Why so much hate about the Mo Badges?




I've explained what I have actually witnessed. If you or people you know haven't seen those reactions, then great for you.

I'm tired of trying to explain the actions of the idiots that make getting these badges the worst part of the game. Suffice it to say that I am relating actual observed behavior and that is why I hate these badges.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



i agree with Pumbumbler

Mo runs can be sped or taken slowly (i got MoITF badge in like 1 hour and MoBSF in 4.5 hours)

when i did the MoBSF, i PuG'd it getting a team of 5 together, and the only melee toon we had was a dark/dark brute who never ran the sf before, the only thing i made sure we had before we started was a debuffer of some sorts since we only had 5 poeple, i think leading a master run is a little stressful trying to build strategy and stuff, but just running a Mo run isnt too stressful as long as you are a little more careful than normal and stick to the plan the leader decides to go with



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
You haven't tried enough "Master of" runs on a low pop server.
Funny Panzerwaffen and B L Angel both play on Protector, Last I check it was a low pop server. I play on Protector too and never seen anyone turn down at all. Maybe it is just Protector IDK.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
You haven't tried enough "Master of" runs on a low pop server.
Really? I haven't, eh? And you know this, how? Unless I'm just massively confused, I'm pretty sure Protector is a low-pop server. I'm also relatively certain I've been on successful (and failed) runs of every Master TF in the game multiple times.

Or is it simply that since my experience (and others apparently) contradicts your own, that it must be wrong and therefore dismissed?
I'm just going to repeat what I've been saying for the last couple months.
Simply repeating something over & over again, doesn't make it correct. It's nothing more than your opinion based on your own anecdotal experience, which is vastly different from my own.

These badges DO NOT promote community building.
Sure they do. There are regular weekly Master TF runs on Protector. We even have a global channel specifically dedicated to these. It is not unusual to have multiple teams running MoSTF or other Master TF's at the same time. They are always openly announced, both in-game and here on the forum. Anyone is welcome to join. I have NEVER seen anyone turned away where AT, powersets or IO's was the deciding factor. Players getting the badges for the first time are openly congratulated. Screenshots are posted of successful teams.

If that's not community building, I don't know what is.



Originally Posted by BrokenPrey View Post
Funny Panzerwaffen and B L Angel both play on Protector, Last I check it was a low pop server. I play on Protector too and never seen anyone turn down at all. Maybe it is just Protector IDK.
I guess we just have a higher caliber of player over on Protector...



Snow Globe, I get that you've had bad experiences with these badges and that's unfortunate.

Still, it's neither accurate nor reasonable to broadly label them as "community breaking".

For the record, I say that as someone who couldn't care less about the Mo badges. I've played for a while now but up until very recently, didn't have any on a single character. If there was someone making inaccurate and misleading broad statements about how fantastic the Mo badges are, I'd be calling them on that too.

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Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Really? I haven't, eh? And you know this, how? Unless I'm just massively confused, I'm pretty sure Protector is a low-pop server. I'm also relatively certain I've been on successful (and failed) runs of every Master TF in the game multiple times.
I'm happy for you if you haven't seen those actions, but I suspect that you might not be remembering fully. If your experience is one of more inclusion, then great. However I think you might have forgotten times when it did happen because it doesn't happen often to you.

I'm beginning to think that Triumph is either the smallest or one of the bottom in terms of population of the US servers. I have been on "good" failed Master runs, but overwhelmingly it is a bad experience. I have the blue side Master of badges on one character. It took about a month for 6 dedicated players + a couple pick ups meeting weekly to get the MoSTF badge.

I personally rarely die on these attempts, but it has happened.

Triumph has a Master of channel, it has under 30 people and it has been dead for 6 months, if not longer.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Or is it simply that since my experience (and others apparently) contradicts your own, that it must be wrong and therefore dismissed?
Just like you are dismissive of others witnessing the following:
Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Wow.. All I can say after reading through the previous posts, is that I have never seen any of the negative behavior mentioned in this thread during any Master run.

*Never seen anyone excluded because of their AT, powersets, or not being IO'd.
*Never seen anyone get mocked or harassed because of a death.
*Never been on one that 'needed' the mythical perfect team, or wouldn't start without a Stone tank/brute or any other AT.
I have. Multiple times. More times than I can count. Yet you seem perfectly ready to dismiss that because you haven't experienced it.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Simply repeating something over & over again, doesn't make it correct. It's nothing more than your opinion based on your own anecdotal experience, which is vastly different from my own.
Who is being dismissive now?

