Live Known Issues - April 29th, 2010



Originally Posted by Djeannie View Post
I am not one to excuse shoddy work but I have seen the following scenario in action...Marketing/Division Head says "we don't care if it's buggy, release it now" and programming has to release it. It is possible that QC was doing its job and reported everything only to have a higher up say tough fix it later and release it now for the 6th anniversary.

EDIT: On your second point they said in i17 or soon after. Hasn't really been soon after yet
This. Yeah the issue is a little under cooked but they obviously wanted to release it on the 6th anniversary. But to be fair, while this issue might be a bit buggier than usual, previous releases usually take a good 2-3 weeks to settle down after a few post-issue patches.

Also remember a large chunk of the team is working on Going Rogue, which could explain why things are taking longer to fix than usual.

I'm not trying to make excuses for the dev team, just trying to put things in some kind of perspective.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
I'm not trying to make excuses for the dev team....
No, of course not... You're just....uh...

I'm enjoying i17 immensely. Im rich so I am able to afford a connection and a computer that can run Ultra Mode. keep up the good work Devs!

Oh, the RV Villain heavy still has no endurance. I believe the market is still down. I lost about 500mil through the mail system when globals went down, but I have more.

Oh, ouroboros teleporter animation and sound are looping on villainside. PvP is still bugged. After you enter the cim map next to the crystal people are getting stuck under the geometry and in the geometry.

ITF there's still a tremendous amount of server lag. MM pets disappear or run away on a few of the indoor maps.

All I can really think of at the moment.Quite a lot of bugs to remember, I'm sure someone else will remember.

Everythings really pretty though and Aeon's new villain archs are fantastic.



any word on when the patch hits live? Guessing tommorow (tuesday)



I've noticed a bug with the pets on Demon Summoning. When i have my demonlings and demons out and i zone the demons "swap" powers. For example Fire Demon starts to use ice powers and has the ice animations but still retains the Fire Demon name. The names stay in the same place on the pet window but the powers seem to like jumping around the place. When you've got a name like Burning Bonds on a fire demon and it starts shooting ice it looks a bit silly

Short Story I did:

DevArt Page:



re-name them



Here's another one for ya'll since I didn't see it said yet.

Don't bother doing a Dr. Kahn. On the final mission Reichsman stays in his "god mode" no matter what you do. (yes we thoroughly tested this)

Here's what I got when I reported THAT:

"An Arch-villain or Hero is intended to be a very difficult enemy to defeat and take longer to defeat than normal bosses. In most situations, a team will be needed to defeat an Arch-villain or Hero of the same level. At this time, all Arch-villains and Heroes in the game are working as designed. We strongly recommend going to the forums as there is wealth of player based knowledge on the best strategies for Arch-villains and Heroes."

........ Oh Frackin' really.

I won't quote myself from my page long response, but I will summarize:

1. Hi, I've been playing this awhile and I kinda know how stuff works thanks.
2. You're an idiot.

Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
This. Yeah the issue is a little under cooked but they obviously wanted to release it on the 6th anniversary. But to be fair, while this issue might be a bit buggier than usual, previous releases usually take a good 2-3 weeks to settle down after a few post-issue patches.

Also remember a large chunk of the team is working on Going Rogue, which could explain why things are taking longer to fix than usual.

I'm not trying to make excuses for the dev team, just trying to put things in some kind of perspective.
I cant really remember an issue where there wasn't a bunch of bugs.

Just look at it this way, If your picnic has bugs that's a sign that the food is good!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
Here's another one for ya'll since I didn't see it said yet.

Don't bother doing a Dr. Kahn. On the final mission Reichsman stays in his "god mode" no matter what you do. (yes we thoroughly tested this)

Here's what I got when I reported THAT:

"An Arch-villain or Hero is intended to be a very difficult enemy to defeat and take longer to defeat than normal bosses. In most situations, a team will be needed to defeat an Arch-villain or Hero of the same level. At this time, all Arch-villains and Heroes in the game are working as designed. We strongly recommend going to the forums as there is wealth of player based knowledge on the best strategies for Arch-villains and Heroes."

........ Oh Frackin' really.

