Live Known Issues - April 29th, 2010



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
simple math=

works before i17

doesn't work after i17

problem is i17.

No, Issue 17 is one variable in the equation. It works fine for other people, and therefore is not the "problem".

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I don't care what anyone says. Its i17.

simple math=

works before i17

doesn't work after i17

problem is i17.

Do you really live by that logic? Yesterday, I didn't have a cold. Today, I have a cold and the news says workers in Greece are on strike. Therefore, the strike caused my cold. Yesterday, I ate cereal for breakfast and my cat was at home. Today I ate eggs and bacon and my cat ran away. Therefore, eggs and bacon makes cats run away. Yesterday I didn't have a spot on my chin and I watched Evil Dead before I went to bed. Today I woke up with a spot on my chin. Therefore, Evil Dead causes acne.

If you seriously live your life by that logic, you must be in a state of constant confusion.



Originally Posted by thehallows View Post
Do you really live by that logic? Yesterday, I didn't have a cold. Today, I have a cold and the news says workers in Greece are on strike. Therefore, the strike caused my cold. Yesterday, I ate cereal for breakfast and my cat was at home. Today I ate eggs and bacon and my cat ran away. Therefore, eggs and bacon makes cats run away. Yesterday I didn't have a spot on my chin and I watched Evil Dead before I went to bed. Today I woke up with a spot on my chin. Therefore, Evil Dead causes acne.

If you seriously live your life by that logic, you must be in a state of constant confusion.

What I have learned as a slot technician of 5 1/2 years:

Heat is your machines 2nd worst enemy. your computers primary #1 enemy is cigarette smoke. If you are a smoker and you smoke anywhere near your computer you can hang it up. Nicotine will coat all of your sensitive connections and make it impossible for your hard drive to function correctly.

back to our second worst enemy.


What I have learned from being a slot technician for 5 1/2 years: Heat can and will cause read/write errors on a hard drive thus corrupting information communicated. I have read many an email from slot techs in regaurds to this heat related failure on many a computer component. Slot machines are computers. Not only that but they have numerous computers connected to them at all times <duh>. Very often when checking the system we would see numbers that say "this machine isn't talking" and thus have to perform surgery. I have reloaded so many hard drives in slot machines because those mainboards would overheat and start to hiccup with the data transfer rate. they try to read something and it misreads and poof. Slot machines are weird. They keep all the hard drives and video cards completely separate from the mainboards. The mainboards are often seen in a heavily shielded heavily locked down metal-box-with-no-vents... and they would ALWAYS break down due to read write errors on the hard drive that was in a more ventilated often cooler part of the slot machine.

In short, heat was a factor in read/process/write errors. With all the hard drive controllers on the mainboard...That's a possible culprit. So is the cigarette smoke. That is my fractured logic, I'm sticking to it and I'm waiting for a response so that we can help TROUBLESHOOT this problem.

What I think might have happened: i17 was loaded, something DID get hot and fractured a driver SOMEWHERE...

reformatting and reloading everything MIGHT fix the problem unless it is smoke damage,

in the case of smoke damage- time for a new laptop, sorry.

btw did I mention I was a slot tech for 5 1/2 years? That might also be one reason I don't make much sense. Lets see if we can attack this problem with an open mind. I'm not the kind of guy that gets upset when I'm wrong.

oh look a penny!

edit: my bad, in my earlier post, when I said "simple" what I meant was "Everything I just said in THIS post" you people must hate me now.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



I've found after logging off, and relogging on, while getting all my toons thier annvisery badges that I'd keep getting the 'you are still logged on' message.
Not a big deal, but odd as the 30 sec count down would run through fine going back to login screen.



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
Had everybody and their brother it would seem check my system and run tests, all came up good, only time it started a heat problem was with loading up the spanking new and wonderful I17 with "Optional" UM.

I have Insisted it Had to be my laptop and they had to find the problem with my laptop because Support Insists I17 has nothing to do with it and UM is Optional and will not effect normal game play at all.
Question from each and every Tech "Your system checks out and is running fine and is not hot at all, When did your problem start happening"? , my answer "After I17 went live but Support and Fab on Forums Assure me IT Has to be My system and the Optional Ultra Mode has nothing to do with's just a coincidence it happen at the exact same moment I17 went live", each and every tech "...........rigghhhtttt."
> lol
you could try turning off any of the options that were enabled by ultramode


restore a backup (you do those right?) to a point from before I17 release and then when the option comes up to use ultra mode or not, you choose not.


reinstall CoX from scratch and then select not to use ultramode


go into options>graphics and click the enabled button beside the advanced options so it changes to disabled.

