Why so much hate about the Mo Badges?




I really don't understand why so many people seem to dislike the Master Of X badges? I find them challenging tasks that require concentration, communication and teamwork. But its not that they are super hard to do. Yes, your just gonna be unlucky from time to time but thats no reason to hate the badge (or the people that have it).

So tell me, what do you Like or Dislike about the Master of X badges?

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I havent heard much either way on either side. I would actually say they are liked/disliked almost equally. As far as they go, they are just a pain, but for the Badger; they must be gotten, and the pool of teammates to draw from is small no matter what the population of the game or Server.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
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Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



I'm kinda on the fence about this one.

I like them because they are another challenge. I wouldn't mind if there was a "Mo" for every TF, though I admit it would be a pain in the neck to go back through them all to get the extra badge... so one or two added from time to time is probably better than all at once.

That having been said, I will offer the opposing viewpoint as well. Though the group of people I usually run with just likes to have fun together and we don't really take any failed attempts personally, it's not a typical scenario.

It seems that on the larger scale and many PuG attempts can end with hatred of the person who dies first, even if it's not even that person's fault. That person is sometimes harassed and kept out of any future attempts, especially if it happens more than once. People get uptight and freak out about little details that don't matter and/or things nobody has any control over.

Some people try to form teams with specific ATs and builds. They want you to be "IO'd out" or have other very specific qualities they are looking for.

That can make it very hard and stressful for some people to have fun playing through a Mo attempt, and people with non-optimal toons are sometimes left out completely.

Maye if the badge was awarded on an individual basis instead of being reliant on the rest of the team surviving as well, then somebody else dying would be their own fault, and they would be the only one losing out on the badge. Then again, that policy could be exploited for perma "venge-bait" and defeats the purpose of being awarded for working as a team to survive together.

In the end, I'm not wishing for more to be added, but if they arise... I'll happily step up to the challenge, and anybody is welcome to join me regardless of build or experience. With enough practice, any toon can get the badge eventually.



Havent seen any hate towards people with the Mo badge.

Seen people leave a TF becauses it a Mo, and people dread being the squishy on one. And often too much angst about it all imo.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
All issues with the Mo badges, be it have or have not, stem from taking them too seriously.
I totally agree on this point..its just a game afterall



I haven't heard anything about HATRED but I do agree with Master-Blade's assessment of the negative feelings about them. I was on one Master of STF run and we had a guy, can't even recall what AT he was, that had never done a STF before much less a Master. So first mission he gets a little lost and Poof there goes the challenge. SOoooooo the leader orders everyone out and we all quit the TF, reassemble and start all over. Amazingly the same guy managed to die in mission one again. So back out we go and start it all over again.

Well third try we make it through mission one okay. We did fine until we hit the Thorn Tree mission and 2 team mates, no the guy that died twice was not one of them, die and curses come over across my chat window from out illustrious leader. Now absolutely NO ONE wants to start over again at this point so it's decided we will push on and complete the TF for "THE PRACTICE" By the time we got to the last mission it was 1AM and a number of us had to go to work so we logged off for the night. The next day I logged on and discover from the friend that had gotten me involved in that mess that the TF has disbanded completely. Throughout the ordeal the leader was insulting, pushy and generally made everyone feel uncomfortable.

That was my first, last and only Master of... EVER! Several times the same friend has tried to get me back on MoSTFs and I have decilned. I don't log on to COH to be stressed out, insulted, bullyed or belittled and I have no desire to ever try another one again. I'm not saying that every leader of every Master of attempt is that way but that one experience was so nasty it soured me to the whole idea and I could care less if I never have one of those badges.

I'm also sure the "we need the perfectteam to succeed" type leaders have managed to turn of any number of players by refusing to allow players to join simply because they don't fit the "PLAN" for the team. I imagine other players have gotten tired and upset standing aroud doing nothing for 20 minutes or more while the leader search for that RAD/RAD or whatever "We have to have for this to work!" The fact is most people play games to have fun and relax and quite a few here on COH/V are mature adults that have real world commitment and can't stay on line till 2 or 3AM trying to complete a TF (Master run or not). The leaders that turn a TF into a chore are probably the ones that have caused some players to avoid or even hate those type and refuse to do them.