I won't quote myself from my page long response, but I will summarize:

1. Hi, I've been playing this awhile and I kinda know how stuff works thanks.
2. You're an idiot.

Several issues where I have dealt with tech support via petitions leads me to believe that tech support doesn't know English very well. I think it might be someone on the other end that is reading english well enough to the point that he/she/it can reply a very limited FAQ type response.

usually it winds up with said support "escalating your petition to a Senior Customer Support Representative to further assist you" or better yet... hey boss can you translate this?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Bardon View Post
Note: This is often not a very good idea. Cases are designed carefully for optimum airflow. Removing the case means that you've basically opened up all the channels that used to funnel air over components and in fact your fans will provide less cooling than with the case on. Imagine a wind tunnel. Now imagine if you took away the walls - how much less air would be hitting the end of that tunnel as it spills away to the sides?
Let's face it, the only time you're likely to be advised to take the side off your case in relation to overheating is when you don't have a carefully optimised for windflow designed case. In which case it's is an excellent suggestion.

However I hadn't noticed it was a laptop. With laptops, if the fan is at the bottom of the machine, try raising the machine up and not having it flat on your desk/knee/wherever.
In relation to drivers you say you have an ATI card, have you checked for issues on the ATI forums or had a look to see if there is any ATI software you can use to speed up the fans or alter the clock speed? now playing GW2 with RO in Crystal Desert
RIP Sailor Rush, September 7th 2010.
Sign the petition to save CoH please.



one of the unity plauge missions won't complete I had a GM help me and he said it was a bugged mission after looking around.

Oh yea thanks GM_Brandon for the assist btw.



Is Self Destruct working just fine for everyone else? When I used it just now, I died but there was no animation and I didn't do any damage to anyone around me and there was no knockback. Also I didn't fall over or disappear or anything. The Go to Hospital button popped up and the enemies ignored me but I was still standing there as if I hadn't died at all, more like I was immobilized.



I have seen and been annoyed by most of the bugs in this new issue. The one that is killing me would be WWs being down. Before I knew it was down I did a few respecs on 5 toons. I had new builds (cause Issue 17 hurt the old builds). Now I'm stuck with SOs. I know.... "I never use IOs". Well I do. My scrapper went from God-like to Kitten-like.

But my real issue is a simple one. WHY release an issue, that is such a huge change to the game, without testing it... or at least testing and fixing till it was bug free. Test one thing at a time. You open the test server up and people are just there to look around. You'll find a few bugs that way, but it would be better to have paid testers looking at individual issues. I know, you wanted to release it to coincide with your 6th anniversary. Who cares to be blunt. Give us an Issue without bugs. Test the issues. Fix the bugs. Fill the WWs on test with IOs to see if things work right. The worst part is I fear Going Rogue will either be more of the same or delayed to 2011. Hope you get it together by then.

Check out this!!!!



Originally Posted by LAST_RONIN View Post
But my real issue is a simple one. WHY release an issue, that is such a huge change to the game, without testing it... or at least testing and fixing till it was bug free.

Oh, wait, you were serious?



Originally Posted by _Force_ View Post
Here's another one for ya'll since I didn't see it said yet.

Don't bother doing a Dr. Kahn. On the final mission Reichsman stays in his "god mode" no matter what you do. (yes we thoroughly tested this)

Here's what I got when I reported THAT:

"An Arch-villain or Hero is intended to be a very difficult enemy to defeat and take longer to defeat than normal bosses. In most situations, a team will be needed to defeat an Arch-villain or Hero of the same level. At this time, all Arch-villains and Heroes in the game are working as designed. We strongly recommend going to the forums as there is wealth of player based knowledge on the best strategies for Arch-villains and Heroes."

........ Oh Frackin' really.

I won't quote myself from my page long response, but I will summarize:

1. Hi, I've been playing this awhile and I kinda know how stuff works thanks.
2. You're an idiot.
I can understand the dilemma that customer support is in: the fact that such a standard response exists at all is almost certainly because they get tons of "this AV is too hard it must be bugged" problem reports. Most people who report things to them really don't know what working as intended actually is for most things in the game.

Having said that, I don't believe there exists a person in customer support capable of reading, interpreting, or resolving a bug more complex than the train stations changing color. You should /bug such things anyway, because repeated /bugs can get escalated to the devs and because the devs can use the /bug database to datamine for bug patterns. But you should always then report such bugs to the forums, where they are more likely to draw the attention of people capable of actually doing something about them.

I personally have a four sentence rule on /bug. If I can theoretically describe the bug to someone that has never played the game before, ever in four sentences or less, I /bug it. If not, I usually don't and PM it to the devs instead.