See? UM is optional after all.

Out of curiosity, how are you sure that it is heat that is killing your laptop? Do you have a CPU temp monitor running? Is it the CPU that overheating or the GPU or the ram? Are you getting a BSOD?

as for cigarette smoke: as a smoker, a techie and having had the same PC components for the last 5 years, you'd want to be exhaling 40 a day in a small enclosed space directly into the intake to cause a nicotine buildup like you are describing. I have seen smoke buildup on fans and components but these were in PCs in the environment I described above (non-smoking techies would go into the office at all, neither would thsoe squemish about dead rats ). Also, he's had someone check out his machine, pretty sure they'd see any residue build up on the fan.

however, having said all of this, if I17 killed all machines with a heat issue then I'd say its a bug with i17. Seeing as only one user so far has discovered this issue [ so far] I'd say that, as it stands, its an isolated issue WITH HIS MACHINE and running CoX i17. Doesnt mean i17 is broken, just means that its broken for you. I'd be more than happy to help in any way that I can but perhaps this is better suited to the technical issues thread than here?

seriously, ten people swim in a pool, one drowns, the rest swim happily and leave. which is more likely, the pool has something wrong with it or the victim couldnt swim very well?



Servers up and market working! Very annoying that it was down for several days, but I'm thrilled that the server maintenance period was so short. In other words:

To whoever decided to push through i17 despite reported bugs (casting a suspicious eye at marketing): A good slap on the wrist
To whoever was working on the server maintenance: A promotion and pay raise is in order!



Originally Posted by Evangel View Post
you could try turning off any of the options that were enabled by ultramode


restore a backup (you do those right?) to a point from before I17 release and then when the option comes up to use ultra mode or not, you choose not.


reinstall CoX from scratch and then select not to use ultramode


go into options>graphics and click the enabled button beside the advanced options so it changes to disabled.

See? UM is optional after all.

Out of curiosity, how are you sure that it is heat that is killing your laptop? Do you have a CPU temp monitor running? Is it the CPU that overheating or the GPU or the ram? Are you getting a BSOD?

as for cigarette smoke: as a smoker, a techie and having had the same PC components for the last 5 years, you'd want to be exhaling 40 a day in a small enclosed space directly into the intake to cause a nicotine buildup like you are describing. I have seen smoke buildup on fans and components but these were in PCs in the environment I described above (non-smoking techies would go into the office at all, neither would thsoe squemish about dead rats ). Also, he's had someone check out his machine, pretty sure they'd see any residue build up on the fan.

however, having said all of this, if I17 killed all machines with a heat issue then I'd say its a bug with i17. Seeing as only one user so far has discovered this issue [ so far] I'd say that, as it stands, its an isolated issue WITH HIS MACHINE and running CoX i17. Doesnt mean i17 is broken, just means that its broken for you. I'd be more than happy to help in any way that I can but perhaps this is better suited to the technical issues thread than here?

seriously, ten people swim in a pool, one drowns, the rest swim happily and leave. which is more likely, the pool has something wrong with it or the victim couldnt swim very well?
I'm still not convinced his problem is heat. I think it's something else. Hard to say exactly what without running specific tests (which he seems unwilling to do), but it could be memory, power, or possibly even a just-starting-to-fail CPU or GPU. The system is destabilizing under heavy combined CPU and GPU stress, so clearly there is something not right.



Originally Posted by sblinks View Post
I've found after logging off, and relogging on, while getting all my toons thier annvisery badges that I'd keep getting the 'you are still logged on' message.
Not a big deal, but odd as the 30 sec count down would run through fine going back to login screen.
This is fairly common and has been for a long time. Sometimes there is a slight mis-sync between the client and server when you log out. So if you immediately try to log back in you get that message because the server isn't yet aware you've fully logged out.

The solution is to just wait a second or two before you log in after logging out.



Originally Posted by Evangel View Post
you could try turning off any of the options that were enabled by ultramode


restore a backup (you do those right?) to a point from before I17 release and then when the option comes up to use ultra mode or not, you choose not.


reinstall CoX from scratch and then select not to use ultramode


go into options>graphics and click the enabled button beside the advanced options so it changes to disabled.

