12 -
I'd also like to join if there's still room. Azyima Shields/SS tank. Thank you.
Honestly, I don't know how any of you actually had time to read the message that came up. I had read a previous thread about this arc before I attempted it, so I knew that warning was going to be coming, and it flashed SO quickly, I couldn't read it on the screen before it was gone. And the coloring of the warning was so bad in my chat box (and I haven't recolored anything) that I couldn't even read it at all there. I loved the arc, I'm not complaining about it other than I don't see the purpose or point in warning us about a particular power, or anything really, if you don't give us enough time to actually read the warning and react to it. I only survived because I had read the thread prior to doing the mission, and it didn't even know what was said in the warning, just reported that you should regroup when something flashes on the screen, lol.
I had a very odd thing happen that has to be related to this situation. Since Thursday, I've sent well over 23 recipe attachments (working on the crafting badges) from my new character to a lvl 50 for storage until the BM comes back up and I can access salvage, and sent 1 million infamy from the same lvl 50 to the same new character. Claimed the 1 million infamay with a smile and proceeded to use it for crafting enhancements, buying enhancements, etc, until this morning when I tried to craft a lvl 25 end red recipe that had dropped and my inventory showed that I didn't have enough influence to craft it! when I logged off yesterday, I had over 825,000 inf left from that transfer on Thursday, plus what I had earned through playing. So, not only have I lost the recipe's I sent, but the infamy that was sent AND CLAIMED, is now gone as well. So far, I've not read of anyone else having this problem.....has anyone? I suspect it was probably much more noticeable in my case, because the new character was brand new and didn't have any money at all, so I feel an 800k loss a little more than I would on a higher level character with multiple millions. Am anxious to hear if anyone else has had this problem.
I think this is another good reason to push for seperate recipe storage either in the vault or in the base (my preference). It's just unacceptable that for "whatever" reason, we're unable to store recipes anywhere right now except on our characters. Doesn't matter if it is an hour or a week or month until they get it fixed....it's just not acceptable that due to no fault of our own, we have full recipe inventories that can't be crafted because we don't have access to salvage from the AH. Not only are we losing access to the crafted enhancements, badge credit for those crafted enhancements, but also the other recipe's that we should be getting dropped as we play, but can't because our inventory is full. And no, "sell your inventory" is simply not an acceptable answer.
Quote:I crafted some basic IO's and a few winter IO's stored for the next level I was about to reach.
I log in just a while ago and all my mail is gone.
Anyone else missing emails as well?
Not only this but I transferred 1 million infamy from a lvl 50 to my new DS on Thurday. I've been buying enh's and crafting enhancements with that money since Thursday, but all of a sudden today, I lost all of the infamy. I went to craft a recipe and didn't have enough infamy, only had 30k.....down from over 850k that I had left of what was transferred PLUS what I've earned during my 23 levels of playing, that was there when I logged off last night. So even for those that have access to their global friends/name and can send emails to themselves, I wouldn't. Hope they can keep track of all the items and money that have been emailed back and forth, I sent well over 25 recipe's for storage until the BM is up and I can get the necessary salvage. -
So after seeing the post by Avatea that the servers were up, I open my updater and it's showing me over an hour of download at 23.8k/s and is fixing files 13.7M/84.7M. It also doesn't show what "version" of the game I'm running. "Project City of Heroes - Version" is all it's showing. Does that sound right to anyone? Seems like a LOT of people are already in the game playing the new content and I've got over an hour of downloading? Did everyone go through this before they got in, after the patch? Thanks.
Also having trouble with this workaround. I've been trying to connect for over 20 minutes, it's on it's 28th try now. This situation is very frustrating and discouraging.
This type of thing from support GM's happens entirely too often. I can't tell you how often I've had GM's state something to me that I know to be inaccurate, and upon me replying to them, they then retract it, and tell me the accurate information. It really is sad how ill-informed CoH's support staff is.
Great guide Joe, thanks for all the work =)
I'm not any kind of writer, but I am enjoying reading your story =). I would appreciate it if you'd continue posting it. Thanks