Live Known Issues - April 29th, 2010



Originally Posted by DarkUnicorn View Post
Is it just me, or are all the global channels and global friends list down as well?

They were up yesterday, so...

...what happened?
It's not just you, I just logged in and noticed that global channels / friends are down. You also can't email yourself salvage / influence; I guess that the reason why global channels are down is also affecting the emailing system.

@Pantalla - Pinnacle
Blue side: Pantalla (FF/Psy Def) | Topaz Bird (Mind/Emp Troller) | Agent Paterson (Kin/DP Def) | Ernest Darkshadow (Dark/Dark Def) | ...
Red side: Susurro Nocturno (Mind/Psi Dom) | Seer Turner (Fortunata) | Fuego Orbital (Fire/Thermal Corr)



Originally Posted by Kractis_Sky View Post
I compared my IO'ed and HO'ed out Fire/SD to my SO'ed DM/SD scrapper, and notice that the (defense debuff resistance) DDR values where similar. Maybe an issue of HO's working correctly; unless there are plans to remove the "exploits" from HO's.
Check the sources of your DDR, they "fixed" Grant Cover so that it's DDR and Slow Res are no longer enhanceable.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by RoseT View Post
I found an issue. Not sure if it's just on Liberty, but every time someone goes to Cimerora, they end up stuck in the floor under the crystal. /stuck doesn't work. Leaving Cimerora we seem to end up with our heads stuck in the crystal. I have seen this happen to multiple people.
/em crouch or Ninja Run, then at the same time 'a' or 'd' plus 'space' should get you out



Originally Posted by Pantalla View Post
It's not just you, I just logged in and noticed that global channels / friends are down. You also can't email yourself salvage / influence; I guess that the reason why global channels are down is also affecting the emailing system.
Same issue, bugged it but as of posting not fixed.



I've run thru all the test things support has sent me, 4 now.
The last one being Aquamark, some bench test thing, pretty graphics there btw, and Passed that one too at 75% of Full All High Lvl graphics settings, Far Above medium settings ratings.

So far the only thing support can complain about is my CPU is running hot (NO S&*$) it's when I load COH and only since I17 went live.

So everything checks out my side by all the tests they sent me Hoping it would show it was on My Side and my laptop passed everything they sent at me and checkout as running right at Bestbuys geek squad tests.

Still tried to run in Safe Mode where they said was the way to bypass All Ultra Mode settings, funny that they are now writing Safe Mode is the only place where UM does not have an effect on the game, and Still overheat to shutdown.

But No! we are All wrong! it's all Our fault because there is Nothing Wrong with UM and it is completely bug free! ROFLMAO!

I'm starting to think coh to them is a playground for them to try things out, drive clients for it away and then use what they learned here on Another game they want to make.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



eh.. all I'm getting is a slight bit of lag dispite running Ultra Mode (that's right I'm running Ultra Mode with no problems) and I also noticed that the global chats and email is down, I don't know if it's a major bug but I'm not going to worry about it.



I find it very funny that everything is breaking as soon as this gets released..

and to think just a week ago everyone was screaming in broadcast "I WANT DEMON SUMMONING!" - this is the price you pay. You get demon summoning but everything else breaks. :P



Three bugs that I have been getting are:
1. Pets occasionally fail to follow commands. Was in Sharkhead with my MM and noticed that my pets were not following me. I dismissed all my pets and tried to resummon them. This immediantly failed to activate. I relogged and pets appeared next to me but still would not move. When I tried to dismiss them again, they were cleared from my pet window but still standing there.
I did find a work around for this issue which is zone out and back in to the area. Pets will then follow commands.
2. When entering Cim, my character will spawn directly under the crystal. I will hear a water splash and be standing in the floor. It is only after moving back and forth several times that I am able to get out of this.
3. Occasionally my character will spawn directly inside the base portal enterance instead of next to it. I can only move the dimensions of the portal tube. Only thing I have found that works is to click on the portal to leave and try to return. Sometimes this take two or three attempts.



