theme. Over the years I've had one dork inform me I'd misspelled it.

It is better to ask forgiveness than permission.



Many years ago, my brother and I and some friends used to make comics. Ultimo was the flagship character, and my first character.



When I was younger I played Heroes Unliminted. One day I was making a character, and just rolling the dice and I came up with Alter Physical Structure: Stone, Enegry Expulsion Fire, and Wingless Flight. I was trying to come up with a name, like the fire aspect and may have just read a comic with Carnage in it. So I started mashing up different fire words, and got Charnage. I like the sound of it, and well, when City of Heroes came out, it wasn't my first name. My first character was Lanterness. but, it didn't sound tough enough for a forum name, with all the fun that we have here, so I changed it to what I have now...Grrr...Arrrgh...

210 50s and still counting!



And I thought that my reply was going to be original...

NIGHT RUNNER was based on one of my very first Champions characters. He was my first CoX character and is one my two 50s (the other being an Isolator). Sunspawn is based on my very first Champions character.

I had other conventions for naming characters in other computer games (Fladnag, anyone?), but Champions was what got me wanting superhero-based computer games for AGES; so that was my inspiration here.



For years my handle was Ellen Akres. When CoV was in Beta, the first character I rolled was a dom, and I discovered all of the zombie faces and chains and went with the name "Voodoo Girl," since I recall watching something recently about Voodoo and it was in my head.

I liked the character so much that when CoV went live I recreated that toon with that name. It wasn't for another two years before I formally adopted @VoodooGirl and started communicating via the global channels and forums, really.



When I got my first gaming rig back in '96, we had weekly LAN parties at a local gaming club. During one of our many Quake sessions, I found a secret location on one of the maps that allowed me to sneak up behind folks and blow them away. One of my friends said "Who are you MC Escher? You keep appearing behind me out of nowhere!" Being a huge fan of Escher's work, the name struck a chord with me and has been my online handle ever since.

When I was working for Battlebots as their "pre-TV" announcer, I was known as "Emcee Escher".


(as for the "26" that often appears after my name, that was the number I wore when I played club Hockey in College.)

"I swear you could fling a man hole cover across the street and hit more notes than 90% of those idiots on American Idol" -Desmodos
"Every time you post I feel like I been hit with a fist full of smart! Thanks." - Volken re: Sucker Punch
Arc #36984 V'kta A'cha Vox'm




When I first played the game, the first thing I wanted to do was make a character that would bring attention to herself. I didn't know crap about MMO's, so at the time my only hope for making it somewhere at the time was by giving myself a character with a cool costume and a cool name.

Needless to say, one of the first things that frustrated me about the game was the extreme lack of cool names available. Most of the cool names were taken. But while looking at Webster's thesaurus for names that related to magic and witches, I tried my luck with the name "Enchantress." Somehow on Earth I got the name.

All the way up to level 50, I didn't tell anyone but one person that I was actually a guy. I'm a guy all day, and it's a bit overrated, so it was fun for me to play a "female." It's the unofficial "LGBT" server so I don't think many cared either way about my true gender.

However, eventually I got to know more and more people personally, and people heard my deep voice and thick southern accent on Teamspeak. It became hard for people to call me Enchantress at this point. One player, Tekada, started to call me "Chant." Obviously its short for Enchantress, but I think it has a more masculine ring to it too. Soon the name spread like a virus. I changed my global from Enchantress to Chant, and the rest was history.



My Global name is simply my first Character. A lv 30-ish Stalker still prowling around the shadowy back alleys of Triumph. The only reason that its still my global name is lazyness.

My forum name however has a dual meaning. Other than being a reference to a bit of Pop/Rock history (the music not the candy) it was the name of a character from Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.

This was many years back when Tabletop games were the only RPG's. JW was a Halfling and a member of the famous Bullfrog family. His preferred weapon was a spear and his preferred fighting style was what we all now know as "Scrapperlock." Several times he would position himself on high places simply so he could drop on opponents below. Oddly, he rarely died doing this. Since he seemed to be something of a gaming good luck charm, he's stayed with me in one form or another since then.

Writer of In-Game fiction: Just Completed: My Summer Vacation. My older things are now being archived at Fanfiction.net http://www.fanfiction.net/~jwbullfrog until I come up with a better solution.



Originally Posted by Satanic_Hamster View Post
So you named your forum/global name after a girl.

Currently listening to Oingo Boingo's Boingo Alive
I'm not sure why that's an insult...

SadysCHICK ALL the Badges! (I can get. 1396)
Full image by David Nakayama
Arc ID 1435: Performing without Annette
Arc ID 7206: Sadystic Tendencies
Arc ID 3864: The Chronicles of (In)FERNIA!




Pretty easy, and some people have heard this.

When I was a Freshman in High School circa 35 b.c. One of my sister's friends had the same first and middle name as me. (during this time was a very rare combo) Well he had the been given the Nickname Scooter as a kid, (just before dirt was made). Well not only were we similar in name but also personality, and People called me Scooter the Second, i.e. Winston Frederick Cummington the third, or Scooter II...I think you get the gist.