Live Known Issues - April 29th, 2010



After a quick bit of research, I found the problem for the mitos: The durations of the Regen Aura power effects were changed to 999999 sec, from the i16 version's 10.25 sec. So it'll still drop when they're held, it'll just take 999999 sec for the previous tick to wear off. Obviously this is not WAI.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I just looked at the powers for this entity and I *did* find a bug...but nothing that would cause the increased difficulty you are describing.

The only change the powers of this entity has undergone was in issue 16, when I made a change to the way it's auto and toggle powers work to alleviate server stress.

As for the bug I did find, apparently instead of having 50 points of hold Protection, the green mito has 50 points of hold mag preapplied, meaning it is permaheld already. That is causing it to not use it's 2 click powers.

EDIT: Note the that zone version of the Healer works properly, only the mission version had the hold issue.
there is no way this can be right. with the average pug, the mito's were unkillable. I was on lug's team and we could neither kill a mito or power through the heals on the hami. why change the tf at all? it was fine as it was.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Originally Posted by iakona_NA View Post
After a quick bit of research, I found the problem for the mitos: The durations of the Regen Aura power effects were changed to 999999 sec, from the i16 version's 10.25 sec. So it'll still drop when they're held, it'll just take 999999 sec for the previous tick to wear off. Obviously this is not WAI.
Turns out, that is only tangentially correct. The actual problem is that the check which is supposed to turn off the attributes in certain circumstances is failing. I'll be fixing this early next week, after first tracking down all the places it's broken.



Originally Posted by Cersei View Post
I can't even get my game to load since downloading the new patch.
I can log in but when loading I get to 40% and then the game stops responding, multiple tries and multiple reboots and still nothing.



Whenever I try ANYTHING related to the costume creator (change to another costume, create a new character, click on a tailor) my game crashes. As lon as I don't do any of those things, I don't seem to have any issues.

Support asked me to run in Safe Mode and adjust the display settings, but like I thought, the same thing happened. Maybe something's buggy in the way my computer accesses the related files? Anyone else experience this?



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Turns out, that is only tangentially correct. The actual problem is that the check which is supposed to turn off the attributes in certain circumstances is failing. I'll be fixing this early next week, after first tracking down all the places it's broken.
I'm wondering if requiring the target not be held would even work under these circumstances in combination with replace-stacking, and if it would be better if the attribmod was tagged to be suppressible when held instead.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)




Dunno if this is known or not, but... the markets are perma-"busy". I'm assuming there's an issue with the server the markets use -- but I haven't seen this mentioned elsewhere as of yet.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I just looked at the powers for this entity and I *did* find a bug...but nothing that would cause the increased difficulty you are describing.

The only change the powers of this entity has undergone was in issue 16, when I made a change to the way it's auto and toggle powers work to alleviate server stress.

As for the bug I did find, apparently instead of having 50 points of hold Protection, the green mito has 50 points of hold mag preapplied, meaning it is permaheld already. That is causing it to not use it's 2 click powers.

EDIT: Note the that zone version of the Healer works properly, only the mission version had the hold issue.
We beat the Hami Mish on Infinity tonight..... wasnt easy... Saved the Greens for last



Originally Posted by Mychyl View Post

Dunno if this is known or not, but... the markets are perma-"busy". I'm assuming there's an issue with the server the markets use -- but I haven't seen this mentioned elsewhere as of yet.
Sorry, did a little more research:

They took the servers down for however long it takes to fix them. Which makes me sad, but I'll manage somehow. ^^;



Experienced and saw mention in broadcast and help:

Hitting "Spam" on an email no longer deletes all emails from that sender. You still see the others, hitting spam again gives "(sender) is already blocked."



[QUOTE=macskull;2826602]Err... the green mitos we encountered during the LGTF were healing Hami quite capably. Eventually we ended up completing it by powering through their heals to defeat Hami and then killed the greens individually, but that added a significant amount of time to our run compared to how the mission should be working.