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�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I've been excluded from joining countless "Master of" runs just on the basis that my badger is a Peacebringer, despite the fact that I typically never die when I'm not even playing seriously.

I have over 750 badges and the only "Master of" badge that I have is the ITF one because I am either outright excluded or when I am allowed in a run, somebody gets careless and dies.

(Which by the way it has never been me who died. I'm bringing this up to say that there was really nothing I could personally do to prevent those people from dying, not that I'm self-righteous or something.

Even reminding people to be careful and suggesting grouping locations to fight ambushes will get me called bossy.)



Love the badges, hate what they do to people.

- Not fond of folks being excluded by AT.
- Not fond of getting on a team and seeing someone go off on another teammate for dying.
- Sometimes fustrated when the tf itself is bugged for weeks. We can work around it but showstoppers are just disheartning.

And for the record, my daddy didn't raise no crybaby. I have every Master badge on both my corrupter and scrapper, a few additional Masters on alts I rarely play, and most of my friends have most of those badges... I'm just that sympathetic sort that feels bad when other people are rejected or mocked.

(( Yay, went in tonight with friends and folks from my sg channel.. Master of Lady Grey. We didn't stress terribly over who brought what, just that they bring their badgers. It was a lot of fun. I'll make a few notes in the LG thread. GL to you all <3. ))



Many of the MoSTF runs I've been on, we all agree at the start we're gonna finish no matter what, even if someone dies. I like tf runs for the inf/drops, getting a Master badge is just a bonus if we can do it.

One of my MoSTF runs even ended up unintended, the leader advertised as a normal STF and just set the conditions 'just in case, but don't feel any pressure about it, just have fun.'

While I tend to laugh at people who want badges then get upset when they put a new badge in the game (Master badges, skiing badges), I can kinda see why people are upset about it. Like mentioned above, it's only a source of grief if you let it be one to yourself.

I'm of the opinion if you play long enough, you'll get the badges. While I don't play as much any more, I still enjoy a good TF when I have time. I don't stress out about must have the badge now, I simply know sometime in the next year or two, if I run the TF long enough, I'll get on a team (or make my own) that does the master option and has the skill/luck to get it.

And if I don't, as long as the team is fun (which is usually is), who cares?

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



Too many people stress out when someone dies.

Too many people decide to give the person that dies nothing but harassment, especially if it wasn't their fault. Mission 2 of the ITF: ambushes that spawn when a cyst is destroyed can spawn down the tunnel and run to the party or they can spawn on top of the party or some of its members. So let's say an ambush spawns on top of someone and they can't get away from it and get killed, and then certain party members start gettting snarky either in Team chat or on their special TF channel. The person defends themselves from the snarkiness only to be booted from the aforementioned channel and future runs. Nice gestapo mentality.

Or someone would rather spend time loking for faults in others and accuse others of doing nothing when they may be victims of lag spikes or PC problems, so they get all uppity and harass the person. Not people I'd want to team with.

Some people would like to dissect other people's characters and then demand that other people will rebuild their toons to the star holders EXACTING specifications IMMEDIATELY or they will be banned from all future runs. Try again, precious. If any no talent, unskilled, arrogant primadonna thinks I or anyone else should burn a respec to satisfy their pathetic ego, they are sorely deluded.

Someone lags out, comes back dead.

Someone gets a case of terminal stupidity and does Leeeeeeeeroy Jenkins and charges with their squishy into a mob and gets killed. Or alternatively they decide they need to go afk and park their blaster where the Archnos Flyer is sure to see it and thus get blasted.

Sometimes an enemy delivers a lucky shot that does two damage types and manages to get past the "no one shot kill code". An unfortunate bit of luck there that can't be helped.

Or: "Oh you're on a Kheld you will never run with us, Khelds stink blah blah blah". Looks at my 6 khelds all with triple Mo.......guess they don't stink as much as some think. Still AT bigotry can discourage someone from playing.

The team NEEDS a stone brute/tank.......ok granted that granite armor is nice but it is possible to win a Mo with a non granite brute/tank.

The team NEEDS a specific AT/powerset......anyone that constantly demands a specific formula of AT's may need to rethink their plan

Any badge in the game that is so dependent on teamwork. kindness of others, skill of others, etc. needs to be rethought.

