How many people believe this?




Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
Was the thread deleted?
I guess the thread was deleted, although I am not sure why. I felt kind of bad about derailing the discussion there, which is why I posted this in The Market forum rather than just adding to the thread.

[SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow][U]Virtue Heroes (Serenity's Children):[/U] [B]@Eek a Mouse, The Devil's Mark, Outlaw Sniper, Gas-Soaked Rag Man, Amazon Prime, Friday's Child, Hot Blooded,[/B][B]Flower of the Moon[/B], [B]Rouge Demon Hunter[/B], Stimulated Emission, Animatronic Wench, [B]Lennie Small[/B]
[U]Virtue Villains (Serenity's Orphans):[/U][/COLOR][/SIZE][SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [/COLOR][/SIZE] [SIZE=1][COLOR=Yellow] [B]Eek a Rat[/B], [B]Bomb Blondeshell[/B], Babe Brute, Jeanne Dark, Fallen Angle[/COLOR][/SIZE]



Originally Posted by peterpeter View Post
Was the thread deleted?
Yes it was. The person who suggested the 100k price cap was banned. Threads in which he was a major participant in the General forum, here in the Market forum, and in the Virtue forum were deleted. He was a major instigator of drama and it culminated in a death threat. I knew I could engender a strong reaction out of people, but I've never been a target of a death threat before. It was quite the dramatic weekend.



Originally Posted by Eek a Mouse View Post
So I was wondering, how many people do you think actually believe that this is a viable method for the market to work?
I've often pondered the viability of it, but for such market regulation to even have a chance all other avenues of trading would have to be cut off. I think there's the teeniest possibility that such removal would be upsetting to some few players.

Other things I've pondered:

Getting rid of specific salvage needs for recipes. Instead recipes would call for so many units of common, uncommon or rare magic/tech salvage.

Removing level from non-purple IO sets. Instead, such enhancements would give bonuses based on character level.

Becoming a bonafide deity, starting a religion/cult, and brainwashing Nethergoat and/or Fury Flechette into tithing me Influence.

But I labour under no illusion that these pipe dreams are the magic bullet that would "fix the market" and open up IO sets as a feasible option for a casual player such as me.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



People in general don't understand probability or economics. They probably can't name Newton's three Laws of Motion either.

An indirect way of capping the value of random drops is to provide a mechanism to allow players to buy a random roll either directly or by buying merits or AE tickets with inf. If the exchange rate is set correctly, not to high so nobody bothers or to low so the supply side of the market gets flooded, market prices should come down due to additional supply or reduced demand as well as setting a soft price cap. On top of that it destroys more inf than the market cut thus slowing inflation.

There is a reason that Eve has a paid economist on the staff.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
People in general don't understand probability or economics. They probably can't name Newton's three Laws of Motion either.

An indirect way of capping the value of random drops is to provide a mechanism to allow players to buy a random roll either directly or by buying merits or AE tickets with inf. If the exchange rate is set correctly, not to high so nobody bothers or to low so the supply side of the market gets flooded, market prices should come down due to additional supply or reduced demand as well as setting a soft price cap. On top of that it destroys more inf than the market cut.

There is a reason that Eve has a paid economist on the staff.
Add to this a sense of entitlement prominent with today's society. This sense of entitlement continues to baffle me.



Originally Posted by Ignatz View Post
Add to this a sense of entitlement prominent with today's society. This sense of entitlement continues to baffle me.
I know, right? It's crazy how people expect their entertainment to be enjoyable without tedious toil. People should learn from Sisyphus - there's a guy who knows how to have fun.

Goodbye may seem forever
Farewell is like the end
But in my heart's the memory
And there you'll always be
-- The Fox and the Hound



Originally Posted by Ignatz View Post
Add to this a sense of entitlement prominent with today's society. This sense of entitlement continues to baffle me.
Well the entitlement comes from the "I've played this game for X hundred hours, why can't I max my character out?". Not sure if this is due to console games being only 5-10 hours of gameplay nowadays or that it is actually easier to pimp a character out in other games.