I just finished the LGTF the same way. Blues/yellows, then hami, then greens. The greens are impossible to kill with hami up, even despite astounding debuffs. My team killed hamidon within a span of seconds lasting in the single digits.



Another Known Issue...which has been a Known Issue for freakin' ever...rubberbanding/lag. Even worse now with I17.

And don't EVEN say it's my PC. Just built a brand new one:
Antec 900 II Case (total of 4-120mm fans and 1-200mm fan)
Antec TruePower Blue 750 watt PS
4GB G. SKill ddr3-2200 RAM (OC'd to 2600)
Intel i7-860 processor 2.8ghz (OC'd to 3.2ghz stable..had it at 4.2ghz for a while)
Corsair H50 CPU cooler
Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB HDD
LG DVD Burner
XFX Radeon HD5830 gfx card

I've got an 'bout someone fix some of these old/recurring problems before throwing out some new eye candy?


A bunch of 50s and too many alts...
Neo's Guide To Thugs/Storm (need to update it)
Questions about Fire/Rad? Just ask!



Originally Posted by Xandier View Post
Another Known Issue...which has been a Known Issue for freakin' ever...rubberbanding/lag. Even worse now with I17.

And don't EVEN say it's my PC. Just built a brand new one:
Antec 900 II Case (total of 4-120mm fans and 1-200mm fan)
Antec TruePower Blue 750 watt PS
4GB G. SKill ddr3-2200 RAM (OC'd to 2600)
Intel i7-860 processor 2.8ghz (OC'd to 3.2ghz stable..had it at 4.2ghz for a while)
Corsair H50 CPU cooler
Western Digital Caviar Black 1TB HDD
LG DVD Burner
XFX Radeon HD5830 gfx card

I've got an 'bout someone fix some of these old/recurring problems before throwing out some new eye candy?

It's your connection

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



There are the now Known issues but also those they Refuse to even discuss and Ignored all during testing. Anyone want to buy a 45 Month Vet account with Many 50's with a few of them slotted with purples pm me.

**** Please enter your reply *below* this line ****
1. I tried all your "load 10.1, 10.2, 10.4" as directed in these e-mails and on the forums.

2. I've had this account for four years, you do not have to explain to me step by step how to go into safe mode like I'm a child in this last e-mail.

3. I had my laptop fully checked out by Bestbuy geek squad, my system while Not trying to load your game is working perfectly and Not overheating (ty for again Another added cost) as to Ultra Mode as "Optional" and would Not effect Normal game play as your company Advertised that is Not happening, trying all settings At Bestbuy it was the same results, there was Only one type of graphics engine running and my laptop which could play Before I17 is being Overworked and shutting down with the Game causing the overheating of my CPU.

4. As to what happen running in Safe Mode as you directed?, I made it up to just over 20 minutes instead of 15 before shutdown so Obviously Ultra Mode is having an Effect in Safe Mode Also and there is No way to make Ultra Mode "Optional" and return to the Normal game play as advertised would still be available since Before I17 I ran my laptop 48 hours straight during double xp weekends without overheating or shutting down.

As to these replies with trying to blame My CPU and My Graphics card, My Graphics card is Over the Advertised minimum requirements and ran the game for four years before this issuing of I17 and It's Issues.

So, I will ask one more time which you seem to be Ignoring and trying to avoid answering directly, how do I make Ultra Mode "Optional" as your company advertised?

I'll be writing a letter to the Heads of the Company, while the Developers were so busy "patting themselves on the back" for their playing with a new graphics system and pointing out "how pretty" they were making it Look they showed No Concern for the Paying client base they would be screwing over and would Stop from playing any longer = or Paying any longer.
This New system Should have been put in a New Game not over-top of one Paying Customers were Currently Using and has Shown how little regard this company has for it's Paying clients, of which I'm sure they will be losing many more than just me.
During "Testing" these issues reported by Paying Customers were Ignored and it went to Live anyway, Not very good business sense.
As to thinking this is Only My problem, not only were issues reported in forums and Ignored but there has been reports only One in Three Laptop users can still run the game, how many Paying accounts does that workout to being?