Still trying.
I was able to play the game 48 hours at a time with no problems during double xp weekends, then along comes UM which was "Optional" at I17, I'm playing for 15 minutes at a time before shutdown In Safe Mode, Still looking for this Normal game play thing where UM was an option and would have no effect............
If anyone knows where they are hiding it let me know plz.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Broomhilda View Post
3. vet reward Buff pet has to be recast after zoning or going into mission because it dies.
FYI... The Vet Reward Buff Pet is so fragile, that if your toon sneezes, it will die. If there is a strong gust of wind in Faultline, it will die. If you ask the pet to "keep an eye out for trouble" as you enter City Hall to pay your Base Upkeep, it will die. If you tell your pet that WWs will be down all weekend, it will die. If two vets cast their pets and the pets see eachother, they both die. If you think your pet is cute, and you give it a gentle pat on the head, a pinch on the cheek, or some ice cream, it will die. As you read this post on the forums, your Vet Reward Buff Pet is slowly dying inside.

This is nothing new. I have long since stopped casting it, because there is no use in having something that "buffs" you, if it's not going to stay up when you get within 1,000 yards of an enemy. The buff the pet gives is already laughable. The amount of time you have to spend in-game re-casting it because "it died" just adds to the laughter.

So, don't be suprised if you notice your pet died because you zoned.

It's just what they do.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
I've run thru all the test things support has sent me, 4 now.
The last one being Aquamark, some bench test thing, pretty graphics there btw, and Passed that one too at 75% of Full All High Lvl graphics settings, Far Above medium settings ratings.

So far the only thing support can complain about is my CPU is running hot (NO S&*$) it's when I load COH and only since I17 went live.

So everything checks out my side by all the tests they sent me Hoping it would show it was on My Side and my laptop passed everything they sent at me and checkout as running right at Bestbuys geek squad tests.

Still tried to run in Safe Mode where they said was the way to bypass All Ultra Mode settings, funny that they are now writing Safe Mode is the only place where UM does not have an effect on the game, and Still overheat to shutdown.

But No! we are All wrong! it's all Our fault because there is Nothing Wrong with UM and it is completely bug free! ROFLMAO!

I'm starting to think coh to them is a playground for them to try things out, drive clients for it away and then use what they learned here on Another game they want to make.
For pete's sake will you give it a rest already. Software can't cause your machine to overheat unless there is a pre-existing cooling problem. A properly cooled computer will never overheat, even when running a game.

So despite all the tests you've supposedly run and Geek Squad incompetence the fact your machine is overheating clearly means there is a problem with the machine, not the game.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
For pete's sake will you give it a rest already. Software can't cause your machine to overheat unless there is a pre-existing cooling problem. A properly cooled computer will never overheat, even when running a game.

So despite all the tests you've supposedly run and Geek Squad incompetence the fact your machine is overheating clearly means there is a problem with the machine, not the game.
It Only overheats when running coh, it does not overheat running anything else, and I'm not the only one saying something about this or players fans running non-stop since I17 so if you have a problem with this issue or my writing about it, which I thought that was what the forums were for = don't read it, seems to me to be a stupid idea to come to Forums and cry ppl are Writing on them, go look at a blank wall somewhere.
Your comment of "you've supposedly" impplies you are calling me a liar, hence my veiw of you or anything you have to say.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
For pete's sake will you give it a rest already. Software can't cause your machine to overheat unless there is a pre-existing cooling problem. A properly cooled computer will never overheat, even when running a game.

So despite all the tests you've supposedly run and Geek Squad incompetence the fact your machine is overheating clearly means there is a problem with the machine, not the game.
Gratz on the completely un-needed rudeness.

While I am not experiencing the over-heating issue... a program CAN indeed cause your system to over heat. Instead of using junk science as your backing for your hostile opinion; open your mind... do some research.. and learn that not everything is so black and white.



