Live Known Issues - April 29th, 2010



Originally Posted by Megami-Neko View Post
No, Issue 17 is one variable in the equation. It works fine for other people, and therefore is not the "problem".
Because we all use the same drivers and hardware.

oh, wait a min...

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Well I was going to suggest a few tests you should run, but since you're an unappreciative dick I've changed my mind and decided not to.

Good luck, I hope you get the problem figured out. Someday.
I'm an unappreciative dick?.............Oh Wait, I Am. I have Thanked ppl on this forum for posting Helpful things = man am I a Dick!

I will not bother with you anymore, I know your type, would piss themselves if had to Face someone in RL and say half what you have. I Will say this I Am an Unappreciative Dick to some punk that has called me a liar more then once. I have said more then a few times tests I've run and the names of the ones I remember then you say I Did Not run them or "supposedly" bs of yours, That's calling somone a Liar, calling Me a Liar, Appreciate you?, you have to have Honor to be something to be appreciated boy.

When do you "play" the game btw? over 4,500 posts saying nothing worth anyones time yet as I've seen.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



People here seem to be thinking that Ultra Mode is an "addon" to COH that can be easily disabled and is isolated from everything else. It's not. It's part of the pipeline that renders the game, and while you can disable features of it, there's no such thing as "disable Ultra Mode". If you are crashing now and weren't before i17, there is a problem somewhere in the graphics rendering pipeline; but blaming Ultra mode is like getting run over by a car and then claiming the wheels are the only part of the car responsible.

Remember that there were changes made to the graphics code that had nothing to do specifically with Ultra Mode features. Antialiasing is not an Ultra Mode feature, yet it was fixed for ATI users after being broken forever. There are likely a lot of changes to the graphics system like that which cause problems, and they're not Ultra Mode's fault.

People with Intel graphics were hit hard by this, losing access to their shaders until yesterday's patch restored it. In the same way, reporting (with a DXDiag log) what hardware is having incompatibilities will help the devs come up with a solution.

To those being affected and nothing seems to work: keep your cool, post your DXDiag logs with a description of the problem, and be patient. There are many things that need fixing; your issue will get solved too, but the devs are human. They need time to track down the bug and fix it. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



The idea behind my postings was to bring any and all info I could to the table,

Part of my troubleshooting teachings is, bring everything possible to the table. My oddball approaches at least cover the "way out there" theories and for the most part get them out of the way. To dispel my ideas on what is causing the problem doesn't make me upset, it simply helps single out everything until a solution is brought to light. I really hope it can be found soon.

I like the info that is being brought up regarding how i17UM is part of the game and only certain features can be disabled. Sounds like a step in the right direction for troubleshooting. There has got to be a bigger population that is experiencing this and not using the forums.

aside from that, I wish folks would stop tearing into each other. Personal attacks don't solve the problem. <Notice how I respond to personal attacks?>

Fab, what are those two tests please?

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
The idea behind my postings was to bring any and all info I could to the table,

Part of my troubleshooting teachings is, bring everything possible to the table. My oddball approaches at least cover the "way out there" theories and for the most part get them out of the way. To dispel my ideas on what is causing the problem doesn't make me upset, it simply helps single out everything until a solution is brought to light. I really hope it can be found soon.

I like the info that is being brought up regarding how i17UM is part of the game and only certain features can be disabled. Sounds like a step in the right direction for troubleshooting. There has got to be a bigger population that is experiencing this and not using the forums.

aside from that, I wish folks would stop tearing into each other. Personal attacks don't solve the problem. <Notice how I respond to personal attacks?>

Fab, what are those two tests please?
Prime95 and Memtest86 are the two standard tests to run in order to rule out problems with the CPU and memory. Combining Prime95 and AquaMark will push both the CPU and GPU to the max, and should expose any overheating issues. GPU-Z is good for monitoring your GPU temps, providing it has a thermal sensor.