Originally Posted by Silas View Post
Snow Globe, I get that you've had bad experiences with these badges and that's unfortunate.

Still, it's neither accurate nor reasonable to broadly label them as "community breaking".
Snubbing players because they don't have the "right build" isn't community breaking? Forming Master of teams saying that "No blasters allowed" isn't community breaking? Having a group saying "we have the badge but we're not willing to help you because you are a jynx" isn't community breaking? Name calling isn't community breaking?

Shunning isn't being inclusive by definition. I could bring out dozens more examples, but it seems that people don't want a discussion.

Originally Posted by Silas View Post
If there was someone making inaccurate and misleading broad statements about how fantastic the Mo badges are, I'd be calling them on that too.
Yet it is okay to dismiss what I've seen in game as the result of Master runs gone bad?

You call this thread an example of community building? People have given reasons why they don't like the badges, yet are being told "oh develop a thicker skin" or "I've never seen this".

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



This is one player who doesn't hate Master of badges at all, but distinctly enjoy the 'raised stakes' of the no deaths, no temp power settings. I get that there are proponents vehemently against any master badge and can even understand the arguments brought to bare. But seriously, Silas has it right, some folks seem to be way too worked up over them.

I view the master badges as challenges and enjoy helping folks get them. I usually enjoy grouping with folks who are less experienced and sometimes thats a great way to add to your global friends list. Its also a way to find out who not to group with as well.

There is a global channel ("STF Masters") devoted for recruitment toward Master of runs on Protector which I'll add, seems to trend toward bottom third (maybe quarter) of server populations.

I'm definitely one who hopes the devs continue adding Master of badges to the game.

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Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post

There's a different way to approach Master of _ and it's relatively easy. Just speed run the normal TFs enough and you will know exactly where the hard points are of each TF.

In addition, you will pick up team mates and friends who will become experts along with you. You'll also quickly realize that the team make up is of lesser importance than the team players, so it really doesn't matter what is standing beside you, rather who is standing beside you.

By the time you feel comfortable doing a MO run it will simply be a modified version of a speed run. Almost all of the trepidation is gone because the stakes are very low.

Contrary to what people say about the MO badges foisting division amongst us, it's pretty much a non-event and the speed runs are a good way to make friends, bond and make a ton of merits too. Of all the TFs out there only the RSF would I say needs to have any concern about team builds for a speed MoLRSF.

I don't know how your speed runs go, but the ones I participate in usually have multiple instances of vengeance being used, the trip to the hospital as a fast way to get to the contact, as many missions failed as possible, and fallout is a nice tool to deal with the AVs.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I've explained what I have actually witnessed. If you or people you know haven't seen those reactions, then great for you.

I'm tired of trying to explain the actions of the idiots that make getting these badges the worst part of the game. Suffice it to say that I am relating actual observed behavior and that is why I hate these badges.

I have seen the pier in IP look like a scene from on the waterfront. If you aren't up on the classics.

You can almost hear Marlon Brando, "Charley I could of been somebody, I could of been a Master Of, but now I am just a blaster, a chump"

Yep it happens. If anyone doesn't think it happens, they should listen to the recruiting for the new MO badge trials.



Sorry to hear about your bad experience Snow Globe.

As a fellow badger, I sympathize with you on getting those badges that require setups that are, shall we say, out of our personal control.

Protector is also my main server, like others here.

I guess we're luckier than average, since I got to run both the MoKTF and MoSTF on the same evening, with the same players on the team for both runs. As a matter of fact, we have a small group of knowledgeable players that runs these almost weekly.

From what I know, they go by first come, first serve" so team makeup is secondary to strategy and tactics. It's rather unfortunate that you've met with such frustration.

If I was in your shoes, I wonder if I wouldn't react similarly.

But given our past experience re: Master runs, I rather enjoy running these as well and hope to get more in the future.

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Originally Posted by Stalemate View Post
If I was in your shoes, I wonder if I wouldn't react similarly.