TY Fixxer, I was thinking I would be the only one finding his reply very rude and Personally Insulting.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
It Only overheats when running coh, it does not overheat running anything else, and I'm not the only one saying something about this or players fans running non-stop since I17 so if you have a problem with this issue or my writing about it, which I thought that was what the forums were for = don't read it, seems to me to be a stupid idea to come to Forums and cry ppl are Writing on them, go look at a blank wall somewhere.
Your comment of "you've supposedly" impplies you are calling me a liar, hence my veiw of you or anything you have to say.
By all means, come to the forums and report the problems you've been having. But you've gone way beyond that with multiple posts that are nothing more than repeated rants. It's not necessary or constructive. This thread is not your personal ***** and moan blog.

And I repeat, if your machine is overheating, even if it's only while playing CoH, then the problem is with your machine, not the game.

It's like saying "my car only overheats when I'm on the interstate, so clearly there is something wrong with the road". Doesn't make a lot of sense. It's the same for computers.

Check to ensure all the fans are working and the vents aren't clogged. Also take note of the ambient temperature. I don't know where you live but many parts of the US are having a bit of a heatwave. The greater the ambient temp the hotter your machine will run. You should also make sure that vsync is turned on; it could allow your machine to run cooler.



Originally Posted by Fixxer View Post
Gratz on the completely un-needed rudeness.

While I am not experiencing the over-heating issue... a program CAN indeed cause your system to over heat. Instead of using junk science as your backing for your hostile opinion; open your mind... do some research.. and learn that not everything is so black and white.
Sorry, NOT possible. A properly designed and cooled machine operating in normal ambient temperatures will NEVER overheat. This isn't junk science, it's fact. I'd love to see your "research" that proves otherwise.



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
Sorry, NOT possible. A properly designed and cooled machine operating in normal ambient temperatures will NEVER overheat. This isn't junk science, it's fact. I'd love to see your "research" that proves otherwise.
Geez are you just in a bad mood and want to piss on everyone today and play sir-know-it-all?

Cool Your Ambient temperature bud.

I was not going to even bother reading or replying to whatever you had pulled from your backside since you as much as called me a liar but since I have. let me make it clear for you, I played the game for 8 hours the night Before I17, no overheating as with the 48 hours in a row I played before on some weekends. Then I17 and my fan goes nuts, laptop overheats and shut off at about 15 minutes. No Other place has this effect = until I return to loading the game up.

Now, since I had the "in your own words Imcompient Best Buy Geeks" check my system and there was no problem, My vents and fan Are Clean, all Tests Support sent me to do came up good = can you with all your wisdom of all things tell me what Magical thing happen to my comp at the same time I17 came out that caused my overheating that Only happens when I load the game? BTW while at Aqua with all those very nice high end graphics set at highest setting my system did not overheat.

Really mister wizard I would love to know where this stalker overheating problem hides when coh is not on and why it only showed up when I17 hit.

Cool your jets dude or don't read forums, or at least don't Bother writing on them until you're in a better and Helpful mood.

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
Dammit, you guys' arguing completely buried my funny and insightful post about Vet pets.

Screw you guys, I'm going home!!!


I loved it and sent u a pm chuckle. maybe it was lost as u were watching ur pet die?

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Doc_OBay_Jr View Post
Geez are you just in a bad mood and want to piss on everyone today and play sir-know-it-all?

Cool Your Ambient temperature bud.

I was not going to even bother reading or replying to whatever you had pulled from your backside since you as much as called me a liar but since I have. let me make it clear for you, I played the game for 8 hours the night Before I17, no overheating as with the 48 hours in a row I played before on some weekends. Then I17 and my fan goes nuts, laptop overheats and shut off at about 15 minutes. No Other place has this effect = until I return to loading the game up.

Now, since I had the "in your own words Imcompient Best Buy Geeks" check my system and there was no problem, My vents and fan Are Clean, all Tests Support sent me to do came up good = can you with all your wisdom of all things tell me what Magical thing happen to my comp at the same time I17 came out that caused my overheating that Only happens when I load the game? BTW while at Aqua with all those very nice high end graphics set at highest setting my system did not overheat.

