Live Known Issues - April 29th, 2010



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
hmmm, I have a question for u Fab, are u here so much because U Can't load the game yourself or because you're a Paid spokesman for coh and are on the clock?

Seems I did pay attention, my fans were checked and they are clean, yet you don't have a new know-it-all answer..........
I played the game for 8 hours on i17 launch and 14 hours on Friday. I am having no major issues -- no crashes, no mapservers, no overheating.

And if you were paying attention you still wouldn't be sticking to this ridiculous idea that somehow the game is causing your properly-cooled laptop to overheat.

Here's an idea. Run Prime95 and Aquamark together and see how fast your laptop shuts down. That is, if it's a heat issue at all. Do you have any proof the shutdowns are heat-related?



Originally Posted by Grouchybeast View Post
You can always pick up a Cimerora mission via Ouroboros, and use the Ourob crystal teleport to contact function as a work-round.
But, only if you're a high enough level to access the oro arcs. If you have a level 35 that you want to get into Cimerora, good luck.



Its so sad playing without Globals...

Its so.... silent...


** Guardian�s Crazy Catgirl **
************* 22 XxX 10 *************

Yes. I can get lost on a straight-line map.



so for this weekend...

no globals: <No teaming for me>

no email: <No slotting of enh I already crafted and mailed>

no market: <No buying salvage to craft replacement IO's>


Guess I will go build more labyrinth then :3

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Not sure if this is known - the useful salvage and large posting fee warnings turn back on every time you zone. Minor, but very annoying, especially since the useful salvage warning takes memorized recipes into account.



Yeah, I'm getting really tired of the "Global up....Global down....Global up...ect."



Any update on the problem with auction houses?



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
I crafted some basic IO's and a few winter IO's stored for the next level I was about to reach.

I log in just a while ago and all my mail is gone.

Anyone else missing emails as well?

Not only this but I transferred 1 million infamy from a lvl 50 to my new DS on Thurday. I've been buying enh's and crafting enhancements with that money since Thursday, but all of a sudden today, I lost all of the infamy. I went to craft a recipe and didn't have enough infamy, only had 30k.....down from over 850k that I had left of what was transferred PLUS what I've earned during my 23 levels of playing, that was there when I logged off last night. So even for those that have access to their global friends/name and can send emails to themselves, I wouldn't. Hope they can keep track of all the items and money that have been emailed back and forth, I sent well over 25 recipe's for storage until the BM is up and I can get the necessary salvage.

Liberty server: Ms. Darknight lvl 50 MA/Inv Scrap; Trics Galor lvl 50 Necro/Dark MM; Demonatricks lvl 45 DS/Thermal MM; Azyima lvl 50 Shield/SS Tank



*sigh* That's it. Had grant cover slotted with an enzyme. Thanks Kosmos. ...bracken...fracken...

Miss Arc #147491: Rise of Bedlam
AKA Iron Smoke @Champion Server



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
I played the game for 8 hours on i17 launch and 14 hours on Friday. I am having no major issues -- no crashes, no mapservers, no overheating.

And if you were paying attention you still wouldn't be sticking to this ridiculous idea that somehow the game is causing your properly-cooled laptop to overheat.

Here's an idea. Run Prime95 and Aquamark together and see how fast your laptop shuts down. That is, if it's a heat issue at all. Do you have any proof the shutdowns are heat-related?
You know dude, I have been gone for what seems to be hours running tests with HP, support and everybody n their brother and come back and u are Still at it.

This attitude that "Hey my stuff works so you are a liar or it's your fault" stuff is getting out of hand, just because Your system is not having a problem does not mean others aren't, you're like those ppl that said the world was flat and wanted to kill those that did not agree. You and this 'prove it' stuff, prove you ain't 8 or just have a stick up your backside today.
My "Proof" is it did not overheat before they loaded I17 a couple hours later. My "Proof" is that I'm passing All testing and am not overheating anywhere else UNTIL I load the game. Grow up or go away until you have Helpful Advice and not just this fire you have against anyone saying they are having a problem with your sweetheart.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Tutelary View Post
Any update on the problem with auction houses?
The new patch on Test seems to have solved the problem, so I expect to see that go live tomorrow.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
You know dude, I have been gone for what seems to be hours running tests with HP, support and everybody n their brother and come back and u are Still at it.

This attitude that "Hey my stuff works so you are a liar or it's your fault"
Where exactly did I state you were lying about the problem or that it was your fault? Oh that's right. I didn't. I did question the extent to which you've run tests, as the only one you've mentioned by name is AquaMark, which is certainly not the end-all-be-all of diagnostic tests.