But given our past experience re: Master runs, I rather enjoy running these as well and hope to get more in the future.
I'm glad that someone is experiencing fun with these badges, however it is NOT universal.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I don't know how your speed runs go, but the ones I participate in usually have multiple instances of vengeance being used, the trip to the hospital as a fast way to get to the contact, as many missions failed as possible, and fallout is a nice tool to deal with the AVs.
The durty sekrit to smooth speed runs is to bring a cold def or bubbler. You don't even need IO builds to get it done. As you get better at running speed TFs, vengeance, shivans, nukes aren't really needed. Consider them training wheels.

If you're looking to form a speed run group, I'd recommend a fair number of trollers to start with. Generally they're the easiest to play since they are jack of all trades. A tank/brute in a pinch to manage aggro, and the rest can be anything.

The easiest teams will be made of a brute/tank, scrapper, kinetic, rad, cold or FF. Sub in an ill troller or two if you don't have/want a tank. The rest of the team contributes in whatever build they decide to bring, but the core of the team is in the shields, buff and debuff. Bringing a cold and FF are easy street.

If your core aggro group is a bit unsteady bring an emp if you'd like, but generally 2-3 great players can carry an entire speed TF. For a speed mo run you probably want 4-6 experienced speed runners, so getting your core group of friends/teammates a lot of hands on is best. A lot of people use vent or teamspeak but it's not necessary if you have good teammates/leadership.

If you ever want to try it out and need any specific tips for any TF you can just pm me here or in-game (same handle).



Actually, if you ask me, lower populated servers are usually much more friendly than the broader ones.

I don't mean that like the large server's are mean, but if you don't have a set group of friends, people can be very impersonal. Like you're just another of the 1000's.

Whereas a smaller community that is structured, it has an "everyone-knows-everyone" mentality. So being rude or hateful isn't something you'll be able to get away with easily.

I'd imagine most of the strife happens on the medium level servers. Where finding a team is just hard enough, and being rude is just anonymous enough.

I mean lets face it. While CoH may have the best MMO community I've ever seen as a whole, it is still an MMO and 'those' kinds of people are still going to show their ugly faces.



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
I'm happy for you if you haven't seen those actions, but I suspect that you might not be remembering fully. If your experience is one of more inclusion, then great. However I think you might have forgotten times when it did happen because it doesn't happen often to you.
Got to give you credit for chutzpah, Snow Globe. First, it was I didn't have enough experience with Master runs on a low-pop server. Now, it's that I simply have "forgotten" all the bad experiences.

Just like you are dismissive of others witnessing the following:

I have. Multiple times. More times than I can count. Yet you seem perfectly ready to dismiss that because you haven't experienced it.

Who is being dismissive now?
I'm not denying anyone's stated experience is true. I simply offered my own alternative experience on my home server as a counterpoint. If you choose to interpret that, or my pointing out what is opinion vs. fact, as being "dismissive", then so be it.

It's clear that you've had negative experiences regarding the Master badges. I can't and won't speculate as to why that was. I'm truly sorry that you had that happen. You've formed an opinion based on your experience, that:

Originally Posted by Snow Globe
These badges DO NOT promote community building.
But, that's all it is. Your opinion. It is no more or less valid than anyone else's. Other player's opinions are different, based on their own experiences. You can't dismiss those experiences, no matter how convenient it is, by claiming lack of experience, or that the person has simply "forgotten" their bad experiences. That's just being intellectually lazy. Obviously, my opinion is completely contrary to your own. I think the Master badges are great for community building. I've made a whole slew of friends in-game that I would never have had the opportunity to, if it wasn't for the Master runs on my server. And so have many others..

Come on over to Protector, and give us a try. I wager you'll find a different culture. But, please leave that chip on your shoulder behind. The person who goes forth seeking negativity, often finds it where it doesn't exist.



Snow Globe, your examples of "community breaking" behaviour lead me to two conclusions.

1: Any community so fragile as to be broken by mundane MMO idiocy and elitism can't be said to be a very strong community at all.

2: If these behaviours you've experienced are representative of your entire community, I'd find another community to play with.

Now, having reached these conclusions I can go one of two ways. Either that your server is somehow the worst community ever...or...that you've had bad experiences, are sour about the whole thing and are making generalizations as a result.

One strikes me as much more likely than the other.

I don't want to dismiss your experiences with Mo badges and I do want a discussion. It is to precisely that end that I would have you to discard this "community-breaking" label because it's not productive.