So, like, Positron Part One says to board the train to Atlas, and sends you to a building entrance instead that seems to open to Atlas like an Iconian portal? /buggable. Power seems to be buffing some, but not all attribute strength modifiers its intended to? /not likely.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Has there been any news around when they expect WW to be back online?

It is painful to store items in the email system or having to shuffle it between characters until it is back online.

Arc 52555: Tower of Darkness
Arc 139668: Bob's Crazy Car Dealership



Originally Posted by LAST_RONIN View Post
Give us an Issue without bugs.
Issue 20: The Bug Free Issue


* New Enemy Group: The Ephemerals

The Ephemerals are a villain group that come from a dimension with physical laws that are radically different from those of our dimension. As a result, they are invisible, silent, intangible, untargetable, impossible to detect, cannot be affected, and cannot affect players or NPCs. They spawn underground in all zones.

* New Zone: The Pocket Universe

The pocket universe is a special interdimensional region similar to the shadow shard, but unlike the shard it is only about 0.25 cubic feet in total volume (about the size of a large pocket). Within the pocket universe, powers are suppressed and teleport does not function. Its entrance is located just above the Storm Palace. The only things that can enter or leave the Pocket Universe are objects smaller than the size of the universe itself. Objects larger than this will fail to pass through the gateway to the pocket universe.

* New Epic Power Pool: Mimicry

Mimicry allows a player to replicate the powers of superpowered beings. It has four powers:

- Absorb primary power: when used, this replaces your tier 1 primary power with the first power of the primary set of the target for 30 seconds
- Absorb secondary power: when used, this replaces your tier 1 secondary power with the first power of the secondary set of the target for 30 seconds
- Replicate primary powerset: when used, this replaces your entire primary powerset with the primary powers of the target for 60 seconds
- Mimic target: when used, this replaces all of your powers with the powers of the target for 180 seconds.

(Note: due to current game engine limitations these powers will be limited in Issue 20 to targeting Self)

* New Task Force: Rise of the Ephemerals

The Ephemerals are attempting to invade our dimension! Ghost Falcon seeks your help to drive this scourge back to their own universe. Spanning several interdimensional zones including the new Pocket Universe, players will find the key to stopping this new alien menace.

Note: Rise of the Ephemerals is a task force for players Level 51 and higher, and due to its high difficulty requires a minimum of nine players to begin the task force.

* Villain content

We hear you villains! To address concerns that villains experience less content per issue than heroes, the new task force specifically requires villains to side switch in order to reach its starting contact. This guarantees that villains will experience more content in Issue 20 than heroes. Future expansions will likely continue to expand on villain content in new and innovative ways, including the ability to respec to hero powersets *and* reset yourself to level one, opening even more avenues to experiencing more content as a villain.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



one issue i have found over this weekend was in the base builder. when i tried to work on the walls and floor styles the game locked up and i had to ctrl alt delete and shut it down to get back in to the game. and it has happened every time i have tried also when i log out it will lock up freeze the counter when i hit exit now. till i control alt delete and close it down only way i have found to successfully log out is to just let the game time itself out by standing in the place i want to log out of.

i have not found any in game issues besides those. and they didnt happen on test when i was playing there.

i am using windows vista home premium 64 bit and have a evga gt 240 which runs ultra mode perfectly. i am open to any work around anyone may know



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Issue 20: The Bug Free Issue


* New Enemy Group: The Ephemerals

The Ephemerals are a villain group that come from a dimension with physical laws that are radically different from those of our dimension. As a result, they are invisible, silent, intangible, untargetable, impossible to detect, cannot be affected, and cannot affect players or NPCs. They spawn underground in all zones.

* New Zone: The Pocket Universe

The pocket universe is a special interdimensional region similar to the shadow shard, but unlike the shard it is only about 0.25 cubic feet in total volume (about the size of a large pocket). Within the pocket universe, powers are suppressed and teleport does not function. Its entrance is located just above the Storm Palace. The only things that can enter or leave the Pocket Universe are objects smaller than the size of the universe itself. Objects larger than this will fail to pass through the gateway to the pocket universe.

* New Epic Power Pool: Mimicry

Mimicry allows a player to replicate the powers of superpowered beings. It has four powers:

- Absorb primary power: when used, this replaces your tier 1 primary power with the first power of the primary set of the target for 30 seconds
- Absorb secondary power: when used, this replaces your tier 1 secondary power with the first power of the secondary set of the target for 30 seconds
- Replicate primary powerset: when used, this replaces your entire primary powerset with the primary powers of the target for 60 seconds
- Mimic target: when used, this replaces all of your powers with the powers of the target for 180 seconds.