And I don't think it's fair to use the term "ultra mode" like it's something you can turn on and off, cause you can't. It's not some kind of alternate rendering pipeline you can choose to use or not. It's merely a few graphical enhancements that you can choose to enable or disable in any combination. If you were to choose not to "enable Ultra Mode" when given the option all that will happen is that the new features will be turned off. That's it.

It would be like saying if I have antialiasing and anisotropic filtering on I'm in "super duper graphics mode" and thinking this is some kind of special graphics renderer.

Now it's entirely possible changes were made under the hood in order to allow the ultra mode features to work -- changes that could alter the way the visuals are rendered even with those new features turned off. This is not to say you're in "ultra mode" tho, it just means they reworked the graphics engine. There is no way to go back to the old engine.



Thank you!

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
And I don't think it's fair to use the term "ultra mode" like it's something you can turn on and off, cause you can't.
The devs coined the term to refer to a set of features and have stated it would be optional. Sticking to their implicit definition of "Ultra Mode"; unless they've redefined the word "optional", you are indeed supposed to be able to turn it on and off. So I think it's quite fair to talk about turning Ultra Mode on and off. What wouldn't be fair is to talk about switching graphics engines. Which is sort of what Evangel was suggesting when talking about ways to get back to the prompt asking if you want to enable Ultra Mode. Well, it kind of gave that impression anyway.

Can you turn the new graphics engine on or off? No.

Can you turn the Ultra Mode feature set on or off? Yes.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
The devs coined the term to refer to a set of features and have stated it would be optional. Sticking to their implicit definition of "Ultra Mode"; unless they've redefined the word "optional", you are indeed supposed to be able to turn it on and off. So I think it's quite fair to talk about turning Ultra Mode on and off. What wouldn't be fair is to talk about switching graphics engines. Which is sort of what Evangel was suggesting when talking about ways to get back to the prompt asking if you want to enable Ultra Mode. Well, it kind of gave that impression anyway.

Can you turn the new graphics engine on or off? No.

Can you turn the Ultra Mode feature set on or off? Yes.
But this is the way some people are talking about ultra mode, like it *is* some kind of special graphics engine, and that by turning it off everything will go back to the way it was in I16. All I'm saying is this is not correct. Disabling the ultra mode features will not restore the I16 graphics engine. If you select not to turn on ultra mode at startup you won't get to use the I16 graphics engine instead of the new one.

"Turning off" or "disabling" ultra mode means disabling the 4 new graphics options the devs collectively refer to as "ultra mode". But you'll still be using the new I17 graphics engine, even in safe mode.

I'm just trying to explain there is a difference between the I17 engine and "ultra mode". They are not the same thing.



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
Because we all use the same drivers and hardware.

oh, wait a min...
Obviously not.

Just as it's obvious that you missed my point.

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
But this is the way some people are talking about ultra mode, like it *is* some kind of special graphics engine, and that by turning it off everything will go back to the way it was in I16. All I'm saying is this is not correct. Disabling the ultra mode features will not restore the I16 graphics engine. If you select not to turn on ultra mode at startup you won't get to use the I16 graphics engine instead of the new one.

"Turning off" or "disabling" ultra mode means disabling the 4 new graphics options the devs collectively refer to as "ultra mode". But you'll still be using the new I17 graphics engine, even in safe mode.

I'm just trying to explain there is a difference between the I17 engine and "ultra mode". They are not the same thing.
This is what I was referring to. I think Captain Fabulous made the point a lot clearer than I did. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Turns out, that is only tangentially correct. The actual problem is that the check which is supposed to turn off the attributes in certain circumstances is failing. I'll be fixing this early next week, after first tracking down all the places it's broken.
It's past "early next week"...since this wasn't listed in the patch notes from yesterday, I'm guessing that this didn't get done yet. Any idea on an actual fix date, Castle?

The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader

@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2



The mito bug is derailing Hamidon raids, the past three raids I attended were cancelled and this is a problem for raiders on every server, even Virtue. This isn't simply about mechanics for the players, this is about bugs making it harder for us to play together. Hamidon raids take place in a fixed zone, no loading screens, and it's a moment when a large group of players gather to accomplish a common goal. This is what makes it a great opportunity for players to socialize. For the people who participate (or participated) in the raids Hamidon raiding is (or was) part of their (virtual) social lives. It's because Hamidon raiding (like the LGTF) motivate people to team together that it's important to keep these things running.

