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  1. Stupid question but if CoX is going away why is there a meet and greet a week after it's killed off?
  2. going to add my flaming off here too.

    i've spent DAYS trying to buy points to get St.J.
    what i got instead is Days of support saying my bank is Refusing the charge to check with my bank whom:
    1. flags plaync charges because they do some stupid one euro charge Then do the regular charge, the bank sees that "fishing" "Testing the waters" bit as what those doing Fraud do.
    send a small test, if it works they charge more and higher until they drain the account.
    2. AS the bank watched I made the buy, to get the Refused message from plaync and for my bank that was sitting there watching say the Charge was never Filed for them to refuse it.

    Yet support says it's My bank causing the issues and refusing their charges..............yet also it's the same card pays and Been paying for my account for years.

    Why do they always bring out these grand and Broken new things to give ppl headaches?
    If you can't get it to Work stop bringing the damn things to live.
  3. cut and dry: All Hail Emperor Cole!
  4. Quote:
    Originally Posted by IkThazai View Post
    Like Kioshi, my Intel 950 is up to date. The live patch for the Intel Chipset Family has done nothing to help me out. My connectivity is excellent, but the shader options are still N/A and grayed out.

    Prior to i17 my graphics had a nice, polished look to my toons: armor was shiny, there was depth and shadows to the game. Now, even AFTER the patch, there are reflections on the ground, the characters STILL have a dull, matte finish. Granted I am running on a 3 and a 1/2 year old laptop, and I do not expect to have Ultra Mode be accessible through my laptop. But my graphics looked GREAT for the past two years PRIOR to i17. I used to enjoy getting on and playing this game with friends. NOW, it's a disappointment.

    At any rate, that's me. Also want to express that I am not hating on people with better systems, and I am NOT expecting ULTRA MODE on my laptop. I have done everything I can think of (I am not very computer literate) to fix this problem on my end.

    Thanks for reading.


    @Ik's Last Stand, Virtue
    Not just you bud, on the other forum a poster's wife's laptop had issues with Added heat at I17, another guy posted his GPU is running 10 degrees higher and I get 15 minutes on game before it gets so hot it shuts my laptop down.
    A buddy who has a few accounts only has one out of Three laptops still playing since I17.
    There is No "Optional" to UM on the game as i have seen even in Safe Mode.
    Support had me load up a bunch of stuff, then Uninstall stuff from that, had me run Four testing systems and all they could come back with after I Passed was my laptop was running hot, No S***!, yes after I17 went live yes I started running hot.

    It's about the 6th, release for it "ready or not here I come", it's about wanting to "Play" with a new graphics engine and Not care about the Paying players but Pat us on the back look how pretty we made it look...........for those that can Still play.
    Four years I did not have a problem but for when AE issue killed my VG off and they paid me inf to replace it rather then them actually having to Fix it.
    So yes, while you are first reporting this on this posting, it was reported all Through Test and since I17 went live, The promissed "UM is Optional and will not effect normal game play" did not happen, it's just more noticable with and on laptop players.

    I think the Dev's Expect paying players Will go Buy new systems to continue to play the game since they moved the game Away from them and their current equipment, ain't happening here. I canceled my account, not paying a monthly service for 15 minutes at a time play and further Damage to my system nor am I going to pay another 2K so I can continue to pay them.

    To make it clear and simple they have Forced UM on us and Have changed the game, as it was and they sent it Live anyway = "normal game play" is now With the "optional UM".

    Hell, you can tell by all the TF's and zones bugging now this was pushed thru far to fast and "checks" must have been Skipped or they said after seeing they were Failing push it thru Anyway, we want it out for the 6th broke or not.

    Which is just Bad Business and causes Paying customers to leave.
  5. After I17 went live support had me uninstall catalsyt control center, I finally reinstalled it to see what the diff would be, no help there and last day account active, was worth a shot, cya ppl, have fun.
  6. Well all, been a pretty fun four years most times, was nice to have something to ease my mind as I traveled and reported on u.s. military regulation issues around the world, once they sort themselves with this Not Optional optional UM I'll be back I hope.