It also might have to do with the idea of a monthly subscription and wanting to max out their character before needing to reup for the next month.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Father Xmas View Post
Well the entitlement comes from the "I've played this game for X hundred hours, why can't I max my character out?". Not sure if this is due to console games being only 5-10 hours of gameplay nowadays or that it is actually easier to pimp a character out in other games.

It also might have to do with the idea of a monthly subscription and wanting to max out their character before needing to reup for the next month.
X hundred hours? You mean where X is a number greater than 1?

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
X hundred hours? You mean where X is a number greater than 1?
I would say it might be even lower than that.

People want to play in god mode.

People get fidgity after 2-3 minutes at the fast food drive thru.

People get antsy waiting for microwave popcorn.

We have way too many Verucas in the world or at least in the North American and Western Europe world.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
Zactly. I'm thinking people are getting cranky after fifty hours of play and a brand new level 50 ...
Maybe NCSoft should add these questions to the cancelling query if they mention the words "purple" and "too long" in the freetext box.

How long did it take you to get to 50 with your most recent character?
a) a day
b) a week
c) a month
d) longer than a month
e) I don't have a 50 (skip next question)

How long have you played that 50 since getting to that level?
a) I haven't.
b) Less than 8 hours
c) more than 8 hours but less than 20
d) more than 20 hours but less than 100
e) more than 100 hours

If someone picks a-c on the first one and a-d on the second this popup:

"Congratulations! Your account has received the Veruca Salt badge."

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Eek a Mouse View Post
I was reading a thread in the General Discussions forum called What would your pet project be if you were a Dev? In this thread someone suggested setting a cap on the prices of everything in the market. The suggested cap in this post was 100k inf.

I posted to ask if he meant 100 million, and he responded that his suggestion of 100,000 was correct. I briefly explained why this was not workable and he basically said "I don't care". I was prepared to write him off as an anomaly when another person posted pretty much the same thing: add a cap to the market to stop the "greed".

So I was wondering, how many people do you think actually believe that this is a viable method for the market to work?
I'm all for this if it makes players happy. I already do most of my market transactions off market.



You know, compared to say WOW I don't understand *what* people are complaining about.

1.) In WOW, in order to "max out" a character, there are certain items that can only be aquired via drops. You cannot buy them from vendors, create them yourself, or trade with other players for them.

2.) Additionally, those items are only available in certain group encounters. You would have to run specific content in order to aquire them.

3.) Some of that content essentially requires not only that your character meet a certain level of quality in terms of pre-existing items, but that the average item level of your group be at par.

The upshot is that if you are a "casual player" who plays the game for a few hours a week, you'll likely *never* be able to max out your character. Its basically impossible.

Compared to COX, everything that drops is available for purchase. With time and effort, you can earn enough influence to purple out your hero without teaming. You participate in every encounter in the game with just SOs. By earning merits or AE tickets, you can aquire every non-purple or pvp recipe in the game.

Preaching to the choir, but the "inflated prices" are an opportunity as well as a drawback to "poor" characters getting enough influence in order to get the IOs they want. It is only an obstacle to people who refuse to sell as well as to buy, people who treat Wentworth's like a store rather than an auction house.

To be fair, there is a rather steep learning curve to being able to maximize the potential of the market. Know what recipes are valuable, knowing how to lowball bids, having the recipe space, storage space in your base, and knowing the most efficient ways to generate recipes, salvage, influence, etc is not very straightforward. It can be tedious and cumbersome. Many players aren't willing to devote much energy to the market mini-game. And in fact, that reality is part of the reason why folks who *do* spend a bit of time learning how the market and inventions work have such an easy time getting rich.

That said, its hard for me to understand the attitudes of folks who simply aren't willing to figure out how the market and inventions work yet are willing to condemn it. Sure, you might not *want* to put in a bit of time to learn the basics about how to earn merits, tickets, sell good stuff, and buy what you want . . . but how does that equate to the system being broken? There's a difference in something being *impossible* for you to accomplish and you being *unwilling* to put in a bit of effort to accomplish something.