You want to discuss the pros and cons of this badge, great. That's something I can get on board about and discuss. You want to discuss the positive and/or negative behaviours associated with this badge and having or not having it? Again, totally on board with that.

But 1: labelling the badge as "community-breaking" strikes me as pouting hyperbole and is unconstructive and 2: suggesting that anyone who does not share your experiences has simply forgotten them is, as Panzerwaffen says, intellectually lazy.

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Originally Posted by PumBumbler View Post
The durty sekrit to smooth speed runs is to bring a cold def or bubbler. You don't even need IO builds to get it done. As you get better at running speed TFs, vengeance, shivans, nukes aren't really needed. Consider them training wheels.

If you're looking to form a speed run group, I'd recommend a fair number of trollers to start with. Generally their the easiest to play since they are jack of all trades. A tank/brute in a pinch to manage aggro, and the rest can be anything.

The easiest teams will be made of a brute/tank, scrapper, kinetic, rad, cold or FF. Sub in an ill troller or two if you don't have/want a tank. The rest of the team contributes in whatever build they decide to bring, but the core of the team is in the shields, buff and debuff. Bringing a cold and FF are easy street.

If your core aggro group is a bit unsteady bring an emp if you'd like, but generally 2-3 great players can carry an entire speed TF. For a speed mo run you probably want 4-6 experienced speed runners, so getting your core group of friends/teammates a lot of hands on is best. A lot of people use vent or teamspeak but it's not necessary if you have good teammates/leadership.

If you ever want to try it out and need any specific tips for any TF you can just pm me here or in-game (same handle).
I really appreciate the offer. Its always nice to see how other people do things. But I think you have undercut your point. You are describing a crafted team where you have half to three quarters particular builds. I mean the whole point was not to have a crafted master run. I mean the original point was that people were getting turned down because specific things were needed.

BTW, I like the shielding defenders a but they are the cheap way to do things. If you are running with people with mid range or better builds, one good debuffer to help with the AVs (Rad is ideal) and the rest damage and you can just fly through the missions. On something like the ITF you can just have people solo 7 or 8 objectives at a pop.

Either way on this, in this thread I see two sides both saying that what the other sees happening is insignificant, and yet I have seen plenty of both.



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
I don't know how your speed runs go, but the ones I participate in usually have multiple instances of vengeance being used, the trip to the hospital as a fast way to get to the contact, as many missions failed as possible, and fallout is a nice tool to deal with the AVs.
Vengeance is a handy tool, but it's not required. There are quite a few ways to make a team pretty much invulnerable to all but the most unfortunate of circumstances. +Def isn't exactly hard to come by - bubbles, cold domination, traps and VEATs all provide it in large doses. I don't think adding non-Vengeance +def to a team really should count as requiring a specific team composition. But even without +def, other buffs are can be terribly helpful. +res is extremely useful for taking the edge off of blows from AVs and the like. (When something hits you through +def, and it will, eventually, having some DR underneath it can mean the difference in a failed MO run and not.) While +def and +res are pretty unconditionally helpful (barring hitting caps), buffs like stealth, +speed/recharge and +recovery are also helpful to a wide array of characters, and can often help them keep themselves (and their teammates) alive better.

Mixing any level of the above benefits with IOs is obviously going to be bonus, again at least up to the caps.

And let's not forget inspirations. I'm one of those players who sits on his inspirations a lot, just because I like seeing what I can do without them. But for something like a MO or even a speed run, I have no fear of popping them like candy.

Armed with high +def, high +res, or a mix of +def, +res and/or +regen, a good player is going to be pretty hard to kill. Note that by "good player" I don't mean they have to be some veteran wonder-gods. They do need to have good situational awareness, with the kind of awareness they need depending on their AT and powersets. Buffers, for example, often well serve the team by having a close eye on their buff expiry. (Knowing who actually needs your buffs helps keep this sane - constantly Clear Minding the melee ATs when they aren't facing something like Ghost Widow is just a going to frustrate the buffer.) Melees need to pay attention to their own aggro levels and health in relation to how much punishment they can take.

Certainly, such skills probably come easiest to veteran players, but I've met new players with excellent situational awareness. It's got a lot to do with focus and mindset - actually knowing the game inside and out is just bonus.

Do I think the odds of meeting such players in a Pug are very good? No, I don't. But I do think there are quite a few good players around. The trick is figuring out who they are and finding a way to get play time with them.