**** Please enter your reply *above* this line ****

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Hmm lets see 5 mins on and 5 bugs reported but sence the tech support for this game sucks (been tring for 6 years now to get some) ill put it here and hope a dev reads it

1. Blackwand Animation still messed up

2. buffs not staying when zoning or into a mission

3. vet reward Buff pet has to be recast after zoning or going into mission because it dies.

4. Very low spawn count in missions when solo. Im talking 2-3 single spawns is all. Not even worth the mission.

5. Damage not being doubled most of the time for stalker when hitting from hide.

Love the ideas just unhappy about a lot of bugs that are reported during Beta and they still go live Please guys it need to get better or were never going to get any real amount of new players.

And once again maybe Marketing could do something about advertising the game!!!! When I started there was or almost was 1/2 a million people playing this game, now even the populated servers are getting hard to find teams

Not a complaint about devs, keep up the good work. Total Complaint about the rest of the Company.

Broomhilda BS/Regen/BM Scrapper, Fiddle Faddle Shield/ElecM/BM Tank,
And many others..
Dev's With all the Great new content, Please!! dont forget to fix the bugs with the old content. There is a storm a brewing because they are not getting fixed. If its a problem that no one is reporting them? Well Maybe you need to look at your tech support then..



Id say at very least the known bugs mentioned were the least of the problems the beta launch on live has got...

Crashes with any costume selection screen at tailor or on menu for a lot of players, crashes with AE contacts, crashes with regular contacts and garbled display pictures for others as well as being unable to make any form of charecter without getting a client crash on name entry screen are all a lot bigger than any of the bugs mentioned -.-

Arbiter Kim has already mentioned these are being looked at by engineers but it is slightly worrying such large bugs as these are not even mentioned in the known bugs list.

As well as this there are reports of invincible AV's, the game not loading at all and wentworth bugs.

All in all this 'update' called i17 was more of a destruction than an update, it was nowhere near ready and is rendering the game unplayable for many a player. This is why theres a test centre, please use it properly instead of pushing stuff live way before there ready then making us wait half a week to a week to fix what it broke...



Originally Posted by Broomhilda View Post
Hmm lets see 5 mins on and 5 bugs reported but sence the tech support for this game sucks (been tring for 6 years now to get some) ill put it here and hope a dev reads it

1. Blackwand Animation still messed up

2. buffs not staying when zoning or into a mission

3. vet reward Buff pet has to be recast after zoning or going into mission because it dies.

4. Very low spawn count in missions when solo. Im talking 2-3 single spawns is all. Not even worth the mission.

5. Damage not being doubled most of the time for stalker when hitting from hide.

Love the ideas just unhappy about a lot of bugs that are reported during Beta and they still go live Please guys it need to get better or were never going to get any real amount of new players.

And once again maybe Marketing could do something about advertising the game!!!! When I started there was or almost was 1/2 a million people playing this game, now even the populated servers are getting hard to find teams

Not a complaint about devs, keep up the good work. Total Complaint about the rest of the Company.
Yes, they could advertise it as the Elete game where only players with Top of the line new equipment are allowed in to play!..........until they move the game out of their reach also After they pay for it.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



When I started there was or almost was 1/2 a million people playing this game, now even the populated servers are getting hard to find teams

At most, there was 200k playing CoH/CoV at its highest.



Originally Posted by RoseT View Post
I found an issue. Not sure if it's just on Liberty, but every time someone goes to Cimerora, they end up stuck in the floor under the crystal. /stuck doesn't work. Leaving Cimerora we seem to end up with our heads stuck in the crystal. I have seen this happen to multiple people.
This is also happening on Union server, so i presume it will be all of them. On entering Cimerora through the Midnighter Club the floor has been lowered so the character gets stuck up to their knees in the floor. Teleporting doesn't work, nor does /stuck. So basically, unless you've already got a mission in the zone and can use the mission teleporter the zone is now out of bounds.