    All have fun, Good Hunting 2u!
  7. Quote:
    Originally Posted by rmthornton View Post
    I didn't bother reporting it, but my laptop's GPU ran 10 degrees hotter on Test vs Live (during beta, of course, now it's just as hot on Live). Mind you, this was after enabling all of the UM options, but the increased workload definitely made it run hotter. It did always run hot though, FWIW.

    (I'd open it up and check out the heatsink etc, but the screws holding the bottom panel on are apparently made of plasticine and will strip if you so much as give them a stern look, so I've had to settle for playing with my laptop's back end propped up on a book until I can get one of those cooling pads for it.)
    I got the same problem, I have done everything to include spraying the hell out of every opening to getting the best new fan table I could find, to Trying to open everything up to actually Eyeball the fan and heatsink thing everyone is talking about. 30 odd screws later I still did not get to it and am Afraid of breaking anything that is left to open it further. Best Buy will Not do it and the comp shop I got it from wants me to pay $150.00 and Leave it with them for over a week......I Got Work to do With the comp so I can't.

    I17 Came with a new higher stress it would seem that is causing Added heat which is Not optional, you, me, the guy talking about his wife's laptop, (I'm glad for them just cleaning sorted it for them) and a bud on defi uses 3 laptops, of which he reports only 1 still works for him since I17, he did not give me any info on what his issue is with the other 2 tho.

    I just hate when they advert: "optional" and will Not effect normal game play and then all the sudden ppl start having issues at the same Moment the new system starts some ppl come out Insisting "it's your system only, because I don't have a problem", "you're broke, not the game" or "you're a liar", this last Not my favorite.
    Thanks for coming forward and posting this bud...........that's 3 of us now.
  8. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
    Well I was going to suggest a few tests you should run, but since you're an unappreciative dick I've changed my mind and decided not to.

    Good luck, I hope you get the problem figured out. Someday.
    I'm an unappreciative dick?.............Oh Wait, I Am. I have Thanked ppl on this forum for posting Helpful things = man am I a Dick!

    I will not bother with you anymore, I know your type, would piss themselves if had to Face someone in RL and say half what you have. I Will say this I Am an Unappreciative Dick to some punk that has called me a liar more then once. I have said more then a few times tests I've run and the names of the ones I remember then you say I Did Not run them or "supposedly" bs of yours, That's calling somone a Liar, calling Me a Liar, Appreciate you?, you have to have Honor to be something to be appreciated boy.

    When do you "play" the game btw? over 4,500 posts saying nothing worth anyones time yet as I've seen.
  9. As an update if this helps, Yes got this laptop for Travel.................and play the game as I do.

    Took the Minimum Requirements with me as I checkout laptops out, this one beat them, that was four years ago, played fine the last four years no matter where in the world I was.

    And No, I get no pop ups saying anything about UM or no UM or whatever else that bods thing was posted a few post back, nothing pops up.

    As to the starting in safe mode and then I changing anything, No, I change nothing.

    I've tried in normal loading the game to have Disabled and when that was not working clicking Enable and putting everything to the minimum or Off if there was a choice.

    So you could say I get the same problem with:
    Enabled and set to minimum or off.
    Safe mode.
    The only diff is I get about an extra 5 minutes in safe mode.
  10. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
    Evangel gave a list of ways to turn off UM to assert that UM is optional. Then when I pointed out that Doc OBay Jr had run in Safe Mode and still crashed s/he responded by stating that you can't trust the software to do what it says it does. You can't have it both ways - if you can't trust Safe Mode to turn off UM then you can't trust the other methods either. And given that you can't assert that UM is definitely optional. S/he is simply making an incoherent argument.