Edit: I have seen people commit AT/powerset/level "bigotry" for even non-MO runs. The people I have seen doing so the most are folks I consider to actually be sub-par players (at best), and I consider most of the resulting "bigotry" to be done in ignorance. Interestingly these same people often have a much higher opinion of their own game knowledge or skill than I think is warranted, and seem to feel greatly justified in their extreme selectivity, because they feel they know that's the right way to succeed.

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Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
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Originally Posted by Silas View Post
You want to discuss the pros and cons of this badge, great.
  • It's a badge.
  • Challenging in ways other tasks are not.
  • The slightest error nullifies the entire effort.
  • Random happenstance can nullify the entire effort.
  • Some of the AVs in question can literally 1-shot a Stone Armor Tank while in Granite Armor let alone any other character.
  • Lag deaths.
Originally Posted by Silas View Post
You want to discuss the positive and/or negative behaviours associated with this badge and having or not having it?
  • When they succeed, people are happy.
  • When they fail: complaints, shunning, and name calling can happen.
  • Some Archetypes are excluded from Master runs: Blasters, Peacebringers, and non-purpled Warshades on MSTF, Stalkers on LRSF.
  • Some powersets are deemed "less worthy" to be on Master runs: Fire Tanks on MSTF, for instance.
As to someone having forgotten bad experiences, can people be sure they haven't? Really, 100% sure? People are saying that I'm glossing over and ignoring the good points, but can you in all seriousness say the reverse isn't true as well?

Is telling the people that have had bad experiences to "suck it up", "you are taking it too seriously", or that they are "too worked up" over the badges really helping the situation? From my perspective, it doesn't help.

From this thread we can determine that there are people that have had good experiences and bad experiences with these badges.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
But, that's all it is. Your opinion. It is no more or less valid than anyone else's.
Everything I post, unless I back it up with quotes from a reliable source, is naturally my opinion. I've made no effort to say otherwise.

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
Other player's opinions are different, based on their own experiences. You can't dismiss those experiences, no matter how convenient it is, by claiming lack of experience, or that the person has simply "forgotten" their bad experiences. That's just being intellectually lazy. Obviously, my opinion is completely contrary to your own.
I've asked Silas this, now I'm asking you: People are saying that I'm glossing over and ignoring the good points, but can you in all seriousness say the reverse isn't true as well?

Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
I think the Master badges are great for community building. I've made a whole slew of friends in-game that I would never have had the opportunity to, if it wasn't for the Master runs on my server. And so have many others..
Okay, I'm not allowed to say it is community breaking, but the reverse can be true? Isn't that a bit of a double standard?

In order to move this along, I will freely admit that because of past experiences I am biased against these badges.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
  • It's a badge.
  • Challenging in ways other tasks are not.
  • The slightest error nullifies the entire effort.
  • Random happenstance can nullify the entire effort.
  • Some of the AVs in question can literally 1-shot a Stone Armor Tank while in Granite Armor let alone any other character.
  • Lag deaths.
  • When they succeed, people are happy.
  • When they fail: complaints, shunning, and name calling can happen.
  • Some Archetypes can be excluded from Master runs: Blasters, Peacebringers, and non-purpled Warshades on MSTF, Stalkers on LRSF.
  • Some powersets can be deemed "less worthy" to be on Master runs: Fire Tanks on MSTF, for instance.
I agree with all the above points, slight amendments made by me italicized.

I take no issue with someone bringing up the bad-attitude behaviours that can, and I'm sure frequently do, come about as a result of the Mo badges. I only take issue to these being stated as standard when it is clear that they are not. Even if 90% of teams were arseholes about it when someone died, it still wouldn't be accurate to say all Mo teams are arseholes about someone dying.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
As to someone having forgotten bad experiences, can people be sure they haven't? Really, 100% sure? People are saying that I'm glossing over and ignoring the good points, but can you in all seriousness say the reverse isn't true as well?
I can only speak for myself, but yes, I am 100% sure. I know this for a certainty because I've only been on two Masters attempts, both successful. Both RSFs, one with a full team, one a 4-man one. Granted, since I've only been on two attempts and both are successful, maybe I'd experience a whole world of unpleasantness if I were on a failed one.

However, given that I've only, (and would only), run them with friends who I know to not be tools about that sort of thing, I highly doubt it.