My "Proof" is it did not overheat before they loaded I17 a couple hours later.
Not "proof" as correlation does not imply causality. Again, to use the car analogy, if my car overheats only on the interstate it's not "proof" there is something wrong with the road, only that there is something wrong with my car.

My "Proof" is that I'm passing All testing and am not overheating anywhere else UNTIL I load the game.
Then you're not running the right tests. And you keep saying it's shutting down due to overheating, yet you have provided no "proof" this is true. Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get a modern laptop to overheat to the point of critical shutdown?

Grow up or go away until you have Helpful Advice and not just this fire you have against anyone saying they are having a problem with your sweetheart.
I have given you helpful advice. You have chosen to ignore it. If anyone has their head shoved tightly up their behind it's you. But like I said, no skin off my nose. I'm not the one having problems.

Just curious tho -- did you do *any* of the things I suggested? Yeah, thought not. Don't ask for Helpful Advice if you have no interest in accepting it. It's much more productive to continually whine in post after post. Despite what you may think the devs aren't out to shaft you. I know, I know, it's hard to believe. But so was convincing the ancient Greeks the world was indeed round.



Captain Fabulous is correct in one area anyway, if your machine overheats for any reason whatsoever then it IS your machine at fault; the only thing a program can do is load the components to maximum capacity, and any properly built computer can dissipate the heat generated by CPU & Video running at 100% without overheating.

If you're overheating then the problem is either airflow in your machine or fans that aren't functioning properly. If there's good airflow, your vents aren't blocked by dust bunnies and your fans are turning properly then your machine will not overheat in any realistic ambient temperature. This goes double for a laptop as they're designed with a fair amount of overkill in mind on cooling... if it's overheating pick it up and make sure the vents underneath aren't blocked.

In order for a machine to overheat to the point of a thermal shutdown you'd have to have serious airflow problems or non-functional fans. I can't get to that point with my workstation class laptop even if I set it down on a pillow that completely blocks the underside vents... it'll get hot, but not to the point of shutdown.

In summary, please make sure that all the vents are clean and unblocked and that all fans are turning smoothly. Overheating is NOT the fault of ANY program you may be running.

I have no doubt you have problems with issue 17; lots of people have had problems with the new build. Temperature however is not one of them.

<edit to clarify>
The testing you've done does not particularly stress the CPU and GPU, so it doesn't cause any overheat. COH has always stressed both components and yes, it does seem to stress them harder now than it used to. In any case, no program can ever stress any component beyond 100% of that component's capacity and any computer in proper working order can run at 100% indefinitely without overheating. If you're overheating then you have a problem with the cooling system in your machine, almost certainly it's a fan not turning or a clogged vent or heat sink.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



My wife's laptop was running City like a slideshow after I-17 released. Turned out it was overheating - we opened it up, found a wall of dust over the fan, removed the dust and now it's fine.

Our desktop machine didn't have a problem.



Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
so for this weekend...

no globals: <No teaming for me>

no email: <No slotting of enh I already crafted and mailed>

no market: <No buying salvage to craft replacement IO's>
The market being down was bad enough; especially as it seems these were problems which were reported in closed beta. But now we have no globals either?

Admittedly I've only been playing 21 months but the pre-release quality control seems to get worse every issue.

To mess up this badly is absolutely shoddy but to do it when it should be a flagship 6th anniversary release is just unexcusable.

Why pay people to do a quality control function when they clearly aren't doing their jobs. Fire them and hire new people, please. In this economic climate, it shouldn't be difficult to find people better than the ones you have.

It's such a shame that so much effort goes into concepts and then coding and it is all just let down by the quality checking. It's like finding your favourite supercar, looks georgeous, has all the toys you could want but someone put in an engine from a Model T ford. One which doesn't work.

Oh yes, and what happened to the promised "fix" to AE so that arcs with items to be destroyed or captives to be rescued (not fight/buff) were not penalized? Promised here for i17 or just after. Well that's now. So how much longer do we have to wait? Or wasn't this ever a promise that was going to be kept?

SAVE CoX info:
Titan Network efforts
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Originally Posted by GrantAnderson View Post
My wife's laptop was running City like a slideshow after I-17 released. Turned out it was overheating - we opened it up, found a wall of dust over the fan, removed the dust and now it's fine.

Our desktop machine didn't have a problem.
I had it checkout at best buy, I got a new fan table, I can "feel" the air being sucked in and feel it being blown out the back. I got a can of Dynex compressed gas duster and blew thru the vents, even felt a flow coming from the out vent while doing it.

I've had the comp on all day doing my stuff, checking testing sites, running tests, checking the heat which 'just' warm to the touch and then try the game, it's when I load the game the fans go nuts and run at full blast as it heats up till shutdown.