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097




Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Err... the green mitos we encountered during the LGTF were healing Hami quite capably. Eventually we ended up completing it by powering through their heals to defeat Hami and then killed the greens individually, but that added a significant amount of time to our run compared to how the mission should be working.

I just finished the LGTF the same way. Blues/yellows, then hami, then greens. The greens are impossible to kill with hami up, even despite astounding debuffs. My team killed hamidon within a span of seconds lasting in the single digits.
On the attempt I mentioned earlier we too killed hamidon and the only green we were able to kill was one that was on the ground in melee range and we still had to break out temp pets to do it. This is a group that has been doing this mission for months without a problem and we were all on the characters we usually play.

Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
This is also happening on Union server, so i presume it will be all of them. On entering Cimerora through the Midnighter Club the floor has been lowered so the character gets stuck up to their knees in the floor. Teleporting doesn't work, nor does /stuck. So basically, unless you've already got a mission in the zone and can use the mission teleporter the zone is now out of bounds.
This is happening all over the place. Sometimes if you wiggle around back and forth real fast or try to run in circles it'll pop you out of the crystal/floor. Same with getting your head stuck in the crystal in the club itself when exiting cimerora.

Also it seems that many zones were shifted slightly. The base portals are now buried slightly in the ground. You can tell because the particle effect that is normally dark at the base is now just the ground color. Cap and PO are 2 culprits.

Djeannie's Costume Creator Overhaul Wishlist
Carnie Base

"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh



Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
So basically, unless you've already got a mission in the zone and can use the mission teleporter the zone is now out of bounds.
You can always pick up a Cimerora mission via Ouroboros, and use the Ourob crystal teleport to contact function as a work-round.

Arc#314490: Zombie Ninja Pirates!
Defiant @Grouchybeast
Death is part of my attack chain.



I compared my IO'ed and HO'ed out Fire/SD to my SO'ed DM/SD scrapper, and notice that the (defense debuff resistance) DDR values where similar. Maybe an issue of HO's working correctly; unless there are plans to remove the "exploits" from HO's.

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



I think it has something to do with the number 7. Anyone remember Issue 7? Issue 7 is what caused me to let my account lapse for months... talk about BUGGY!

Anyways.. I returned and have been pretty much happy ever since. So happy in fact... last month I bought a new computer... upgraded the RAM and the vid card. I have played fine up until Issue 17.. now.. LOL!!!

I have turned my graphics to the lowest setting possible and yet.....

I mapserv constantly
Rubberband like it is my inherent power

So I did everything I should do.. rebooted modem.. rebooted computer. Called tech support at my cable company. Got a new router.

guess what.. everything on my end is fine

And No I won't be posting a hijack this or whatever else tech support tells me to do here. I KNOW it is not on my end. It's not just me. I was on a team of 8 last night and after an hour of rubberbanding... mapservs etc.. we all quit.

So I know you are aware of this "bug" .. and have not put in any tech support issues/reports etc. but I do have a bug I would like to report:

Did Lusca today. Everything went fine until we got to his head. transfusion/Transference... nothing was "casting" off him even though combat log said otherwise. So we all dual boxed.. got toons with pets (stormies etc)... and finally killed the head.

In closing.. Fix the game... seriously.. fix it!

I play CoX for:
Hanging Out With Friends
Base Editing
The Market

Right now I am stuck.. base editing and socializing... 2/5... I don't care how ya state it.. that's a FAILING grade.



Is it just me, or are all the global channels and global friends list down as well?

They were up yesterday, so...

...what happened?

My 50's

Plantatia, DyNaMique, Sentai Silhouette, Patchworx, Blaze Usagi, Enjoy the Violence, Miya Li, Faraday's Angel



I crafted some basic IO's and a few winter IO's stored for the next level I was about to reach.

I log in just a while ago and all my mail is gone.

Anyone else missing emails as well?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.