I would rather face an army of Kronos titans on my squishiest character stripped of all enhancers and debuffed then seek a new Mo badge.

I would rather be stripped of all flight/travel powers and face a fleet of Arachnos Flyers strafing me then seek a new Mo badge.

I would rather solo a Hami raid then seek a new Mo badge.

I would rather be on my squishiest character with no enhancers and debuffed facing all of the Giant Monsters at once then seek a new Mo badge.

I would rather be on my squishiest character with no enhancers and debuffed facing all of the INCARNATES then seek a new Mo badge.

I would rather spend time trying to tie Lusca's tentacles into bow knots then seek a new Mo badge.

I would rather watch Highlander 5: the Source which was worse then Highlander 2 then seek a new Mo badge.



Originally Posted by Master-Blade View Post
I'm kinda on the fence about this one.

I like them because they are another challenge. I wouldn't mind if there was a "Mo" for every TF, though I admit it would be a pain in the neck to go back through them all to get the extra badge... so one or two added from time to time is probably better than all at once.

That having been said, I will offer the opposing viewpoint as well. Though the group of people I usually run with just likes to have fun together and we don't really take any failed attempts personally, it's not a typical scenario.

It seems that on the larger scale and many PuG attempts can end with hatred of the person who dies first, even if it's not even that person's fault. That person is sometimes harassed and kept out of any future attempts, especially if it happens more than once. People get uptight and freak out about little details that don't matter and/or things nobody has any control over.

Some people try to form teams with specific ATs and builds. They want you to be "IO'd out" or have other very specific qualities they are looking for.

That can make it very hard and stressful for some people to have fun playing through a Mo attempt, and people with non-optimal toons are sometimes left out completely.

Maye if the badge was awarded on an individual basis instead of being reliant on the rest of the team surviving as well, then somebody else dying would be their own fault, and they would be the only one losing out on the badge. Then again, that policy could be exploited for perma "venge-bait" and defeats the purpose of being awarded for working as a team to survive together.

In the end, I'm not wishing for more to be added, but if they arise... I'll happily step up to the challenge, and anybody is welcome to join me regardless of build or experience. With enough practice, any toon can get the badge eventually.
MB summarized the issue, and my general feelings on it, pretty succinctly. I'll just modify it by saying I'm NOT on the fence and that I like running them, but more for the fun factor with "any build out there" rather than minmaxed teams. Freedom's Horde crew is really good about this, and makes it a joy to do the Master runs in general (barring a few bad apples that end up eliminating themselves).

Why do I like the Master runs? Because they're a challenge. Some are certainly painful, but with a team that has their wits about them, the problems are greatly minimized. It IS luck of the draw sometimes with most deaths: Good players realize this, and keep on keepin' on.

At the end of the day, if you treat it as something that MUST be achieved no matter what, you'll hate working towards this badge. If you set up every TF as a Master run (set to no deaths, no temp powers), and just go with it, you may be surprised to find out that one day, you'll get it without having tried very hard at all.

It's a perspective thing, in my book.



Originally Posted by Nericus View Post
Any badge in the game that is so dependent on teamwork. kindness of others, skill of others, etc. needs to be rethought.
I really disagree with this. This line of thinking removes all TF badges, not just MoSTF. (Sure, you could solo many TFs, but that requires a specific build/AT, which you also were somewhat against.)

I really guess I've just been lucky not to run into the situations you describe when trying for my Master badges. We've had deaths at the Thorn Tree, at Arbiter Sands, at Wretch, and for the most part people just go, "Oh well, at least now we can use Vengeance and Fallout". I think people who don't care about badging having more fun getting the Masters badge because they're enjoying the game win or lose, not paranoid over everything being perfect so they can add one to their score.

Just because people can be dicks about a badge doesn't mean the badge itself (or in the case of Masters, the concept itself) should be abolished, it just means people are dicks.

I recommend trying to get Master badges with people who don't care about getting Master badges: you'll have just the same amount of difficulty getting it as you would a dedicated team, but you (A generic you, not focused at you Nericus) just might more fun failing at it then stressing out and succeeding.

And throw enough darts at the board, or do enough fun runs, and you'll eventually get it. Some teams just magically click.

Edit to add: What Turgenev said. Me too.