I would like to know where I can open it up to get a direct "look" at the fans but I do not seem to have a direct panel for that, any advice on how I do this?

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Kallandra View Post
This is also happening on Union server, so i presume it will be all of them. On entering Cimerora through the Midnighter Club the floor has been lowered so the character gets stuck up to their knees in the floor. Teleporting doesn't work, nor does /stuck. So basically, unless you've already got a mission in the zone and can use the mission teleporter the zone is now out of bounds.
I had this happen a couple of times also, but clicking on the "stone" to go back into midnight club and then right back into Cimerora has gotten me in okay each time.



Originally Posted by lukewarmdog View Post
Tl;dr - have you tried running with the case off? Unless you live in a furnace, this will cool the machine instantly.
Note: This is often not a very good idea. Cases are designed carefully for optimum airflow. Removing the case means that you've basically opened up all the channels that used to funnel air over components and in fact your fans will provide less cooling than with the case on. Imagine a wind tunnel. Now imagine if you took away the walls - how much less air would be hitting the end of that tunnel as it spills away to the sides?



Originally Posted by Bardon View Post
Note: This is often not a very good idea. Cases are designed carefully for optimum airflow. Removing the case means that you've basically opened up all the channels that used to funnel air over components and in fact your fans will provide less cooling than with the case on. Imagine a wind tunnel. Now imagine if you took away the walls - how much less air would be hitting the end of that tunnel as it spills away to the sides?
Very true, but only if you already have adequate cooling. If your cooling is somehow impaired opening up the case will restore at least some of the lost airflow. You're right tho, if your machine runs cooler with the case open than closed there is a problem.



Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
The market being down was bad enough; especially as it seems these were problems which were reported in closed beta. But now we have no globals either?

Admittedly I've only been playing 21 months but the pre-release quality control seems to get worse every issue.

To mess up this badly is absolutely shoddy but to do it when it should be a flagship 6th anniversary release is just unexcusable.

Why pay people to do a quality control function when they clearly aren't doing their jobs. Fire them and hire new people, please. In this economic climate, it shouldn't be difficult to find people better than the ones you have.

It's such a shame that so much effort goes into concepts and then coding and it is all just let down by the quality checking. It's like finding your favourite supercar, looks georgeous, has all the toys you could want but someone put in an engine from a Model T ford. One which doesn't work.

Oh yes, and what happened to the promised "fix" to AE so that arcs with items to be destroyed or captives to be rescued (not fight/buff) were not penalized? Promised here for i17 or just after. Well that's now. So how much longer do we have to wait? Or wasn't this ever a promise that was going to be kept?
I am going to go hide in my base.


Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



Originally Posted by Avatea View Post
  • Catalyst 10.2 drivers have a conflict with Ultra Mode features. After toggling between graphics quality levels and pushing "Apply" in the UI the game framerate may drop dramatically until you quit the game and restart. In order to avoid this issue please update your drivers to the latest 10.4 version.
  • The command "/chan_timeout <channel name> <duration>" is not working currently.
  • In Mission Architect, the Unique map Grandville- The Fab has pathing problems. Pets will not be able to follow you, and it will not be possible to complete some mission types.
  • Tailor - the tails of a trench coat automatically set to Long>Basic when entering a tailor session with a trenchcoat with tails set to something other than Long>Basic. Changing it back to the correct selection before purchasing a costume does not result in a charge.
  • Windowed mode causes the NPC portraits to resize significantly.
  • Some area buff powers still only affect a maximum of 16 player allies: Force Field/Dispersion Bubble. Kinetics/Inertial Reduction, Radiation Emission/Radiant Aura and Accelerate Metabolism, Sonic Resonance/Sonic Dispersion, Storm Summoning/Steamy Mist, Thermal Radiation/Warmth, Fortunata Seer pet Mind Link.
  • If you already have a level 20 or higher character, you must log them in before you're granted access to the EATs.
Am I the only one who reads these minimal Known Issues lists they release and conjures an image of Comical Ali from the Second Gulf War announcing that the Americans are being driven back to Riyadh while behind him we see a platoon of American M1 Abrams tanks cruising past dozens of burnt out Iraqi T55 wrecks?

When I first entered the programming field as a student over 25 years ago I was presented with a number of rules from the department head regarding known bugs and patch notes. There was no formal documentation about these rules. So I wrote up a memo as a sardonic joke - knowing the boss would take the creation of specific categories of bugs seriously while all my co-workers would get a laugh.

Recreating it from memory, and shortening dramatically (I spent several hours polishing it then, rather than just minutes here), it went something like this:

Bugs are to be placed in one of 5 categories.