Just my $0.02.



Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I know, right? It's crazy how people expect their entertainment to be enjoyable without tedious toil. People should learn from Sisyphus - there's a guy who knows how to have fun.
I have not maxed out anything in CoH, and I am able to enjoy my entertainment.

I don't think maxing out a character is necessary to have fun. I think somewhat gradual progression can be pretty fun.



what do i believe...well lets say i cant believe people arent laughing at the idea of making everything proves tht person/people dont really care about their toons and dont want to work to make their toons awesome.

i argee of putting a cap tho (what price- i dont know tbh) maybe the 2bill is fine as it is. but a cap is needed to stop people posting parthetic prices.



I don't think a cap is needed. Who cares whether people post "pathetic" prices? If they ever get sales, more money is taken out of the market because the total price was higher.



I'd vendor or delete my purples before I'd put them up for 100k

Mind you, I can make 100k in 20 seconds of farming

So unless they changed all this, and you only got like... ten influence for a level 50 boss kill... yeah



Originally Posted by Dr_HR View Post
what do i believe...well lets say i cant believe people arent laughing at the idea of making everything proves tht person/people dont really care about their toons and dont want to work to make their toons awesome.

i argee of putting a cap tho (what price- i dont know tbh) maybe the 2bill is fine as it is. but a cap is needed to stop people posting parthetic prices.
The PvP recipes going for more than the 2B cap should show how pointless any cap would be but let's walk through a cap scenario.

2B cap - current status: Only a few PVP recipes meet or exceed this and are sold off market or have incredibly long waits in the market.

Let's lower it to 1B cap. All those previous PVP recipes will remain status quo with slightly longer lines of people waiting to get them at that price. Then they are taken off market and sold for their current prices any way.

Let's lower it to 500M cap. See PvP recipes above then add in those that go for 500M-1B currently getting lines and sold off market for their current prices any way.

As you continue to lower the cap to catch more recipes/enhancements you simply drive their sales off market and create longer lines in market.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post

I would bet that if you asked most people who believe in extremely low caps if they would care if the markets were replaced with stores that just bought and sold everything at fixed prices, most wouldn't object. Most would probably consider it an improvement.

Have you noticed when you go into the supermarket you aren't expected to guess the price of lettuce or cheese ? The checkout clerk doesn't play kreskin with your bill ?

Seeing as its overwhelmingly popular in real life, it really shouldn't surprise that it would be popular in a game that is nominally about superheroes not commodity trading.

Originally Posted by Tenzhi View Post
I know, right? It's crazy how people expect their entertainment to be enjoyable without tedious toil. People should learn from Sisyphus - there's a guy who knows how to have fun.
LOL that will go like water off a duck. If the concept were comprehensible to the people on this forum they would ignore you for saying it lest their brains have Goedelian meltdowns.



I hope you all know that the 2B cap is a programming artifact, a signed 32-bit variable has a +/- 2B range. Changing that would be problematic to the market and player databases unless each entry contains plenty of spare bytes, otherwise a database conversion would be required and there's a lot of potential downside when you do that not to mention the time required.

Market transactions simply move inf between players with only a small portion leaving the game. If Stratos isn't boasting, then the market's cut for a 1M sale being earned back in 20 seconds isn't going to offset the massive growth in the inf supply one bit.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



At those rates,the market's cut for a 1B sale is earned back in 20,000 seconds. Or approximately 5 and a half hours. And a 1 B flip (say 800M going in, 1 billion going out) takes around 10 hours for someone to farm up.

Or were you talking about the 100K price cap, where it would take eighteen thousand such transactions ?

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Have you noticed when you go into the supermarket you aren't expected to guess the price of lettuce or cheese ? The checkout clerk doesn't play kreskin with your bill ?

Seeing as its overwhelmingly popular in real life, it really shouldn't surprise that it would be popular in a game that is nominally about superheroes not commodity trading.
The market is a necessity when they added the crafting system with the assumption that there are players who enjoy crafting and would like to sell those items to other players.