I can appreciate that the devs have a lot on their plate but it is important for them to address the issues that make specific kinds of group play unpopular or unrewarding. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games are generally designed to favor group play so when a bug restricts this kind of play it seems to me that fixing it should be a priority. In my opinion what's important here is not assigning blame but finding a solution and implementing it.



Originally Posted by leChuck12 View Post
The mito bug is derailing Hamidon raids, the past three raids I attended were cancelled and this is a problem for raiders on every server, even Virtue. This isn't simply about mechanics for the players, this is about bugs making it harder for us to play together. Hamidon raids take place in a fixed zone, no loading screens, and it's a moment when a large group of players gather to accomplish a common goal. This is what makes it a great opportunity for players to socialize. For the people who participate (or participated) in the raids Hamidon raiding is (or was) part of their (virtual) social lives. It's because Hamidon raiding (like the LGTF) motivate people to team together that it's important to keep these things running.

I can appreciate that the devs have a lot on their plate but it is important for them to address the issues that make specific kinds of group play unpopular or unrewarding. Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games are generally designed to favor group play so when a bug restricts this kind of play it seems to me that fixing it should be a priority. In my opinion what's important here is not assigning blame but finding a solution and implementing it.
I agree completely, and I hope it didn't appear that I was blaming Castle or anyone in particular for the problem. However, he was the dev that responded earlier in the thread that he would be fixing it "early" this week, so I addressed the question to him specifically.

I don't care who actually fixes the long as it gets fixed. And the sooner, the better.

The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader

@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
As a Note, I was Not the only one to report a Laptop overheating problem with I17, they had to clean their heatsink and fan and got it running, My situation it did Not fix but it Shows I17 caused a High heat problem for at least 2 laptop players.
I didn't bother reporting it, but my laptop's GPU ran 10 degrees hotter on Test vs Live (during beta, of course, now it's just as hot on Live). Mind you, this was after enabling all of the UM options, but the increased workload definitely made it run hotter. It did always run hot though, FWIW.

(I'd open it up and check out the heatsink etc, but the screws holding the bottom panel on are apparently made of plasticine and will strip if you so much as give them a stern look, so I've had to settle for playing with my laptop's back end propped up on a book until I can get one of those cooling pads for it.)



Originally Posted by rmthornton View Post
I didn't bother reporting it, but my laptop's GPU ran 10 degrees hotter on Test vs Live (during beta, of course, now it's just as hot on Live). Mind you, this was after enabling all of the UM options, but the increased workload definitely made it run hotter. It did always run hot though, FWIW.

(I'd open it up and check out the heatsink etc, but the screws holding the bottom panel on are apparently made of plasticine and will strip if you so much as give them a stern look, so I've had to settle for playing with my laptop's back end propped up on a book until I can get one of those cooling pads for it.)
I got the same problem, I have done everything to include spraying the hell out of every opening to getting the best new fan table I could find, to Trying to open everything up to actually Eyeball the fan and heatsink thing everyone is talking about. 30 odd screws later I still did not get to it and am Afraid of breaking anything that is left to open it further. Best Buy will Not do it and the comp shop I got it from wants me to pay $150.00 and Leave it with them for over a week......I Got Work to do With the comp so I can't.

I17 Came with a new higher stress it would seem that is causing Added heat which is Not optional, you, me, the guy talking about his wife's laptop, (I'm glad for them just cleaning sorted it for them) and a bud on defi uses 3 laptops, of which he reports only 1 still works for him since I17, he did not give me any info on what his issue is with the other 2 tho.