If I pugged Mo attempts, I'm sure I'd come across some of the really stupid and petty behaviour you describe. What I'm saying though is, that's not the fault of the badge. That's the fault of stupid pug people being stupid. If it weren't an Mo attempt, they'd find something else to be stupid about.

Originally Posted by Snow Globe View Post
Is telling the people that have had bad experiences to "suck it up", "you are taking it too seriously", or that they are "too worked up" over the badges really helping the situation? From my perspective, it doesn't help.
I don't think you should "suck it up", quite the opposite. I don't think you should tolerate crappy attitudes, I think you should find people with better attitudes to make these attempts with.

I'm sure you've got 7 friends, (or fewer, even, since a Mo can be run with as few as 3-4 people, get some random people to fill and quit), who you can trust to not be tools about it?

If I knew someone who would badmouth someone for dying on a Mo attempt and bully them for it, that person would not be counted among my friends.

Pugs from badge channels are fine for random mission badges but I'd not take them for anything requiring coordination or trust.

I work on the general principle that I can trust a pug team member to do two things and two things only. Have a pulse and increase the spawn count. Anything above that I regard as bonus

In regards to your response to Panzerwaffen, I doubt I'd describe the Mo teams as community-building. Certainly no moreso than a normal team. You can certainly make new friends on a Mo team, but I'd say that's more a general teaming thing than specifically a Mo teaming thing.

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I love the Challenge of Masters run, play em on Triumph and have helped several Triumphites who were despairing of actually getting the badges to get them.

I don't get to see the bad attitudes that Snow reports whilst on the same server, buts I am sure that's because we recruit in different ways. Most of the Masters attempts I play are pre-arranged with a majority of the team being SG/Coalition crowd of reliable players.

Teams are usually balanced before starting, and by playing slow we get it done.

One particular memorable even in the vine room, was listening to a player cursing as the battery went out on their keyboard and they started auto running towards the tree.

That one was a failure, but we got a huge laugh out of it.

So yeah I like em as Badges, and would like to see more (though not always no deaths no temps as the settings, other TFs could be more interesting with other settings)

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Personally I have distaste for them as I am an empath within TF's. I rarely ever like doing much else. And well I see Mo TF's as.. if someone dies, the blame instantly goes to the empath for letting that person die.

And I hate feeling responsible for a failed Mo-Attempt, really gets to me. aha.

If everything you have ever done since the start of CoX is healing... really gets to you, kinda.

Ill be back soon whilest I go rock back and forth in the corner.



I agree with most of the above. I am on the fence with the badges. Can be very easy for the perfect team makeup, who all know how to play and follow directions. Others its very hard too even find a team. I have done many successful runs and failures on different AT's.

When you fail you fail no big deal, sometimes you might scream out to yourself, but hey what can you do.

The best thing to do is find others who have the same goal in mind and join up eventually you will do it. Me and the wife did this and we found a great group of players, that we still play with. We were able to do the MOSTF run with a very crazy mix of AT's now doing the same on a MORSF.

If anyone ever needs help on one of these on Freedom server especially Hero side look me up I have a stone tank and cold defender that can help out anytime I'm on.

Freedom Server - Main = Lil Bug & way too many alts to list



I don't like this myth about perfect teams. I've completed all kinds of things with ragtag last minute teams. Heck the first MoLGTF was in no way hand picked. We all just brought what we wanted to play and one player had to switch toons to solidify the team. One of the defenders didn't even have any enhancements (which we didn't find out till the last mission). If people learn to play multiple toons and have a group first attitude almost any team can be a perfect team.

"If a system can be exploited, it will be exploited. And if a developer thinks their system cannot be exploited, it'll be exploited like a new actress in her first porn movie." Sanya Weather MMORPG Examiner



I dislike them because I don't personally know enough people who are interested in running one to get on a MO attempt with people I know. Which means I have to rely on PuGs and sign-up attempts, which allow anyone who signs up as long as the "essentials" are covered. These attempts are few and far between, so the failure stings even more, since it may be weeks before I can try again.

I do get ticked off when people die on that stupid tree. I can't count the times I've failed an MoSTF attempt because that one squishy couldn't understand the simple concept of "hug the wall." Random mistakes, brain farts, events outside the players' control, those I can shrug away, but tree aggro is extremely easy to avoid, you know this is a common failure point, you have no excuse.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World