    Personally, I agree with you, Safe Mode should turn off UM. The problem is that turning off UM doesn't seem to make the I17 client behave anything like the I16 client in terms of system requirements. That's really Doc OBay Jr's complaint. Right now it is pretty clear that I17 eats CPU cycles as if it has a tapeworm, regardless of what your graphics settings are. Whether that's because of some UM component that can't be opted out of, or some other change in I17 I don't know. Either way it isn't what the devs said was going to be the case.
    Kos, that is what I have been trying to say but lacked how to say it, I17 is Not acting the same way on my laptop as I16 did.

    I16 all was cool, ran for 48 hours at a time (double xp, a lot of coffe and pizza delivery).
    I16, ran 4 to 6 hours the night before I17, since I17 = As Soon as I hit the Updater to load the game my fan starts to go nuts and at full power, "Something" is going on at the start long before Hit any options of UM or No UM.
    Tnx Kos, u said it better then I
  11. Quote:
    Originally Posted by NuclearMedicine View Post
    I have a Dell 9400 that is acting almost the same way (except it was before I17 and the system totally locks, thermal shut down) it runs everything else fine but dies on CoX. The system uses a Nvidia Gforce Go 7900. I spent some time looking into the problem, and it turns out there is an issue with the video card/system.

    Not sure if that really helps you out Doc, but it is possible to have the situation you describe where everything appears fine, then the system crashes when running the game.

    I'd look into the possibility of the graphics card being wonky. I imagine the testing done by the techs didn't include substituting hardware (which is really what needs to happen to correctly pin down what's going on). Until you can get back to a "known good" configuration (which would be a similar system that can run CoX without problems) I'm afraid you're in for some frustration (which I can totally understand and sympathize with).

    If your system is still under warranty it might be worth trying to get an on-site tech out that has replacement parts for: Memory, Graphics, NIC, CPU etc... or you might have to send it in. The problem is though, they'll be looking for the system bogging during normal operations rather than while running CoX (which it probably won't). You'll really have to push the point to get them to dig further.

    Best of luck, let us know how it turns out.
    Tnx, still not giving up and trying all checks and options I can, I know there was some "questionable things" said about ATI xpress 200's being great and then finding they leftout some of the goods but the thing was I Was running fine the night before then all this started up with me loading up I17
  12. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
    I'm still not convinced his problem is heat. I think it's something else. Hard to say exactly what without running specific tests (which he seems unwilling to do), but it could be memory, power, or possibly even a just-starting-to-fail CPU or GPU. The system is destabilizing under heavy combined CPU and GPU stress, so clearly there is something not right.
    Dude this is the 2nd time you have almost outright called me a Liar, I listed some of the tests support had me load and run, and you still said I did Not do it then either, what Is you're problem?

    I am Not a computer person, so I just pulled the names starlite and aquamark out of my *** and they Just happen to be the names of tests?

    As a Note, I was Not the only one to report a Laptop overheating problem with I17, they had to clean their heatsink and fan and got it running, My situation it did Not fix but it Shows I17 caused a High heat problem for at least 2 laptop players.
    Will you just go away already as you have Nothing of use to say in this case and act as if you're getting Paid to dispute any complaints.
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by MrHassenpheffer View Post
    I don't care what anyone says. Its i17.

    simple math=

    works before i17

    doesn't work after i17

    problem is i17.


    My question to you, have you been involved with the test server? I'm asking to see if you had problems there as well might lead to a driver corruption somewhere that could only be fixed by a format/reinstall
    Yes, I was on test, all thru Trying to be on test rather I reported my problems and were Ignored, then during the Pocket D DEV patting themselves on the back I reported it to them in person, to be told that was the first time they ever heard of it.
  14. Had everybody and their brother it would seem check my system and run tests, all came up good, only time it started a heat problem was with loading up the spanking new and wonderful I17 with "Optional" UM.