I just hate when they advert: "optional" and will Not effect normal game play and then all the sudden ppl start having issues at the same Moment the new system starts some ppl come out Insisting "it's your system only, because I don't have a problem", "you're broke, not the game" or "you're a liar", this last Not my favorite.
Thanks for coming forward and posting this bud...........that's 3 of us now.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Wulfman View Post
It's past "early next week"...since this wasn't listed in the patch notes from yesterday, I'm guessing that this didn't get done yet. Any idea on an actual fix date, Castle?
Wolf, he probably meant that he'd be fixing it on an internal build then; it usually takes some time for those fixes to filter from that internal build to the test server and then to live. As a guess the next test server build may well have his fix.

I seem to remember BaB mentioning something about having fixed something internally awhile back and that it would get to us in an upcoming patch, but they were programing a couple of patches ahead at that time.

In any case I can sympathize with being sidelined by a bug. As many of those bugs as we have currently I wouldn't be surprised if we get quite a few patches in the next couple weeks.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



Originally Posted by Call Me Awesome View Post
Wolf, he probably meant that he'd be fixing it on an internal build then; it usually takes some time for those fixes to filter from that internal build to the test server and then to live. As a guess the next test server build may well have his fix.

I seem to remember BaB mentioning something about having fixed something internally awhile back and that it would get to us in an upcoming patch, but they were programing a couple of patches ahead at that time.

In any case I can sympathize with being sidelined by a bug. As many of those bugs as we have currently I wouldn't be surprised if we get quite a few patches in the next couple weeks.
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if this is the case. Of course, if it is, then I would prefer that he say that rather than posting a message that seems to suggest it will happening so quickly.

Honestly, I think the problem may be the difference between being "fixed" from a dev's point of view and a player's point of view. To the dev, it's "fixed" when the errant code is identified and corrected, regardless of when the actual patch will go through and the players will be able to experience it properly on the live server. To the player, it's "fixed" when it works the way it's supposed to on the live server (since that's what the players are paying for), especially when there were supposedly no changes made to the Hamidon or the mitos in i17.

The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader

@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2



Not a real big issue, but I went to change my toons costume today and noticed the background of all the costume slots was screwed up. Top half was right and the bottom half was wonkie. Anyone else seeing this?



Originally Posted by GMan3 View Post
Not a real big issue, but I went to change my toons costume today and noticed the background of all the costume slots was screwed up. Top half was right and the bottom half was wonkie. Anyone else seeing this?
Yes, this was reported in beta.



Were any of the reported bugs in beta fixed before it went live?


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Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
Were any of the reported bugs in beta fixed before it went live?



Well all, been a pretty fun four years most times, was nice to have something to ease my mind as I traveled and reported on u.s. military regulation issues around the world, once they sort themselves with this Not Optional optional UM I'll be back I hope.

All have fun, Good Hunting 2u!

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Wulfman View Post
It wouldn't surprise me in the least if this is the case. Of course, if it is, then I would prefer that he say that rather than posting a message that seems to suggest it will happening so quickly.

Honestly, I think the problem may be the difference between being "fixed" from a dev's point of view and a player's point of view. To the dev, it's "fixed" when the errant code is identified and corrected, regardless of when the actual patch will go through and the players will be able to experience it properly on the live server. To the player, it's "fixed" when it works the way it's supposed to on the live server (since that's what the players are paying for), especially when there were supposedly no changes made to the Hamidon or the mitos in i17.
Mitos and Reischman have been fixed on test, according to the patch notes.



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
Well all, been a pretty fun four years most times, was nice to have something to ease my mind as I traveled and reported on u.s. military regulation issues around the world, once they sort themselves with this Not Optional optional UM I'll be back I hope.

All have fun, Good Hunting 2u!
you said thats a work laptop eh?

had it for about two years eh?

*Institutes a session of mind control*

Ooopsie! Sorry someone knocked it off the table! Guess I will just have to Go get a new one so I can go play in Mr. H's Maze.

*End Mind control*

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Mitos and Reischman have been fixed on test, according to the patch notes.
Thanks for the heads up. Has anyone run an LGTF or a Hami raid to confirm that it's now working properly?

The Twilight Avengers, Guild Leader

@Wulf 1 or @Wulf 2