Globals are down.. AGAIN!
Stefanie, please don't be upset. I have been around since Issue 1, and problems always get fixed. I know it's annoying, but just hang in there. Sometimes the devs will take a feature down for a bit to tweak it so it will work better. After 6 years, I'd consider myself a vet..and ttrust me, WoW is the last place I'd head for. (Tried it, disliked it.)

*sigh* I know .. I'd NEVER go near WoW! I just <3 my lovies in-game sooo much, and now I can't see anyone! You can see I've only been here for 4 years, not 6, so..I'm not a "vet,"
... Anyway, I'm just sooo frustrated that all the stuff has been wiped for the past 8 hours.. to me, that's a bit long to not be able to see what's going on.
Mama Stefie, Candie Kisses, Starrmie, Starrie, StarrShyne, Starrlah, Kyandie
@Kiri-chan is my hubby!

Having globals down is always a reminder to me of the game before global chat, it was a great addition.
Yes it sucks that they are down, but they will be back.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
Stef, I think 4 years qualifies you as a vet. You love this game or you wouldn't have stayed all this time. LOL...hence the frustration. I think we all get kinda spoiled because MOST of the time things work as they should and we expect it. Funny, isn't's like real life when you lose the phone or tv sevice for a while. Almost the same annoyance factor.

ty <3 It's good to rant sometimes. :P *please* come back up soon!
) I have a newbie tank I wanna lvl up..
Mama Stefie, Candie Kisses, Starrmie, Starrie, StarrShyne, Starrlah, Kyandie
@Kiri-chan is my hubby!

Looks like emails are down too - I hope they didn't get wiped...
Looks like emails are down too - I hope they didn't get wiped...
Of course, you can only send attachments to global names. Hopefully when the global chat system comes back up any missing global e-mails will return as well.
This new i17 has really made me want to switch to WoW..which is where most of the CoH vets have gone already, anyway..
"Hey... Guys... OMG we're in the wrong place right now! We're supposed to be playing WoW right now. That's where we've all gone!"
... Hit it ...

I feel so disconnected when globals are down, like I'm suddenly in single player mode.
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
me too I has a sad
Mama Stefie, Candie Kisses, Starrmie, Starrie, StarrShyne, Starrlah, Kyandie
@Kiri-chan is my hubby!

You know, I *wish*, just for once, these guys would actually TEST their code
before foisting it off on the paying customers...
I'm also hoping the 3 recipes I e:mailed to myself didn't simply go POOF and end up
in the void somewhere, but given the stellar track record our devs have with every
significant coding change they've made so far, I'm not holding out any hope that
I'll see those 3 again...
Nice Work, Team...
I've been rich, and I've been poor. Rich is definitely better.
Light is faster than sound - that's why some people look smart until they speak.
For every seller who leaves the market dirty stinkin' rich,
there's a buyer who leaves the market dirty stinkin' IOed. - Obitus.
Globals hate me.. I am so cold.. cold!
Pinnacle & Virtue:
A bunch of Heroes - Alpha Team, Legion of Order.
A bunch of Villains -Black Citadel , Pinnache.
You know, I *wish*, just for once, these guys would actually TEST their code
before foisting it off on the paying customers... I'm also hoping the 3 recipes I e:mailed to myself didn't simply go POOF and end up in the void somewhere, but given the stellar track record our devs have with every significant coding change they've made so far, I'm not holding out any hope that I'll see those 3 again... Nice Work, Team... |

I emailed them to myself to "store" them for when WW finally came back up.
I don't blame the developers... as problems DO happen.
I hope they get it back and running soon.
Satan trembles when he sees...
the weakest saint on his knees.