This means recipes and salvage are no different than wolf pelts or iron ore in fantasy MMOs. Sure you can buy basic gear from NPC shops but you can buy better gear through the player driven market from those who craft.

You want standard SOs, go to an origin store. Common IOs, fine, recipes available at every crafting terminal and common salvage is plentiful if you know whose head needs busting. More expensive than SOs but last forever. But if you want something fancy, something not run of the mill, then guess what, you got to go to the market or bash heads and get lucky.

The one thing this game doesn't have a lot of, except for (S)HOs, are missions against big bads that are 100% chance that a particular awesome item is dropped. Yes in those other games that's the one way to guarantee you are going to be able to max out your equipment even beyond what players could craft. But here, (S)HOs are questionably better than IOs.

So to summarize, fancy equipment is only available through the crafting system which the market is an integral part of. So either get filthy wealthy by bashing heads at 50 or learn how to use the market and get paid by players already filthy wealthy because the really good stuff is never going to be available at a fixed price in an NPC store.

Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components

Tempus unum hominem manet



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
LOL that will go like water off a duck. If the concept were comprehensible to the people on this forum they would ignore you for saying it lest their brains have Goedelian meltdowns.
Of course it would never occur to some folks that there are other folks who don't find any of this tedious or toiling. No, surely that couldn't be it. And of course it's fair to be indignant against something that one both perceives as a toiling tedium and as highly rewarding in terms of character progression. Surely it makes no sense that MMO developers might actually intend for something to take time to achieve, and that any game's set point for time/attention required to achieve time-consuming goals will be subjectively perceived on a player-by-player basis.

What were we all thinking?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I don't think most people who propose such things actually think it would make the markets "work." I think most people who propose such things don't care if the markets work, they believe the primary purpose to the markets is to supply players with what they want at prices that make it easy for them to get it, without regard to the desires of sellers. And they almost certainly believe that if players won't sell at those prices, they should just cut out the middle man and convert the market into a store that doesn't rely on sellers. Because a corollary to this assertion is that there should always be enough supply for everyone to have whatever they want if they decide to acquire it.

I would bet that if you asked most people who believe in extremely low caps if they would care if the markets were replaced with stores that just bought and sold everything at fixed prices, most wouldn't object. Most would probably consider it an improvement.
This. While I understand that some people may enjoy the market mini-game. I personally could care less. I use the market. I could give a damn about economics or personal in-game wealth. I just want to obtain IOs in the most efficient way possible. If there was an in-game store I'd throw a little party in my room. 2 reasons.

1. Supply - My latest project was making a mind dominator that had soft-capped range defense and perma-dom exempted as far back as level 30. Finding all the necessary level 33 IOs has taken months. Not because I didn't have the inf, because they simply don't exist. Mid/low level IOs will go several months without seeing any listed.
2. Price Caps - While most people are against this, I don't like wasting my playing time at the market. I also don't like farming quick AE maps for tickets, and SFs for merits. If everything was available for say no more then 100M i'd be happy as a pig in ****. Then I'd know exactly how long it would take me to outfit a toon, and I wouldn't be a slave to market trends or supply. It wouldn't be an overnight equip, but it wouldn't take forever either.



Originally Posted by LuxunS View Post
1. Supply - My latest project was making a mind dominator that had soft-capped range defense and perma-dom exempted as far back as level 30. Finding all the necessary level 33 IOs has taken months. Not because I didn't have the inf, because they simply don't exist. Mid/low level IOs will go several months without seeing any listed.
This is a serious problem for everyone unfortunately. Some market forum regulars have started running lower level characters with XP turned off to generate a bit of supply but it's a drop in a bucket. If you want more supply my advice is to ask the devs to allow merit/ticket rolls to be set to a particular level (in the same manner as direct buys). This would allow people to earn merits/tickets with their level 50s and then use them to generate level 33ish recipes. I have no clue if enough people would do it to bring up the supply but it would at least be a step in the right direction.