See? UM is optional after all.
Well, for the first time ever... I feel compelled to say it... lrn2read. That's his first post in this thread. He is crashing in Safe Mode, which not only supposedly turns UM off but puts you in crayon mode graphics.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



I have a Dell 9400 that is acting almost the same way (except it was before I17 and the system totally locks, thermal shut down) it runs everything else fine but dies on CoX. The system uses a Nvidia Gforce Go 7900. I spent some time looking into the problem, and it turns out there is an issue with the video card/system.

Not sure if that really helps you out Doc, but it is possible to have the situation you describe where everything appears fine, then the system crashes when running the game.

I'd look into the possibility of the graphics card being wonky. I imagine the testing done by the techs didn't include substituting hardware (which is really what needs to happen to correctly pin down what's going on). Until you can get back to a "known good" configuration (which would be a similar system that can run CoX without problems) I'm afraid you're in for some frustration (which I can totally understand and sympathize with).

If your system is still under warranty it might be worth trying to get an on-site tech out that has replacement parts for: Memory, Graphics, NIC, CPU etc... or you might have to send it in. The problem is though, they'll be looking for the system bogging during normal operations rather than while running CoX (which it probably won't). You'll really have to push the point to get them to dig further.

Best of luck, let us know how it turns out.

Tanker Tuesdays: Meet in King's Row by IP Gate 6pm PT9pm ET.
1st Tuesday on Champion, 2nd Tuesday on Justice
3rd Tuesdays (Odd months) Freedom, (Even months) Virtue, 4th Tuesday, Tour, Server TBA
Brutal Thrashing Thursdays: Justice (ask Papa Slade when),meet in RWZ 6pm PT9pm ET.



while you are compelled to say it you obviously dont feel the same compulsion to learn to spell it or is the l33tsp34k supposed to add gravity to your statement?

well, he subsequently blames Ultra mode for the crash and while I'm learning to read perhaps you should learn to pay attention, especially to the bits you link to where it is said:

"4. As to what happen running in Safe Mode as you directed?, I made it up to just over 20 minutes instead of 15 before shutdown so Obviously Ultra Mode is having an Effect in Safe Mode Also and there is No way to make Ultra Mode "Optional" and return to the Normal game play as advertised would still be available since Before I17 I ran my laptop 48 hours straight during double xp weekends without overheating or shutting down.

so my suggestions which you seem to take offense to not only resolve his question about how to return to pre Ultra Mode but would also etiher fix the problem (if electing to enable ultra mode is whats causing it - even in safemode as the OP suggests) or prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that it is not UM in itself that is causign the issue with his equipment.

I personally dont think its a problem with ultra mode, it may be a problem with how his laptop handles ultra mode but thats a different story (and if he reverts everything, including the choice to enable UM we can rule UM out if it happens again).

you assume that safemode turns off all UM settings but does it actually disable all UM options? Are there any legacy references to UM code? Does the UM option enable some memory reference that was not referenced before? From experience, if you're tearign your hair out over a problem, forget whats assumed and start from scratch. Just ebcause a piece of software is "supposed" to do X doesnt mean its not also doign Y at the same time.



Originally Posted by Evangel View Post
Just ebcause a piece of software is "supposed" to do X doesnt mean its not also doign Y at the same time.
Yet you assert definitively that Ultra-Mode is optional.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
Yet you assert definitively that Ultra-Mode is optional.
Because it is. There is nothing magical about "ultra mode". It's a set of 4 graphics options that enhance shadows, reflections, and water, and adds ambient occlusion. If you're in safe mode (which sets all graphics options to the bare minimum) you can be sure all of the ultra mode options are disabled.



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
Yet you assert definitively that Ultra-Mode is optional.
once you are presented with the option to use UM you get to choose. The poster selected to use UM and then his trouble started. makes sense that to work out if that is the issue or if its something more general then you roll back to before the choice was made and choose differently. If the same results occur (crashing etc) then it wasnt the choice to use UM that caused the problem. If they dont, then crashing because of UM can be considered a definate symptom of the issue and UM could be the culprit.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Because it is. There is nothing magical about "ultra mode". It's a set of 4 graphics options that enhance shadows, reflections, and water, and adds ambient occlusion. If you're in safe mode (which sets all graphics options to the bare minimum) you can be sure all of the ultra mode options are disabled.
Evangel gave a list of ways to turn off UM to assert that UM is optional. Then when I pointed out that Doc OBay Jr had run in Safe Mode and still crashed s/he responded by stating that you can't trust the software to do what it says it does. You can't have it both ways - if you can't trust Safe Mode to turn off UM then you can't trust the other methods either. And given that you can't assert that UM is definitely optional. S/he is simply making an incoherent argument.