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
All issues with the
Mo badges, be it have or have not,
stem from taking them too seriously.
QFT, and making it a sorta haiku, so it's prettier.

(I know the meter's off. Just run with it, you minmax poets.)



Any badge in the game that is so dependent on teamwork. kindness of others, skill of others, etc. needs to be rethought.
That's what i think. There's just too many condition needed to make it possible.

You need to find 7 other badgers, on the same server/side, that can team at the same time. You all need to be free for a long time, knowing you won't be interrupted. (normal STF can be done in less then hour, most Mo i've seen took 2h-3h at least.)

There's a lot of type of badges.

1) Challenging: Special fights, GM, AV ,etc. (LR with towers, Reischman, Rom's last fight, 8 clones)
But you can always retry them automatically if you fail. You aren't forced to go back through 1-2 hours of play.

2)Huge team/dependant on players: Among friends, special events (banner events), hami raid. Or the arena pvp badges. The hard part is to find enough people that want the badge.

3)Timed: Efficiency expert, some trials, banner/winter events, ouroboros challenge.

4)Long to get: Day jobs, defeats with high numbers, some TFs. You can do them in multiple shot though. The few that are extremely impratical to do in multiple shots (the shards TF) are actually very easy. They are just long.

5) Special skill: Skiing badge. There might be others, but i can't think of them.

6) Presence badge: Anniversary, exploration and spend X time in a zone.

7)Underdebuff/enemy buffed: Ouroboros challenge.

8) No death: Ouroboros Challenge and Mo.

My probablem is that Mo badges stack almost all the type of "difficulty". And it's often just frustrating.

Since it can be clearly one person's fault, there's often griefing.
If the player forget to use the temp against Ms Liberty in LRSF, and a team wipe ensure, there's normaly no problem, you just hosp and try again. If someone forget to click on his stone in the cavern trial, no problem, you just wait 15 secs and count down again.

I also don't really get why people say: "It's challenging, it's fun."
There's a lot less frustrating ways to find a challenge.
And if you really wanted the biggest challenge, why not try STF or LRSF , on +4, while debuffed and with the enemies buffed, no temps, no insps and no enhancements?
That would surely be challenging, no?

P.S. I've got the BSF/khan , LRSF, STF, and red-ITF Mo badges. It might have only taken a few try (or just one) to get them. It's finding good players that want to bother with it that's the hardest for me. I've had to wait months before i could get on one for some.

"It's a scrapper. If he can't handle it, no one can." -BrandX



Yeah, a lot of people have raised the points about why I don't often try for them. (Especially when it comes to the "we only want certain ATs with certain powers and bugger the rest of you.") With certain players I'll do it - not because of what character they're on, but because we're so used to each other's playstyle (and we know how to follow directions) that we're more likely to make it than not. My very first Statesman TF was an MoSTF attempt... and we made it. I was astounded (and had been terrified the entire time of dying because I thought they'd all hate me).

But generally, yeah, when our SG takes a crack at an Mo-, we agree that Mission 1, if there's a death, we'll generally start over. After that, we plow through so at least we get merits and salvage and inf and stuff, and agree to try again some other time.


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Wow.. All I can say after reading through the previous posts, is that I have never seen any of the negative behavior mentioned in this thread during any Master run.

*Never seen anyone excluded because of their AT, powersets, or not being IO'd.
*Never seen anyone get mocked or harassed because of a death.
*Never been on one that 'needed' the mythical perfect team, or wouldn't start without a Stone tank/brute or any other AT.

All issues with the Mo badges, be it have or have not, stem from taking them too seriously.
That right there sums up the root cause of any problems or issues any player has with the Master badges. It's a videogame, people. Relax and have fun!



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post

That right there sums up the root cause of any problems or issues any player has with the Master badges. It's a videogame, people. Relax and have fun!

This. We gave this a try last night none of us had ever tried a master run at this tf, we had no tank, and two blasters we still managed to have fun with it and we made a pretty good attempt at it till an unlucky shot from hami got one of ours. The next time we will just do better.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Wow.. All I can say after reading through the previous posts, is that I have never seen any of the negative behavior mentioned in this thread during any Master run.

*Never seen anyone excluded because of their AT, powersets, or not being IO'd.
*Never seen anyone get mocked or harassed because of a death.
*Never been on one that 'needed' the mythical perfect team, or wouldn't start without a Stone tank/brute or any other AT.
You haven't tried enough "Master of" runs on a low pop server.