    I have Insisted it Had to be my laptop and they had to find the problem with my laptop because Support Insists I17 has nothing to do with it and UM is Optional and will not effect normal game play at all.
    Question from each and every Tech "Your system checks out and is running fine and is not hot at all, When did your problem start happening"? , my answer "After I17 went live but Support and Fab on Forums Assure me IT Has to be My system and the Optional Ultra Mode has nothing to do with's just a coincidence it happen at the exact same moment I17 went live", each and every tech "...........rigghhhtttt."
    > lol
  15. Originally Posted by Avatea
    Catalyst 10.2 drivers have a conflict with Ultra Mode features. After toggling between graphics quality levels and pushing "Apply" in the UI the game framerate may drop dramatically until you quit the game and restart. In order to avoid this issue please update your drivers to the latest 10.4 version.

    The funny thing with this is Support wrote me to Install Catalyst 10.2 after I17 went live and I started having issues, I wrote back after I did and was still having issues and Read This Post from Avatea if they wanted me to load 10.4 and that I had read this post on the forums and the answer was NO they wanted me to install 10.2 and Not 10.4

    I did Try to open my laptop up and look directly at my fans, some thirty-odd screws later I still could not reach it.
  16. Quote:
    Originally Posted by GrantAnderson View Post
    My wife's laptop was running City like a slideshow after I-17 released. Turned out it was overheating - we opened it up, found a wall of dust over the fan, removed the dust and now it's fine.

    Our desktop machine didn't have a problem.
    I had it checkout at best buy, I got a new fan table, I can "feel" the air being sucked in and feel it being blown out the back. I got a can of Dynex compressed gas duster and blew thru the vents, even felt a flow coming from the out vent while doing it.

    I've had the comp on all day doing my stuff, checking testing sites, running tests, checking the heat which 'just' warm to the touch and then try the game, it's when I load the game the fans go nuts and run at full blast as it heats up till shutdown.

    I would like to know where I can open it up to get a direct "look" at the fans but I do not seem to have a direct panel for that, any advice on how I do this?
  17. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
    I played the game for 8 hours on i17 launch and 14 hours on Friday. I am having no major issues -- no crashes, no mapservers, no overheating.

    And if you were paying attention you still wouldn't be sticking to this ridiculous idea that somehow the game is causing your properly-cooled laptop to overheat.

    Here's an idea. Run Prime95 and Aquamark together and see how fast your laptop shuts down. That is, if it's a heat issue at all. Do you have any proof the shutdowns are heat-related?
    You know dude, I have been gone for what seems to be hours running tests with HP, support and everybody n their brother and come back and u are Still at it.

    This attitude that "Hey my stuff works so you are a liar or it's your fault" stuff is getting out of hand, just because Your system is not having a problem does not mean others aren't, you're like those ppl that said the world was flat and wanted to kill those that did not agree. You and this 'prove it' stuff, prove you ain't 8 or just have a stick up your backside today.
    My "Proof" is it did not overheat before they loaded I17 a couple hours later. My "Proof" is that I'm passing All testing and am not overheating anywhere else UNTIL I load the game. Grow up or go away until you have Helpful Advice and not just this fire you have against anyone saying they are having a problem with your sweetheart.
  18. hmmm, I have a question for u Fab, are u here so much because U Can't load the game yourself or because you're a Paid spokesman for coh and are on the clock?

    Seems I did pay attention, my fans were checked and they are clean, yet you don't have a new know-it-all answer..........
  19. Quote:
    Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
    Dammit, you guys' arguing completely buried my funny and insightful post about Vet pets.

    Screw you guys, I'm going home!!!


    I loved it and sent u a pm chuckle. maybe it was lost as u were watching ur pet die?
  20. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
    Sorry, NOT possible. A properly designed and cooled machine operating in normal ambient temperatures will NEVER overheat. This isn't junk science, it's fact. I'd love to see your "research" that proves otherwise.
    Geez are you just in a bad mood and want to piss on everyone today and play sir-know-it-all?

    Cool Your Ambient temperature bud.

    I was not going to even bother reading or replying to whatever you had pulled from your backside since you as much as called me a liar but since I have. let me make it clear for you, I played the game for 8 hours the night Before I17, no overheating as with the 48 hours in a row I played before on some weekends. Then I17 and my fan goes nuts, laptop overheats and shut off at about 15 minutes. No Other place has this effect = until I return to loading the game up.