Personally, I agree with you, Safe Mode should turn off UM. The problem is that turning off UM doesn't seem to make the I17 client behave anything like the I16 client in terms of system requirements. That's really Doc OBay Jr's complaint. Right now it is pretty clear that I17 eats CPU cycles as if it has a tapeworm, regardless of what your graphics settings are. Whether that's because of some UM component that can't be opted out of, or some other change in I17 I don't know. Either way it isn't what the devs said was going to be the case.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Evangel View Post
once you are presented with the option to use UM you get to choose. The poster selected to use UM and then his trouble started. makes sense that to work out if that is the issue or if its something more general then you roll back to before the choice was made and choose differently. If the same results occur (crashing etc) then it wasnt the choice to use UM that caused the problem. If they dont, then crashing because of UM can be considered a definate symptom of the issue and UM could be the culprit.
All that choice does is enable certain graphics settings (as Cap Fab points out). It isn't some magical fork in the client that can't be undone. Safe Mode, for example, sets all of your graphics settings to the minimum, effectively turning off UM.

I'd actually be surprised if he got the pop up asking if he wanted to enable UM given that his graphics card is from a 4 year old laptop and very unlikely to be seen by the client as meeting the requirements for it to ask.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



and yet, he is insistent that it is UM that is causing the issue.

For what its worth, I dont think it is but unless he can see that for himself, then no-one is going to be able to help him get to the root of the issue.

read back over his posts: UM broke my laptop, response, no it didnt, his reply techies have checked it and they say there is nothing wrong ==> it must be UM. Easy test, roll back and dont elect to use UM. Its the only part of i17 that could possibly cause overheating, or a change in th ememory addressing used which could be hitting a faulty block in the ram or it could even be an irrecoverable block on the hard drive that is causign a reboot after 3 attempts (that I am aware of) - hence I asked if there was a BSOD message as we dont have enough information as is to diagnose properly. Event log entries in the minutes before the crash/restart? Is there a thermal warning?



In regards to claiming "safe mode" is a work around for turning off UM. It ultimately isn't. By that I mean, if you enter the game in Safe Mode in hopes of once being in Safe Mode you will be able to bump your graphics back up using the "Advance Settings" only, then as soon as you make adjustments in the "Advance Settings" the client recognizes you had once accepted UM and therefore it activates the "Ultra Mode" panel/settings again. Even though you technically were only sliding the "Advance Setting" sliders, it moves the UM sliders as well. Items like "Shadows" are directly linked apparently now to UM. If you try and only boost your shadow settings in the "Advance Settings" panel, you will also see the slider for the shadow settings move in the "Ultra Mode" panel. This is my fundamental complaint with UM as it seems to not really be optional imo. I mean, if it was you should in theory be able to disable it and still use the old "Advance Settings." Now items like the "Shadows" I have to disable all together because even the "Stencil" setting activates UM. I notice anomalies like structures or effects like smoke (from smoke stacks) flicker as I approach them from a distance with any shadow settings enabled since UM came out with the live version of i17. The pre-i17
Shader Quality settings set to "High" never caused this type of flickering. I am fortunate enough to be able to run UM on max settings, but occlusion makes things look fuzzy/blurry/dark-dingy to me and the shader setting max (while it doesn't tend to flicker max'd out) it does seem to seriously lower my frame rate which is even worse to me then the flickering. So my current work around is to run with all the advance settings max'd, no shadows, and all of the other UM settings off/disabled.

As for rolling back to avoid using UM altogether, is there a way of doing that just within the CoX client itself?

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2



good stuff. I learned something new! Thank you!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Johnnykat View Post
As for rolling back to avoid using UM altogether, is there a way of doing that just within the CoX client itself?
You can delete the Cryptic Registry folder under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software (using Regedit), which will force the CoHUpdater into thinking CoH isn't installed, and will prompt to download the game. At this point you just point it to your current CoH folder, and then it will skip the download. When you login again, it will be as if it was for the 1st time.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I don't care what anyone says. Its i17.

simple math=

works before i17

doesn't work after i17

problem is i17.