I'm just going to repeat what I've been saying for the last couple months.

From my point of view, they promote:
  • IO snobbery. If you don't have a pile of set bonuses, you are deemed somehow less of a player and are less likely to find a Mo team.
    • Sub-category is lack of Purple or PVPIO slotting.
  • Blaming people on the team for the least little mistakes.
  • Hurt feelings from those that are either blamed or who doesn't have a right build.
  • AT snobs (I've heard "we don't want any blasters on this attempt" and that is just one AT that suffers from shunning.)
  • An "Us vs Them" mentality when it comes to badges. <-This is NOT good for the community as a whole.
I suspect that when the Incarnates system comes in that you'll be less likely to be admitted to a Mo team if you are not an Incarnate.

Then there is the problem of creating a team. Most people are interested in quick merits. This means speed runs of ITFs, LGTF (the irony here is thick), even speed Positrons (the flashback version is going to get its merit rewards nerfed to nothingness, as I know people are already saying that they'll do them under 90 minutes), and others

I was told by a mutual friend that one of my friends was so harassed on a public channel recently that they shut the game down and hid for a few days because of yet another failed Master of Statesman TF. Is this the behaviour that the developers want to promote?

These badges DO NOT promote community building. Fundamentally, if a badge breaks community in a Massively Multiplayer Game, then it is acting against the developers, not for them. The developers, in order to make money, need to do everything they can to build communities in the game.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by FireWyvern View Post
You need to find 7 other badgers, on the same server/side, that can team at the same time. You all need to be free for a long time, knowing you won't be interrupted. (normal STF can be done in less then hour, most Mo i've seen took 2h-3h at least.)
FYI: You can "break" and come back to it at any time. Yes, your toon is locked to that TF, but so what? If you're tired, you agree on when to come back, you come back nice and refreshed, and own the run. Wanna do something else? Break team, try again another time. Yes, it can be a time commitment, but have you seen the Shard TFs?

My probablem is that Mo badges stack almost all the type of "difficulty". And it's often just frustrating.

Since it can be clearly one person's fault, there's often griefing.
If you have the wrong attitude when you fail, yes, it's frustrating. I quoted those two comments together because ultimately, your problem isn't a mechanics problem: It's a social problem of coping with those mechanics constructively. If you have the right people, with the right attitude, a failure is just that: Whoops, died, my bad, move on and try again next time. If you have some jerk on the team who decides "I hate you all for not following my ideas" and suicides, that's not a mechanics issue, that's a jerkwad issue.

I can write papers on having the right attitude when gaming (Twixt? You there?). Sure, it frustrates you when you fail. You can either let it get to you, or you can turn it into a learning experience for everyone. Do that, and it's not a failure: It's "practice".

I also don't really get why people say: "It's challenging, it's fun."
There's a lot less frustrating ways to find a challenge.
Frustrating for you, not for all of us. Again, it's all about approach.

And if you really wanted the biggest challenge, why not try STF or LRSF , on +4, while debuffed and with the enemies buffed, no temps, no insps and no enhancements?
That would surely be challenging, no?
Make the badge, and I'll gun for it. But your definition of challenge there is pretty stupid.

P.S. I've got the BSF/khan , LRSF, STF, and red-ITF Mo badges. It might have only taken a few try (or just one) to get them. It's finding good players that want to bother with it that's the hardest for me. I've had to wait months before i could get on one for some.
Seriously: I feel for you. I'm lucky that I know a stack of people who are not only game skilled but extraordinarily good natured to boot. (And yeah, I'm on Freedumb, imagine that, haters.) I can't help you find those people, unless you're on my server. But you can certainly step up and try to find those people yourself. Start a signup sheet, "calm people only need apply", then work with 'em. If you're frustrated with the quality of temperaments on your server, I'm sure others are frustrated too. Work on pooling those together and rising to the occasion. I have no instructions on how to find good natured people, other than just "start looking".



I think the problem comes from trying to run a MO with a PUG. Kind of counter-productive to the whole thing.