Really mister wizard I would love to know where this stalker overheating problem hides when coh is not on and why it only showed up when I17 hit.

Cool your jets dude or don't read forums, or at least don't Bother writing on them until you're in a better and Helpful mood.
You're clearly not paying any attention. Oh well, see you in the game. Or not. Doesn't matter to me.



3. Occasionally my character will spawn directly inside the base portal enterance instead of next to it. I can only move the dimensions of the portal tube. Only thing I have found that works is to click on the portal to leave and try to return. Sometimes this take two or three attempts.
I've experienced this before, but way before this new Issue dropped. Not sure if there's any repeatable steps to make it happen every time you try to enter the base. It happened to me once, and I've never seen it again.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
FYI... The Vet Reward Buff Pet is so fragile, that if your toon sneezes, it will die. If there is a strong gust of wind in Faultline, it will die. If you ask the pet to "keep an eye out for trouble" as you enter City Hall to pay your Base Upkeep, it will die. If you tell your pet that WWs will be down all weekend, it will die. If two vets cast their pets and the pets see eachother, they both die. If you think your pet is cute, and you give it a gentle pat on the head, a pinch on the cheek, or some ice cream, it will die. As you read this post on the forums, your Vet Reward Buff Pet is slowly dying inside.

This is nothing new. I have long since stopped casting it, because there is no use in having something that "buffs" you, if it's not going to stay up when you get within 1,000 yards of an enemy. The buff the pet gives is already laughable. The amount of time you have to spend in-game re-casting it because "it died" just adds to the laughter.

So, don't be suprised if you notice your pet died because you zoned.

It's just what they do.


joke, that was hilarious

Ignoring anyone is a mistake. You might miss something viral to your cause.



hmmm, I have a question for u Fab, are u here so much because U Can't load the game yourself or because you're a Paid spokesman for coh and are on the clock?

Seems I did pay attention, my fans were checked and they are clean, yet you don't have a new know-it-all answer..........

Brutes: Doc O'Bay (yup, was me lvl2-48) Doc O'Bay Jr., Sihing, Belphanior, Mr. Lich & Joker's Wylde MMs, Rad'Man Corr, Lockup Dom, Suicide King Stalker, Lord Florentine DB/WP Brute, Tygercide Scrapper......Scrapper?? what the heck is he doing here???



Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
By all means, come to the forums and report the problems you've been having. But you've gone way beyond that with multiple posts that are nothing more than repeated rants. It's not necessary or constructive. This thread is not your personal ***** and moan blog.

And I repeat, if your machine is overheating, even if it's only while playing CoH, then the problem is with your machine, not the game.

It's like saying "my car only overheats when I'm on the interstate, so clearly there is something wrong with the road". Doesn't make a lot of sense. It's the same for computers.

Check to ensure all the fans are working and the vents aren't clogged. Also take note of the ambient temperature. I don't know where you live but many parts of the US are having a bit of a heatwave. The greater the ambient temp the hotter your machine will run. You should also make sure that vsync is turned on; it could allow your machine to run cooler.

You have no clue as to what you are talking about.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Chill. This is a player answered forum, ranting at us isn't going to help you.
Heat is generated in your PC when you ask your CPU to do more work, when you ask your graphics card to do more work, it's a whole bunch of electricity in there, it all makes for extra heat.
Heat can be got rid of by cooling, you have fans on your CPU that you might be able to turn up in your BIOS. You have fans on your graphic card that can be controlled by drivers and software. Nvidia screwed up and broke their fan control in one driver release so check your drivers and regardless of what card you have, see if you can speed up the fans with software. If you are overclocking, try not doing so.
Tl;dr - have you tried running with the case off? Unless you live in a furnace, this will cool the machine instantly. I have heard of loads of people who get a desk fan and sit it next to their PC. That works.
With the case off you can get an idea of whether your fans are actually running. I don't care how clean they are, if they aren't spinning, they aren't cooling. now playing GW2 with RO in Crystal Desert
RIP Sailor Rush, September 7th 2010.
Sign the petition to save CoH please.