    Now, since I had the "in your own words Imcompient Best Buy Geeks" check my system and there was no problem, My vents and fan Are Clean, all Tests Support sent me to do came up good = can you with all your wisdom of all things tell me what Magical thing happen to my comp at the same time I17 came out that caused my overheating that Only happens when I load the game? BTW while at Aqua with all those very nice high end graphics set at highest setting my system did not overheat.

    Really mister wizard I would love to know where this stalker overheating problem hides when coh is not on and why it only showed up when I17 hit.

    Cool your jets dude or don't read forums, or at least don't Bother writing on them until you're in a better and Helpful mood.
  21. TY Fixxer, I was thinking I would be the only one finding his reply very rude and Personally Insulting.
  22. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Captain Fabulous View Post
    For pete's sake will you give it a rest already. Software can't cause your machine to overheat unless there is a pre-existing cooling problem. A properly cooled computer will never overheat, even when running a game.

    So despite all the tests you've supposedly run and Geek Squad incompetence the fact your machine is overheating clearly means there is a problem with the machine, not the game.
    It Only overheats when running coh, it does not overheat running anything else, and I'm not the only one saying something about this or players fans running non-stop since I17 so if you have a problem with this issue or my writing about it, which I thought that was what the forums were for = don't read it, seems to me to be a stupid idea to come to Forums and cry ppl are Writing on them, go look at a blank wall somewhere.
    Your comment of "you've supposedly" impplies you are calling me a liar, hence my veiw of you or anything you have to say.
  23. Still trying.
    I was able to play the game 48 hours at a time with no problems during double xp weekends, then along comes UM which was "Optional" at I17, I'm playing for 15 minutes at a time before shutdown In Safe Mode, Still looking for this Normal game play thing where UM was an option and would have no effect............
    If anyone knows where they are hiding it let me know plz.
  24. I've run thru all the test things support has sent me, 4 now.
    The last one being Aquamark, some bench test thing, pretty graphics there btw, and Passed that one too at 75% of Full All High Lvl graphics settings, Far Above medium settings ratings.

    So far the only thing support can complain about is my CPU is running hot (NO S&*$) it's when I load COH and only since I17 went live.

    So everything checks out my side by all the tests they sent me Hoping it would show it was on My Side and my laptop passed everything they sent at me and checkout as running right at Bestbuys geek squad tests.

    Still tried to run in Safe Mode where they said was the way to bypass All Ultra Mode settings, funny that they are now writing Safe Mode is the only place where UM does not have an effect on the game, and Still overheat to shutdown.

    But No! we are All wrong! it's all Our fault because there is Nothing Wrong with UM and it is completely bug free! ROFLMAO!

    I'm starting to think coh to them is a playground for them to try things out, drive clients for it away and then use what they learned here on Another game they want to make.
  25. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Broomhilda View Post
    Hmm lets see 5 mins on and 5 bugs reported but sence the tech support for this game sucks (been tring for 6 years now to get some) ill put it here and hope a dev reads it

    1. Blackwand Animation still messed up

    2. buffs not staying when zoning or into a mission

    3. vet reward Buff pet has to be recast after zoning or going into mission because it dies.

    4. Very low spawn count in missions when solo. Im talking 2-3 single spawns is all. Not even worth the mission.

    5. Damage not being doubled most of the time for stalker when hitting from hide.

    Love the ideas just unhappy about a lot of bugs that are reported during Beta and they still go live Please guys it need to get better or were never going to get any real amount of new players.

    And once again maybe Marketing could do something about advertising the game!!!! When I started there was or almost was 1/2 a million people playing this game, now even the populated servers are getting hard to find teams

    Not a complaint about devs, keep up the good work. Total Complaint about the rest of the Company.
    Yes, they could advertise it as the Elete game where only players with Top of the line new equipment are allowed in to play!..........until they move the game out of their reach also After they pay for it.