Category A - This is any major bug we already have a fix for. These go in the Known Issues list at the top, so that when we put out the fix with Patch Notes so promptly it will seem like we're really on the ball.

Category B - These are minor bugs of little consequence. We list these in Known Issues to pad the list and make it seem exhaustive to hide the fact that we're deliberately leaving stuff out. Don't list all of the little bugs at once, as we want to keep some in reserve in case we need padding for future lists. However try to list enough that any readers will get bored by reading about these trivial things before they get to the Category C bugs.

Category C - These are the major bugs that we can't deny the existence of without destroying our credibility. We list these in the Known Issues only because we have to. Put them near the end of the list with just a handful of Category B issues after them. Hopefully only a few people will notice them there. Try to word them in an arcane manner so that those who read them may misunderstand them and also to make them seem extremely difficult to solve.

Category D - These are major bugs we know about, but can plausibly deny the existence of, or at least our knowledge of their existence. As long as we can, leave them off the Known Issues list. If we develop a fix put them on the Known Issues list as Category A, declaring as believably as possibly that we just now learned of their existence. If we don't have a fix but can no longer deny their existence then move them to the Known Issues list as Category C, again disclaiming any previous knowledge of their existence.

Category E - These are the bugs we don't know about. Don't list these in the Known Issues. (Yes, he actually told us not to list bugs we don't know about. He meant bugs we knew existed but couldn't nail down a definition of, but that's not what he said, so "We have another Cat E" became a standard shop joke.)

Now, having written this... do I post it? Ah well, hopefully Avatea has a sense of humor. Think about the comedy skits where the anchors read whatever is handed to them and view these Known Issues lists as the equivalent of saying, with a deadpan expression, "It's Sunday May 2nd, and I'm not wearing any knickers."


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
seems to me to be a stupid idea to come to Forums and cry ppl are Writing on them, go look at a blank wall somewhere.
Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
Cool your jets dude or don't read forums, or at least don't Bother writing on them until you're in a better and Helpful mood.
Irony, anyone?

'I don't like the look of it at all,' said the King: 'however, it may kiss my hand if it likes.'
'I'd rather not,' the Cat remarked.
'Don't be impertinent,' said the King, 'and don't look at me like that!' He got behind Alice as he spoke.
'A cat may look at a king,' said Alice.



Originally Posted by Avatea
Catalyst 10.2 drivers have a conflict with Ultra Mode features. After toggling between graphics quality levels and pushing "Apply" in the UI the game framerate may drop dramatically until you quit the game and restart. In order to avoid this issue please update your drivers to the latest 10.4 version.

The funny thing with this is Support wrote me to Install Catalyst 10.2 after I17 went live and I started having issues, I wrote back after I did and was still having issues and Read This Post from Avatea if they wanted me to load 10.4 and that I had read this post on the forums and the answer was NO they wanted me to install 10.2 and Not 10.4

I did Try to open my laptop up and look directly at my fans, some thirty-odd screws later I still could not reach it.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



The nice braided buns hair option from the Martial Arts Booster Pack appears to have disappeared from the Tailors.

Help Dirk Knightly the freelance detective solve a case in Arc ID:368097



Originally Posted by Capa_Devans View Post
The market being down was bad enough; especially as it seems these were problems which were reported in closed beta. But now we have no globals either?

Admittedly I've only been playing 21 months but the pre-release quality control seems to get worse every issue.

To mess up this badly is absolutely shoddy but to do it when it should be a flagship 6th anniversary release is just unexcusable.

Why pay people to do a quality control function when they clearly aren't doing their jobs. Fire them and hire new people, please. In this economic climate, it shouldn't be difficult to find people better than the ones you have.

It's such a shame that so much effort goes into concepts and then coding and it is all just let down by the quality checking. It's like finding your favourite supercar, looks georgeous, has all the toys you could want but someone put in an engine from a Model T ford. One which doesn't work.

Oh yes, and what happened to the promised "fix" to AE so that arcs with items to be destroyed or captives to be rescued (not fight/buff) were not penalized? Promised here for i17 or just after. Well that's now. So how much longer do we have to wait? Or wasn't this ever a promise that was going to be kept?
I am not one to excuse shoddy work but I have seen the following scenario in action...Marketing/Division Head says "we don't care if it's buggy, release it now" and programming has to release it. It is possible that QC was doing its job and reported everything only to have a higher up say tough fix it later and release it now for the 6th anniversary.

EDIT: On your second point they said in i17 or soon after. Hasn't really been soon after yet

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"Once the avalanche has started, it is too late for the pebbles to vote" -Kosh