(Note: due to current game engine limitations these powers will be limited in Issue 20 to targeting Self)

* New Task Force: Rise of the Ephemerals

The Ephemerals are attempting to invade our dimension! Ghost Falcon seeks your help to drive this scourge back to their own universe. Spanning several interdimensional zones including the new Pocket Universe, players will find the key to stopping this new alien menace.

Note: Rise of the Ephemerals is a task force for players Level 51 and higher, and due to its high difficulty requires a minimum of nine players to begin the task force.

* Villain content

We hear you villains! To address concerns that villains experience less content per issue than heroes, the new task force specifically requires villains to side switch in order to reach its starting contact. This guarantees that villains will experience more content in Issue 20 than heroes. Future expansions will likely continue to expand on villain content in new and innovative ways, including the ability to respec to hero powersets *and* reset yourself to level one, opening even more avenues to experiencing more content as a villain.
Are we going to have to pay for this issue ?




Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I cant really remember an issue where there wasn't a bunch of bugs.

Just look at it this way, If your picnic has bugs that's a sign that the food is good!
Or you eating on a pile of rotting dead animals.



Originally Posted by GPBunny View Post
Or you eating on a pile of rotting dead animals.
so THATS what happened to my family!

I thought those carrots were a little bloody...

edit: point made tho- people are tired of crap.

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Permalaise View Post
one issue i have found over this weekend was in the base builder. when i tried to work on the walls and floor styles the game locked up and i had to ctrl alt delete and shut it down to get back in to the game. and it has happened every time i have tried also when i log out it will lock up freeze the counter when i hit exit now. till i control alt delete and close it down only way i have found to successfully log out is to just let the game time itself out by standing in the place i want to log out of.

i have not found any in game issues besides those. and they didnt happen on test when i was playing there.

i am using windows vista home premium 64 bit and have a evga gt 240 which runs ultra mode perfectly. i am open to any work around anyone may know
Ya, the base builder bug has been going on for quite some time. Don't hold your breath that it will be fixed anytime soon. It's not that bad because most of the time that the game hard crashes is when you exit the builder. Rarely does it happen in the middle of editing a base.

"Let's go Crack a Planet." - StarShip Troopers 3
"Sometimes you just gotta say; The Laws of Time and Space, Who gives a smeg?" - Red Dwarf
"We've gone to Ultimate Red Alert" - Doctor Who



I have had the base builder crash on my pre i17 many times. Sometimes on exit, sometimes while editing. But since it seems to save location whenever you move anything, I haven't lost any edits.

That aside, I think it would be cool if you could reverese edits for an entire session instead of having to undo each edit singlely.

(if you can already do this and I am noob, please let me know how. Many failed stair building projects would easier to remove when I scream and give up.)



Had everybody and their brother it would seem check my system and run tests, all came up good, only time it started a heat problem was with loading up the spanking new and wonderful I17 with "Optional" UM.

I have Insisted it Had to be my laptop and they had to find the problem with my laptop because Support Insists I17 has nothing to do with it and UM is Optional and will not effect normal game play at all.
Question from each and every Tech "Your system checks out and is running fine and is not hot at all, When did your problem start happening"? , my answer "After I17 went live but Support and Fab on Forums Assure me IT Has to be My system and the Optional Ultra Mode has nothing to do with's just a coincidence it happen at the exact same moment I17 went live", each and every tech "...........rigghhhtttt."
> lol

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
Had everybody and their brother it would seem check my system and run tests, all came up good, only time it started a heat problem was with loading up the spanking new and wonderful I17 with "Optional" UM.

I have Insisted it Had to be my laptop and they had to find the problem with my laptop because Support Insists I17 has nothing to do with it and UM is Optional and will not effect normal game play at all.
Question from each and every Tech "Your system checks out and is running fine and is not hot at all, When did your problem start happening"? , my answer "After I17 went live but Support and Fab on Forums Assure me IT Has to be My system and the Optional Ultra Mode has nothing to do with's just a coincidence it happen at the exact same moment I17 went live", each and every tech "...........rigghhhtttt."
> lol

I don't care what anyone says. Its i17.

simple math=

works before i17

doesn't work after i17

problem is i17.


My question to you, have you been involved with the test server? I'm asking to see if you had problems there as well might lead to a driver corruption somewhere that could only be fixed by a format/reinstall

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.