Bums me out also. I have taken breaks from the game, always came back. I love this game.
Came back this time to find my SG and VG gone completely.
Problems do happen.
THIS problem seems to happen every time there is a new major publish.
Flat learning curve is flat.
Things to remember:
-Common sense ain't;
-Overkill is the only kill;
-If someone asks if you're a god, run away.
I don't particularly blame the devs. I DO blame NCsoft for a totally inadequate support and information disseminating system. I'm sure I'm not alone in reporting this hours ago to support via a petition.
Why has there been no post on the server status page, redname post to the forum or GMotd ?
There is no acknowledgement that the problem even exists as far as they are concerned nearly 8 hours in.
That said, making the mistake of saying that I17 would be released in April does seem to mean a paticularly buggy piece of **** had to be released before it was ready. Several of my friends are completely unable to join a team atm as they get graphics crashes every 5 minutes even without using ultra mode, having been fine before I17. Global channels when up indicate that they are losing a lot of subscriptions over this as several people who've resubbed indicated they will not be back for more than one month as they can't actually play the game. I hope they give some free time out for this.
It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba
... Hit it ...

This is a real pain in the butt. As is the Wentworth's / Black Market thing.
Come on guys, we're all rooting for you.
I see the recipes now in my email but can't "claim" them...does this mean they are "lost" forever, or just unobtainable at this time?
If they are, indeed, lost...then I find this frustrating that we can't:
a) store/sell recipes in Wentworth's.
b) buy salvage to MAKE the recipes so we can store the enhancements.
c) store them in email
I'm guessing since this is the weekend, nobody will be attempting to fix this until tomorrow?
Satan trembles when he sees...
the weakest saint on his knees.

They took the Market servers down specifically to work on the problems. I doubt they took them down at the start of the weekend due to a major problem with no intention of working on it until Monday.
Since globals are cross server, just as the Markets are, they may have needed to take those down as well and didn't have someone there with posting capabilities. Remember, not everyone at Paragon Studios and NCSoft has red name forum access. Being the weekend, they ones that do have access and that didn't have anything to do with the fixes may be out of touch to get them to post updates.
It's possible that the global chat servers came down for an entirely different reason and will be up as soon as they can get someone to fix the problem. Remember, Customer Service is in Texas, the servers are in California and somewhere on the East Coast. I'd assume the global servers like the Market server and global chat servers are in California so that they have direct access.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
For what it's worth, this isn't like global issues in the past. They're flat out gone for a certain % of the population for however long at a time. It hasn't been a constant thing that they've been down for a long time for bouts at a time, then back up for awhile.
Seems to be working again, just tried sending 1 inf to myself and it worked, but the 3 million I sent like 5 mins ago is no where to be found.
Shadowblaze - Lvl 50 Dark/Thermal Cor, Alexander Kalsoa - Lvl 50 BS/Regen Scrapper, and a whole bunch of other Alts. Global is @Shadowblaze.
Seems to be working again, just tried sending 1 inf to myself and it worked, but the 3 million I sent like 5 mins ago is no where to be found.
![]() |
Also, I have two globals, @Siberian Spring and @SiberianSpring. Things I send myself after the "outage" are now going to @SiberianSpring regardless of which I try to send to. This could be a bit of an issue for folks who don't have both versions of a "spaced" global.
Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)

I think this is another good reason to push for seperate recipe storage either in the vault or in the base (my preference). It's just unacceptable that for "whatever" reason, we're unable to store recipes anywhere right now except on our characters. Doesn't matter if it is an hour or a week or month until they get it's just not acceptable that due to no fault of our own, we have full recipe inventories that can't be crafted because we don't have access to salvage from the AH. Not only are we losing access to the crafted enhancements, badge credit for those crafted enhancements, but also the other recipe's that we should be getting dropped as we play, but can't because our inventory is full. And no, "sell your inventory" is simply not an acceptable answer.
Liberty server: Ms. Darknight lvl 50 MA/Inv Scrap; Trics Galor lvl 50 Necro/Dark MM; Demonatricks lvl 45 DS/Thermal MM; Azyima lvl 50 Shield/SS Tank
and it is severely bumming me out! How am I supposed to know which of my friends is online... and how am I supposed to be able to chat in all of my channels? The channels don't bother me so much as ALL of the friends lists being gone.. WTF!? Fix it.. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This new i17 has really made me want to switch to WoW..which is where most of the CoH vets have gone already, anyway..
Mama Stefie, Candie Kisses, Starrmie, Starrie, StarrShyne, Starrlah, Kyandie
@Kiri-chan is my hubby!