My question to you, have you been involved with the test server? I'm asking to see if you had problems there as well might lead to a driver corruption somewhere that could only be fixed by a format/reinstall
Yes, I was on test, all thru Trying to be on test rather I reported my problems and were Ignored, then during the Pocket D DEV patting themselves on the back I reported it to them in person, to be told that was the first time they ever heard of it.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
I'm still not convinced his problem is heat. I think it's something else. Hard to say exactly what without running specific tests (which he seems unwilling to do), but it could be memory, power, or possibly even a just-starting-to-fail CPU or GPU. The system is destabilizing under heavy combined CPU and GPU stress, so clearly there is something not right.
Dude this is the 2nd time you have almost outright called me a Liar, I listed some of the tests support had me load and run, and you still said I did Not do it then either, what Is you're problem?

I am Not a computer person, so I just pulled the names starlite and aquamark out of my *** and they Just happen to be the names of tests?

As a Note, I was Not the only one to report a Laptop overheating problem with I17, they had to clean their heatsink and fan and got it running, My situation it did Not fix but it Shows I17 caused a High heat problem for at least 2 laptop players.
Will you just go away already as you have Nothing of use to say in this case and act as if you're getting Paid to dispute any complaints.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by NuclearMedicine View Post
I have a Dell 9400 that is acting almost the same way (except it was before I17 and the system totally locks, thermal shut down) it runs everything else fine but dies on CoX. The system uses a Nvidia Gforce Go 7900. I spent some time looking into the problem, and it turns out there is an issue with the video card/system.

Not sure if that really helps you out Doc, but it is possible to have the situation you describe where everything appears fine, then the system crashes when running the game.

I'd look into the possibility of the graphics card being wonky. I imagine the testing done by the techs didn't include substituting hardware (which is really what needs to happen to correctly pin down what's going on). Until you can get back to a "known good" configuration (which would be a similar system that can run CoX without problems) I'm afraid you're in for some frustration (which I can totally understand and sympathize with).

If your system is still under warranty it might be worth trying to get an on-site tech out that has replacement parts for: Memory, Graphics, NIC, CPU etc... or you might have to send it in. The problem is though, they'll be looking for the system bogging during normal operations rather than while running CoX (which it probably won't). You'll really have to push the point to get them to dig further.

Best of luck, let us know how it turns out.
Tnx, still not giving up and trying all checks and options I can, I know there was some "questionable things" said about ATI xpress 200's being great and then finding they leftout some of the goods but the thing was I Was running fine the night before then all this started up with me loading up I17

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
Evangel gave a list of ways to turn off UM to assert that UM is optional. Then when I pointed out that Doc OBay Jr had run in Safe Mode and still crashed s/he responded by stating that you can't trust the software to do what it says it does. You can't have it both ways - if you can't trust Safe Mode to turn off UM then you can't trust the other methods either. And given that you can't assert that UM is definitely optional. S/he is simply making an incoherent argument.

Personally, I agree with you, Safe Mode should turn off UM. The problem is that turning off UM doesn't seem to make the I17 client behave anything like the I16 client in terms of system requirements. That's really Doc OBay Jr's complaint. Right now it is pretty clear that I17 eats CPU cycles as if it has a tapeworm, regardless of what your graphics settings are. Whether that's because of some UM component that can't be opted out of, or some other change in I17 I don't know. Either way it isn't what the devs said was going to be the case.
Kos, that is what I have been trying to say but lacked how to say it, I17 is Not acting the same way on my laptop as I16 did.

I16 all was cool, ran for 48 hours at a time (double xp, a lot of coffe and pizza delivery).
I16, ran 4 to 6 hours the night before I17, since I17 = As Soon as I hit the Updater to load the game my fan starts to go nuts and at full power, "Something" is going on at the start long before Hit any options of UM or No UM.
Tnx Kos, u said it better then I

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



As an update if this helps, Yes got this laptop for Travel.................and play the game as I do.

Took the Minimum Requirements with me as I checkout laptops out, this one beat them, that was four years ago, played fine the last four years no matter where in the world I was.

And No, I get no pop ups saying anything about UM or no UM or whatever else that bods thing was posted a few post back, nothing pops up.

As to the starting in safe mode and then I changing anything, No, I change nothing.

I've tried in normal loading the game to have Disabled and when that was not working clicking Enable and putting everything to the minimum or Off if there was a choice.

So you could say I get the same problem with:
Enabled and set to minimum or off.
Safe mode.
The only diff is I get about an extra 5 minutes in safe mode.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???