Most of the successes I've seen have come from organized runs. Someone will post a signup thread with a date on the forums, and those interested will post the AT and powersets they plan to bring. Usually, a minimum of a week is given, leaving the organizer time to figure out a basic strategy, instead of having to make it up as they go along.

I have seen a few PUGs do it, but usually, they don't.

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Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
These badges DO NOT promote community building. Fundamentally, if a badge breaks community in a Massively Multiplayer Game, then it is acting against the developers, not for them. The developers, in order to make money, need to do everything they can to build communities in the game.
To counter argue this, for the longest time every Saturday night on Virtue a small community built up around running the MoSTF. Bring what every you wanted, show up at 6:00p or so.

Tankers stand by the the helicopter, blasters/scrappers over here, fenders/trollers over there. Teams would be made, and a whole force of people would run it as one.

Some nights no one would get it. Some nights multiple people would. Every week would have some regulars, and some new people show up.

Also, your comment sounds like something Posi addressed in his blog this week: http://www.mmodesigner.com/?p=109

Arc #345863 - When The Bough Breaks
"Curse you Perry the Plata...wait, is that Love Handel?" - Dr. Heinz Doofenshmirtz, Phineas and Ferb



Originally Posted by FireWyvern View Post
That's what i think. There's just too many condition needed to make it possible.

You need to find 7 other badgers, on the same server/side, that can team at the same time. You all need to be free for a long time, knowing you won't be interrupted. (normal STF can be done in less then hour, most Mo i've seen took 2h-3h at least.)
There's more than one way to one way to crack a nut:
50 min MoSTF
Most people seem to look at MO TFs as a big chore or walk on pins and needles. That amps the stress levels up and makes it harder to complete the TF let alone enjoy.

There's a different way to approach Master of _ and it's relatively easy. Just speed run the normal TFs enough and you will know exactly where the hard points are of each TF.

In addition, you will pick up team mates and friends who will become experts along with you. You'll also quickly realize that the team make up is of lesser importance than the team players, so it really doesn't matter what is standing beside you, rather who is standing beside you.

By the time you feel comfortable doing a MO run it will simply be a modified version of a speed run. Almost all of the trepidation is gone because the stakes are very low.

Usually you know that you'll be done in a short time so the time commitment is low, and if you are speed running it with friends they'll feel the same way too. If you fail it you've only lost a few minutes on top of a normal speed run, so people won't be mad and are much more willing to try it another day. Your teammates might roll their eyes at failing but it won't be a full fledged revolt by having someone die during a Mo run.

Originally Posted by FireWyvern View Post
Since it can be clearly one person's fault, there's often griefing.
I also don't really get why people say: "It's challenging, it's fun."
There's a lot less frustrating ways to find a challenge.
And if you really wanted the biggest challenge, why not try STF or LRSF , on +4, while debuffed and with the enemies buffed, no temps, no insps and no enhancements?
That would surely be challenging, no?

P.S. I've got the BSF/khan , LRSF, STF, and red-ITF Mo badges. It might have only taken a few try (or just one) to get them. It's finding good players that want to bother with it that's the hardest for me. I've had to wait months before i could get on one for some.
The TF final AVs/Heroes are hard coded at their respective levels for STF/LRSF (54/53) so +4 isn't that much of a challenge.

The buff/debuff challenge is a nice concept but since there is no bonus for hardship it isn't really worth doing. Did the LGtf speedrun with enemies buffed/players debuffed/no enhancements but it was for a contest. Otherwise there's no reward for it.

Contrary to what people say about the MO badges foisting division amongst us, it's pretty much a non-event and the speed runs are a good way to make friends, bond and make a ton of merits too. Of all the TFs out there only the RSF would I say needs to have any concern about team builds for a speed MoLRSF.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
  • IO snobbery. If you don't have a pile of set bonuses, you are deemed somehow less of a player and are less likely to find a Mo team.
    • Sub-category is lack of Purple or PVPIO slotting.
  • Blaming people on the team for the least little mistakes.
  • Hurt feelings from those that are either blamed or who doesn't have a right build.
  • AT snobs (I've heard "we don't want any blasters on this attempt" and that is just one AT that suffers from shunning.)
  • An "Us vs Them" mentality when it comes to badges.
I don't understand this - unless people either have really thin skin, take the game too seriously, or are just idiots, none of those are true; not to mention these traits are not unique to MO runs.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."