I was promised Fish Heads!




Let me be the first to complain that the Mutant Booster Pack doesn't have a wide array of animal-like heads like some other game.

The two new sets are nice (thanks, Sexy J!), the emotes are cool, but I was hoping for Fish Heads, Frog Heads, Shark Heads, Alligator Heads, Jackal Heads, etc.

Are they in there and I'm just not seeing them?

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"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



They are not in there. *crosses fingers they are in GR* It was strongly hinted at that some of the mutant-y pieces we have wanted forever were coming... but I have to say that I (and many others) assumed that this would be the place.

Regardless, the stuff that is in the pack DOES look fantastic!



Eat them up
yum yum

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Let me be the first to complain
Too late.

Also, it may just be possible that given the level of demand for monstrous items, it was decided not to put them in a $10 expansion pack and instead include them in a later free release. While nobody ever promised fish heads in the mutant pack, David Nakayama did state that bushy animal tails at least are in production right now.

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I, for one, am incredibly happy the devs didn't turn the Mutant booster into an Animal booster, and instead chose to go with the sort of weird, well, mutated look that I love.



lets clarify one thing, because this was specifically asked at the beginning of dave's art thread, we were not promised, nor given a timeframe for anything. making it sound like dev communication can later turn on the devs is a good way to limit dev communication. i want fish heads, and tails, and fins, but after communicating my ideas to david and even getting a response, about the fins, i realized that my suggestion was part of a large number of suggestion that they deal with with limited resources, so nobody promised me anything, and i daresay this is a healthier attitude to have for the long haul.



Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
I, for one, am incredibly happy the devs didn't turn the Mutant booster into an Animal booster, and instead chose to go with the sort of weird, well, mutated look that I love.
I'd like to second this sentiment and add that I'm not surprised that there are people that are once again upset that something the devs have released didn't live up to their overactive imaginations.



So when someone said they wanted big ole claw swiping hands and a red name said "wait till mutant booster" or whatever...did he mean AFTER mutant booster?



Another vote for not wanting to live in a menagerie.

That said, I feel your pain since I remember my disappointment when the "Natural" booster turned out to just be "City of Ninjas".



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I'd like to second this sentiment and add that I'm not surprised that there are people that are once again upset that something the devs have released didn't live up to their overactive imaginations.
As much as I'd like a Furry booster pack, David N. did make a good point in the feedback thread on this subject:

Y'know how every 'answer' on LOST always led to 10 more questions? Adding new stuff's exactly like that.
I have to admit, I am quite happy with the way the mutant booster pack went.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I'd like to second this sentiment and add that I'm not surprised that there are people that are once again upset that something the devs have released didn't live up to their overactive imaginations.
I am afraid i have to tamp that comment down a bit. both posi and david had made comments in regards to the dev pack as something that would remedy the drought of beast themed costume pieces, so the expectation were not entirely misplaced, though it was likely amplified well beyond reasonable expectation relative to the other boosters.. we were told to expect something, and to be fair, what was given was not a new beast head, no new beast legs, and initially no new tail even. so while there were no promises, there was perhaps an expectation for a fairly specific type of costume piece that simply did not materialize. this was worse because the text said there would be new heads and tails, we got new faces and head details, and the tails were , until david commented, in limbo. i can sympathize with those who are disappointed, i currently am not, but given the statements leading up to the booster, i do not see their disappointment as being entirely groundless.

That said, david gets big points for getting his boots on the ground today and being straight with us about the tails, and the possibility of future thematic elements, that part was handled well and i think satisfied some of the initially upset. and for some, you just aint going to please them.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
I'd like to second this sentiment and add that I'm not surprised that there are people that are once again upset that something the devs have released didn't live up to their overactive imaginations.
The Mutant Booster is out? Why don't I see it in the NCSoft store? And if it's not out, how does everyone know what's in it? Sorry for the n00b questions from a 5 year vet...

Edit: Sorry, I just now noticed the posts in Dev Digest. Durrrrr....



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post

Are they in there and I'm just not seeing them?
Be thankful.
The EU peeps who aren't in GR Beta cant see them at all, due to how our Test server is set up

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Amerikatt View Post
I don't know how it is with Furless Ones, but boy kitties will promise a girl kitty just about anything to get her to go dumpster diving with him.
I thought the Kitten Kollective and the Feline Foundation had outlawed Dumpster diving after the Puppeh Poisoning Plot?



Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
I, for one, am incredibly happy the devs didn't turn the Mutant booster into an Animal booster, and instead chose to go with the sort of weird, well, mutated look that I love.
I also like the items available in the Mutant pack. That said, "I'm happy that you didn't get what you want" is a profoundly ungenerous sentiment.

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Originally Posted by LISAR View Post
So when someone said they wanted big ole claw swiping hands and a red name said "wait till mutant booster" or whatever...did he mean AFTER mutant booster?

Hmm, I remembered this red name reply. Are you misremembering the comment replied to or was there another instance of this?

Originally Posted by David Nakayama View Post

Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan
This may have been mentioned upthread or elsewhere, but what the heck.

I would like more bulky organic options.
- A large organic glove, with chitin or bone plating, or bulging with muscle and sinew.
- Layered chitin or horn plate shoulder armor.
Wait 'til you see what's in the Mutant Pack...

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



This is the worst Booster Pack since the Wedding one.



Originally Posted by je_saist View Post
I thought the Kitten Kollective and the Feline Foundation had outlawed Dumpster diving after the Puppeh Poisoning Plot?
You're absolutely right. However, boy kitties think that a girl kitty is a dim bulb just because she's sweet and unassuming.

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Originally Posted by Dawk_Boy View Post
This is the worst Booster Pack since the Wedding one.
Then don't buy it.



Originally Posted by Street_Wolf View Post
I, for one, am incredibly happy the devs didn't turn the Mutant booster into an Animal booster, and instead chose to go with the sort of weird, well, mutated look that I love.
"I'm glad you didn't get what I wanted because I got what I wanted, instead!" will not win you any friends in the bread line.

That said, my main beef with the Mutant pack is what it doesn't have, but would have made sense to have - namely, monster feet and monster heads. They don't have to be modelled after existing animals, but why make a booster pack about transforming yourself into an angler fish and NOT include the more weird monster parts? Are we EVER going to get new Monster feet and Monster heads?

Additionally, I was perplexed at the things it didn't include, like a new set of Organic Armour for the Robotic Arms torsos, giving us the ability to have a red right hand. Or a belt. Or a chest piece. Or a hairstyle.

And again, this is the what booster pack in a row that's replete with sharp, angular shapes and distinct, clean, almost mechanical lines? The art is starting to repeat itself quite a bit, and sooner or later we're going to need some more organic (ha-ha snicker), more rounded shapes that feel fluid and smooth, rather than the cubist hard edges we've been getting for the past few years.

Don't get me wrong - I LOVE the pack. But it feels like a missed opportunity. While I have nothing against the "Prototype meets Witchblade" look of the pack, we already kind of had that. That's the big thing - it's just more of what we already had, rather than breaking new ground. Now, I'm not sure I WANT new ground to be broken in paid-for packs, so we'll have to wait and see how things develop in future Issues, but something tells me we'll just get more of the same yet again, with monster heads, monster feet, monster arms and monster hands being neglected YET AGAIN.

In fact, I'm willing to bet on it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.